The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 143: Final battle starry sky

The solitary family is definitely the power that the Taoist temple can't draw, and the three dead masters want to keep the swordsman, but they don't want to be even tired of the king's palace. Anyway, the three dead masters are lonely, no descendants, and they are not long after they die. Nature is not afraid of the solitary family.

Moreover, the road wounds of the three dead masters are the strong ones of the solitary family, who rely on the emperor to fight. The solitary family and the three dead masters themselves have deep hatred and hatred. The three dead masters naturally do not give the strong faces of the solitary family. Look, it’s a pity that the Duo’s strong family who had dealt with the three dead masters last time did not come. Otherwise, the enemy’s meeting would definitely be extraordinarily jealous.

"Three must, what are you talking about."

The big woman is frowning, and the development of the matter is beyond his control. The three dead masters are iron-hearted to keep the swordsman, and the strong ones of the solitary family are sure to win the sword and the two sides have no intention of retreating. .

It is true that Da Tai did not want to hand over the sword to the strong of the Duo family. Unfortunately, the Taoist Temple could not fight with the Duo family, and looked at the appearance of the Three Masters. Even if the Da Tai agreed, the Three Masters would resist. In the end, the three dead masters are the first strongest of the Taoist temple, and the great Taishang will certainly not give up the three dead masters.

"But it, the old man will be willful once, follow you once."

After staring at the three masters for a moment, the big sigh was a long sigh. The big man understood that after he made this decision, the Daowang Temple would face great pressure. Later, the Taoist Temple I am afraid that my disciples cannot go to the Tianjian domain, otherwise they will definitely not return.

Even in the Tianwu domain, the Emperor Wu of the Emperor's Palace, the Temple of the King, must be paid a certain price, and the Wudi Palace must not be allowed to come out in vain. The grandmother is not indecisive, even if the consequences are serious, he is in a short time. There is a determination within it.

"Why, do you want to go against our solitary family?"

The face of Du Gu’s slower face became colder. To be honest, before he came, he really did not put the Taoist temple on his heart. When he wanted to come, the Duo family looked for Wang Dian to be a junior disciple. The Taoist temple was not presented, but who knows The Lord and the Three Masters are so unrecognizable.

The other strong people of the solitary family are standing up. It seems that the negotiations failed. The next step is to start. Fortunately, they have confidence. They don’t feel that they are invincible, but they all know that the solitary family has moved. A soldier, come with them.

"Let me go to the solitary family, I want to see if the people of the solitary family can treat me."

The gap between the Taoist Temple and the Solitary Family, the sword magic can be imagined, the three dead masters and the great Taishang refused to be solitary, will bring huge losses to the Daowang Temple, in case the Du Gu Family and Wu Di Palace reached an agreement, It is not impossible to destroy the Taoist temple.

The sword demon must not want to be alone because of him, even the whole king of the palace, others do not say, the three dead masters are eager to teach him the three swordsmanship, and saved his life, you can say that he is as important as the mountain, the three dead masters have Suffering from heavy losses, if you are now fighting with the strong ones of the Duo family, I am afraid that they will fall into the dead.

"We talk, how can you intervene, you are my sword boy, you have to listen to me, I am not allowed to go to the solitary family, you can not go."

The three dead masters guarded the sword behind him. Although he and the swordsman did not know each other for a long time, he already regarded the sword as his descendants. He did not know that the sword had two bodies. After the body died, the other body It can also be revived.

"I won't die, because now this is just a avatar. As long as the deity is alive, even if he is dead, the deity can still resurrect the avatar."

The two-pointed thing, the sword can't explain, so it can only be said to be the body of the present body, so that the three masters will not sacrifice their lives because of him, after all, just a avatar, even if they are alone The strongman is strangled and the problem is not big.

After the three masters heard the sound of the swordsman's will, it was a shock, just a genius, and what the demon was like, what kind of successor did he find, and his descendant? And is it possible to prove the emperor?

"Greater, from now on, I will leave the Taoist Temple, and no longer the elders of the Taoist Temple. Next, it is the grievances of my personal and lonely family. Don't intervene in your palace."

After thinking for a while, the three dead masters solemnly said in front of everyone, even if the sword demon told the three dead masters that he was only a avatar, the three dead masters did not change their minds, still did not surrender the swordsmen. meaning.

"Three musts, you..."

The great Taishang did not think that the three dead masters were so determined. He certainly understood the meaning of the three dead masters, because the three dead masters did not want to even bury the palace, but he did not understand why the three dead masters would be because of a junior. Just staying alone with the solitary family.

When I wanted to ask about the big lady, I was stunned by the second wife. I don’t understand the big man. The second is to understand what the three masters have done. The three dead masters told the big man.

