The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 115: Murder

The girl of the wonderful girl nodded, and then she showed the Bixue seal in front of the face of Bixue, and in order to cultivate Bixue, she spent a lot of time, but as long as she can get the recognition of Bixue, everything It's all worth it.

"Okay, it's really Bixue, it's good."

Bi Xueyan’s instrument nodded with admiration. One thing was the same. The Bi Xueyin, which was displayed by the girl, did get the true biography, refining the snow-capped fox king, and displaying the snow seal, it was enough to destroy One day, destroy one place.

"So, the predecessors promised me."

In fact, Bi Xueyin is also a wonderful girl who got the chance to get it. Otherwise, she is not sure of the recognition of Bi Xueyu. Now she is recognized by Bixue, and she is extremely happy, and the preciousness of the Tao. Not only is the power of the Taoist tyrannical, but also the Taoist spirit can point her practice.

It is a pity that the girl is too self-feeling, and the snowy spirit does not recognize her. She is able to display the snow-stained print. The spirit of the snow-capped spirit is really happy, just her character, the snow-capped device. The spirit does not like it.

Refining the snow-capped fox lord, it is not a woman who is a profitable figure. When Bi Xueyan’s spirit is going to reject the girl again, it is suddenly found that the girl is abnormal, Lingdao, Hongdu, The enchanting and other people, the realm is too low, can not see the special features of the girl, the spirit of the snow is different.

"The soul of the two souls."

Bi Xueyan’s instrumental brows picked up and carefully explored the situation of the girl. The girl’s face changed and hurriedly retreated. Unfortunately, it’s too late, to the realm of the girl, want to be in the snow Rebellion before the spirit is obviously impossible.

The fact is exactly the same as that predicted by Bixue, and there is a soul in the girl, the normal person has only one kind of will, and the girl has two kinds of will, which is why Lingdao feels that the last time I saw it. The girl is not the same as the current girl.

The girl has two characteristics, because she has two kinds of will, two souls, one of which is selfish and self-interested, and the other is a picture. The other soul is innocent, kind, cute, two souls, two souls. The opposite is true. The situation of the girl is not surprising.

"Well, I promise you."

Bi Xueyan’s instrument nodded, and the reason why she promised the girl was because she wanted to help the girl to kill the selfish soul. However, she could not move her hand, otherwise the two souls of the girl would have an accident. The soul flies and dies, dying on the spot.

To destroy a soul of a wonderful girl, she can only rely on herself. If one of her souls predominates, she gradually eats another soul, and finally slowly swallows another soul. There is no damage to her. Instead, it gives her a big benefit.

"Ah, really?"

Really got the recognition of the spirit of the snow, the girl is not able to accept such a huge surprise for a time, although she has made sufficient preparations, but at most only one or two percent of the grasp, now really successful, she instead A little can't believe it.

"how come."

The enchanting also feels unacceptable. Bi Xueyu is obviously a revival of the fox ancestors. Why do you want to follow the girl? However, the Taoist spirit has its own thinking, she can’t change anything, but she is I want to let Bixue return to the fox sacred place instead of wanting to own it.

Bixue’s instrumental spirit did not say anything, but slowly dissipated. In the place where she was, there was only a sleek nephew, only to see the snow swaying, and then came to the girl. Above the head, then inserted in the black hair of the girl.

"Even if she gets the snow, I am afraid the elders will not give up."

Lin Ruinan silently thought that the temptation of the Taoist device was enough for the elders of the Gulei Hall to take risks. It was just the news of the blood-sucking sword, which was enough to let the elders of the Gulei Hall take a trip, let alone the roads and snow.

The Taoist device also has strengths and weaknesses. Generally speaking, the Taoist refining device must be more powerful than the Daojun refining system. For the sake of the snow, the elders of the Gulei Hall may have the risk of killing the wonderful children. Girl, of course, Lingdao and enchanting, must be dead, so as not to leak the wind.

"Your purpose has been reached. Now I will take you away."

The sound of Bixue’s spirits sounded again, and then she, regardless of the opinions of the people, appeared directly in the mountains of the Desolation. The world they were in was the small world of the Fox family. She liked it. quiet.

The perception of the devil is more acute than that of Hongdu, and there is a lot of snow, and there will be no trouble for the devil to find them. However, the girl is not in a hurry to leave, she must solve her worries, she only You can safely walk out of the Mountain Range.

The small movements of Hongdu and Lin Ruinan are absolutely not good for the girl. Although the spirit of Bi Xueyu recognizes the girl, the girl does not guarantee that when the ancient temple and the elders of the moon come to deal with her, The snowy spirits will help each other.

