The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 154: No phase beast

If at first, the sword demon is only suspecting that the strong people of the Baili family have no purpose, then now he can be sure, but with his realm, he can't solve the strong people of the Baili family, if he picks everything up Ming, he and Lian Er must be unlucky.

The sword magic is nothing, but can't even be tired of the lotus, although I don't know what the Baili family is doing with the lotus, but at least the strong people on the surface of the hundred-mile family are very fond of the lotus, and the lotus is very happy, if Let her know the truth, I don’t know what she will be sad.

"how does it taste."

After handing the cooked meat to the lotus, the lotus is happy to eat. Even if the sword has no spices, the taste of the cooked meat is definitely better than the raw meat. I don’t know the parents of the lotus. Who is it, she is willing to abandon her.

"Yeah, it’s delicious, big brother, you will give me barbecue every day, okay."

Lotus is full of greasy mouth, a pair of good-looking eyes, curved into a crescent-shaped, clear scorpion, full of pleading color, a seven-eight-year-old girl, from a young age to live a **** day, it is really pity.

The sword magic nodded heavily, making the lotus smile more and more happy. If he really regards the lotus as an ordinary little girl, it is definitely a big mistake. The early maturity of the lotus is not comparable to that of a normal child. Don't look at the lotus is only seven or eight years old, her intelligence level is definitely no less than an adult.

The strongest people of the Baili family are really sincere or false to Lian Er. Lian Er’s heart is counted, but she has no support. There is no choice. After the sword demon appears, she is taking the initiative to close the relationship with the sword, she Smart, no strength, it is no good.

"I told you yesterday, I am hunting with me today, let's go now."

The hundred miles of the big bow came to the house of Lian Er, and it was the direct clarification of the intention. The sword nodded and nodded. The last beast was cooked and placed in front of the lotus, and turned to the hundred miles. Stars go, the safety of the lotus, the sword magic is not worried, after all, it seems that the Baili family will not be how the lotus.

"Big brother, go early and go back early, and Lian Er will hold you to sleep at night."

Lian Er’s small face is full of bright smiles. Even the hundred miles have never seen Lian Er so happy. However, Bai Li Xing is not too concerned. Anyway, Lian Er is only a tool they use to improve their strength. It is only an illusion that the lotus is kind.

"I am the hundred miles of the Baili family, what is your name."

Barry Star smiled and asked, the effect of his cultivation last night was more than twice as good as before. It is no wonder that the patriarch of the Baili family said that the blood of the sword is stronger than the lotus. It seems that **** is still old and spicy. The patriarch’s eyesight is many times better than him.

"Sword magic."

Because of the lotus thing, the sword demon has no good impression on the Baili family. Therefore, it is only a faint return to the two words. The Baili star does not care. The sword magic is strong, and it must be from a powerful force. Compared with the family, the family should not be enough.

The big disciples are a bit arrogant, it is normal, and the hundred miles can accept. Fortunately, the swordsman is only in the early stage of the heavenly martial arts. If the swordsman is too much, the hundred miles will not mind the lessons of the swordsman, and the sky will be the peak of the hundred miles. Even the king can compete, and the former warriors in the area will not be considered as natural.

At the beginning, the Baili family was only a powerful second-class power. Later, an old generation of the Baili family got a blood-mosquito stone carving and an ancient scripture, completely changing the Baili family, just the old-age strongman. After being attacked by the ancients, he was sucked up by the blood and forced to return to the Baili family and died.

The seniors of the Baili family studied the ancient scriptures carefully. They can be sure that the works recorded in the ancient scriptures are many times more powerful than the best ones of their Baili family. At that time, the tops of the Baili family It is a decision to let some people practice the ancient scriptures.

The bloodway, only three words, but it seems to be full of magic, the Baili family has cultivated a part of the warrior, the strength is much faster than others, because of this, the Baili family cultivates the blood of the war. The more you come.

Different from other exercises, the practice of blood passage does not require Lingshi, but the blood of the warrior. The more powerful the warrior, the more powerful the warrior who cultivates the bloodway, the more the Baili family, Did not smoke the blood of other forces.

Later, it finally caused the hatred of other forces. In the end, the Baili family was razed to the ground, practicing the bloodway and invading the interests of other forces. Other forces naturally would not sit and watch the development of the Baili family. Otherwise, they will all It will be the blood food of the Baili family.

In addition to absorbing other people's blood, there is another way to cultivate blood in the blood, to absorb the blood of other people, to cultivate, but the latter needs to find a powerful warrior, otherwise it has no effect.

The Baili family is fortunate. They found the lotus. Although the blood of the lotus is not comparable to the blood of the emperor, but the blood of the lotus is absolutely tyrannical, it is certain that the lotus Parents, at least one of the Taoists, is a very powerful leader.

