The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 183: Disheartened

"Nine stone carvings are in your hands, nothing is used, even if it is for you, what is the use? Besides, is it not that Lingdao occupies nine stone carvings? There are eight stone carvings, are not all forbidden?"

Xue Lingyao’s repeated questions made Mu Zongze’s face sink, and it’s really a matter of gathering people to group. There is no rule in the madman, Lingdao also has no rules. Now even Xueling Yao is so unfamiliar with the rules, and does not give Mu Zongze a face.

Mu Zongze believes that Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao must understand his meaning, but Xue Ling Yao deliberately stupid. Fortunately, Duan Fu is a madman, Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao three, or Mu Zongze's face is definitely more unspeakable.

Anyway, I have already set my position. I haven’t looked back at the bow. I have already seen the greatness of the nine stone carvings. Mu Zongze cannot easily give up. Not to mention the Suzaku Hall, the Moon Hall, and the Gulei Hall's strongmen waiting for Wan Fuzong to cope. Even if there are no foreign enemies, he will find a way to get nine stone carvings from Lingdao.

"I don't know what I am saying. Actually, I just want Lingdao to teach me and other elders how to use stone carvings. With the realm of Lingdao, you can let the real dragon stone engrave the late Tianzun. If we use it, maybe even the peaks can be Kill.

Moreover, the realm of Lingdao is still low, and it is certainly impossible to use nine stone carvings at the same time. In my opinion, Lingdao should only use one stone carving for 7±, anyway, the other eight stone carvings are also placed, let us push.

Zhuque Hall has suffered two losses, and the next strongman must be far ahead of the previous one. At that time, relying on Lingdao alone to use a stone carving, certainly can not stop. What's more, Ling Dao killed the Tianzun of the Moon Hall, and the Moon Hall will not be willing to give up, but there is also a Gu Lei Hall! ”

Mu Zongze did not bother to explain. In a similar way, he said it soon, but he did not understand it now. Even if Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao want to continue to play stupid, they can't hold it anymore, and he has completely clarified his words.

"I don't want to teach you, but you can't learn!"

The reason why the nine stone carvings are dominated by the Tao is only because of the ridiculousness of his cultivation. In an era, only one person can cultivate wild sages, even if the magical heavenly lord of the lower bound has a way to retain the wild and sacred spirits, they must first remove the Lingdao, in order to cultivate the wild sage.

Even if Wan Fuzong and other people kill Ling Dao, it is quite ridiculous that Xian Jin will leave on his own. They are not the lords of the magic, there is no way to lock the wild sage. Mu Zongze wants to use nine stone carvings, which is simply impossible, and whimsy.

"Why? Is it a means for you to be a Heavenly Soldier? Can we still learn a group of Heavenly Kings?"

Lingdao said the truth, however, Mu Zongze did not believe it. In Mu Zongze's view, Lingdao just doesn't want to teach them. Think about it. If he can let nine stone carvings play the ability to kill the gods, he will not teach other elders.

Mu Zongze said that it was for Wan Fuzong that he had to get a way to use nine stone carvings. In fact, what he thought was that he would take nine stone carvings for himself. When he wants to come, Lingdao, a celestial warrior, can use a stone inscription, and he should have no problem in stimulating nine stone carvings at the same time.

If he can control nine stone carvings in one fell swoop, then his personal strength can be compared with the Lord of the Temple of the Ancient Temple and the Lord of the Moon, even stronger. At that time, Wan Fuzong dominated the Yunyun State, and there was no problem at all. It was possible to annex Chiyun Prefecture.

"It is not a question of learning to learn. If you can get the nine stone carvings, you can motivate the stone to kill the gods. However, can you get the stone carvings?"

It’s quite ridiculous, and Ling Dao will definitely not tell Wan Fuzong. The past life was exposed because of the ridiculously ridiculous things, and the Ziwei Holy Land dealt with him. Even Lingjia was affected by the fish. The lower bound of the magic heaven master knows that he is practicing wild and savage, and wants to kill him again and again.

"We are not able to recognize the stone, but you are now taking the initiative to let us use stone carvings. Shouldn't it be a problem?"

Mu Zongze asked unwillingly, if he knew that the nine stone carvings had such power, he would definitely try his best to get the stone carvings. It is obvious that he is the lord of Wan Fuzong, but now he is seeking to be spilt, and it is not good to think about it.

In particular, Lingdao still does not cooperate, even if he personally came to ask for Lingdao, Lingdao is regarded as a fool, a sentence they will not send him. Who is Mu Zongze himself, he will think of Lingdao as a person, not only him, but also many people.

"If it is so simple, if I don't teach you, will I teach Xue Ling Yao and the elders? But, ask them, have I taught?"

Lingdao impatiently explained that if Mu Zongze was the servant of Wan Fuzong, he had already left the order. Now he and Wan Fuzong and the elders are on the front line. If other elders can use stone carvings, will he not teach?

He has already said this to this, and Mu Zongze certainly understands that no matter what he said, it is useless. If the non-paradox was present, Mu Zongze even had the urge to take the Lingdao. Unfortunately, ten Mu Zongze, can not be the opponent of the madman.

