The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 184: Pull in person

"Tell the last thing, the original book, all told the Lord!"

The main deputy of the Peach Blossoms is sitting at the top of the lazy, mourning Tian Zun, Liu Feng Tian Zun, Gong Yang Tian Zun, Zhong Da Tian Zun, sitting on her side, as if the stars are holding the moon. The double-sword door master can only sit next to the flow front Tianzun, and want to get close to the peach-flowered deputy, they can't do it.

When I heard the question from the deputy of the peach blossom, the master of the double sword finally came to the spirit. The master of the double-sword gate did not conceal, and how the madman killed the Qiyuan Tianzun and Feng Taitianzun, and said it in 1510, there was no falsehood.

"I didn't expect that Wan Fuzong could still have such a powerful Tianzun, and I really want to have a good time!"

The more the madman is, the more interested the prince of the peach blossom is. If she provides resources to let the madman practice to the end of Tianzun, or the peak, the madman’s strength should be what she might look like. Being able to rely on Vientiane magic to become Tianzun, even in the vast desert city, the madman is the first.

The four warriors of the five powers have insufficient resources and it is very difficult to rely on Vientiane to become Tianzun. What's more, the cultivation of the magic of Vientiane also requires a very strong will, eating bitter and bitter, and pointing people.

The three-product forces, the second-product forces, and the one-powers not only have resources, but also geniuses. However, they have stronger exercises and will not waste time on the exercises pioneered by Vientiane. The Peach Blossom Vice-President also heard about Vientiane Magic, but he did not practice it.

"Right, there is another thing to sue the deputy, the late Tianzun of the Moon Hall, who died in the hands of Ling Dao, and Ling Dao is the murderer who killed my children!"

The Shuangjianmen Gate deliberately mentions Mengzitang, just to let the Peach Blossoms Lord remember the past, and he hopes to draw closer relations through the monks and princes. Unfortunately, the face of the peach blossom deputy has not changed, she can casually have a relationship with the subordinates, but a district Tianjun, she is not interested.

"Oh? Is there such a thing? How did Lingdao kill the late Tianzun of the Moon Hall?"

The cicada Tian Zun quickly asked, the four of them are only the mid-term Tianzun, if Lingdao even died in the late Tianzun, then they went to Wan Fuzong, they were looking for death. He would not be arrogant to believe that he would be able to overcome the late Tianzun of the Moon Palace when he was in the middle of the heavens.

"It is a true dragon stone carving that relies on one of the nine stone carvings of Wan Fuzong. In the past, there were nine stone carvings in Wan Fuzong. However, no one can motivate. In the past few days, Lingdao was recognized by nine stone carvings. I don't know if I got it. What is the secret law, so that the stone carving can play the ability to kill the gods!"

I have to say that the Shuangmenmen Gate Master knows a lot of things. Fortunately, the deputy of the Peach Blossoms took the four subordinates and the first Shuangjianmen. It is known that Lingdao has the ability to eliminate the late Tianzun, and the Ming Dynasty, the Fengfeng Tianzun, the Gongyang Tianzun and the Zhongda Tianzun are all without the original ease.

However, the face of the peach blossom deputy is still calm, as if completely do not care about the nine stone carvings. Even if it is the Ming Dynasty, the Fengfeng Tianzun, the Gongyang Tianzun and the Zhongda Tianzun, I don’t know what medicine is sold in the gourd of the Peach Blossoms.

"After seven days, you will follow me to Wan Fuzong!"

Ming knows that the nine stone carvings can kill the late Tianzun, and the peach blossom deputy still has no meaning of retreating, and calm and calm, like the Ming Dynasty, the Fengfeng Tianzun, the Gongyang Tianzun and the Zhongda Tianzun are all relieved.

The deputy of the Peach Blossoms has always been cautious. Since she dared to go to Wan Fuzong, it meant that she was not afraid of nine stone carvings. Even if Ming Tian Zun, Liu Feng Tian Zun, Gong Tian Tian Zun and Zhong Da Tian Zun do not know where her qi is from, I feel a lot easier.

At the same time, the Yueyue Temple and the Gulei Hall are all prepared, and one by one, the gods respond to the call of the Lord. Until the 80th Tianzun was all in place, the Lord of the Moon Temple began to set off. Such a huge lineup, dealing with a four-product force, is just like making a joke.

However, the 80th Heavenly Masters understand that the Lord of the Moon Temple is serious. Wan Fuzong may not be afraid, but Gu Leidian has to pay attention. Fortunately, they believe that Gu Lei Temple even if there are many strong people who go to Wan Fuzong, certainly not many of them.

Seven days later, the Lord of the Moon Temple and the 80th Heavenly Master of His Majesty finally arrived at Wan Fuzong. The Peach Blossom Vice-President has also arrived at Wan Fuzong with the first step of the Ming Dynasty, the Fengfeng Tianzun, the Zhongda Tianzun and the Gongyang Tianzun.

