The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 187: Prelude to the war

If he said that he had a sense of belonging, Ling Dao had no sense of belonging to Wan Fuzong. Even if Mu Zongze made him a small lord, he did not use the power of the patriarch. Similarly, he did not take over the position of the lord. It is Mu Zongze's wishful thinking.

If it’s not a madman and Xueling Yao, the end of the battle of the soul-killing mountains, he will not come back, but, one thing is the same thing, the disaster of the Suzaku Hall and the Moon Temple is indeed his introduction, now let him When he left, he really couldn't do it.

Most of the disciples and elders of Wan Fuzong are innocent. If he escapes, the strongmen of the Yueyue Temple and the Suzaku Hall are likely to vent their anger. Anyway, for the strongmen of the Moon Hall and Suzaku Hall, They are no different from cockroaches.

"If you don't leave, you will die."

It’s just a temple of worshipping the moon, and there are 70 or 80 Tianzun people. Who knows how many Tianzuns have come from the Gulei Hall and the Zhuque Hall. The two have lived for so many years, and all the Tianzun people they have seen add up. Eighty.

The potential of Lingdao is big. However, the potential does not equal the strength. Even if a stone carving is enough to kill a Tianzun, the nine stone carvings can only kill nine Tianzun. The second is really optimistic about Lingdao, or else Will come to Duanfu to remind Lingdao to escape.

"The elders, Lingdao is too stubborn, not if you force him to leave."

When the two found that they could not convince Lingdao, they would pass the sound to the madman. As long as the Lingdao was stunned, Lingdao’s opinion would not matter. Of course, before Lingdao left Wan Fuzong, he would also have another eight stone carvings. Send it to Lingdao.

Nine stone carvings have already been recognized as the main road. Only Lingdao can make the nine stone carvings play a real role. As long as Lingdao is alive and nine stone carvings are in his hands, it will definitely make Wan Fuzong come back again and win. Now Wan Fuzong.

"Two too, people live in the world, but seek innocent heart, you don't think about using other methods, let me leave Wan Fuzong, Zhuque Hall and the worship of the moon hall to kill me is the only way to see I, they will not kill innocent people."

Didn't wait for the madman to answer, Lingdao said on his own initiative. He didn't hear the voice on the second, but he could guess the thoughts of the two Taishang. Sure enough, the two were too stiff and didn't expect Lingdao to guess. It was his previous thoughts.

Duan madman smiled, there is no need to return to the voice of the second Tai, the thoughts of the two too, he understands, let him take the Lingdao, just to keep him and Lingdao, however, Wan Fuzong has a big disaster He can't leave alone.

"I was really right to let Mu Zongze take over the position of the lord."

Er Taishang asked himself in his heart. Mu Zongze was able to become a sovereign. He naturally had the merits of him and the great Tai. He did not believe what Mu Zongze said in the main hall of the lord. Now he has strengthened his own ideas.

Lingdao is so responsible, definitely not a selfish self-interested villain. I am afraid that Mu Zongze wants to get the use of nine stone carvings. However, Lingdao did not teach him, he hated it, deliberately swayed and let the elders They are hostile to Lingdao.

"Well, since you can't persuade you, then I will fight alongside you."

Last time in the mountain of the funeral, for Wan Fuzong, he abandoned the Lingdao once. Now, he will never be the same as the last time. Even if he knows that he will die in the hands of the strongman of the moon, he will not regret it. The patriarch and elder of Wan Fuzong, I am sorry for Lingdao, of course he can't be like them.

Yes, the Tianzuntang and the worship of the Moon Temple are indeed slaying. However, if Mu Zongze has repeatedly indulged, Mengyutang and Lingdao will not be in the same position, and the Lingdao and Mengxitang will fight. Because Mengzitang got two stone carvings, Mu Zongze not only did not punish Mengzitang, but also personally taught Mengzitang.

Later, Meng Yutang imprisoned Xue Lingyao and Nie Elder, but also because Mu Zongze’s eyes closed one eye, and it led to the return of Lingdao, and the angry will kill Mengnitang, to say that the current disasters are It is simply unfair that Lingdao leads.

The madman who had never opened his mouth, suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance. There was a cold mang in the scorpion. He had the highest realm. Naturally, the strongest person who had sensed the worship of the moon hall had already arrived at Wan Fuzong.

"Let's go, let's go to the gods who will come from afar."

The madman’s mouth was pulled, and this battle was the most unsure war in his life. Naturally, it is worth looking forward to. He is only in the early days of Tianzun. However, his opponents have seven or eighty Tianzun, but they are all from Visit the Moon Hall.

Even if there is no chance of winning, he still has a lot of war, and he can't wait to fight with the Heavenly King of the Moon Hall. The former Peach Blossoms lord also let him follow, and then he went to Tianzun to discuss with him. Now it seems that there is no need. .

"You don't think about stun me. Otherwise, if you die, I won't live alone."

