The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 155: Thumb villain

The body of the beastless animal is like water. It is attached to the surface of the sword magic. The blood, body and talent of the sword magic are very satisfying to the beastless, even in the ancient times, the genius like the sword magic. Not rare.

Next to the hundred miles and the sword magic, it is simply slag. If there is no sword magic, no phase beast may consider the hundred miles, but the sword magic is present, no phase of the animal has no meaning to **** the soul of the hundred miles, no phase The beast engulfs the will of others and can only do it once in a short time.

He has been sleeping for so many years. Now he has just awakened, and the realm has fallen so badly that he must choose a body as soon as possible. There is such a good choice for the swordsman, and it has already made the non-being a great overjoyed. Naturally, there is no need to hesitate.

"The Archaic Secret - Chaos."

Although the swordsman did not find his opponent, he had already felt that his will was threatened. Therefore, he did not hesitate to display the magical will of his demon, his will world, suddenly turned into chaos, and tried his best to swallow up. Unknown will to come.

Today's swordsmanship is already in the early stage of the Tianbing, and it is the eighth will to master the will of the demon emperor. Nature is far from comparable. The incomparable beast that was intended to swallow the sword and the will, but feels the anti-swallowing. It is to make the non-behavior more interested in the sword.

"The worms are small and dare to offer ugliness in front of me."

The sound of the incomparable beast sounded in the mind of the sword demon, making the sword and the sword a big singer. Until now, the sword demon did not see who the opponent is, but the power to swallow the will made him feel uncomfortable. Just beginning, he felt the crisis of the will world.

"Only when the true Archaic world is derived, can chaos be cultivated into Dacheng."

The Archaic world does not belong to the heavens, nor belongs to the world of ten thousand, but is independent. It is said that there are no Terran in the Archaic world, no Yaozu, no Orc, and no immortals. In the Archaic, some are secret techniques and merits. Law is a school.

It is said that the Three Emperors used to get the benefits of Tianda in the Archaic World. Therefore, the period behind the wilderness was named as the Taikoo period. As for how the Archaic World appeared, the Three Emperors did not know that the Emperor did not know, and wanted to come. Other emperors do not know.

"Nine-tailed magic."

Just relying on the mystery of the ancients, it has been unable to stop the beastless, so the sword magic condenses out five large fox tails, slamming toward the will of the outside, the nine-tailed magic is extremely strong, but for the no-beast, It's just tickling.

After all, the sword demon is not a nine-tailed fox family. The nine-tailed black magic is a lot less powerful. In addition, the realm of the sword magic is still too low. The non-beast is only the ancient period, not like the magic heaven master from the Taikoo. The period has been Nirvana to the present.

With the current strength of the incomparable beast, there is no problem in dealing with the king. In the district, a former warrior in the celestial state, he naturally did not put it in his eyes. Previously, no beast was just playing. Once he was serious, the will of the sword would Will gradually collapse.

"Nothing to swallow."

The beastless beast whispered, and the majestic willpower, in an instant, crushed the will of the sword, and the world of the sword magic had turned into chaos, but now chaos is annihilating, if it continues, the will of the sword The world is completely gone, the will is annihilated, the soul is dissipated, and the sword is left with only one flesh.

While sucking the soul and swallowing the will, the non-beast can get the memory of the sword magic. If it is a success without the beast, in addition to Lingdao himself, other people may not see that the sword is no longer a sword, and no animal is laughing coldly. It seems that he will soon be able to occupy the nest.

"I am going to die."

Swordsman, the world of the will is collapsed, even if the body is not damaged, it is just a dead body, but fortunately he still has a body alive, will not die completely, just a poor lotus, no future life is definitely not good.


Just when the phaseless beast decided to completely destroy the world of the swordsman's will, he suddenly felt the depths of the sword and the soul, and there was a great pressure. The incomparable beast seemed to see a big man with a big thumb, exuding the incomparable Terrible momentum.

The original imposing beast, but at this time is cautious, he does not know what kind of existence exists in the depths of the sword and the soul, anyway, it must not be underestimated, otherwise he does not know how to die, after all, he is now Strength is much weaker than the heyday.

"In terms of his talent and blood, it should be from a certain emperor's power, and there is a last resort, and it is normal."

The phaseless beast is close to the soul of the sword demon. The closer the thumb is to the villain, the stronger the pressure is. He understands that he wants to completely occupy the body of the sword, and must solve the soul of the sword. Thumb small talent line.

"Is it a will to leave behind a powerful existence."

