The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 150: Di Ling

"Which is the great emperor, I know so much about the world of Sword God."

The hand of the solitary owner gently tapped on the armrest of the seat. With the information alone, he could not infer which force the sword demon came from. The Emperor of the Liyang said that the sword demon was a emperor, and the solitary family was not too doubt.

However, the owner of the solitary family wants to know who the father of the sword demon is, some of the great emperors, the ones of the solitary family, and some of the great emperors, the solitary family can not afford to sin, for the demon emperor, offending a great emperor, it should be worthwhile, however As a result, the solitary family can live with it. He must first consider it.

"Come, please come over Mr. Leng."

Being able to be called a gentleman by the solitary family, naturally, is a strong person with real skills. In addition to his own children, the solitary family also has external offerings. Cold spring and autumn are one of them. The fighting power of cold spring and autumn may not be in the solitary family. The top ten, but his ability to calculate, is definitely the first in the solitary family.

Since relying on the information, can not find out who the father of the sword magic, then let the cold spring and autumn to play a little, let the cold spring and autumn to promote the father of the sword magic, certainly not, cold spring and autumn is only the Taoist, did not deduct the power of the great emperor, calculate the sword magic It is much simpler. Although the sword is a prince, the realm is too low.

According to legend, Leng Chunqiu is a disciple of the Temple of Destiny. He just did not know what was wrong. He was swept away by the Temple of Destiny. Later, Leng Chunqiu came to the Duo family and was invited by the solitary family to become the offering of the Solitary family.

"I don't know what the owner is looking for."

The appearance of the cold spring and autumn is a middle-aged man with long hair, half black and half white, and the long gown is also half black and half white. Even the beard is like this. His eyes are always closed, as if sleeping. Even if he talked to the owner of the solitary family, he did not open his eyes.

"Mr. Cold, please sit down, I invite you to come, I want you to calculate one for me and see which force he came from."

The owner of the solitary house is very polite. Although the cold spring and autumn are expelled from the Temple of Destiny, he and the strong man of the Temple of Destiny must have a connection. He makes the cold spring and autumn become the offering of the solitary family. One is to value the cold spring and autumn, and the second is to It is to want to have a relationship with the Temple of Destiny.

The Temple of Destiny is extremely old, and it is much longer than the ones passed down by the Duo family. Moreover, the practice of the disciples of the Destiny Temple is very special. They even have life repairs. Of course, the cold spring and autumn are just good at deducting one, and they are not worthy of repair. .

"Oh, a junior is worthy of the family's attention."

Cold Spring and Autumn came to an interest. When the owner of the solitary family told him that the sword is the emperor, he was relieved. If there is no big force behind the sword, the owner of the solitary will not be undecided. It is about the emperor, even the owner of the solitary. They all have to pay attention.

As long as the information that the Duo family can find, they are all in front of the cold spring and autumn. Originally, relying on these things alone, it is difficult to figure out what, but the cold spring and autumn have a fateful reincarnation, which he stole from the Temple of Destiny. .

The fate of the reincarnation wheel is just a Taoist device, but its deductive ability is extremely strong. If the cold spring and autumn fully promote the fate of the reincarnation, it will be enough to make his calculation ability tenfold more than just because of the fate of the reincarnation wheel. Spring and Autumn have created a great reputation.

Sitting in the cold spring and autumn, the fate of the reincarnation wheel is placed on his legs. His mouth is filled with words, one by one, rushing into the fate of the reincarnation, the original bleak fate of the turning wheel, but gradually glowing, it seems It burned up in general.

"what happened."

He frowned, and it is reasonable to say that even if the sword is a prince, he can calculate the origin of the sword, but now, no one can do anything, the owner of the solitary family personally find him to calculate the origin of the sword, he naturally can not count anything To.

Then again, he used to be the emperor of the Destiny Temple. Now he is the Taoist. In the case of using the fate of the reincarnation wheel, he still cannot calculate the origin of a junior in the early days of the Tianbing. It is really shameful, and the cold spring and autumn gradually become serious. Get up and show your lifelong learning.

The solitary family watched the cold spring and autumn, and once again, the hands were printed, playing on the fate of the reincarnation wheel, he understood that the origin of the sword magic is difficult to calculate. Previously, he was looking for a cold spring and autumn calculation, it only takes a moment, cold spring and autumn will Tell him what he wants, but today, cold spring and autumn have encountered trouble.


What surprised the owner of the solitary family was that the cold spring and autumn actually spewed out a blood, sprinkled on the fate of the reincarnation, the whole fate of the turn of the turn turned into a blood red in the blink of an eye, as if from the blood pool , exudes a fairy light.


A crisp sound, like a blue sky, let the cold spring and autumn body tremble, he suddenly a spirit, finally wake up, the fate of the turn of the wheel actually because of the origin of the sword magic, there is a crack, this is a device, Even if Tian Zun is fully committed, he will not be able to damage the fate of the reincarnation wheel.

"Mr. Leng, if it is difficult, don't calculate it."

