The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 121: Let your surname be alone!

"That's good, all wearing a mask!"

The sword demon took out twenty-four silver ‘color’ masks and handed them to the twenty-four heavenly sects of Jianzong. - The twenty-four people in front of him are the team that he played in the heavens and the mountains. Their talents are certainly not as good as the young geniuses of the heavenly forces. Fortunately, they have rich experience in combat.

Jianzong wants to stand on the horizon, relying only on their twenty-four sword repairs, certainly not. However, the road has to go step by step, even if the sword magic wants to recruit soldiers, it can only go to heaven. The sword repairing 'fine' English, which can be searched in the central territory, has already reached his knees.


Twenty-four sword repairs have doubts, but they don’t ask much, but they wear silver ‘color’ masks on their faces. The sword demon is the first person in the world, and their lord. The commander of the sword demon is naturally unconditional obedience.

"After the heavens, there must be someone who recruits us. Since we have to stand on our own door, there is no need to become a disciple of other forces. It is only necessary to use our current strength to fight against those big forces and cover up the face is still necessary! ”

It is not the owner of the Eight Diagrams of the Swordsmen who follows the Swordsman. The entire central territory, to be able to convince them, only the sword magic one. The explanation of the sword magic, they do not understand very well, after all, they have not been to the heavens, do not understand the heavens.

"set off!"

The swordsman led the twenty-four heavenly celestial swordsmen of Jianzong and rushed to the heavens. In order to go to the heavens, two conditions must be met. First, they become the peaks of the heavens and human beings. Second, they have the ability to break the barriers between the two worlds.

Twenty-four swordsmen who follow the swords and spirits are not all able to break the barriers between the two worlds. Fortunately, there are swordsmen carrying them. At the beginning, Nalan soft children, even the realm is not enough, the happy king can take her to the heavens, the subordinates of the sword magic have said that the realm has been reached.

A group of twenty-five people rushed to the sky, and the swordsman raised the man's sword. In a flash, the two barriers were opened. Twenty-four heavenly people, the peaks of Jianfeng, are without any hesitation, and they are swords in the sword. The two barriers could not withstand such an offensive. Naturally, they broke through a 'door' and let them storm into the heavens.

Today, the swordsman is extremely prepared, from the world of swords to the heavens, there will be no problems at all. However, the swordsman did not relax because he understood that the first battle to reach the heavens was about to begin.

"There is a movement! It seems that someone has come up!"

The world of Sword God is equivalent to the post-flower garden of the Solitary family. If there is enough talent from the warriors who come out from there, the Solitary family will definitely not let go. Unless it is not seen by the Solitary, other forces have a chance.

The lower bounds, who can break the barriers between the two borders, will certainly not be mediocrity. We must know that the cultivation environment of the lower bound is not as good as the heavens, and the inheritance is not as good as the heavens. It is difficult to cultivate to the peak of heaven and earth in the world of Sword God. It is more difficult to cultivate to Heaven in Heaven.

"A big move doesn't seem to be a person. The more you come up, the better. Maybe we can end the current chore!"

The four Heavenly Soldiers of the Solitary family were excited to ‘transfer’. They are all mediocre talents, and they will not be able to come to the border. If they can discover the genius for the family, they will be able to get great rewards.

As long as there is no accident, the sword gods come from the world, that is, the heavens and the people are the peaks. Even if they are peerless geniuses, they can fight across borders, and it is not their four opponents. Then again, they are also disciples of the Solitary family. If even the lower martial artists can't cope, it is better to kill them.

Even if they are in the same league, they are sure to defeat the lower warriors. What's more, they are either in the late days of the Tianbing or the peak of the Heavenly Soldiers, which is much higher than the realm of the lower warriors. Now that they are guarding the Quartet, they are going to take all the warriors from the lower bounds.

After they have tested their talents, they will pass the talents to other forces. If other forces want it, then they will accept it. If you don't want it, it will have nothing to do with them anyway. The last time I was disappointed, I have already given them a wake-up call.

"Wow! So much!"

"Transportation, we have to transfer, no longer have to stay in this place where the bird is not smashed!"

The four solitude families of the Heavenly Soldiers were all excited. A ‘sex’ came up to twenty-five days of human beings, and they were so excited that they were going to faint. You know, you can get one in the past year, and you are lucky. Now come twenty-five.

As long as one genius is discovered, the four sons of the same family can be rewarded. Of the twenty-five heavenly people, there must be geniuses, but more than one. If they are assigned to a genius, then they will not have to stay here, and they can go back to the family to live a good life.