Emperor power, for the true genius, must be extremely valued, Daojun, the Taoist in the depths of the genius disciple will, leaving a guardian of the will, is a very normal thing, but only a strong will, There is no fear of being a beast.

In the heyday of the infernal beast, let alone deal with the magic heaven master, even if it is against the Lieyang emperor, it is more than enough, yes, the sword magic now encounters the incomparable beast, the ancient times is the great emperor, the world is called the devil emperor.

In exchange for other great emperors, they can't rely on sleeping, and live to the present, but there is no difference in the beast. In order not to die, he devours the soul of a Taoist master with the realm of the great emperor, descends from the realm, becomes the Taoist, and then Nirvana, finally It is to avoid the dead robbery.

The great emperor can't be nirvana, the Taoist can, the non-beating of the beast to survive, the price paid is not small, now he is at most the equivalent of the king of the king, but he does not care, just give him time to enhance the realm It is not a problem at all.

Sitting on the thumb of the soul of the sword, it seems to be the arrival of the incomparable beast, suddenly opened his eyes, what kind of eyes are, deep and majestic is not enough to describe, there seems to be in the eyes The world is rotating, the universe is sinking, and it is all over the world.

Even if there is no phase beast in the heyday, there is no such momentum. The realm of the non-beast is now low, but he used to be a great emperor, and his eyesight is still there. The realm of the thumb before life is definitely far more than He was a timeless emperor.


The phaseless beast made a scream of screams, and the willpower that was previously swallowed up from the swordsman was now instilled into the world of the swordsman's will at a faster rate, especially the incompetent beast and the soul was hit hard. The world of will almost collapsed.

The little man of the thumb did not speak, and did not have any movements. Just watching the incomparable beast, he almost let the non-beasted beasted and completely dissipated between the heavens and the earth. No beasts did not hesitate, and withdrew at the fastest speed. The magical world of the sword, he worried about the late step, there is a fallen end.

Even when he was a no-devil, he had never seen such a terrible existence. Previously, he was like walking in front of the ghost gate. If he was not afraid of death, he would certainly not be willing to descend from the realm of Nirvana, and finally wake up. Now, there is no beast, certainly not want to die, so he has no choice but to give up the sword.

Even if the sword is ten times better than the hundred miles, the no-beast can only choose the hundred miles, and the non-beast has been hit hard. If you don’t choose a flesh, he will only get weaker and weaker. How to say it is also a heavenly martial artist who is used as a temporary body.

"Sword magic, what's wrong with you, is it a difficult thing to kill a monster?"

Previously, the sword's will world was attacked, causing his movements to become slower and slower. The monster that was originally suppressed by him gradually left a wound on him. Fortunately, the incompetent beast has been deeply penetrated by the sword and the soul. The thumb of the small man is scared, otherwise he still doesn't know what it is.

Barry Star just wants to laugh at the sword magic. In his opinion, the sword magic is purely the flower in the greenhouse. However, before the sword magic responds, the non-beast is the world of the will of the hundred miles. The destruction.

The incomparable beast will vent all the anger to the body of the hundred miles, the poor hundred miles, have not had time to resist, the world of the will is completely broken, his body is still good, but the world of the will is broken, the soul Death means that he has only one body left.

"It's nothing."

The sword demon remembered the previous things, and he still had a lingering fear. He thought that he was dying. He did not expect that he would not die, but he would also be blessed in disguise and grow his will. From beginning to end, he did not see the incompetent beast. He did not know how. It’s not natural to explain anything to Barry Star.

However, what makes the sword magic strange is that the hundred miles did not continue to open, but the head was shaken, and both hands and feet were slowly moving. The beast had just mastered the body of the hundred miles, and naturally needed to adapt. Fan.

"what's wrong with you."

There is no change in the body of the hundred miles, but his temperament has become different from the previous one. If he gives the infernal beast for a while, he can change his temperament like the previous hundred miles, but he just finished the devouring, yet It’s time to change.

When I heard the question of the sword demon, the hundred miles were just a sigh of laughter, then the temperament was changed again, and even the sound changed. The soulless animal sucked the soul of the hundred miles and swallowed the will world of the hundred miles. I got all the memories of the hundred miles.

The sword demon always pays attention to the hundred miles, and soon discovers that the hundred miles gradually become the same as before. If there is no previous thing, he will only think it is an illusion, but now the sword magic is vigilant.

"You are not a hundred miles, who are you?"

The existence of the previous attack on the sword magic is definitely not the sword magic can compete, but he does not know, why did the existence later retreat, can it be said that the existence has swallowed the will of the hundred miles, occupying the body of the hundred miles? .

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