The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 182: Shameless

At the main hall of Wan Fuzong, Mu Zongze sat on top of it. The following is his cronies. Since the last time Lingdao used the real dragon stone carvings, he has destroyed the late Tianzun of the Yueyue Temple. Mu Zongze’s heart is very feel bad.

He is the lord of Wan Fuzong, and everything of Wan Fuzong should be his. In the past, he only thought that nine stone carvings could only allow the inner disciples and elders to comprehend even more powerful symbols, even if Lingdao I can get nine stone carvings to recognize the Lord. He doesn't think there is anything. After all, the nine stone carvings are still there.

However, when Mu Zongze knew that the nine stone carvings had the ability to get rid of the late Tianzun, the idea was a big change. The nine stone carvings were mainly the Lingdao private things. The nine stone carvings were clearly his. That's right, how can it be occupied by Lingdao.

"Nine stone carvings are owned by Wan Wanzong. How can I make Lingdao private?"

The five elders of course understand the meaning of Mu Zongze, so they told what Mu Zongze wanted to say. However, he only said that the nine stone carvings belonged to Wan Fuzong. He did not say that Mu Zongze was private. Only by saying so can everyone be obtained. Resonance.

After seeing the horror of the real dragon stone carving, anyone wants to get nine stone carvings. Even if they only get a stone inscription, they can destroy the late Tianzun. When they hold a stone inscription, they are equal to Tianzun, although they The realm of the world is only the heavenly kingdom, but they can destroy Tianzun, and others do not look at them.

"It's true. Now Lingdao will bring the real dragon stone carving on the body. It is simply too much. If other disciples can get the recognition of the real dragon stone carving, it is not his delay."

The nine elders said with awkwardness, as if he really thought about Wan Fuzong, the Tianjun who was present was a confidant of Mu Zongze, and helped Mu Zongze get nine stone carvings, which means they might get the reward of Mu Zongze. The most desirable reward is naturally a stone inscription.

They all understand that Wan Fuzong only has Lingdao and knows how to use nine stone carvings. If Lingdao has no background, they can completely take the Lingdao and then ask the method of using stone carving. If Lingdao does not compromise, they will Forced to deprive the memory of Lingdao.

They originally valued Lingdao, but they felt that Lingdao could become Tianzun in the future and could make Wan Fuzong go to glory. However, now they found that the nine stone carvings of Wan Fuzong can easily eliminate the late Tianzun. They certainly think that Lingdao’s The value is not comparable to nine stone carvings.

Mu Zongze always takes the interests first, and when the value of the monk is high, he can allow the monks to be arrogant. When the value of Ling Dao is far beyond that of Meng Yu Tang, he can not care about the life and death of the monks. Let Lingdao be a master.

However, when Mu Zongze discovered that the value of the nine stone carvings was greater than that of Lingdao, he wanted to get nine stone carvings from Lingdao. The reason why he really hesitated was only the strength of the madman. Duan madman stood behind Ling Dao, he did not dare to come hard.

Qi Yuan Tian Zun and Feng Tai Tian Zun are not the opponents of the madman. Mu Zongze can't be naive. With his men, he can fight a madman. It seems that hard can't, only To be soft, you have to rely on your brain.

"You think about ways to see how to get nine stone carvings from Lingdao."

Mu Zongze opened up and let everyone in the room think of ways. He was determined to get a way to use nine stone carvings. Wan Fuzong had already had Tianzun sitting in the town and could be regarded as a three-product force. However, he is the weakest power of the three powers.

Only by using the method of stone carving, Mu Zongze can easily deal with Tianzun, because mastering the stone carving is equivalent to mastering the means of destroying Tianzun. When facing the Tianzun, he naturally does not have a little fear. It should be that Tianzun is afraid of him. .

They discussed for two hours, Mu Zongze first came out of the hall, he did not go to other places, but went straight to Wan Fuzong forbidden land, let him be happy that Lingdao has put the real dragon stone carving back to the forbidden land, only But soon his face sank.

The real dragon stone carving is still back, but the stone carving of the Peng Peng disappeared. I wanted to be taken away by Lingdao. There were nine moments in the forbidden area. Now there are only eight, and there is a stone inscription. Mu Zongze always feels uncomfortable. .

"It seems that we must talk to Lingdao well."

Mu Zongze looked at Duanfu from afar, and then he rushed over. Anyway, he was not planning to forcibly use the stone carving method. As long as he did not work on Lingdao, he would not do anything to him if he wanted to come to the madman. He is still a lord, and the madman is just an elder.

"Ling Yao, go on like this, your achievements will far exceed me."

Lingdao practiced the road, it was late, even if there was a experience of repairing, compared to Xuelingyao, it was not an advantage. His real advantage was only to get the recognition of the nine stone carvings, leading to his refinement. The level of cockroaches is extremely high.

Nine stone carvings represent nine different symbols. Each symbol is very complicated. Lingdao can be sure that Tianjun can never create such a powerful symbol. Even Tianzun can't do it. I think it is right, if the person who created the stone carving is not strong, how can the real dragon stone carving easily kill the late Tianzun.

