The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 177: Heavenly Hall and Tianrui of Gulei Temple

Shouting and killing sounds are getting smaller and smaller, more and more warriors are falling in the pool of blood, wars, deaths and injuries are hard to avoid, and the 10,000-day soldiers who came to the Silver Gun League and the Double Sword Gates have more than 7,000 forever. At this place, the remaining more than two thousand soldiers of the martial arts have already fled.

In 5,000 days, the people of the martial arts suffered the same loss. Only a thousand people fled, and all others were killed. As for the 500 kings, they only died more than 100. Their realm is higher and their life-saving skills are naturally stronger.

The 60th Heavenly King who came with the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen was only killed 12, and the rest are still alive. If Tianjun is a heart-thinking escape, he wants to kill him. It is too difficult. Killing the twelve Tianjun, Wan Fuzong also sacrificed eight Heavenly Kings, and also used a large number of Tianjun refining symbols.

"They want to escape, let them escape, there is no need to chase and fight."

The voice of the madman was not big, but it was clearly transmitted to everyone’s ears. Mu Zongze, Da Tai Shang and Er Tai Shang, nodded, they all understood the meaning of the madman, now the opponent that Wan Fuzong really wants to pay attention to, It is the Suzaku Hall, not the Sword Gate and the Silver Gun League.

It is good for them to keep the doors of the two swordsmen and the silver guns. The double swordsmen and the silver guns are like pig-like teammates. They can completely drag the hind legs of the Suzaku Temple. They, the Suzaku Palace strong attack, Wan Fuzong did not resist the possibility.

The reason why the Peach Blossom Vice-President only sent two mid-term Tianzuns was to let Kaiyuan Tianzun and Feng Taitianzun solve the high-level strength of Wan Fuzong, and then the double-sword goalkeeper Wan Fuzong was razed to the ground. It should not be difficult, just, she I certainly did not think that Qi Yuan Tian Zun and Feng Tai Tian Zun are not opponents of Elder Wan Fuzong.

"We know enough about the Sword Gate and the Silver Gun Alliance. If we remove them, Suzaku Temple will support other forces. When we don't understand it at all, we must definitely suffer big losses."

Mu Zongze clarified the words, and the other elders nodded. Now it is not a good time to get rid of the double sword gate and the silver gun alliance. This decisive battle has made the silver gun alliance and the double sword door hurt. good result.

However, the loss of Wan Fuzong is not too small. It is only a disciple of Tian Bingjing. It is more than 2,000 dead, and there are more than 3,000 injured. The Heavenly Warrior also died more than a thousand, and there were two injured. More than a thousand, their advantage is that the injured can get timely treatment.

Unlike the gunmen of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen, the injury means that it is not far from death. Wan Fuzong’s warrior is impossible to give them a chance to heal. Those who are not injured are only taking care of themselves and never leave with them. the meaning of.

"All the bodies were cleaned up, my disciples and elders were buried, and the swordsmen of the Sword Gate and the Silver Gun Alliance burned."

Da Tai Shang commanded, immediately there are elders to start to solve, they have no time to waste now, who knows when the next wave of the Suzaku Hall is coming, has eaten twice, Suzaku Hall will not eat the third time deficit.

First, a former Tianzun, died in Wan Fuzong, and then two mid-term Tianzun, always buried in the ground of Wan Fuzong, even for the Zhuque Temple, the death of the three Tianzun is not a trivial matter, now Wan Fuzong can say that there is a danger of destruction at any time.

"The elders of the Sovereign, the Gulei Hall and the Temple of the Moon are coming in, and you will come and meet in person."

In the main hall of the Sovereign, the three elders rushed over, and Mu Zongze was still discussing with the Taishang and the second Tai how to deal with the Suzaku Temple. I did not expect two big troubles. Mu Zongze naturally knew the Gulei Hall. And the purpose of coming to the elders of the Moon Hall.

"Well, I will go right away."

Wan Fuzong has already offended the Suzaku Temple, and he certainly can no longer offend the Gulei Hall and the Moon Hall. What's more, the Gulei Hall and the Moon Palace are stronger than the Suzaku Hall. They are just two Tianzun who came to ask questions. They are all late Tianzun.

Mu Zongze did not hesitate, sorted out the dress, and followed the three elders to the place where the Gulei Hall and the Baiyue Temple were located. The snowy things, the Gulei Hall and the Baiyue Temple are all extremely important, even if they It has been determined that those disciples have been completely annihilated and are still paying attention to the situation in Yanyun Prefecture.

The appearance of Lingdao caused the attention of the Gulei Hall and the worshippers of the Moon Palace. When they determined that Lingdao had gone to the Valley of the Desolation with the veiled mysterious woman, they sent the news back to the Gulei Hall and worshipped. Moon Hall.

Even for the forces of the three products, the Taoist devices are unattainable. If they can get a Taoist device, they can deter the two forces. At that time, even the general second-industry forces will not offend the Gulei Hall. Or worship the moon hall, think about it.