For her own safety, the girl will definitely not let go of the Guleidian disciples and the worshippers of the Yueyue Temple. She previously promised to worship the Moon Hall and the Guleidian disciples. After the incident, let them become disciples of the Thousand Palaces. Just deceive them.

In fact, even the girl is not a disciple of her own disciples. Her core disciple token is only to find the elders of the Qianmen Palace. The Qianmen Palace is the famous two-powerful force of the Wild Cloud House. Naturally, it is not worshipping. The Moon Hall and the Gulei Hall were offended.

It is like a disciple of Gu Leidian and a disciple of Baiyue Temple who promised Yinquan League, Wan Fuzong and Shuangjianmen disciples, saying that they may become disciples of the Yueyue Temple or Gulei Temple in the future, and they are also deceiving them. Lin Ruinan and Hongdu are fundamentally There is no plan for Lingdao and others to become worshippers of the Yueyue Temple or Gulei Temple.

"I just got the approval of Bi Xueyu. If I want to kill Lingdao and the enchanting, I will definitely cause the dissatisfaction of Bi Xueyu. Even Bi Xue will leave me. Fortunately, the sword spirit of the **** sword is on them. The blood power is interested, and they will not let them go. I will not make any mistakes if I solve other people."

The girl of the wonderful girl looked at Lin Ruinan and Hongdu, but also let them notice that it was not good. Unfortunately, they are still in the innermost part of the Mountain Range. They want to leave alone. It is a dead end, staying, may be When the girl is killed and escaped, she will be killed by the devil. They are in a dilemma.

"Presumably, you have told your elders about the snowy things."

Hongdu and Lin Ruinan and others can't help but go backwards. The girl has placed things on the bright side, and it must be murderous. Even if they deny it, it has no effect. The girl is already ironed. To kill them.

"Look at your look, I should have not guessed wrong. Since you are not benevolent, then I will blame me for being unjust."

The voice of the girl was just falling, and the hands were moved. The portals were displayed in the field. The four disciples of the Gulei Hall, the two disciples of the Yueyue Temple, and Zuo Jian, Jian Yi and Fang Han Yu, all It was surrounded by the portal.

"The door to the wonderful."

Seeing the martial arts of the wonderful girl, the enchanting look is obviously to see the origin of the girl. If the girl is showing other martial arts, the enchanting may not know which disciples the girl is. However, the door to the wonderful is really famous.

"You are a disciple of the Holy Land."

The Holy Land, like the Temple of the Holy Land, is the power created by the Great, and the two holy places are not too far away. In Yunyun, there are two disciples of the Holy Land.

"What are you doing, don't want to swallow their blood?"

The enchanting can see the origin of the wonderful girl, naturally it is aroused the vigilance of the girl, the disciple of Gu Leidian and the disciple of Baiyue Temple only think that the girl is a disciple of the palace, even if she gets the Taoist thing Going out, others can't find her head, but the enchanting sings out her origins, and there may be accidents.

"What, she is a disciple of the Holy Land."

Lin Ruinan and Hongdu are both big eyes and shocked colors. It is a holy place. The power created by the great emperor, the Gulei Hall and the Baiyue Temple are like the gap between the ants and the dragons. The girl is actually a holy place. Disciples, they can't speak for a while.

"You all have to die."

Unexpectedly, the news leaked, and the girl went to the scene, and did not give the time to the Gu Leidian disciple and the worshippers of the worship hall, the portals, and swallowed Lin Ruinan and Hongdu, and none of them let go.

Even Fang Hanyu, Jianyi and Zuojian, from the influence of four products, the girl of Miao Er still has no meaning of mercy, any one person, it is possible to leak news, to be safe, to kill everyone is best, only dead talent is the best Keep the secret.

"No, I still don't want to die."

"Don't kill me, I don't know anything."

The disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of the worship hall are all panicked. Their voices are heard from the portal. Unfortunately, the girls are not moved at all. Even they can't break free from the portal. Jian Yi, Zuo Jian and Fang Han Yu are even more Can't do it, they can only die in the portal one by one, there is no possibility of survival.

"Since I want to kill, I will definitely kill it."

The girl of the wonderful girl deliberately said this, just to stimulate the sword spirit of the blood-sucking sword. Sure enough, the face of the blood-swording sword spirit has become fierce. The power of the blood and the enchanting blood is so strong, if it is missed, I don't know if I can meet it later.

"Sorry, use your blood."

The sword spirit of the blood-sucking sword bite the teeth. Since the spirit of the snow-capped scorpion did not speak, she will try her best. Anyway, the girl can't stop him. Just relying on the strength of Lingdao and the enchanting, how can it be stopped? Have her,

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