The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 117: Apologize

"Who is the enchantress?"

The enchanting scorpion has been sealed for many years in the small world. Naturally, I have never seen the enchantress. The blue enchantress returned to the fox sacred place, and it was officially named as the enchantress. After all, the lord of the fox sacred land is the demon name, if not the fox sacred place. The Lord tells the demon, there is a sister in the world of Sword God, and the demon will not know the enchantress.

"It's our sister, now I will take her back to the fox land."

The demon sings the enchantress's things roughly. The enchanting scorpion knows that her mother has nine daughters. Now she has one more sister. Naturally, it is not surprising that the nine daughters of the fox sacred land have been scattered since childhood. I still haven't found it yet.

"I knew that he was not a good person. Sure enough, even my sister's heart was stolen, the wolf."

Although the enchanting is not saying that Ling Dao is not obvious, but the attitude of the demon is not the same as that of the demon. The demon is despising Ling Dao in his heart. He feels that the identity of Ling Dao is not worthy of the enchantress. The enchanting is just for one. The tone is not malicious. It is cheaper by Lingdao and naturally has its heart.

"Demon, you mean, he is the sweetheart of the enchantress."

Liu Xin and the demon, the enchanting sisters are very familiar, calling their names, there is nothing strange, even the enchantress has a sweetheart, she knows, now see the lover of the enchantress, Liu Xin naturally has interest.

The demon nod, Liu Xin is the outside of the will, check the Lingdao, look good, heroic, young, not arrogant, but the realm is not high, the birth is too low, there is no background behind, and the fox Compared with the saints in the Holy Land, it is indeed much worse.

"Even if you catch up with the heavens, it is useless. In your status, and the enchantress is not a world at all, I advise you to give up as soon as possible."

Lingdao talent is good, potential is great, the demon knows naturally, but the identity of the enchantress is too high, it is a holy place, and it can be married with the geniuses of other holy places. Without background, it is the biggest problem of Lingdao. The demon thinks that Lingdao is not worthy of the enchantress.

"Be a human being must have self-knowledge, don't try to get something that doesn't belong to you."

Liu Xin said faintly, with a disdainful smile on her face, she seemed to be laughing at Lingdao and she didn’t know the height of the sky. Then she took the enchanting and demon into the small world and found the enchanting. It’s time to go back. There is no need to delay here. Lingdao is dead or alive. It has nothing to do with her. Can I walk out of the Mountain Range, and it is also Lingdao’s own business.

The enchanting man has the heart to help Lingdao say two words, but unfortunately, before he even had time to open it, Liu Xin took it into the small world. He could only look at Lingdao with apologetics. Then, how to say, the enchanting and Lingdao also fought side by side. Unfortunately, they are the people of the two worlds.

"If you are disrespectful to the saint, let me go back to the fox sacred place."

When he left, Liu Xin took away the **** sword on the ground. Even if the **** sword and sword spirit mourned all the way, Liu Xin was unmoved. If you say it, it is also a sword. Bring it back to the juniors, it’s fine.

From the beginning to the end, Lingdao kept his smile. Liu Xin and the demon's words seemed to have no effect on him at all. He only has a day in the early days of the squad, and he is imaginary, even if he is a past life. In front of Liu Xin, it is not worth mentioning.

"I don't know what day you will be when I am coming to the Holy Land of the Fox."

Lingdao's fists clenched, and it has been decided that there is not enough realm, and definitely not going to the fox sacred place. The demon looks down on him. Liu Xin does not care about him at all. Now, he does not have the qualifications that they value, but ten years later, Twenty years later.


Just as Lingdao meditated, the girl went coughing and rushed over. Previously, Liu Xin’s punishment obviously caused the girl to be seriously injured. At this time, the girl’s head was pale and pale, and there was no small world. It’s arrogant.

"Why, you want to kill me, I am afraid that your current injury may not be my opponent."

If it is a girl who is not injured, Lingdao must not beat it. However, the current girl is seriously injured. The strength is definitely no match with the heyday. However, Lingdao guessed wrong. The girl did not kill her once. Instead, I smiled apologetically.

"The last thing, I am really sorry, it is my fault."

What makes Lingdao awkward is that the girl of the wonderful girl bent over and took the initiative to apologize to him. Lingdao really didn’t know which one of the girls’ girls played now, Gulei Hall, Baiyue Temple, Wan Fuzong, and Silver. All the disciples who came to Gunmen and Shuangjianmen had only one Lingdao.

When I came, there were thirty-nine people. Now there are only two people left. Later, nine young disciples are still killed by the girl. The girl’s ruthless, ruthless, heart-wrenching, Lingdao It’s been seen.

"Do you think that I want to marry you in a serious injury and kill you."

It’s no wonder that Lingdao would think so. Now it’s a good opportunity to kill the girl. The girl is alive to abandon her face and apologize to him. It’s really nothing. Compared with her life, the face is definitely worthless.

"No, I just think that what I did before is not worthy of the son. Now I will leave the Mountain Range with the son, and I will be compensated."

