The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 120: Final arrangement

Last time, Jianzong recruited disciples and made the central territory of the central government extremely lively. This time, the sword demon went to the heavens and ordered all the five powers to come to give gifts, naturally more heated, one by five powers. At the fastest speed, they arrived at the place where Jianzong was.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the five powerful forces, the disciples of the swordsmen are not proud of their pride. They are all the masters of the five powers. They ran away because of the words of their lords. Come over, for fear of being sinned by their lords.

Of course, not all the powers of the five powers are due to fear of the swordsmen, but also the swordsmen, such as the five lords of the lords. In the past, the lords of the five leisongs were without cliffs, but he and Ling The road has hatred, and the swordsman does not hesitate to kill the cliffless.

At that time in Dongjian domain, no cliffs were collected, and they wanted to kill Lingdao on the spot. Unfortunately, Tianyangzi was present and saved the life of Lingdao. Tianyangzi was originally fighting without a cliff. However, after the death of the cliff, Tianyangzi became the master of the five Leizong.

When Jianzong conquered the Quartet, the sword demon naturally had the grace to revenge, and there was revenge for the enemy. The Tianjian had helped him in the corner field. He had met in the central territory of the central government. He could not help, he Help, kindness is definitely to be returned.

It is a pity that the butterfly dance, the big demon god, the Chaotian scorpion, etc., do not know when they have left the central territory of the central government. Even the enemies of Lingdao, the magic heavens have gone to heaven, and of course they have not gone, such as The ear is still in the central territory.

This time, the flash is to the sword, his real name is not flash, but the smell of people, flash is just a pseudonym, the person and the ear changed the position only, he is the ancestors of the people, the previous smell is It was only Wen Jiacai’s right, but later he used his own name as the surname of the owner of the family.

"Congratulations to the Sovereign, my swordsman has got a lot of Lingshi."

The man Jiantangtang stood under the sword magic, and said with excitement, although Jianzong had Lingshi veins, and the number is the most among all the forces in the central main territory, but the mining veins have the power to extort other spirits to get the spirit stone easily.

"Isn't it a Lingshi? If you are proud of it, there is still a little bit of the prestige of the Lord. When is my Jianzong missing the Lingshi, don't be a poor person."

The other church owners heard that the Lord of the Swords and the Church was reprimanded by the patriarchs. They were all schadenfreaked. In order to motivate the swordsmen and disciples, the Eight Swords Church did not fight much. Even the eight lords were often acquainted with each other, winning the rewards and losing. Of course, there are also punishments.

"Yes, the Lord’s lesson is."

The man of the sword hall bowed his head and admits the mistake. The master taught him that he took it for granted. However, other church owners were schadenfreaked. He was unhappy. When the next test was over, he must let other church owners look good. His strength is in the eight halls. The middle of the main is the middle of the tour, it seems to work hard.

"Silence, silence."

The eight church owners began to maintain order, and the noisy performance of the military field was finally quieted down. Fortunately, the swordsman’s performance field was large enough, otherwise it would not really be able to stay so many warriors, not only the swordsmen’s disciples, but also The Lord of the Big Five is still there, and there are many other forces who have come over because of curiosity.

The five main forces in the presence, hated the sword demon, have admired the sword magic, fear the sword magic, but also worship the sword magic, as a warrior, especially young people, certainly want to be the same as the sword magic, invincible The world, one order, six in eight, no courage.

"You can come, this is grateful."

No matter what attitude to the sword magic, this time they are even polite, even if they are giving the Jianzong Lingshi, they are extremely sad, now they are not afraid to support the big, then how to say, the sword is also the world's first People, the heads of the first forces in the central territory, on identity, on status, on strength, are above them.

"This sect is about to leave the world of Jianshen, and will bring all the swords and sects of the sects of the swordsmanship. Without the central territory of this sect, it will definitely be more exciting. I believe many of you are planning to fight against the sword. The ancestors will not be able to fight a battle."

The words of the sword demon make the heads of the five powers all raise their eyes. They don’t understand why the Swordsman is telling them so much now, and they clearly say that they want to take away all the heavens and the human world. Feng Fengwu.

"Does it mean that he wants to kill us?"

The Lord of the Five Powers whispered aloud, but they were scared to sit on the ground, and they rushed in, either alone or with two or three subordinates, if the Swordsman was true. The intention is to kill them, and one or two achievements that can escape are good.

The Swordsman is the first person in the world, and the Jianzong disciple is the teacher of the Tiger and Wolf. They are also in the territory of Jianzong. It is difficult to protect the swordsmen from killing. Some of the timid five-powers have scared the six gods and have no choice. In front of the sword demon, shouting for life.