The three dead masters have suffered extremely serious road injuries, and there is no possibility of recovery. Even if they are cultivated well, they will not live for too long. They will definitely not want to wait for the death of the three dead masters. Instead of waiting until the kendo collapses, it is better. Now I’m fighting with the solitary family, even if it’s a dead star, it’s a lot more than waiting for death.

"What, why don't you tell me earlier?"

Just knowing the things of the three dead masters, Da Tai was obviously shocked. I didn’t expect the solitary and the solitary family’s strongmen to be as shameless. It’s obviously a commemorative book written by Du Guhong, and it’s ambushing. The Emperor, the great wife has lived for so many years, and has never seen such a brazen man.

"Tell you one thing. Let us move a soldier. If you are stubborn, then don't blame us for being ruthless."

The solitary slowness was obviously impatient, and the emperor was directly moved out. In the eyes of the great Taishang and the Taoist temple masters, there was a flash of panic. The emperors were not able to resist them, let alone the countless temples. disciple.

"I still hesitate. Since the three must take the initiative to say that they are leaving our palace, that is the traitor of the Taoist temple. He and his sword-bearing boy have nothing to do with our Taoist temple."

The four too busy said, after living for so many years, he is even more afraid of death. If he is alone, please move the emperor to the horse. If there are nine lives on the four, it will not be enough for the soldiers to kill. Anyway, he and the three masters are already There is hatred, and the three dead masters die under the sword of the strong ones of the solitary family. He will only gloat.

Taishang and Er Tai’s captains looked at the four too, but they couldn’t refute them. For all the disciples of the Taoist temple, they could only agree with the practice of the three dead masters, as long as the three dead masters were separated. Wang Dian, after the solitary family, it is not easy to find the trouble of the palace.

After all, Tianwu domain is the site of the Wudi Palace. Unlike the Tianjian domain, everything is the solitary family. If the swordsman became a disciple of other forces in the Tianjian domain, the strong ones of the solitary family come to the door. I dare not have a point of opposition.

"The last time I had handed over the villains of your solitary family. If you don't need the emperors, they must all have died under the sword. Why, do you want to use the soldiers again today?"

Since the great Taishang and the Taoist temple masters agreed that the three dead masters had left the Taoist temple, the three dead masters naturally did not have a bit of scruples, and that the kendo had not completely collapsed, he could also fight with the strong ones of the Duo family. For the three dead masters, the strong one who killed a solitary family is earned. After all, his life is not long.

"Hurricane, I can take you to the sword alone."

The strongest of the last independent family and the three dead masters, the solitary slowness is not present. He does not understand the strength of the three dead masters. However, the solitary slow knows that the three dead masters are very serious and want to come to three. The current strength of the Taoist is certainly not comparable to his heyday.

"That's good, go into the stars and fight."

If the confrontation between the Taoist masters is carried out in the Taoist temple, even if the Taoist temple has a large array of guardians, it will be ruined by them. It is the formation of the great power of the great emperor. In the case of the decisive battle of the Taoist, the whole will be preserved. The forces are not destroyed.

The solitary slang has been released, and now it will definitely not be revealed. The three dead masters are in the front, and the solitary slowness is followed. The other independent families do not hesitate, they all rush into the stars, the big too, the second too Shanghe Dao Wang Dian Dian and Si Tai Shang are also preparing to see what is going on.

"You come with it."

On the big man, he did not forget the swordsman. He couldn’t keep the three masters, and he sent the swords to a make-up. The confrontation between the masters was very difficult. Now the three masters and the solitary are slow to fight, even the swordsman is just If you understand one in ten thousand, you will all benefit.

"Why don't you ask for a soldier, and you are also qualified to fight with this seat."

The three dead masters stand in the starry sky, and the momentum is released. Even the stars around them are forced to open. This battle is the last battle in his life. It must be turned upside down, and the war is turned upside down. The battle star was shattered.

As the first strongman of the Taoist Temple, the strength of the three infinite masters, even the big Taishang and the second Taishang, have to say a service word, especially the three swordsmanship, in the hands of the three dead masters, simply It is extremely horrible to have the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods.

"Jokes, just because you are also very embarrassed to talk about the soldiers, let him die."

The solitary slowness is the same as the three imperial masters. It is a sword repair. At this time, the solitary hand holding a sword is like a round of hot sun, exuding the rolling heat, as if to burn the starry sky, he smashed out his sword. The stars are eclipsed.

The stars and the stars are shaking. The small stars are like the fruits of the trees. The trembles and the swords are like the trains. It seems that they can break the stars and the sun and the moon. In the twinkling of an eye, they will descend to the three dead masters. In front of him, the sword of the solitary slowness is very fast, even if his name has a slow word, his sword is still not related to slowness.

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