The Solitary family is a force, and it has been passed down for too many years. The family population is too large, and it is naturally impossible to raise white rice. Either talent or merit, in order to get good treatment. Their four solitary disciples are not talented and can only rely on credit.

“How is dressing so weird? Why are all wearing masks?”

The sword lord, the lord, and the deputy lord are all silver ‘color’ masks of Qingyi’s color. Fortunately, in their realm, there is only a peak of heaven and earth, and the four solitary families have absolute certainty and will take them all down.

In general, the warriors who come from the lower bounds are not so good to speak. The celestial beings of the heavens and the human beings are in the central territory of the central government, and their status is extremely high. They have just come up and certainly do not know their status, and they have already had a difference. The pyramid spire of the world of Sword God is only the bottom of the heavens.

"Are we going to heaven?"

"A good aura of heaven and earth, a strong source of strength!"

"With heavy pressure, I feel that I can't fly any more!"

The swordsman lived in the heavens in the past, and this life has already been mixed in the heavens for a period of time. He is very adapted to the natural environment of the heavens. However, the twenty-four heavenly people who followed him came together and were already surprised.

The space of the heavens is not as strong as the world of the sword god. They can tear a void if they have a sword in the lower boundary. However, when it comes to heaven, even if the strongest swordsmanship is applied, it is impossible to destroy the space.

Fortunately, they soon calmed down, because the swordsman had told them about the situation before. What really cares for them is the four children of the same family. They only serve the swordsmen in the lower bounds, because the swordsmen have amazing power, they are not opponents at all.

However, the momentum emanating from the four children of the Solitary family has given them great oppression. The four Heavenly Soldiers of the Solitary Family deliberately gave them a horse to let them understand that the heavenly warriors were not comparable to the lower warriors.

"I know that you are the strongest in the lower bounds. However, now that you are in heaven, everything is different. The peak of heaven and earth is in our lonely family, weak and poor, even if we are four, we want It’s easy to kill so many of you!”

The main and deputy heads of the Swordsmen Church retorted, but after feeling the power of the four sons of the Solitary family, they did not dare to speak in a mess. Moreover, they all take the sword and the devil as the head. The swordsmen say how to do it, and they do it. If the swordsman does not speak, they will not move.

"The peak of heaven and humanity, the realm of my ten years ago, now I am already the peak of the heavenly dynasty, and it is a whole higher realm than you. You are in front of me, just like the Tongfeng Jingfeng martial artists are in front of you, how big is the gap? I think you are clear too?"

Hearing his words, the swordsman and the deputy masters all took a breath. Any one of them, dealing with twenty or thirty Tongfeng Jingfeng martial arts, is hand-to-hand. Even though the swordsman and again emphasized the power of the heavens again and again, they did not see it with their own eyes, and they were also skeptical.

"I will tell you one more thing, we can easily kill you, but in the Solitary family, there are countless fighters who are stronger than us. Even some strong people need only one look, which is enough to kill us!"

The Heavenly Soldiers of the Solitary Family did not lie, the Heavenly King and the Tianzun Stream, it is too simple to kill them, it is easier than pinching an ant. They first pressed people with momentum and then scared them with words. They just wanted the lower warriors to understand their current situation.

"Don't be afraid, we are not malicious to you. The world of Sword God is originally a solitary family. You are also a member of my singular family. If you have enough talent, you can become a child of a single family, and you will be a surname! ”

The world of Sword God is the post-flower garden of the Solitary family, but the warrior of the Sword God World has no blood relationship with the Solitary family. No talent can be done, there is no need for the Solitary family to take in, and it is even more impossible for them to be surnamed alone. That is simply an insult to the surname of Du Gu.

The four sons of the solitary family, you can say a word to me, that is, the warrior who wants to come down from the lower bounds, can know the current affairs and go straight to them. After all, it’s time to come up with twenty-five days of people’s martial arts. Although they have the confidence to win them, it will definitely take a lot of effort.

"If we don't want to be a surname?"

The Sword Devil did not intend to become a child of the Solitary, because it was not a secret that he got the inheritance of the Emperor. If he arrived at the Solitary family, I am afraid that he had not learned the swordsmanship of the Solitary family. He was taken by the mighty family and captured the ancient heavens.

The Solitary family is only a force, not even the emperor, and it is sure to attach great importance to the demon emperor's practice. If you can get the best of the ancient world, the strong ones of the solitary family, it is possible to go further. If a Solitary family is born with a great emperor, then you can leave the solitary family.

"Don't want to? Let your surname be alone, it is your honor, don't give your face a shame!" -40503+dsuaahhh+27521669-->



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