"In this case, then when the Suzaku Hall, the Moon Hall, and the Gulei Temple Tianzun are present, you can only rely on yourself. If the lord wants to help, he will not be able to help!"

Mu Zongze left the section of the house with a sleeve. He was very dissatisfied with Lingdao. The implication was that the things of Zhuque Hall, Baiyue Hall and Gulei Hall were solved by Lingdao himself. Anyway, the Tianzun of the Suzaku Hall was killed by a madman. The worship of the Moon Temple is slayed by Ling Dao, and he has no relationship with Mu Zongze.

"Oh, I really don't know what to say. How can Wan Fuzong have such a powerful lord, completely disregarding the overall situation!"

Ling Dao looked at Mu Zongze's back and shook his head. Some time ago, Mu Zongze decisively made him a lesser lord and gave him a very high status. He also thought that Mu Zongze was a visionary. Unexpectedly, Mu Zongze saw the power of the real dragon stone carving, which was to leave all his previous plans behind.

"Mu Zongze himself is a small man who is a profitable figure. He can become a sovereign, only because he was recognized by a stone in the first place!"

Duan madman didn't even open his eyes, but he said contemptuously, obviously not seeing Mu Zongze's personality. He is willing to stay in Wan Fuzong only because Wan Fuzong has grace for him, and he has no relationship with the sovereign of Mu Zongze.

"Well, it looks like, then, the Suzaku Hall, the Moon Hall, and the Heavenly Respect of the Gulei Temple have to be dealt with by myself. Elders, can you trouble you one thing, in Zhuque Hall, Baiyue Hall and Gulei Before the arrival of Dian Tianzun, send Lingyao to a safe place!"

Wan Fuzong's life and death, to tell the truth, Lingdao did not care too much, what he was able to care about was only Xue Lingyao and Duan Mengzi. Letting the madman send Xueling Yao, not only makes Xuelingya out of danger, but also drives a madman.

Even if the nine stone carvings broke out completely, they could not fight against all the strongmen of the Suzaku Hall, the Moon Hall and the Gulei Hall. Zhuque Hall has already suffered two losses, and the moon palace died a late Tianzun. Even if the ancient thunder temple is for stone carving, they will definitely make a big move.

"What are you talking about? If it weren't for you, I am afraid I have already died on the road to Wan Fuzong. Now that you are in danger, how can I escape alone? Either fleeing together or dying together, am I still afraid of death? ”

Xue Lingyao complained of the white stalk, and the Xue family was destroyed. The people who really made her feel close, only Lingdao. Lingdao must send her away before the danger comes, she is certainly not happy. Her attitude is firm, even if it is Lingdao, don't want to change her mind.

"You think carefully, who can't see it? The goddess of Suzaku Temple is killing me. The responsibility is naturally my back. Can I still shamelessly let you carry a pot?"

Duan madman still closed his eyes and said carelessly. Mu Zongze can be outside, Mu Zongze can not face, but he is not Mu Zongze. How can a person who is cultivating the magic of the universe become a god, how can he be afraid of death?

"But it is not because of me, you will not kill the Supreme Court of Suzaku Temple. After all, the responsibility is on me!"

Lingdao said quickly, but unfortunately the madman is no longer open, and he has made no sense to deal with him. He smiled helplessly. Not everyone is as inhuman as Mu Zongze. The madman and Xueling Yao are worthy of his attention.

"When the Suzaku Hall, the Moon Hall, and the Gulei Temple Tianzun are coming, I will definitely help you to get rid of them at all costs. Even if they are with them, they will not hesitate!"

He said quietly in his heart, but he did not know that the Lord of the Moon Temple personally rushed to Yanyun State with 80 Tianzun. Even if he tried his best, it would be impossible to deal with 80 Tianzun. What's more, there are also the masters of the ancient thunder temple, and Tianzun is also not a minority.

Of course, the first one to arrive in Yanyunzhou is still the Tianzun of Zhuque Temple. First, the Suzaku Hall is closer to Yunzhou. Secondly, the deputy of the Peach Blossoms is only with four mid-term Tianzun, the number is small, and the speed is of course fast.

Besides, the deputy of the Peach Blossoms is familiar with Yan Yunzhou. She did not go to Wan Fuzong first, but rushed to the Sword Gate. When the Lord of the Sword Gate saw the deputy of the Peach Blossoms, he was excited. Although the main goal of the Sword Gate was romantic, he really loved the Peach Blossoms.

It is a pity that the Shuangjianmen Gate Master knows that they are not worthy of the Peach Blossom Vice-President. Not to mention the difference in their status, the gap between the two is just enough to make the Sword Gates desperate. The main deputy of the Peach Blossoms has long been Tianzun, and the owner of the Double Sword Gate has always stayed at the peak of Tianjun.


The name of the main gate of the double sword door made the face of the peach blossom deputy master suddenly cold, and the entire double sword door seemed to enter the cold winter. The main deputy of the peach blossoms did not like waste. The owner of the double sword door was a waste in her eyes. It is still a big age, still a heavenly king!


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