The sword demon standing on the top wears a silver mask. No one knows what expression is on his face. The more he does not speak, the more afraid the people of the five powers are, especially the five products that have hatred against the sword. Forces, is it true that the swordsman told them to come over, really is to endure the trouble.

In fact, they misunderstood the swordsman. If they were all removed, who would later use the Jianzong disciple as a sword stone, he launched a war after another, but at most it killed those who have hatred. And did not do anything to kill the ruins.

"All the swordsmen of the sects of the swordsmen are standing out."

As the voice of the swordsman fell, one by one, the swordsman of the heavens and the earth stood up. Today's Jianzong, in addition to the swordsman, there are twenty-four heavenly people, and they are standing together. The shock brought to the other five powers is too big.

They have long known that Jianzong is strong, but they did not expect such a powerful, plus the sword magic, full of twenty-five heavenly people, Feng Jianjian, it is simply shocking, if the sword does not go, they definitely have no day, completely Fighting but the sword.

"Out of the sword."

The command of the swordsman made the timid five-powered lords almost scared to death. They really thought that the swordsmen would kill people, until they found that twenty-four heavenly people were attacking the swords, not attacking them. At the time, they were relieved.

A pair of swords and lights are criss-crossed, and the sky is like a storm. The twenty-four heavenly people are smashing their swords, and they have a huge momentum. Together with their competitive minds, they are all working hard. The entire performance field was shaken up.

Yes, the thing that the swordsman has to do is to demonstrate, let the other five powers know the strength of Jianzong. Even if he does not shoot, other forces will not fight the sword, saying that Jianzong is the first in the central territory. The power is absolutely worthy of the name.

"You, you are delicious, I am taking them to heaven."

At the time when the Lord of the Five Forces was still in the midst of shock, the Sword Devil had taken the twenty-four heavenly sects and left the theater, and he did not face all the five powers. Going to heaven, but avoiding them.

"First tell you the truth, then scare you a meal, then demonstrate again, and finally leave, illusory, you go to enlighten yourself."

The sword demon finally looked at the masters of all the five forces on the martial arts field, that is, through the transmission array, with twenty-four heavenly people, Feng Jianjian, came to the vicinity of the Tianjian Jedi, what he should do, he Already done, don't go now, wait for it.

He did not go to heaven in the presence of the five powers. He deliberately made them suspicious. Without seeing him with his own eyes, those of the five powers would doubt that some people would think that he had left the central territory, and some people I thought he didn't leave at all.

"With such a small trick, I want to lie to me and wait for me to wait for me to be a fool."

There is a sneer of the five powers. He feels that the sword is purely trying to extort a large number of spiritual stones. On the surface, it is pretending to leave. In fact, one has not gone. If there is any force that does not open, now the swordsman is sure to die. I don't know how to die.

"It’s ridiculous, our combat power is not as good as you, but the brain is not worse than you, so a poor strategy, but also a good intention to make it out."

There are also five powers who are smart, and he feels that the swordsman really wants to go to heaven, but this time it must be fake. Which five forces will jump out and fight against the sword, the sword will remove them. Drop, then you will leave the world of Jianshen with peace of mind.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if there are five powers of the Lord who believe that the swordsmen really left the central territory, they did not dare to shoot the sword, once, even if there is no heaven and earth, Jian Jian, Jianzong left The strength is not bad. Secondly, since the sword magic has been driven away, it must have left behind.

"The swordsman needs time, and I have already won time for them. If they are destroyed by other forces, it is that they have no ability."

The heads of the five powers are not fools, they will be suspicious, but the paper does not contain fire. One day, they will know that the swordsman really left the central territory of the central government. Fortunately, it is already a matter of the future. At least there is a period of security, which can be developed and understood, only to see themselves.

In any case, the swordsman left more of the spiritual stones left by the Jianzong. The Jianzong disciples did not lack the cultivation resources, and the Jianzong had his collection of martial arts and martial arts. Jianzong also lacked inheritance. He did not need to replace the swords. Worried, what they really want to worry about is their own.

"This goes to heaven, it will definitely not be too peaceful, it is life and death, it is an unknown number."

The peak of Heaven and Man is also the king in the world of Swordsman. He is in the heavens, and it is not worth mentioning. The swordsman has already explained the situation of the heavens with the twenty-four heavenly people in the field. If they arrived. The heavens are still arrogant, and they don’t know how to die in the future.

"I am waiting to follow the lord."

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