The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 189: Blood Axe

"My identity as the core disciple of the Moon Hall is always stronger than Wan Fuzong, not to mention that you have been expelled from the sect by Wan Fuzong."

The Lord of the Moon Temple has specially learned about Lingdao, and naturally knows the various records of Lingdao, especially the battle to kill Mengzitang, which has caused him to pay more attention to it. No injuries, such a genius, the moon hall is not there at all.

Even when he was in the late days of Tianbing, at most, he killed and killed the former warriors. Compared with Lingdao, his talent is nothing, and the patriarchs and elders of Wan Fuzong are simply blind, and the stone carving is The dead are not necessarily more important than a disciple with unlimited potential.

If Lingdao is a disciple of the Yueyue Temple, he will never be able to expel Lingdao from the Moon Hall. Even if Lingdao commits a big mistake, as long as he does not betray the Zongmen, he will close his eyes and one eye. Of course, It is said that the elders of Wan Fuzong are all wrong. They can't compete with the Tianzun army of the Moon Hall.

The Lord of the Moon Temple personally asked them to hand over the Lingdao. They did not dare not pay. The nine stone carvings are important on the one hand. Their life is also important on the one hand. Moreover, their vision is definitely not as good as the worship of the temple. After all, they are just Tianjun.

"In the end, what is the situation, the strong man of the moon hall is not to kill him."

"If the moon hall is willing to accept me as a disciple, let alone be a core disciple, even if I am an ordinary disciple, I am willing."

The worship hall is more than a few times stronger than Wan Fuzong. The disciples of Wan Fuzong were still laughing at the current situation of Ling Dao. I didn’t expect that in the blink of an eye, the Lord of the Moon Temple invited Ling Dao to become the core disciple of the Yue Yue Temple. They watched To Lingdao’s eyes are full of envy.

If the Lord of the Moon Temple invites them to be the disciples of the Yueyue Temple, they will definitely nod their heads immediately, and they will not hesitate. The status of the disciples of the Moon Temple is far beyond the disciples of Wan Fuzong, and they can practice the exercises and martial arts. Learning is better than Wan Fuzong.

"If Lingdao becomes the core disciple of the worship hall, what should I do to find revenge in the future?"

"When he becomes Tianzun, how can we be his opponent."

The elders who had previously been hostile to Lingdao were panicked. They certainly did not want Lingdao to become the core disciple of the Yueyue Temple. With the talent of Lingdao and the cultivation of the worship hall, Tianzun was simply a nail-studded one. thing.

Their potential is limited, and the cultivation is the practice that Tianjun pioneered. The possibility of becoming Tianzun is very small. After decades or centuries, Lingdao must surpass them. Even Mu Zongze is secretly Worried, he did not think that the Lord of the Moon Temple had the idea of ​​making Ling Dao a core disciple of the Yueyue Temple.

"If I don't agree, will you kill me?"

The actions of the Emperor Wan Fuzong made Ling Dao very disappointed. The feeling of the Lord of the Moon Temple was no different from that of the Emperor Wan Fuzong. He clearly killed the Tianzun of the Moon Temple, as the first thought of the Lord. It is not enough to avenge the Heavenly Man, which is enough to prove that the Lord of the Moon Temple is also based on interests.

"Killing you can't kill you, I don't know. Anyway, I will definitely take you down, then deprive you of your memory and get a way to use nine stone carvings."

The Lord of the Moon Temple did not conceal anything. He directly stated his intentions. First of all, he felt that there was no need to deceive Lingdao and others. Anyway, he occupied an absolute advantage. Secondly, let Lingdao know the consequences of rejecting him. Lingdao may know how to choose.

The consequence of depriving memory is that there is a great possibility of becoming an idiot. The Lord of the Moon Temple believes that as long as the Lingdao is not stupid, he will certainly promise him to become a disciple of the Yueyue Temple, regardless of whether Lingdao is promised or refused. The Lord can get what he wants.

For Ling Dao, it is completely different. He promised to worship the temple of the moon. He can become the core disciple of the worship hall, and he will receive the key training of the worship hall. If he refuses to worship the temple, he may become an idiot or even a student. It is better to die.

