The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 188: Lord of the Moon Temple


The big axe slammed on the door of Wan Fuzong, and suddenly activated a character array. Unfortunately, those characters at most resisted the attack of Tianjun. They couldn’t compete with Tianzun, and one character array followed by a burst of bursts. Even the entire gate was smashed into thousands of pieces.

The Wan Fuzong disciple who kept at the door has already learned that a large number of Tianzun of the Yueyue Temple came. It is naturally how far away he runs. Anyone who takes a shot from Tianzun can have the life of all of them. Of course they dare not And Tianzun called the board.

The axe of Tianzun not only smashed the door of Wan Fuzong, but also smashed the confidence of the elders and disciples of Wan Fuzong. The elders and disciples who stood inside looked at the terrible axe in the distance, and some endured. I swallowed a sip, and some unconsciously stepped back a few steps, and some could not help but sweat.

"I have seen you in heaven."

Mu Zongze took a deep breath and slowly stood up. The Lord of the Moon Temple personally led the 80th Heavenly Advent, even though they converge on the momentum, they still feel the elders and disciples of Wan Fuzong feel like never before. pressure.

If they go to war, it must be a one-sided slaughter. The elders and disciples of Wan Fuzong have no rebellious ability in front of the heavenly worship of the Moon Temple. Fortunately, Mu Zongze and a group of elders have no peace worship hall. The meaning of the strong war.

"Your boy is the lord of Wan Fuzong."

Holding the axe of Tianzun, looking down on Mu Zongze, as if Mu Zongze made him a bad mood, he would kill Mu Zongze with an axe, and it is impossible to say that Mu Zongze is not afraid. After all, he is only a heavenly king. The previous period was repaired and completely lost to Tianzun.

However, after all, Mu Zongze is the lord of Wan Fuzong. If this time, Lucy will inevitably lose the majesty of the disciples and elders. The most important thing is that he can be sure that he is fine, at least not life-threatening. .

"Yes, I believe that the respect of the gods, I have known that I have a big disciple of Da Fu, and even the Tianzun of the Moon Hall dare to kill. It is really daring, but fortunately I have already expelled him from Wan Fuzong. Tianzun wants to deal with it, please feel free."

Mu Zongze said with shamelessness, suddenly caused a great uproar, and all the disciples were face to face. Lingdao was appointed by Mu Zongze personally as the chief of the sect. When they rushed out of Wan Fuzong, they did not know.

Well, a group of elders already knew about it, and it was the result of their discussions. They saw the Tianzun of the Moon Temple, and they made sure that the previous decision was made, and they were right against the goddess of the Moon Temple. They definitely don't want to die.

"What, eviction of Wan Fuzong."

Holding the big axe of Tianzun, a pair of big bell-like eyes, screaming at Mu Zongze, scared Mu Zongze a jump, even the Wan Fuzong disciples who were still in the heated discussion, all of them were closed. Mouth, the fear of anger is not fast.

On the face of the Lord of the Moon, there is always a smile on his face. Mu Zongze expelled Lingdao from Wan Fuzong. He clearly wants to stay out of the house. Anyone can see that Wan Fuzong is sure to fight the moon hall, even if Wan Fu Zong became a Tian Zun because of the madman, and was promoted to the power of the three products. Compared with the worship hall, it is still the difference between the rabbit and the tiger.

"Mu Zongze, what qualification do you have to drive Lingdao out of Wan Fuzong?"

On the second Tai, who had just arrived, angrily pointed to Mu Zongze. If it was not too much for Mu Zongze, he would never have to give Mu Zongze a half face in front of a group of elders and disciples. Wan Fuzong’s most powerful person, It is the sovereign, but the elders are still qualified to blame the sovereign.

However, the big Taishang and the second Taishang have always given Mu Zongze a face. Mu Zongze almost vomited blood on the second, and the two too naturally will not care about Mu Zongze’s sovereignty, even if it’s too big, at this time. It is not good to stand up and speak for Mu Zongze. The status of other elders is not as good as that of the second. It is natural to shut up.

"Lingdao kills the son of the deputy master of the Suzaku Temple, and destroys the worship of the Moon Temple. I will ask if I will leave such a disciple disciple, and, too, remember your identity, you are my million. Fu Zong’s elders, don’t go too close to outsiders.”

Mu Zongze naturally noticed that the madman and Lingdao after the second body of the upper body, and smashed Lingdao out of Wan Fuzong, will certainly offend the Lingdao and the madman, but now, Lingdao and Duan mad are mud buddha crossing the river, themselves It is difficult to protect, of course he is not afraid.

"Exiting me from Wan Fuzong, very good, really good."

Lingdao is not only not angry, but laughs. He should have recognized Mu Zongze as a talent pair. For Mu Zongze, everything is of supreme interest. Perhaps such a person is suitable as a sovereign, but he has no human touch. Not worth paying.

"Since today, I Xueling Yao has withdrawn from Wan Fuzong and is no longer a disciple of Wan Fuzong."

