The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 142: Solitary

Li Mingyuan said that he is also a young disciple of the top ten of the king of the king of the king. He has great potential. In the future, he may become a Taojun or even a Taoist. The three dead masters say that killing and killing, there is no concern at all, even the Lord of the Taoist Temple has a heart. Not happy.

After practicing for hundreds of years, you can become the top ten in the king of the Taoist temple. Li Mingyuan deserves to be fully trained by the Wang Dian Temple. Unfortunately, the three dead masters have killed Li Mingyuan. The resources that Li Mingyuan used before were purely wasteful, a dead person. There is no value in terms of it.

Four Taishang hates the three most infernal masters. Li Mingyuan not only listens to him, but his qualifications are still so good. Maybe he can surpass him in the future. When he is too young, he will have more right to speak. Unfortunately, four Too bad to deal with the three dead masters, can only hope to be on the big.

Whether it is the king of the Taoist temple or the four Taishang, I understand that even if the Taishang is punished by the three masters, there will be no substantial harm to the three dead masters. The third master is the first strongest of the Taoist temple. The great Taishang must definitely consider the feelings of the three dead masters.

Even if Li Mingyuan’s potential is big, whether the future can surpass the three infinite masters is a problem. Now, Li Mingyuan, who is only Tianjun, is definitely not important to the Taoist temple. If the sword is killed, Li Mingyuan, Da Tai Shang It will definitely give an account to the four Tais, and it will be completely different from the three masters.

However, the Taishang family has not yet made a decision. The strong ones of the solitary family are rushing in. The protection of the Daowang Temple is not worth mentioning for the strong people of the Duo family, in order to avoid accidents. They invited a soldier.

Tianwu domain is not the site of the solitary family. They are sure to prepare for the perfection. Please move a soldier to accompany him. He will be sure to deal with the Taoist temple. If the soldiers completely recover, the power of the explosion will be absolutely absolute. It is not a Taoist temple that can resist one power.

The head of the solitary family is called the solitary slow. It is said that when he was practicing the sword as a child, the speed of the sword was much faster than that of the same age. However, while the sword was fast, his swordsmanship was extremely flawed, so his father would The name changed to Solitary is to slow down the speed of the sword.

The talent of the solitary slowness is very high, and there is a solitary family to cultivate. When he was three thousand years old, he became a Taojun in one fell swoop. Later, after three thousand years of accumulation, he went further and became a Taoist. He became a Taoist and has passed. For thousands of years, now his strength is so strong that few people know it.

Even after coming to the Wudoutai of the Taoist Temple, the solitary slowness is a sublime appearance. It is arrogant and arrogant. Don't look at the status of a product. It must be compared with the other. In the face of the power of the Great Emperor, the power of one after another is finally It’s a long way off.

"You are good at the temple, and dare to put a big word in front of the Lord. Don't you think it is too much?"

The Lord of the Taoist Temple stood up with a cold face, and the solitary slowness and the actions of other independent solitary family members did not put him in the eye. What to say, the Taoist Temple is a force in Tianwu domain, the solitary family. Stronger, after all, is the power of Tianjian domain.

Yes, Daowangdian is indeed not an opponent of the solitary family. There is also the Wudi Palace in Tianwu domain. If the strongest of the solitary family dares to come in the Tianwu domain, the first imperial court of Wudi Palace does not agree. The current Wudi Palace is really not afraid. The solitary family, who let the Emperor Wudi have a great emperor.

"Excessive, you said, am I too much?"

Du Gu slowly turned his face and smiled and talked with other strong people in the Duo family. Even if the Lord of the Taoist Temple personally questioned him, he did not put it in his heart. What really made them jealous was the strongest of the Emperor Wudi. If there is a Wudi Palace sitting in the Tianwu domain, they even dare to razed the Taoist temple to the ground.

"You are coming from afar, I am not waiting for a good night, don't blame."

Da Tai said with a smile, then let the king of the palace to take out a seat, so that the strong people of the Duo family are sitting in the air, far away, even if the strong people of the Duo family are not good, as the owner they Can't slow down others.

"All disciples, step back."

The negotiations between the Daojun and the Taoist priests naturally did not have the things of the disciples of the Wang Dian Temple. The Lord of the Taoist Temple was too young and easy to impulsive in the eyes of the great Taishang. Therefore, the Tai Tai took the initiative to stand up and preside over the overall situation. Pointing at the sword and the dignitaries, the big singer let all the disciples retreat. It can be said that the confrontation between the two sides has already begun.

However, the solitary slowness is finally born in the solitary family. Before the big singer, he wouldn’t be able to stop the big squad, but he was not afraid of the king’s lord, and he was not as good as him, but he was not like him. I am afraid that the big man is too old, and that the old man is getting fine, and the big man is definitely more difficult to deal with than the king of the palace.

"Other disciples can go, just the next thing, and the kid, please leave him on the field."