The deputy of the Peach Blossoms allowed the Ming Dynasty, the Fengfeng Tianzun, the Zhongda Tianzun and the Gongyang Tianzun to stay outside, and walked into the interior of Wan Fuzong alone. She grabbed a disciple of Wan Fuzong and, after getting the location of Duanfu from his mouth, he sneaked into Duanfu at the fastest speed.

"I would like to see, a man who cultivates Vientiane magical power to become a god, how to have a style!"

With the realm of the peach blossom deputy, there is a heart to hide the figure. No matter whether it is a disciple or an elder of Wan Fuzong, she can't find her. When she came to Duanfu carefully, she saw a pair of young men and women who were seriously portraying the symbols.

The man's looks are so beautiful, the instrument is so imposing, but the realm is too low, certainly not Duan Tianzun. The young and beautiful woman is tall and tall. If she is alone, she will be self-satisfied. Of course, the main body of the peach blossoms exudes a mature taste, which is extremely attractive, not the Qingling of Xueling Yao.

"Which temple is the visitor, why should you sneak a mouse?"

The madman, who has always closed his eyes, slams his eyes open and looks directly at the place where the Peach Blossoms Lord is. If you are in other places, the madman may not be able to find the deputy of the peach blossoms so quickly. However, Duanfu is the home of the madman. He is very clear about every corner of Duanfu.

Until this time, the deputy of the Peach Blossoms only noticed the madman inside. It was full of white hair, unshaven, and ragged clothes, like an old man. However, the section of the madman exudes the power of Tianzun, and the deputy of the Peach Blossoms can be sure that the old man in front of her is the Duan Tianzun she is looking for.

"You must be Duan Tianzun, it really is a person who can't be seen!"

The main deli of Peach Blossoms loves the United States and always maintains the appearance of 30 years old. She really can't figure it out. Duan Tianzun is a hundred-year-old person, why is he not paying attention to appearance? If Duan Tianzun wants to become a young man's appearance, there should be no problem.

"Yes, who are you?"

Duan madman acknowledged his identity greatly, but he did not know anything about Zhuque Hall, Baiyue Hall and Gulei Hall. Naturally, he could not see the origin of the peach blossom deputy. He gave a look to Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao, indicating that they would step back and avoid the trick.

If Tianzun wants to count the Lingdao and Xuelingyao, perhaps Lingdao can't use stone carvings. After Lingdao and Xueling Yao saw the deputy of the Peach Blossoms, they would naturally not be able to go to the side of the madman. The woman in front should be stronger than Feng Taitian Zun and Qi Yuan Tian Zun.

"You killed me in the Suzaku Temple, and I don't even know who I am?"

The main deputy of the peach blossoms slowly walked toward the madman, and the collar became bigger and bigger, revealing a large white snow. She came to Wan Fuzong not to kill the madman, to avenge Qi Yuan Tian Zun and others, but to woo the madman and let the madman be her subordinate. With her appearance, with her means, with her eloquence, there is nothing wrong with trying to convince the madman.

"You only have the celestial state, if you do it, you will die under my palm. However, God has a good life, I can not kill you, but there is a condition, that is, you have to follow me for a hundred years. One hundred The time of the year, compared to Tianzun, is just a blink of an eye.

You can rely on Vientiane to become a god, I value your potential, as long as you are willing to follow me, I will try to train you. Of course, if you want to get my body, it is not impossible, mainly depends on your performance! ”

At the end of the day, the deputy of the Peach Blossoms gave the madman a wink, and as she got closer and closer to the madman, a fragrance spread. She believes that as long as the madman is not stupid, he will definitely nod. For a hundred years, it is really short for Tianzun.

Of course, a hundred years is just a trick to the madman. The deputy of the Peach Blossoms believes that as long as the madman follows her for a while, she can make the madman to be the minister of her skirt. Perhaps, a hundred years later, she will go crazy, and the madman will not go.

The deputy of the Peach Blossoms does not care about the madness of the madman. She only cares about strength and potential. The madman is worthy of her attention and deserves her to win. Rejecting her is a dead end, and promises her that she not only has a great future, but also enjoys her body.


Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao are both stunned, never seen such a slutty woman, and still a god. The Peach Blossom Vice-President almost said directly to the madman, as long as you promise me, I will do shame with you.

The confidence of the deputy of the Peach Blossoms comes from its own beauty and the power of the bed. However, she is destined to be disappointed today because the madman is not interested in her at all. Even if the Peach Blossom Vice-President has exposed more than half of the chest, the eyes of the madman have not changed.

"Red powder, I want to seduce me! If you want to play, why not talk nonsense!"

Even Lingdao has to admire the power of the madman. Although Lingdao has no interest in the woman who is so debauchery, but still can't help but blink a few eyes. However, the waist was stunned by Xue Ling Yao, Ling Dao was able to see the nose and nose, and a serious depiction of the symbol.

"I didn't get it wrong? You are so ruthless, even the flowers like me are going to be ruined?"

The main deputy of the Peach Blossoms said that a pair of scorpions are watery and extremely pitiful. Perhaps the madman doesn't like her previous appearance, so she pretends to be pure, who knows if the madman is good.

"No matter what flower you are, you will die in my hands!"


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