The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 178: Top against Tianzun

Tianzun of the Moon Temple has a sense of superiority to all the warriors of Wan Fuzong. He can deal with the warriors of Wan Fuzong. Conversely, the warriors of Wan Fuzong deal with him, which is a big mistake, a madman’s place. For, it obviously aroused his anger.

The silvery light shines, and the Heavenly Respect of the Moon Hall has already projected the world of the will, a silver illusory world that enshrines the entire main hall, and he will not deal with everyone, just to deal with the madness that provokes his majesty.

"I will let go, how can you do it."

After becoming Tianzun, the madman is even more unreasonable. Even the Tianzun of the Moon Temple can't make him bow his head. The madman also makes the projection of the will world. The two worlds of will are in the main hall and start a fierce collision. .

The willing world of Duan madman is definitely not as good as the Heavenly Respect of the Moon Temple. It is only that his world of will is very special. In the process of collision, he constantly devours the willpower of the worship of the Moon, and the world of the madman’s will is at a disadvantage. However, as time goes by, he will be able to turn defeat into victory sooner or later.

The world of the will of Heavenly Moon Temple is stronger than the madman, but there is no overwhelming advantage. It is not good at all. He also feels the trick of a madman. A small Wan Fuzong, how can there be such a powerful predecessor.

"Oh, I am too lazy to care about you this day. This is the end of the matter."

Putting aside the projection of the will of the world, the worship of the moon, Tianzun feels a bit of comfort, but the color of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the madman, almost let the heavenly lord of the worship hall go away. It seems that the madman does not want him to stop because The stalemate is more beneficial to the madman.

The goddess of the moon worships the eyes, and there is no immediate madness with the madman. It is just the will to confront, so that he understands that he can't look down on the madman. It is no wonder that the madman can remove the two mid-term sects sent by Suzaku.

If he has to deal with a madman, win, others take it for granted. If he loses, then he will definitely be laughed at by other Tianzun of the Moon Palace. How do he say that he is a late Tianzun, or do not compete with a predecessor? Good.

"I respect you as Tianzun, only to tell you the truth. I didn't expect you to be so shameless. I thought about it. What do you ask next, I will tell you what, now I change my mind, then, no matter what you ask. I will not take care of you."

Lingdao’s face is also cold, and he wants to do what he wants before. He certainly understands that if a madman does not stop in time, who knows what will happen, he is relieved and also pays attention to the worship hall. Tianzun gave birth to an anger.

He has been very cooperative, and he has said everything about the moon and the temple, and he has said it. However, the worship of the moon goddess also wants to personally check his memory, and he did not care about him.

"Insane, he is crazy."

Wan Fuzong’s elders are all trying to win the eye for Ling Dao. In their view, Ling Dao is simply daring, even the Gulei Hall and the worship of the Moon Hall are dare to collide, let alone Ling Dao, even if it is Wan Fuzong’s lord and elders of the elders were guilty of the ancient lord and the worship of the moon temple.

Mu Zongze and the two elders of the elders are all convulsive. They never imagined that Lingdao, the little ancestor, did not give the face of the worship hall and the ancient thunder temple, although they all belonged to the worship hall and the ancient thunder temple. What they did was very uncomfortable, but they were all daring and afraid to speak.

"A big courage, I have lived for 5,000 years, and I have never seen such a bold soldier."

The face of the Moon Temple is gloomy. The madman does not give him a face. The madman is also a Tianzun. However, in the Lingdao District, there is a qualification for the military in the late period. Is it true that he is muddy? The heavens are not honored.

On the side of the ancient Lei Dian Tian Zun no expression, in fact, my heart was laughing, I can see the worship of the Moon Temple, he is extremely happy, even if Lingdao also hit him, he does not care, because he understands the reason why Lingdao is angry, or Because of the things that the worship of the moon worships before.

Gu Lei Dian Tian Zun is a optimistic attitude of the opera. No matter how the worship of the Moon Temple is done, it will definitely become a laughing stock. The gap between the heavenly temple and the sacred road is too big. If the moon worships the temple, Tian Zun kills the Lingdao. It will definitely be a big bully. If the moon worships the heavens, regardless of the ridge, it will definitely lose the majesty that Tianzun should have.

"You Wan Fuzong wants to be an enemy of the moon hall."

Of course, Tianzun Temple’s Tianzun will not be stupid enough to argue with Lingdao. If it is not a snowy thing, Ling Daolian does not have any qualifications to talk to him. He thought that Lingdao is now too reckless Mu Zongze, this time is even more Exciting, worshiping the moon, Tianzun is afraid to settle with him.

"There is a pity to see, my sect does not mean to be enemies with the moon hall. It is as strong as the moon hall. Even if it is 10,000 Wan Fuzong, we can't compare it. Even if we eat the ambition of the leopard, we dare not worship the moon. The temple is right, the so-called, childish rhetoric, children speak, Tianzun will not care."