The solitary family can not want to be cold spring and autumn because of the sword magic, abolished the fate of the Taoist turn, afterwards, he still has a lot of places to use the cold spring and autumn, if there is no fate, the cold spring and autumn's deductive ability must be big discount.

However, the words of the solitary family have already hurt the self-esteem of the cold spring and autumn, and the calculation of a junior in the early days of the celestial regime. What is difficult, it is about the ability to calculate, and the cold spring is unable to keep calm, we must calculate the origin of the sword. .

Cold Spring and Autumn run the power of the whole method, and once again spit out a single word in the mouth, and did not enter the fate of the reincarnation. As time goes by, the cold spring and autumn's forehead is already covered with sweat, and the solitary family sees that the cold spring and autumn are stubborn. But he did not persuade, the more the origin of the sword magic, the more interested he is.


It was a loud sound, and the fate turned to the wheel. There was another crack in the cold. The cold spring and autumn slammed openly, and couldn’t care about the fate of the fate, but the first time looked at the fate of the reincarnation, the two red The old words let him look a glimpse.

"Dili Ling."

Originally, the fate of the reincarnation was only a crack in the road. With the words of Emperor Ling in the cold spring and autumn, the fate of the turn of the wheel was bursting into a piece of debris, and the cold spring and autumn were shocked and reborn. The wheel actually shattered.

Just because the origin of the sword magic is calculated, it is the destruction of the fate of the turn of the wheel, the cold spring and autumn do not know, what kind of origins, in order to let the fate of the turn of the wheel can not bear the cause and effect of the calculation, even if the sword is The emperor will not destroy the fate of the turn.

If it is the beginning, Leng Chunqiu knows that the swordsman will lose the fate of the reincarnation. He will never be reluctant, but now, regretting it, without the fate of the reincarnation, his calculation ability is greatly reduced, and later in the position of the solitary family, I am afraid I have to fall straight.

"Dili Ling, under the heavens, is someone surnamed the emperor?"

The solitary family’s brow is tight, and the cold spring and autumn ruin the price of the fate of the reincarnation, only to help him to calculate the two words of Emperor Ling, then he naturally has to start with the words of the emperor, but, like today’s major forces, there is no call. The strongest of Di Ling.

"After the ancient times, only one person surnamed the emperor, that is the taboo of the ancient times, even the immortals are not willing to mention his name."

After all, the cold spring and autumn are from the Temple of Destiny. There are many hidden secrets. The taboos of the ancient times existed. He once saw it in an ancient book. However, the records in the ancient books make the cold spring and autumn feel too fake. How can a person be enchanted? That level.

Just looking at the look of the lord and the lord, it is obviously very interested in the taboos of the ancient times. It should be said that the singularity of the singularity is not related to the existence of the taboos in the ancient times. The cold spring and autumn are absolutely unbelief, and then the solitary family is the emperor.

"The owner must know that the supreme being, even if the three emperors and five emperors are in front, can not cover his peerless style, immortal, high above, but they are also afraid of the supreme existence, the three emperors and five emperors are stronger, and finally disappeared in the long river of history.

However, the supreme being there seems to have an infinite life. In the ancient times, he was invincible, although he was hidden, but later the fairy world and the heavens fought, he reappeared and killed the group.

Even in the ancient times, he often appeared. If there is a fairy crossing, he might be strangled by him. The Emperor has a long life, but it is very short compared to the 1 billion years of the ancient times.

The lifespan of other great emperors is calculated in a million years of 100,000 years. The life expectancy of the supreme being is calculated in billions of years. It is said that the supreme being is the strongest person in the past and the present, and the descendants of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors are sure. Disagree, however, if you have the longest life, it must be the supreme being, no one can refute. ”

The more lonely the owner is, the more he is shocked, not because he said that he could not accept it, but that Chun Chunqiu said the same thing as the Duo’s family, although he also felt that the supreme existence of the crown is the best, but he can say that he can Living in the long period of the ancient times, the solitary family did not believe.

If the great emperor can have unlimited life, then Cheng Xian has no temptation for the great emperor. Some emperors are willing to be traitors of the heavens and go to the fairyland to become immortals, in order to be able to live forever, they do not want to die, so Can only be a traitor.

"Is it true that the kid is related to the taboos of the Taikoo era, it is impossible."

Even if the taboos of the ancient times existed, they have fallen into the long river of history. The solitary family do not want to provoke people related to him. Who knows the taboos of the ancient times and what kind of means are left, anyway, with his strength. In the presence of such a presence, there is no difference between it and the ants.

"Maybe we have no solution to the word of Emperor Ling, not necessarily the name of the person. What is going on, the homeowner thinks for himself, I have to fix the fate of the reincarnation wheel, I don't know if it can be done."

Cold Spring and Autumn will pick up all the pieces, and the fate of the reincarnation will be broken into this way, let him give a resentful resentment to the solitary family. If the unindependent owner seeks him to play the sword magic, how can the fate of the reincarnation wheel be destroyed.

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