The girl is a soul of a double soul, a good soul, a evil spirit. Previously, she suffered heavy damage, causing the evil spirit to occupy the bottom, allowing the good soul to master the body, the evil spirits, and the good souls are in the eyes. Just can't stop it.

Last time in the Mountain Range, the girl was interested in making a sympathy. Unfortunately, what happened before, let the previous arrangements go to the flow, and even let Lingdao agree to the conditions, let the evil spirits be used, to say good The soul does not complain, it is impossible.

It’s a pity that the good soul and the evil spirit are all in one, and they can't help each other. Even the girl does not have the meaning of explaining it with Ling Dao. Do you want to tell Ling Dao that she has two souls, and does not say that this kind of thing can Can't tell others, even if you tell others, others will believe.

Originally, Lingdao was still thinking about how to get out of the Mountain Range. I didn’t expect the girl to take the initiative to invite him. Then he wouldn’t quit, there’s the snow in the mountains, the demon in the Valley of the Dead, and he’s not afraid to take the road. How about the girl.

Lingdao’s reason for restoring the wonderful girl is because the spirit of Bi Xue’s spirit is obviously toward him. If the girl is misbehaving, she wants to borrow the hand of the demon, to get rid of him, the snowy spirit is afraid. I will not promise, but, from beginning to end, the girl does not move anything.

"It’s already out of the mountains, and we should be separated."

I don't know why, Ling Dao thinks that the current girl is the wonderful girl she saw last time in the Mountain of the Dead, the wonderful girl in the small world, and the girl in front of her. It is totally two people.

"It's the drowning water that I am damaging to you. Now I have to tell you clearly about the situation, so that you don't know what to do. I will be Gulei Hall, Baiyue Temple, Wan Fuzong, Silver Gun League and Shuangjianmen. The disciples were all ruined, but the disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of the Yueyue Temple must have heard the news of drinking blood swords and Bi Xueyu.

Anyway, I am not a person in the Abandoned Clouds. I have already got a snowy mountain. I will definitely not stay in the Abandoned Clouds. The elders of the Moon Hall and the Gulei Hall want to find me. It is a needle in a haystack, but you are different. You are Wan Fu Zong disciples, after returning to Wan Fuzong, are likely to be found by them,"

When the girl went to worship the Moon Hall and the Gulei Hall, she was veiled and pretended to be a disciple of the Qiang Palace. Even if the elders of the Moon Hall and the Gulei Hall wanted to find her, they could not start, but the Lingdao was different. When Lin Ruinan and Hongdu delivered the news, perhaps they did not mention Lingdao, but the elders of Gu Leidian and the elders of the worship hall can check.

She took the disciples of Gu Leidian and the disciples of Baiyue Temple, and found ten disciples in Wan Fuzong, Yin Gun League and Shuangjianmen. It is no secret, as long as the worship of the Moon Hall and the Gulei Hall elders are inquiring, it is inevitable. You can find the head of Lingdao.

Other people who follow the girl, either die in the small world or be destroyed by the girl, now there is a Lingdao. It can be said that Lingdao is the only clue. The elders of Gulei Temple and the elders of the Moon Hall are absolutely Will not let go of the road.

"Why are you telling me this?"

It stands to reason that the girl should think about **** him. Is it true that the girl is worried about what the elders of Gu Leidian and the elders of the moon have asked from his mouth, but Lingdao simply does not know the wonderful child. The specific origin of the girl, by virtue of a single name, Gu Lei Temple and the elders of the Moon Hall how to find.

"Nothing, just don't want you to die. If you are going to leave the Akihabara with me now, it is not impossible."

In fact, the girl does not want to take Lingdao. If the evil spirit is in control of the body, who knows what she will do, but Lingdao’s situation is very dangerous now, and it is still her, if Ling The road died in the hands of the elders of the Moon and the elders of Gulei, and she must have a heart.

"No, thank you girl for the good intentions, but I still have things to deal with, the soldiers will stop, the water will cover the soil, take a step and see."

Lingdao free and easy smile, Wan Fuzong and Xue Lingyao, there is a section of elders, if the elders of Gu Leidian and the elders of the worship hall can not find him, maybe they will take Xueling Yao and the elders, although Xueling Yao is the core disciple of Wan Fuzong, but Wan Fuzong is only a force of four products, and can't compete with the forces of the three products.

The strength of the elders of the Duan is strong, but the elders of Gu Leidian and the elders of the Yueyue Temple are Tianzun. They are not comparable to the elders. If they are tired of Xue Lingyao and the elders, Lingdao will definitely not be willing to go out. If you run away, killing him and having a good relationship with him, is he still a human?

"Well, then you take care. If you are in a desperate situation, you can run your exercises with all your strength. Someone will save you."

Since Lingdao is not willing to leave with the girl, she will naturally not force it, but she will give Lingdao a life-saving method. Is it absolutely effective, and the girl is not at the bottom of her heart.

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