Xue Lingyao took a step back and watched Lingdao with vigilance. The last time she was in the funeral mountain range, Lingdao stunned her. Of course she would not forget, although she was not an opponent of Tianzun, but after going through the snowfall She has already looked down on life and death. The only regret is that she did not avenge all the snow house before she died.

"What do you think, how can I do that?"

Ling Dao suddenly laughed and laughed. In the same way, he certainly would not use it for the second time. Moreover, he did not trust Mu Zongze and other elders. If he had an accident, he would leave Xue Lingyao in Wan Fuzong. As a consequence, after all, there was a thing in the imprisonment of Xue Ling Yao in Mengyitang. He had to think a little more.

"Alcohol, at the last minute, can you save them?"

He has two bodies, naturally not afraid of death, but he does not want Xue Ling Yao and the madman to have an accident. If they have a life and death crisis, he hopes that the Princess of the wine can save Xue Ling Yao and the madman, if the two are on the side with them. Combat, it will also save the second.

The sword magic has already condensed the small world. Lingdao only has a rush to concise the small world because there is a ring of martial arts. The madman and the second squad also have a small world. It is more convenient than the Qiankun ring. It is just their small world. Install a living person.

However, the little world where the Princess of Wine is different, she and Xian Lingzhen can be inside, and it is not a problem to want to install the warrior. Unfortunately, Lingdao can't go in. As for the reason, Lingdao and Princess of Wine are not clear.

"Reassured, who is this princess, just saving them under a group of gods, there is no problem at all."

The Princess of Wine Princess said proudly that although she is not an opponent of Tianzun, there is no problem in saving people. The small world she is in is certainly not her own refining. It should be left to her by her elders. The reason is full of confidence. It is because Tianzun can't find her place.

If it is replaced by Daojun and Taoist, the Princess of Wine Princess will not dare to pack the ticket. Even if she hides well, it may be discovered. The small world where the Princess of Wine is located is connected with Tianjie. The Lord found the entrance, and it was dangerous to kill her.

As time goes by, the growth of the princess is not only the cultivation, but also the knowledge, her inheritance and memory, more and more, the gods are so powerful, she certainly knows that she is good at refining the small world for her. Far beyond Tianzun, therefore, she does not care what Tianzun.

"That's good."

Lingdao nodded. As long as he could ensure the safety of Xuelingyao and the madman, he had no scruples. The worst result was nothing more than the strong man of the Moon Hall, who killed him. Anyway, he could be resurrected. Revenge is in the future.

"Well, let's go together."

Xue Lingya nodded, followed by Lingdao, but still kept a cautious look, let Lingdao silent for a while, but fortunately to ensure the safety of Xueling Yao and the madman, Lingdao’s mind has completely relaxed. .


"I really didn't expect that the small Wan Fuzong could actually make me worship the moon hall and break a late Tianzun."

"I don't know how much stone carvings of Wan Fuzong are in the end. In the hands of the juniors in Tianbing, they can kill the late Tianzun, if they are in the hands of Tianjun, even in the hands of Tianzun."

"I want to do so much, anyway, they are so powerful, it can't be our opponent. What kind of stone carving, then I will worship the moon hall."

The Lord of the Moon Temple stood at the forefront, and a black robe was embroidered with a round of crescent moon. His eyes were very godlike. It was like a moon. It radiated silver brilliance and could become the main hall of the worship hall. His own strength can not be underestimated.

Standing at the 80th Tianzun behind him, whispered, some people care about the real dragon stone carvings of Wan Fuzong, some people care about the death of the late Tianzun, and some people want to see what kind of juniors, dare to Heavenly Guards kills Tianzun.

When I was thinking about it, when they were in the heavenly dynasty, they met Tian Zun and even talked, not to mention the use of Tian Zun. Even if Ling Dao relied on stone carving to destroy Tian Zun, his courage would make 80 Tianzhao self-satisfied. .

"The Lord, let the subordinates, first open the door of Wan Fuzong."

A Tianzun walked to the front of the temple of the moon, and respectfully asked, this time against Wan Fuzong, it is simply a small matter, can have the opportunity to perform in front of the temple, he certainly will not miss, anyway, Wan Fu There is no strong person in the sect, and of course he will not be in any danger.

"Okay, go."

The Lord of the Moon Temple nodded, and there was a **** worship, he certainly would not refuse. He came to Wan Fuzong on the one hand to avenge the dead Tianzun, on the other hand to get nine stone carvings, the remaining one It is Liwei.

The little Wan Fuzong, who dared to kill them, worshipped the Heavenly Respects of the Moon Temple. It was simply the majesty of their worship of the Moon Temple. If they did not give Wan Fuzong a **** lesson, then other forces in the Abandoned Clouds, how to see them worship. Moon Hall.

"Yes, Lord."

The previous replied by Tian Zun, then took out a big axe and went to the door of Wan Fuzong. The power of Tianzun broke out, and the terrible power seemed to be to open this piece of heaven and earth.

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