Today's Baili family has become a dog of funeral, hiding here and lingering, the place chosen by the Baili family is good, not only remote, but also a lot of monsters, they dare not kill the warrior, they can only use the monster to make up, The blood of the beast can also be used for cultivation.

The beasts that died in the hands of the hundred miles, countless, now the hundred miles have been able to carry the sword magic, go further and hunt the monsters, after the cultivation of the blood, the realm of the hundred miles, leaps and bounds, In particular, he personally shot and killed the monsters every day, making his strength far beyond the same age.

The age of the hundred miles is not big, only in his twenties. If he practiced the previous practice of the Baili family, he certainly has no realm of the present. As the strength grows, the monsters he can hunt are naturally more and more More and stronger.

"I didn't expect to wake up, but I met two geniuses. It was a good luck."

No matter whether it is the sword magic or the hundred miles, they are not noticed. Behind them, there is a ghost-like figure. His body is wearing extremely old clothes, at least in ancient times.

"A cultivation of the Tao, a cultivation of the emperor, is really a lucky little guy."

He said to himself, the voice is small, only he can hear it, but he does not speak with his mouth, but the ventral language used, not that he does not want to speak with his mouth, but that he has no mouth at all, even he has no nose. No eyes, no ears.

The Miles and the Swordsman hunted the beasts in front. They didn’t know that there was an old monster staring at them. The old monster is not high in the realm today, but the ability to hide the figure is very strong, even with the spirit of the sword. There are no discoveries.

"I told you, like when I was so big, you can already tear the monsters of heaven and earth with your hands. Why don't you try it?"

In fact, Barry Star does not know how big the sword is, but it is probably judged at about twenty. Barry Star takes it for granted that the sword is from a power, even the power of the emperor, so he deliberately brags in front of the sword and reveals himself. Powerful.

The Baili family is only a second-industry force. It has no way to compare with the power of one product and the power of the emperor. If the Baili Star is not a bloodline, it is certainly not a young disciple of the Taoist Temple. The blood is not comparable to the ordinary Tao. Only the Baili family does not know the origins.

"I am Jian Xiu, why do you want to tear the monsters by hand?"

Barry Star wants to see the sword magic out of the ugly, but the sword magic is not moving at all, the sword magic always holds the person Wang Jian, encounters the monster, they use the sword against the enemy, but the monsters they encounter are not strong. The sword magic does not need to show the ultimate combat power, you can cope with it.

The sword demon has already noticed that the Baili family is not good at Lian Er, and naturally will not expose all of his own combat power. Even if his entire combat power is in the eyes of the powerful people of the Baili family, it is worth mentioning. He still has to keep one hand.

"Good temperament, good skills, choose him."

The old monster behind the hundred miles and the sword is finally determined to shoot. The star is a genius without a fake, but at the same time cultivated the Tao, but compared with the sword, it is like the difference between rabbit and tiger, old The monster naturally understands how to choose.

If the sword demon can see the old monster, then it will be remembered that among the nine stone carvings of Wan Fuzong, there is a pair of old monsters. He has a human appearance, but the face has no corresponding facial features. Unfortunately, the old monster Even if they have already rushed to the side of the Sword and the Star, they can't see the old monster.

The nine stone carvings of Wan Fuzong, the real dragon stone carvings represent the true body of the dragon, the phoenix stone carving represents the strongest resilience of the phoenix, the stone carving of the 鲲peng represents the speed of the world, and the stone carving of the nine-tailed fox represents the strongest will. The first battle, the stone carvings represent the invincible food, the stone carvings represent the strongest, and the exquisite stone carvings represent the longest life.

Only the last stone inscription, Lingdao does not know what it means, but now the sword demon has encountered the last stone engraved monster, of course, the sword demon also encountered the tenth stone engraving, that is the blood wing under the lotus bed Black mosquito stone carving.

If the blood-winged black mosquitoes, sucking blood and people feel fear, then the monsters that the swordsmen are now encountering are hard to prevent, the most changeable, the stone carving of Wan Fuzong is actually called no The stone carvings, the carvings are the no-beasts, the old monsters that the swordsmen are now encountering are the no-beasts.

Blood-winged black mosquitoes are only blood-sucking, but no-beasts are sucking the soul, swallowing the will, and the purpose of choosing the swordsman without the beast, is to **** the soul of the sword, to swallow the will of the sword, and thus occupy the body of the sword, and later The body of the sword is his.

The swordsman who is in the hands of the demon, but it is a shock, feels a great threat, no phase beast has come to the sword magic, but the sword magic can not see the no-beast, and no phase beast has already shot, began Devouring the soul of the sword, if he succeeds, then he is the sword.

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