The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 111: Sword name, drink blood

"You are the sword spirit, the sword spirit of the sword in your hand."

Ling Dao, who is fighting, suddenly stares at the young woman and said, he is only guessing, but the tone is absolutely certain, Lingdao also has a sword to repair the body, the understanding of the sword, naturally more than the other people present.

Jianyi is also a sword repair, but he only has a natural history. Lingdao is a Tianjun. Naturally, it is not a sword. The veiled mysterious woman uses a broken sword. However, she is not a sword, but she is not a sword. The short sword is powerful and she uses it.

"How did you know."

The young woman will withdraw from the battle circle and look at Lingdao with her face. Her words are tantamount to acknowledging the speculation of Lingdao, let Lingdao secretly breathe a sigh of relief, as long as the young woman is only a sword spirit, then everything will be easier. .

"It was just guessing, now you told me."

Ling Dao smiled and looked at the young woman, but it was the face of the young woman’s face. The young woman would naturally understand the meaning of Ling Dao. Ling Dao was equal to her, but she was fooled and exposed her identity.

The enchanting, the sword one, the Hongdu, etc., all look at the young females who are looking at the front, the young women who are obviously **** and fleshy, how can they be the sword spirit of the **** sword, and they don’t know anything, how is Lingdao? I saw it.

"Even if I am a sword spirit, then what?"

The young woman will be angry and angry, and she can’t wait for a sword to smash Lingdao. Unfortunately, the veiled mysterious woman protects Lingdao, even if the young woman wants to kill Lingdao, it is not an easy task, but she is superficially fierce. My heart is also empty.

"We are really not your opponent, but if we are guilty of destroying the sword, what do you say?"

Lingdao looked coldly at the young woman, and the other side wanted his life. He would naturally be polite. The young woman would have the strength of the peak of the world, and she could show up with others, which is enough to show that the **** sword is the day. The sword is just a loss.

Previously, their attack focus was on young women. However, young women would be higher than them and stronger than them. They want to defeat young women. The odds are not great. However, if they break the **** sword, young women will It will also be followed by trauma, and even disappear.


The young woman will glare at Lingdao, shouting guilty, she wants to say something, but I don’t know how to say it. After all, she was going to be the life of Lingdao. It seems that the plan to kill Lingdao has to be ruined. A group of young warriors in Lingdao do have the ability to destroy the **** sword.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to hide the **** war sword, but she can’t do it at all. As a sword of **** sword, the sword is there, she is there. If the sword disappears, she will disappear, and the sword of the sword will disappear. Sword spirit, still can not separate from the Tianpin sword device alone.

"Don't say it, if she is forced to rush her, she has to fight with us to break through the net, then it will be a big problem."

The veiled mysterious woman hurriedly stopped Lingdao, worried that the young woman would jump into the wall is one thing. Her real purpose is to save Lingdao and kill the enchanting. Since she does not want to do it by herself, she has to kill by knife. The young woman will be A good knife.

"Let's do it, we both step back, you let go of Lingdao, only kill her, how."

She pointed to the enchanting, meaning that the enchanting will be handed over to the young woman, and it is good to say that it is a step back. In fact, she is playing the abacus. Jian Yi, Hong Du, Lin Ruinan, Zuo Jian and others all nod. Obviously, she is very much in favor of her words. If she can't fight, no one wants to fight. After all, the strength of young women is there.


The young woman will hesitate again and again, and finally she nodded. If she disagreed with the suggestion of the veiled mysterious woman, then she might kill even one of Lingdao and the enchanting one. Now, how can I kill it? Enchanting, then swallowing the blood of the enchanting blood.

"That's it."

The veiled mysterious woman put away the short sword, and there is no meaning for a little shot. In a few words, it saves the life of Lingdao, and kills the enchanting by the knife. It is perfect, even she has some admiration for herself.

The enchanting frowning, I did not expect her to be sold, and sold quite thoroughly, she is alone, certainly not the opponent of the young woman, her strongest means is the will to attack, but want to use the will to attack It is obviously impossible to kill the sword spirit higher than her realm.

"How can I be so unlucky? I just got rid of the seal and I will be killed."

Because of the coincidence, he broke into this strange world and was sealed up. I thought that after getting out of trouble, the good days are not far away. Who knows that young women will want her life, she is crying and mourning, as the holy land of the fox Female, how can it be so sad.

"Reassured, even if they don't shoot, I will help you."

When the demon took away the enchantress, he said that the enchantress is the sacred woman of the fox sacred place. The enchanting nicknamed the sacred woman, and looks like the enchantress, and it must be a sister relationship with the enchantress, even for the enchantress. She couldn’t watch the enchanting death.