At the age of twenty, compared with the existence of a few hundred years and thousands of years of living, it is indeed a small child. Mu Zongze first flattered it, and then even beat it, wanting to sin the previous month. The things of the gods are erased.

"You Wan Fuzong did not mean to be the enemy of our worship of the Moon Hall. However, this kid had hit me before, obviously apparently hostile to the worship hall. So, you will kill him, I believe that you Wan Fuzong does not have We mean to worship the moon hall as an enemy."

Even the ancient thunder temple Tianzun had to praise the high-mindedness. It’s shameless to worship the moon temple Tianzun. It’s so painstaking to deal with a junior, and it’s so painstaking to take the moon to the court. In fact, Lingdao said earlier, ancient Lei Dian Tianzun believes that a junior who gets a snowy mountain may still stay in the Abandoned Clouds.

The two elders and Mu Zongze are all in a stalemate. Other elders are also exposed to danger. Lingdao has nine stone engraved identities. They protect Lingdao from time to time and certainly do not want to kill Lingdao. However, if If you don't die, you will inevitably offend the Heavenly Respect of the Moon Temple, and even be detained with a big hat to be enemies with the Moon Palace.

"I am the first time I saw you like such a shameless sage. If you want to kill me, you will do it yourself. If you don't dare, you will go home and take your child. There is nothing to grow."

The actions of the Moon God Temple before and after have completely aroused the anger of Lingdao. When there is no endurance, there is no need to bear it any more. Moreover, Lingdao originally wanted to find an opportunity to let everyone know about it. The stone carving is powerful.

Originally, the two mid-term sacred sects of Suzaku Hall arrived, and Ling Dao planned to use nine stone carvings. Who knows that the madman is too powerful, and one enemy and two can kill the two sacred sacred sacred temples. Fortunately, Gu Lei The temple and the worship of the moon worshipped in time, and took them to start, the effect may be better. Of course, Lingdao will not offend Gulei Hall and Baiyue Temple at the same time, offend one, and pay another one. It is king.

"Right, vertical, you are looking for death."

The emperor of Wan Fuzong was present, and the Tianzun of the Gulei Hall was also present. Ling Dao was in front of them, insulting the Tianzun of the Moon Temple. Naturally, the Tianzun Temple of the Moon Temple was angered, and when, a junior could So don't put him in the eye.

The goddess of the Moon Temple violently shot, the five fingers are like five spears, stabbed to Lingdao, not to mention the body of the Heavenly Warrior, even if it is the body of the Tianjun level, it must be pointed by him. The manhole penetrated the body, but he did not immediately kill the Lingdao plan, but to torture the road.

"The elders, you don't need your help, a waste of heaven, I can cope."

Although the elders did not understand why Lingdao had to offend the Tianyue Temple’s Tianzun, he still planned to save Lingdao. However, if Lingdao’s words, the elders stopped their movements, no one could If you make a joke about your life, Lingdao certainly won't.

"What the **** is he doing, is he not getting the road?"

The two elders are all eye-catching, and the daring of Lingdao is too big. They not only insult Tianzun, but also dare to work with Tianzun. Even if they are the two old guys, they will not be able to walk in the worship of the Moon. .

"Why is he so arrogant? Doesn't he know how terrible Tianzun is."

Mu Zongze was anxious, but he couldn't think of any way to help Lingdao. As for Lingdao, he said that he could cope with the words of the worship temple, and he was directly ignored by him. How can a small Tianbing warrior fight against Tianzun?

"Good, good, good, today, if you don't want to survive, you can't ask for death. You will kill yourself this day."

Tianzun’s Tianzun’s innocent anger even said three “good” words. Lingdao once slammed him again and again, and he had already let him go to the edge of the explosion. His face was stunned and he was able to bring a heavenly glory to such a degree. Lingdao was enough. Proud.

The goddess of the Gulei Temple looked with great interest. The Tianzun of the Moon Hall and him did not deal with it. He was still thinking about it. Next, he was going to secretly help Lingdao, and the key could be mad at the Moon Palace. Tianzun, he must be more happy.

"You don't have to kill you because I will kill you personally."

Lingdao's mouth, sketching a cold smile, then he extended his right hand, five fingers open, revealing the true dragon stone carving of the palm, the original huge dragon stone carving, but now it has only his palm size.

However, when he hit the real dragon stone inscription to the five-pointed manor of the worship of the moon, the real dragon stone carving is suddenly enlarged, and the five-pointed mantra of the moon **** worships all hit the real dragon stone carving. In addition to the outburst of a dull sound, there is no such thing as a real dragon stone carving.

“Waste is waste, even if it is Tianzun, it is still waste.”

Young, only in the late days of the Tianbing, but dare to face the sky, even dare to work with Tianzun, just this discouragement, it is enough to make people feel heartfelt, just this courage, it is enough to admire.

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