The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 116: Holy Land

"Small little sword spirit, but also dare to let go, if you kill the Holy Virgin, no one can save you in the three thousand territory."

After leaving the small world of the Fox lord, the enchanting finally restored the true character of the sacred place in the fox sacred place. After breaking the seal, she informed the strongest of the fox sacred land. The elders of the Tianhu Holy Land can't enter the small world, but there is no problem in entering the innermost part of the Mountain Range.

Even if it is a **** sword that is intact, it is not worth mentioning in front of the elders of the Tianhu Holy Land. Moreover, the current blood-sucking sword is still detrimental. If the sacred **** of the Tianhu Holy Land, even a sword of the heavenly sword The sword spirit is afraid, and it is almost necessary to throw away the face of the fox land.

"The tone is big and scary, it is impossible."

The sword of the blood-sucking sword is stern and guilty. From her gaze, she can see that she is guilty. She is just the sword spirit of the sword, the three powers like Gu Lei Hall and Baiyue Temple, as long as they send enough The powerful Tianzun can take her down.

The enchanting is from the sacred place of the fox, and the **** sword and sword spirit only want to stand on the opposite side with the holy land, it is the scalp numb, the **** sword is indeed a fierce sword, but it depends on who the object is, facing a holy place. The sword spirit of the blood-sucking sword can not show the fierceness, otherwise it will only destroy the soul.

"Yes, then you are looking at me."

The current enchanting can be said to be fearless, because she has already sensed the breath of the fox strong, the enchanting mother, but the current owner of the fox sacred place, the fox elders must attach great importance to her, even if only for the basking fox The Lord of the Holy Land, the elders are willing to come to pick up the enchanting home.

"When are you afraid?"

The sword of the blood-sucking sword glared at the enchanting, and a pair of eyes flashed with red light. It was obviously aroused by fierceness. Anyway, she was just a sword. After killing the enchanting and Lingdao, she would hide. Up, after a thousand or eight hundred years, the Tianhu Holy Land will certainly not trace the present.

Standing in front of the enchanting Lingdao, it is also a calm, enchanting performance, let him understand that the strong man of the fox sacred place hides in the dark, in this case, the sword spirit of the **** sword wants to kill him and the enchanting, Obviously it is killing.

"You dare to look at the old lady."

The elders of the fox sacred hidden in the dark, but could not help but walk out, the little Tianpin sword sword spirit, dare to murder the sacred girl of the fox sacred place, I really do not know how to live, even if it is a wonderful girl I always dare to kill people by knife and I don’t dare to do it myself.

A middle-aged woman in a palace dress, standing on a mountain not far away, her body exudes an extremely sturdy atmosphere. The magical soul of a thousand miles has disappeared and she is not known to be her. It’s gone, or it’s all gone.

She just stood there, it was like a peak, and people couldn't help but look up. When she saw her, she was hiding in the **** sword and didn't dare to face her. The blood-sucking sword, which was originally suspended in midair, is now on the ground and shivering slightly.

"I have seen Aunt Liu Xin."

The middle-aged beautiful woman who came here is the elder of the Tianhu Holy Land, Liu Xin, who can become the elder of the Tianhu Holy Land, at least a holy king, and also the leader of the Holy King, the enchanting, Liu Xin Looking at growing up, the enchanting and Liu Xin are naturally very familiar.

The enchanting disappearance for many years, now she passed the information back, naturally caused a great shock, all the elders, all expressed their willingness to go to the Yunyun Prefecture, Yunyun, to pick up the enchanting, but the Lord of the Holy Land is still this The matter was handed over to Liu Xin, after all, Liu Xin was her subordinate.

"Hey, for so many years, where have you been, your mother has searched dozens of territories around him."

Liu Xin has a strange color. If she is not very good with the enchanting, she will definitely not. The Lord of the Land of the Fox, a total of nine daughters, is extremely loved for every daughter, just her nine daughters. Not all of them are in the fox land.

"Don't mention it, I stumbled on a small world and was sealed for a long time, until now."

At this time, the enchanting face of the grievances, as if crying at any time, Liu Xin came over, will be enchanting in his arms, petting the sly enchanting head, enchanting his head buried in Liu Xin Feng's chest is like a little girl who has been wronged and sees her parents.

Soon, the enchanting is to say all the things that happened before, especially the girl who used the knife to kill, she is even more addicted, the purpose is very obvious, is to let Liu Xin help her out, even if the girl has a device I can't compete with Liu Xin.

It’s not that the Taoist is weak, but the realm of the girl is too low to stimulate the true power of the debut. If the Taoist self-recovers, it must be asleep for a while, absorbing energy, and the girl is just getting a snowy, thinking It is obviously unlikely that Bixue will recover from itself.

The girl of the wonderful girl will completely ruin Lin Ruinan, Hongdu, Jianyi, Zuojian and Fang Hanyu, and is worried about leaking the wind. I did not expect that a holy king is now coming, so that her intention is completely lost, and she is counting on the **** sword. It is obviously impossible for Sword Spirit to kill the enchanting and Lingdao.