"Mu Zongzong, the patriarch of Wan Fuzong, has seen two Tianzun."

In the face of the ancient thunder temple and the worship of the moon palace, Mu Zongze put his own identity very low, even as the patriarch of Wan Fuzong, all bowed and bowed, the two Tianzun nodded, then Mu Zongze will be The two gods invited to Wan Fuzong.

"I don't know if the two gods are coming, what are you going to do?"

After the Tianrui of the Gulei Hall and the Bay of the Moon were invited to the seat, Mu Zongze asked him to open the door. The Tianrui of the Gulei Hall and the Temple of the Moon certainly did not want to talk nonsense with him. He also did not dare to go to the Gulei Hall and worship the moon. It’s good to go straight to the heavenly court of the temple.

"Our intentions, I am afraid that you understand very well. Since you ask, then I will tell you that we are coming to know the whereabouts of Bixue, don't tell me that you don't know what Bi Xueyu is, that will only let We feel that you treat us as idiots."

The ancient statue of the ancient temple said that even if Wan Fuzong had already born a god, it is still not in their eyes, they have been practicing for thousands of years, and it is the late Tianzun, a person who has just become Tianzun not long, sure Can't compare with them.

"Right, you don't need to say, let the kid who goes to the Mountain Range to come over and tell us."

The Heavenly Deity of the Moon Temple is open to the public. Mu Zongze is also the Sovereign and the Heavenly King. He may have the ability to lie in front of them, but a junior must not dare to play tricks in front of them. He can be a sovereign. There must be two. Brush, they have no absolute trust in Mu Zongze.

Mu Zongze is afraid that they are one thing. Will it be a matter of lying? If Mu Zongze says that 90% of the truth is true, if they are deceived, they may not know what is going on. I have to say that the elders who came to worship the moon hall are very cautious about doing things. They are concerned about the things of the Taoist temple. Since the Lord of the Moon Temple dared to hand it over to him, he naturally trusted him.

"Well, I am going to call Lingdao."

The worshippers of the Moon Hall and the Gulei Hall did not say the name of Lingdao. However, Mu Zongze felt that they must know the name of Lingdao. Therefore, Mu Zongze directly said it, Gulei Hall and the moon. The heavenly nod of the temple nodded. For Tianzun, it may take hundreds of years to close, and it will be nothing to wait for a moment.

Lingdao experienced a previous battle and gained a great deal. He just waited for him to consolidate and was invited by the elders of the interior to the main hall. He just entered the hall and he felt tremendous pressure, as if he was trapped in a mud. It is also like carrying a heavy mountain, it is difficult to walk.

The ancient priests and the worshippers of the Moon Hall are all staring straight at Lingdao. The huge Tianzun pressure is overwhelming, and Lingdao is like a boat in the sea. It is possible to turn over at any time. Fortunately, they did not hurt the Lingdao, just want to confirm the realm of Lingdao.

Under such pressure, Lingdao had to run the exercises to resist, and the realm of the late Tianbing period was exposed. However, the two Tianzun did not withdraw the pressure, but intended to let Lingdao say the snow under their pressure. Awkward things.

If Lingdao lies, under such tremendous pressure, it is inevitable that the flaws will be revealed. The two Tianzong will put all their attention on him, and naturally they will not miss any details. If even a small soldier is in a state of uncertainty, they are jealous. Not alive.

"Tell us, who is getting the snow, and where is it now."

No matter whether it is the Tianzun of the Gulei Temple or the Tianzun of the Moon Hall, they did not ask about the life and death of Hongdu and Lin Ruinan. In their view, the Tao is more than 10,000 times more important than their lives. The Lord gave them The task is to investigate Bi Xueyu, as for Hongdu and Lin Ruinan, etc., can be solved after Bi Xueyu.

"I don't know if you have seen the veiled young woman. Bi Xueyu is what she got, and she has left the Ara Yunfu. As for where Bi Xueyu is now, I definitely don't know, anyway, it should be in her. On the body."

Lingdao did not intend to conceal this matter. It was not an easy task to lie in front of the two gods. Secondly, tell them that the girl was getting a snowy mountain, and she did not say the same thing. The girl has left the cloud house.

"As you said, we can't get the snow."

The goddess of the Moon Temple is cold and grim, and a pair of scorpions are shining with silver. He has begun to use the power of will, wants to invade the will world of Lingdao, and then deprives Lingdao of his memory. If Lingdao tells them useful information, he can put Cross the road.

However, Lingdao said and did not say, there is no difference. In order to be on the safe side, he still feels that it is better to personally check the memory of Lingdao. However, if he is really successful, Lingdao’s will world will be damaged, which may cause memory. Disorder, it is possible to become an idiot later.

"It’s too much to use such a means for a junior."

The madman rushed over in time, starting from the appearance of the ancient thunder hall and the worship of the moon hall, he knew that the road was dangerous. Fortunately, he always pays attention to the ridge, in order to save the road at a critical moment, his will is like An ancient and fierce beast, madly rushed to the world of the will of the moon.

"Let's go, you dare to do it to me."

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