The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 149: Three absolutely fallen

The strong man of the solitary family is not a fool. The emperor of the Lieyang Trinity said twice that the sword demon is a emperor. There must be a reason. Their eyesight is definitely not as good as that of the emperor. Can they really not figure out the identity of the sword? .

If the swordsmen are really emperors, then they can deal with the swords and magics, and it may cause great disasters. The anger of a great emperor, even if it is a solitary family, is not willing to bear it.

Only the swordsman himself knows that he is not a prince at all. When the Happy King left the world of Jianshen, only the peak of the heavens and the human beings, the time of one or two years, from the peak of the heavens to the great emperor, is simply impossible. .

However, the sword magic can not be said indiscriminately, the strong people of the solitary family misunderstand, it is the best, but let the solitary family have jealousy, for him, only good, no harm, with his current strength, it is impossible Competing with the solitary family, only the foxes can be a tiger, and it is better to be a great man.

"Tianwu domain, you can't let you go, you want to take someone, wait for him to leave Tianwu domain and say."

Liyang Emperor shouldered his hands and fluttered a word, which made the strong people of the Duo family have a headache. The solitary family asked them to come and catch the swords, but the Lieyang emperor not only said that the swordsmen were emperors, but they did not give them Hands-on in Tianwu domain.

"Yes, the emperor is an adult."

The strong people of the solitary family, even if they are unwilling, can only nod their heads, and the majesty of the emperor can not be tolerated. If they are offended by the emperor, then the emperor can completely kill them, and the solitary family can’t Revenge for them.

"He is a prince."

The Great Taishang, the Second Taishang, the Four Taishang, and the Dao Wang Dian Dian are all incredulously looking at the swordsmen. No wonder the swordsmen are so enchanting. Only in the early days of the Tianbing, they can defeat the warriors who have the pre-seas combat power. Originally, They still feel unscientific. If the sword is a prince, they can accept it.

Even if the emperor is enchanting, it is normal. After all, their starting point is very high. Just the blood force is stronger than the general warrior. I didn’t expect the three masters to find a disciple to pass on the clothes. It’s really lucky. unbelievable.

"Three must have died, I don't have to care about him with a junior."

Four too self-consolation, in fact, he does not dare to take the sword magic now, and does not say that the solitary family wants to catch the sword magic, just the identity of the emperor, let him be jealous, if it is to provoke a great emperor, let alone It is him, even if he is a son and grandson, I am afraid that there is no way to live.

The second is frowning, and it is reasonable to say that the emperor could not be willing to be a Taoist boy of the Taoist master. It is very good for the sword and the three masters to get along with each other. He has seen the sword and the three masters exchange very much. At random, the Taoist Lord does not have the majesty of the Taoist, and the Emperor has no shelf for the Emperor.

"Hurry back, tell the sword that the sword is the news of the emperor."

Originally, I caught a young man in Tianbing. Any one of them could be the master. But now, the identity of the swordsman has a problem. The emperor is not able to deal with it casually. Even if it is a solitary owner, I am afraid to be cautious.

All the strong people of the solitary family came quickly and walked fast. However, they did not finish the battle. They still left the two kings and kept them outside the palace. If the swordsman left Tianwu, they could shoot. Take the sword demons, of course, first of all they have to ask the consent of the owner.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

If the Emperor of the Lieyang is not open, the sword demon understands that the strong man of the solitary family will certainly not let him go. He knows that the reason why the Emperor of the Lieyang Emperor helped him was because the Emperor of Liyang thought he had a father of the Great Emperor. The emperor is likely to ask about his father's business. If it is exposed, it will definitely be finished.

"If you go home, say hello to your father on my behalf."

The Lieyang Emperor’s voice is mild, and his fighting power is enough to suppress the Tianwu domain. However, among all the great emperors in the three thousand territories of heaven, his combat power is nothing, and there are many people who are stronger than him. Stronger than him, it is a good thing for him to make a good sword father.

Anyway, from the beginning to the end, Lieyang Emperor just said a few words for the sword magic, even if the sword demon father did not have him strong, for him, there is still no loss, anyway, can be a good deal with a great emperor, each other, right Everyone has benefits.

"Predecessors rest assured, the younger generation wrote down."

Fortunately, Lieyang Emperor did not ask the identity of the sword demon father, otherwise the sword demon did not know how to answer it. The sword demon was just a Tianjun. He had never touched any great emperor, and he did not know anything about the Emperor of Heaven.

If you just want to name a great emperor, it is very likely to reveal the stuffing. After all, for the great emperor, the vast territory of the three thousand is still not too big. Who knows how many emperors the Lieyang Emperor knows and how many emperors have heard of it.