She did not think that the elders of the Tianhu Holy Land would come so fast. Her status is obviously less than that of the enchanting. She wants to let the Holy King come to her. Hope is not big. Is it that she is going to die? The soul mountain is not a success.

"Predecessors, I have not personally dealt with her, in your realm, I will not care about my juniors."

The girl is full of faces and faces. In the face of the softness of the King, it is not a shameful thing. She understands that Liu Xin has the ability to kill her. As long as Liu Xin wants to kill her, she will definitely die in the Mountain Range.

"Right her once, after all, the fox's little girl has not suffered any substantial harm."

The spirit of the snow-capped scorpion manifested itself, and it was blocked in front of the girl of the wonderful girl. The girl of the girl is a soul of the two souls, and there is also a soul of the soul of the snow-snowing spirit. If it is a wonderful girl, It’s a pity that it’s so dead.

"I don't know if you would like to go back to the fox sacred place with me."

Liu Xin did not answer the words of Bi Xueqi Lingling, but issued an invitation to refine the Taoxue Taoist. After all, it was the fox ancestors. Liu Xin also maintained enough respect. Unfortunately, Bi Xueyan shook his head. Refused Liu Xin.

If he is willing to return to the fox sacred place, Bi Xueyan will not choose the girl, but choose the enchanting. In that year, the fox family was mainly with her sweetheart, and was opposed by many ancestors of the fox family. As for the spirit of the snow, I don’t like the fox land.

Especially later, when refining the snow-capped fox lord and going to stop her sweetheart, if the fox strongman is willing to move, she may be able to hold her sweetheart, and she will not have to commit suicide, snowy Although she did not say anything, she was sure to complain about the Tianhu Holy Land.

"Well, since you are pleading, then I will spare her life, but the punishment is indispensable."

Do not kill the girl, Liu Xin feels that she has already given the face of Bi Xueyu, and the look of the girl is changing. The spirit of Bi Xueyan did not agree with Liu Xin, but also let her breathe a sigh of relief, just Liu If Xin is now, let Liu’s girl be nervous.

"Well, punishment is what it should be."

What the girl did not expect was that the spirit of Bi Xueyan nodded and agreed with Liu Xin’s words. The spirit of Bi Xueyan returned to the snow-capped mountains again, so that the girl could face Liu Xin alone. The girl of the wonderful girl only thinks Liu Xin’s eyes, as if the soldiers are generally sharp and stinging her skin.

Liu Xin took a look at the girl, and the girl was feeling the origin of the heavens and the earth. It seemed to be a mountain, and she squatted on her body. The girl was screaming, her mouth was bleeding, her clothes were ragged. It is obviously not affected.

"Aunt Liu Xin, have you found my sister, let me go out."

To Lingdao’s surprise, this voice he had heard before, not someone else, it’s the enchantress’s sister demon, this time coming to destroy the soul mountain, Liu Xin is not alone, but with the demon, just The demon is placed in the small world by Liu Xin, not outside.

"Right, I almost forgot, your sister is here too."

Liu Xin smiled and put the demon out of the small world. The small world of the holy king can already store the creatures. Liu Xin puts the demon in her small world, and also wants to reach the cloud of the cloud in the fastest speed. The state's ruined mountains.

"Sister, it really is you, you have disappeared for so many years, but I am worried about dying."

After the demon sees the enchanting, it is rushed to the enchanting side, the enchanting is saved, the sisters are deep, the enchanting and the demon are all grown up in the fox sacred place, the feelings of natural 昊, not like the enchantress It grew up in the world of Sword God and was completely unfamiliar with the demon.

"I can't help it. The unlucky one is sealed in the small world."

Speaking of the sealed things, the enchanting is a face of depression, who let her put a good saint to not do, have to run out to play, eat a loss can be considered to make her long memory, the demon is still I want to comfort the enchanting a few words, I did not expect to see the lover of the enchantress.

"Boy, how are you."

The demon glared with a pair of big eyes, did not expect to encounter Lingdao in Yanyun, although she felt that Lingdao talent is good, but Lingdao has no background after all, and the enchantress is completely two worlds, not at all may.

"I didn't expect to see each other again."

Lingdao smiled bitterly. Now he doesn't want to see the demon. After all, he is only in the early days of the squad. I am afraid that in the demon eyes, it is still the lowest level of the martial art. The enchantress is the holy woman of the fox sacred place. It is said that even if it is Tianzun in the early days of the Tianbing, there is no way to compare with her.

"You know."

This is the turn of the enchanting surprise, Lingdao is only a small four-power disciple, how can I know the demon, the enchanting character of the demon, the arrogance of the demon, how can the young disciples of the four forces .

"Of course, he used the mean means to steal the heart of the enchantress, but I hate him very much."

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