Du Gu is slow and polite, saying that there is no way to get on the big man, he can only nod his consent. Obviously, in order to win the sword, the solitary slow has given up the so-called face, the simple sentence of knowledge, the big is too It has been seen that the solitary slowness is a must for the sword, and his determination cannot be shaken.

However, Da Taishang, Er Taishang, Si Tai Shang, and Dao Wang Dian Dian Master do not understand, why do you want to personally come to Tianwu domain to catch a junior in the early days of the Heavenly Kingdom, even if the Sword Devil has offended the Solitary Family? Don't let the solitary jog.

"Nothing will happen."

Cao Tian looked at the swordsman with a worries. The strong man of the solitary family came to the forefront. It’s not easy to see how it is. It’s just a matter of the monarch and the Taoist. He can’t intervene in a junior. He can only follow the road. The great stream of Wang Dian disciples left Wudoutai.

Only the three dead masters know why the strong ones of the solitary family pay so much attention to the swordsmen. The solitary family does not care about the qualifications of the swordsmen, but the strong people who want to get the inheritance of the demon, but the strong ones who create the solitary family are powerful, but compared with The demon emperor, the difference is more than one.

The same is the great emperor, the founder of the solitary family, if it is a battle with the demon emperor, only failure, there is no possibility of winning a half, if you can get the inheritance of the demon emperor, the overall strength of the solitary family, will certainly be able to rise again.

"He is the sword boy of the three kings of my king. I don't know how to offend the solitary family. I have to bother you to move the crowd."

On the big face, the face is calm and the words are soft. It is just the solitary slowness and the other strong people of the solitary family. The faces are not very good. They all think that the big lady is satirizing them. After all, a group of monarchs and Taoist monks come to catch them. A small soldier in heaven is a shameful thing in itself.

However, they had to come, the orders of the lord and the lord personally, they can only obey, and the things are related to the three dead masters. If they don’t come, they really can’t, and if the gods and the holy kings are out, it’s not enough. .

The three masters of the three roads claim that the people are absolutely, the wine is absolutely, the sword is absolutely, and the warriors who die under his hand are like a cow, and there are many children of the same family. Otherwise, the Tianzun of the last single family, when seeing the three dead masters, simply do not It will be so scary.

"He wounded the sons of the solitary family and killed the disciples of other forces in the Tianjian domain. He was guilty of sin and nature, and naturally he could not let him go."

Duo slowly and coldly said, the things that the demon emperor passed down, he certainly will not go all over the world to say, if the strong people who attracted the Wudi Palace, maybe they can not go, the demon emperor inherits the Duo family There are also the same for the Wudi Palace.

Wan Gu Qing Tian Sheng Lian Jing is not quite ridiculous. After all, it is quite ridiculous that Xian Jin only allows one warrior to practice. Even if the Emperor-level forces grab a wild sage, there is even a way to leave a wild and sacred spirit. At most, it is to strengthen a disciple. What's more, it is quite ridiculous that the cultivation of Xian Jin will be in the late stage.

"You don't know, he fled to Tianwu domain. Those forces can only come to my solitary family to complain, and they are annoyed. Just when I am fine, I will come over myself, so as not to cause any accidents."

Whether it is the big too, or the second too, or the king of the king and the four Taishang, they will not believe that the solitary is slow, they are carefully looking at the sword, although the sword is enough to be enchanting, but the solitary The family will not be able to rush to the Tianwu domain to grab people.

The heads of Da Taishang, Er Taishang and Dao Wang Dian are all inquiring about the three dead masters. The three dead masters can only laugh and be right, the things that the demon emperor inherits, and the three dead masters also do not want to say it. Otherwise, even if the strongman of the solitary family retreats, the days of the sword will not be better.

"Greater, we can't offend the solitary family because of a small soldier. The sin is deserved, and we will hand him over to the solitary family."

The four Taishang yin test said that Li Mingyuan said that he still died because of the sword magic. Since he couldn’t deal with the three Taishang, he took the sword to open the knife. The three dead masters let him lose an apostle, then he let three The apostle lost an outstanding disciple.

"I know the time person is Junjie. I put the ugly words in front. Today, this person has to pay and pay, and you have to pay if you don't pay."

There is already an elder elder, and I feel that he has added a fire. If you want to come to other elders, you will be willing to give them the swordsman. Even if the three masters are opposed, it is useless. It is impossible to listen to the three dead masters alone.


The big man hesitated, even if the talent of the swordsman surpassed Zhou Yafu, it is not worthwhile for him to offend the solitary family. However, if the swordsman is easily handed over to the solitary, the majesty of the palace will be placed. After the other disciples stayed at the Taoist Temple, is there a sense of security?

"Greater, two too, you don't have to worry about this thing. He is my sword boy. All things will be borne by me and have nothing to do with Daowang Temple."

The three dead masters said that if the sword is handed over to the solitary, he can imagine how miserable life is after the sword.

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