"You don't laugh at me. I practiced earlier than you, and I still paint every day. You occasionally portrayed it. The level is still similar to me. It's really human, it's mad."

Xue Lingyao rolled his eyes, and even for Lingdao’s talents on the road, she even had to sigh. Even Lingdao explained that because of the nine stone carvings, Xueling Yao still felt that he was not as good as Lingdao. The more powerful Lingdao, the happier she is.

In the past, Xue Lingyao hoped to rely on Wan Fuzong to report the great hatred of the Xue family. However, if you think about it carefully, Wan Fuzong’s disciples and elders are innocent. There is no need to pull them into the water, and when she becomes Tianzun, To be able to take revenge, why bother the disciples and elders of Wan Fuzong because she died in Akane Prefecture.

Originally, Xue Lingyao had little confidence, but now she is full of confidence, especially last time, Lingdao used the real dragon stone carving to kill Tianzun, let her understand that Tianzun is not so terrible, still can kill, not to mention It is Tianjun.

Lingdao also proposed that with stone carvings, he went to Chiyun Prefecture to avenge the Xue family. Unfortunately, Xue Lingyao refused. Xuelingyao himself was smart, naturally knowing that the present Wan Fuzong was in the storm. The revenge will be said later.

"You really are in Duanfu, I have not bothered you."

Mu Zongze walked into Duanfu and saw that Lingdao and Xuelingyao were still refining Fuxi, and they smiled and said hello. They have to say that Lingdao and Xuelingyao are young, but they are refining. The level of Fu Xi is really good. At least he is at this age, absolutely not comparable to Xue Ling Yao and Ling Dao.

What's more, he also knows that Xue Ling Yao had never experienced systematic learning at a time when he was a child. He knew nothing about the road, and Lingdao had never touched any of the roads before. It was only the second teacher who recently taught them. The talent on the road is so jealous.

"I don't know what the lord came, what happened."

Lingdao did not intend to give Mu Zongze a ritual. What Mu Zongze had said to him before, he knew in his heart that it was only because he was recognized by nine stone carvings. Mu Zongze only made him a lesser lord. Mu Zongze only valued it. His potential.

Wan Fuzong really can make Lingdao respected, only a paragraph of madman, after all, the madman is selfless help to Lingdao, but also regardless of the consequences, for him, the madman dare to kill the Suzaku Temple’s Tianzun, dare to offend Gulei Hall And the Tianzun of the Moon Temple, the madman is a qualified elder.

"I must know something about my current situation. Duan Tianzun killed three Suzaku Temple Tianzun. You killed the biological son of the vice-president of Suzaku Temple. Suzaku Palace will definitely not give up, plus you killed. The Heavenly Respect of the Moon Temple, the Moon Hall will not let me go.

What's more, the true dragon stone carving can kill the gods, and it will definitely cause the embarrassment of the ancient thunder hall. The strongmen of the worship hall will come to revenge. The strongmen of the Gulei Hall will also come. They are not for hatred, but for getting nine. Stone carving. ”

Mu Zongze opened the door and described Wan Fuzong's situation. Ling Dao's eyebrows were slightly picked. He was not a girl. Mu Zongze just opened his mouth. He guessed Mu Zongze's intentions. However, Lingdao and There is no intention to expose Mu Zongze, but deliberately pretend that nothing is known.

"The sovereign, there is something to say."

The real dragon stone carving has just shown great power, Mu Zongze has other meanings, really let Lingdao chill, Zhuque Hall, Gulei Hall, Baiyue Hall, the three major forces, are thinking about dealing with Wan Fuzong, Mu Zongze I don’t think about dealing with them, but I’m still thinking about it.

"I am the Sovereign, you are the Sovereign, and the idiots are not outsiders. I will not look at you. The nine stone carvings are in your hands. The power to play is definitely limited. It is better to leave a stone engraving self-defense, leaving eight Stone carvings were handed over to me and other elders. When the Suzaku Temple and the worship of the Moon Temple came to revenge, we could use stone carvings to resist."

Mu Zongze sneaked at the distant madman and found that the madman’s eyes were closed, and he said with confidence that Lingdao and Xuelingyao would not be unreasonable, but it’s hard to say that a madman is crazy. How to do.

Xue Lingyao dissatisfied with a snoring, Mu Zongze's practice made her extremely contemptible. Since the last time Mu Zongze had imprisoned her and Nie Elder, she did not have a good impression on Mu Zongze. Now the enemy is currently, Mu Zong Ze actually wants to get eight stone carvings from Lingdao.

If it is not the whole Wan Fuzong, only Ling Dao can make the stone carvings play the ability to kill the Tianzun. I am afraid that Mu Zongze will not discuss with Ling Dao, and will directly treat the nine stone carvings as their own. Mu Zongze does not blush. Instead, Lingdao did not know what to say.

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