The enchanting did not think that Lingdao would help her at this time. The young woman would have killed the Tao. Now Lingdao is not easy to escape. Why should she touch the young woman’s mold, can she say that Lingdao really looks good? She can't do it.

Even so, it doesn't make sense. After all, it is possible to help her to lose her life. She just wants to see her, she can't make a risk for her to die. She certainly doesn't think of the body of the enchantress, because the enchantress grew up in the world of Jianshen. The enchanting has never seen the enchantress.

"I can't think of you as a big satyr. There is still a conscience. If you don't die, I can consider it, you dare to accept it."

The enchanting throws a wink at Lingdao, and said that there is no way to live, she will be so joking, anyway, she will die, hook up Lingdao, and there is no impact, Lingdao is just a disciple of Wan Fuzong, and her It is not a world at all.

The fox sacred place is the same as the Ziwei Holy Land and the Daqing Holy Court. The real power of the heavens is enough to be respected by one domain. Wan Fuzong also esteemed in the small Yunyun Prefecture, and Yanyun State is relatively large. In terms of territory, it is like a small village in a big country.

"I don't dare, just think that I am too bad."

Lingdao smiled and shook his head, but it made the enchanting look at him. The enchanting look up and chest, a look of arrogance, how to say, she is also a full-fledged beauty, and it is still a sacred place. Isn't the sacred woman worthy of Lingdao?

"Don't be frustrated, you still have to be a pair of people."

Originally, the young woman would have been forced to let go of Lingdao. Now that Lingdao is not looking for uncomfortableness, she will definitely not be merciful. However, she has not yet started, and the veiled mysterious woman has come over.

"I said, Lingdao can't die."

Lingdao’s nosy, veiled mysterious woman is also quite complaining, but Lingdao is not her subordinate. She also has no way to take Lingdao. She can only smile and talk to young women again, if she does not get the device. She had to help Lingdao, she was too lazy to manage Lingdao’s life and death.

"What are you going to do, I can't play,".

The young woman is also really angry. First, she will give her the enchanting to kill her. Then Lingdao wants to protect the enchanting. The veiled mysterious woman has to protect Lingdao. She can see that Hongdu and Lin Ruinan and others. The mysterious women who are veiled are looking forward to it.

When the scene stagnated, the young woman would be afraid that the **** sword would be destroyed. Lingdao and the enchanting would be unsure of defeating the young woman. The veiled mysterious woman would not allow Lingdao to be killed. Hongdu and Lin Ruinan and others were Waiting for the command of the mysterious woman.

"It's not like this. You will go with us. When we go out, we will hand them over to you. I promise that I will never step in when I go."

In the end, the veiled mysterious woman thought of such a way, the young woman would think for a moment, then she agreed, as long as the veiled mysterious woman does not intervene, the young woman will be fully confident of getting the blood of Lingdao and enchanting.

Lingdao brows a pick, in this strange world, there are all kinds of unknown dangers, but after going out, Hongdu and Lin Ruinan want to kill him, Jianyi and Zuojian also want to **** his will, and now there are more Young women will want his life, no matter how you look, going out is more dangerous than going inside, but you have to go out sooner or later.

"I don't know how to call it."

Anyway, I have already reached this step. I am worried about it. It is not helpful. After Ling Dao relaxed his mind, he asked him. Of course he did not want to know the name of the young woman, but wanted to know the origin of the **** sword.


As the young woman’s voice fell, Hongdu and Lin Ruinan were all shocked. They came from the Temple of the Moon and the Temple of Gulei. They naturally heard about the **** sword. It’s a famous sword. I didn’t expect it. Hidden in Yanzhou.

"It turned out to be a **** sword. Could it be that I am going to be in a mess?"

Drinking blood swords is not only a sword of heaven, but even in the sword of heaven, it is also very powerful. After they leave this strange world, the **** sword must also go out, that is to say, drink blood. The sword will be born again.

The last time, the **** sword appeared in the world, it caused a violent storm, one by one sword repair, in order to get a **** sword, a big fight, and finally, is a genius sword statue, got a **** sword, the genius sword hand held Drinking blood swords, I don’t know how many ruins of the ruins of the ruins have been killed. It is said that the sacred king’s shot was finally taken, and the genius sword was killed. The **** sword was unknown.

"You must pass this message back."

The Yueyue Hall and the Gulei Hall also have sword repairs. If they get the blood-sucking sword, the strength will surely be able to go up to the next level. Lin Ruinan and Hongdu first thought of it, it is to inform the worship of the Moon Hall and Gu Lei Hall. Come here.

It’s a pity that they soon calmed down. Today’s blood-sucking sword is obviously damaged, and there is no previous style.

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