Xue Lingyao walked to Lingdao and took the lead in Lingdao. She said softly, although her voice was not loud, the warriors present were clearly heard. After being imprisoned by Mengyitang last time. Things, she is seeing through Mu Zongze, now Mu Zongze is also expelling Lingdao from Wan Fuzong, making her a sense of belonging to Wan Fuzong has disappeared.

Originally, Wan Fuzong had two core disciples, namely Liu Qingmei and Fang Hanyu. Later, Xue Lingyao was recognized by two stone inscriptions, and then there were two stone carvings recognized by Meng Yutang, which made Wan Fuzong possess four core disciples.

Fang Hanyu died in the Mountain Range, and Mengzitang died at the foot of Lingdao. He suddenly turned Wan Fuzong into two core disciples. However, Lingdao received nine stone carvings and was only one of his core disciples. Get ten eight core disciples.

However, now Wan Fuzong still has only one core disciple, that is, Liu Qingmei, Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao will no longer be disciples of Wan Fuzong. Liu Qingmei only gets a stone inscription and is still a woman. Lian Fang Han Yu can't match, let alone compare with Ling Dao.

"I didn't expect to live so old, I don't even have a little girl. Well, from today, I am no longer the elder of Wan Fuzong."

If you say feelings, Duan madman must have feelings for Wan Fuzong. He lived in Wan Fuzong for hundreds of years. Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao couldn’t match it. However, what Mu Zongze’s actions really made him Disappointed with Wan Fuzong.

However, other elders are still indifferent, let him understand that the elders of Wan Fuzong may have been colluding with Mu Zongze for a long time. The madman is not only stupid, but also very savvy. The reason why Mu Zongze expelled Lingdao from Wan Fuzong On the one hand, it is for self-protection, and on the other hand, I am afraid to vent your anger.

The last time Mu Zongze went to Duan Fu, let Ling Dao teach him the method of urging nine stone carvings. Unfortunately, Ling Dao did not teach him. Duan madman believed that Ling Dao could not really teach, Xue Lingyao also believed, but unfortunately Mu Zongze did not believe. Wan Fuzong other elders also do not believe.

"Greater, you and I have removed the position of Mu Zongze's sovereign."

If Lingdao and Xuelingyao are separated from Wan Fuzong, they are only surprised by the elders of Wan Fuzong. Then, the departure of the madman is enough to attract their attention. Without a madman, Wan Fuzong will once again Fall back to the four powers.

At this time, the second Taishang said that the removal of the chief of the Mumbai Zezong was naturally to make the elders of Wan Fuzong panic. The two elders have the right to propose to remove the sovereign. However, other elders are needed. nod.

"Isn't it a Tianzun? As long as the nine stone carvings are still there, there is no difference in your madness."

Mu Zongze is talking to the madman on the bright side. In the dark, he is actually telling other elders that the nine stone carvings have the ability to kill the gods. In the hands of Lingdao, the true dragon stone carvings can kill the late Tianzun. The stone carving is even worse than the madman.

Sure enough, the elders who were still commotion slowly calmed down. If they were in peacetime, the importance of Lingdao and Duanzi and Xuelingyao deserved them to be treated with caution, but now, the gods of the Yueyue Temple have already Hit the door, or let them leave Wan Fuzong's good.

"The second is too, the Zongmen has reached the end of life and death, you should not add chaos."

Da Tai Shang said with a smile, although he knows that Mu Zongze is not very kind, but Mu Zongze is thinking about Wan Fuzong after all. Now it is not a question of who is right or wrong, but is tied to Lingdao on a front. Can only die in the hands of the worship of the moon.

"Okay, okay, okay, you are doing really well."

The second is too angry and laughs. No matter whether it is the Taishang or other elders, it does not mean to help him. Today, Wan Fuzong can be said to be the next heart, even if it is to survive, they will unswervingly follow Mu Zongze. .

What's more, Wan Fuzong has nine stone carvings. Ling Dao let them see the strength of the nine stone carvings. Of course they care more about the nine stone carvings. They are just two Taishang, they have already struggled with Mu Zongze, especially the current environment. .

"It's really pitiful. Now that you have become a dog of funeral, Wan Fuzong not only does not protect you, but also drives you out of Wan Fuzong. Now you regret to kill me and worship the moon god."

The Lord of the Moon Temple said with a smile, and they were right against the Moon Temple. It was like this. Originally, Ling Dao was not qualified to talk to him. However, he had already inquired clearly that only Ling Dao could spur nine stone carvings.

For him, for the revenge of the worship of the Moon Temple, there are certainly no nine stone carvings. If it is Lingdao cooperation, he can even consider putting a road to Lingdao. On the contrary, if Lingdao refuses to cooperate, he will take the Lingdao. Then deprive the memory of Ling Dao, he can still master nine stone carvings.

"Now give you a living way, be my disciple of the moon palace, I will not only spare you not to die, but also let you become a core disciple. With my resources to worship the moon hall, it is definitely not a problem, how is it."

The next words of the Lord of the Moon Temple made Mu Zongze stunned. The elders of Wan Fuzong were even more stunned. They did not know what the Lord of the Moon Temple wanted to do.

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