The Emperor of Lieyang did not continue to speak. When the swordsman looked up and looked forward, he realized that the Emperor of the Lieyang had already left. Until this time, the Lord Taishang, the Second Taishang, the Taishang and the Taoist Temple were relaxed, even if The emperor of Lieyang converges on the pressure, and they still feel the uncomfortable oppression.

The reason why the swordsman is better than they are, is because of his blood, and actively resists the pressure of the emperor of the dynasty. Now the emperor is far away from the empire, and the great emperor, the four Taishang, the second Taishang, and the Taoist temple are all Eyes, gathered on the body of the sword.

"The Taoist, you are still alive."

The previous annihilation of the Xianlei, the smashing of the three dead masters, but the three dead masters are not ordinary lords after all, and now they have reunited with the flesh, but they seem to be weak, whether it is Chen Yuxian, or Yang Dijun, who believes that the three dead masters are dead, but the three dead masters are still alive.

"There are so many wines in my gourd that I can't drink, how can I die."

While the three dead masters are talking, the appearance begins to become old. In the past, he was a young sword repairer, but now he is an old man with white hair, so there is no wrinkles on his face. .

The two Taishang and the big Taishang were all turned over, and they really served the three dead masters. Now they still think about his wine. However, the three dead masters are not dead. They are very happy, no matter whether they are in public or not. Private, they don't want to be dead.

"I justified that in order to use the penalty, to remove the road injury, although nine lives, but I survived, it is luck."

Originally, the road damage of the three dead masters was very serious, and it would not last long. But now, the sin penalty not only destroys him, but also smashes his kendo. Even the kendo is gone, and the injury is naturally gone, just His realm has fallen dramatically.

"I am tired, go back first."

The three dead masters took the sword magic and stood on the three swords. The three masters of the driver returned to the three imperial palaces of the Taoist temple. Previously, the swordsmen did not have a mouthful because he always felt wrong, and a Taoist wanted to lie. It’s so easy to pass the Great Emperor and the Immortal King.

"The Taoist, what the **** is going on."

After returning to the Three Supreme Courts, the Swordsman finally said the doubts in his heart. The Three Masters did not even say anything to the Taishang and the Second Tai, that is, the fire magic brought the swordsman back. The Taoist patted the shoulder of the sword, and then slowly said.

"I am just returning to the light. At most, I can still hold on for one or two hours. Don't talk. Then I will pass on the sentiments of the previous testimony to you."

The three main roads failed, but he still realized a lot of things, and now he has not died yet, and he has passed all the proceeds to the swordsman. Although the swordsman wants to talk several times, he is the third master. Stopped.

Destroyed Xianlei has destroyed all the vitality of the three dead masters. Therefore, Chen Yuxian Wang can leave with peace of mind. The sentiment of the emperor’s sermon is important. The sentiment of the Taoist testimony is equally important. If there is a failure experience, then the card will be proved. The road is able to make more preparations.

Throughout the whole process, the sword spirits of the three swords are quietly standing by the swordsmen and the three masters. The swordsmen have no intentions, but they have all remembered what the three masters said. Can't understand, remember first, it will definitely be useful in the future.

When all the three masters had finished speaking, they picked up the wine gourd and drank it in a big mouth. The sword demon wanted to talk, but was pulled by the sword spirit of the three swords, because the sword spirit of the three swords knew What is the main thing about the three dead ends.

"I don't know how others want to die, anyway, I am drunk."

The three dead masters are laughing and leaving the world. The wine in the wine gourd has been dried up by him. The swordsmen and the swordsmen of the three swords are silent. They have not been open for a long time. Since the owner of the Taoist Temple and others said that he was alive, the swordsman would only secretly carry out the burial of the three dead masters.

At the same time, the strongman of the solitary family has returned to the solitary home, and the original thing has been said once again. The owner of the solitary family was shocked. Similarly, the sword magic turned out to be the emperor. Soon, he was the one who would The information of the sword devil was sent in detail.

Fortunately, in the Tianwu domain is the sword magic, if it is Lingdao, the solitary homeowner can conclude that he is a false emperor, Lingdao's father Xiaoyao Wang, a year or two ago, just the peak of the heavens, it is impossible to prove now Chengdi.

However, the sword is different, because the sword is two points of Lingdao, his information is incomplete, he seems to appear out of thin air, the sword **** big world did not have such a person before, he was born in the sky sword of.

"Is it a great emperor who knows that the demon emperor passed away, so let his son go to the world of the sword **** and compete for the inheritance of the demon emperor. It is a good calculation. When others are robbing the emperor, he is willing to fight. Going to the demon emperor."

The solitary family thought of it, in fact, his guess is extremely reasonable. After all, there are so many emperors in the heavens and the three thousand territories. The last time there were so many geniuses, the emperor went, it was not impossible, but now, the demon emperor passed, he Whether it is grabbing or not grabbing.

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