"You can do it, I can't be a disciple of the moon."

Lingdao shook his head. Even if he refused to worship the temple, the consequences were very serious. He still seriously refused to worship the temple. If he nodded and became the core disciple of the worship hall, perhaps one day, and today. The same was abandoned.

Either don't join any forces, or create your own power, or add a human-powerful force. The Moon Hall is definitely not a wise choice. Anyway, it has ensured the safety of Xueling Yao and the madman. Lingdao certainly does not have to worry about anything.

"It’s a pity to know the time, but unfortunately..."

The Lord of the Moon Temple shook his head. Although Lingdao refused to surprise him, things were still in his hands. Lingdao refused. He, like what he said before, took Lingdao and then deprived him. Lingdao's memory.

"Toast, don't eat and drink fine wine, Lord, let me take him and take him."

Tian Zun, who holds the big axe, took the initiative to fight. Lingdao, a celestial soldier, was naturally not qualified to do it with him. However, Lingdao was able to use nine stone carvings. One of the late Tianzun of the Moon Temple was in the hands of Lingdao. What he really wants to be a moment is nine stone carvings.

If he has enough confidence in his own strength and knows that Lingdao can kill the late Tianzun, he will never ask for a fight. Don’t think that he has taken the initiative to open the door of Wan Fuzong, he thinks his strength is not strong, just Personality problems.

"Okay, just don't kill it."

The Lord of the Moon Temple nodded, and the living Lingdao had value. The dead Lingdao had no use. In fact, some elders of Wan Fuzong heard about the name of the former Tianzun, but they did not see it. It’s just over.

Blood Axe Tianzun, a famous Tianzun in the Moon Hall, is very arrogant and eager to fight. He said that he is a martial artist. In his opinion, Wan Fuzong has no warrior worthy of his shot, so only It’s interesting to see the stone.

"You are stronger than Mu Zongze, not because you are the Lord of the Moon. He is only the lord of Wan Fuzong, but because you dare to say that he is just a hypocrite."

The Lord of the Moon Temple is a real villain. Even for Lingdao, there is no deception. Unlike Mu Zongze, on the surface, it is a set in the dark. Compared with the real villain, Lingdao is more resentful to the hypocrite. The Lord of the Moon Temple smiled and said nothing.

Mu Zongze’s forehead’s forehead jumped, his fists clenched, and he suppressed the anger in his heart. First, the two Taishang publicly dismissed his face. He even wanted to abolish his position as a sovereign, and then Lingdao directly slandered his hypocrite. Make him extremely embarrassed.

What makes Mu Zongze unable to accept is that from the beginning to the end, Lingdao has not seen him in the right direction. He is a lord of Wan Fuzong, or a Tianjun. How is it in the eyes of Lingdao? The opponent is not as good.

"Push the stone, or else I will kill you with an axe."

Blood Axe Tianzhao said with a big sigh, a pair of big bell-like eyes glared at Lingdao, as if Lingdao didn’t agree, he would have to eat Lingdao in general. In fact, he said yes, to Lingdao’s own strength. It does not stop his axe.

"as you wish."

Lingdao nodded, and Tianzun played against, only relying on stone carvings, he has high talent, strong blood and great potential. However, the realm is too low, and it has no effect at all. The heavenly regime is above heaven, then the king, then the sky. Jun, the last is Tianzun, the gap is too big.

As his voice fell, all the goddess of the Moon Hall focused on his body. After all, it was 80 Tianzun, even if they didn’t do anything with Lingdao, they just looked at Lingdao and gave Ling. The road brings no small pressure.

"鲲鹏, the world is extremely fast."

He took out the stone carvings of the Peng Peng, and the operation was quite ridiculous. He was motivated, and the strength of the blood axe, even among the eighty Tianzun, was among the best. If he could not deal with the Peng Peng stone, then there would be nothing else. grasp.

The palm-splitting stone of the palm of the hand suddenly shines, and the wind rises and rises. It appears in front of everyone. It is not a stone inscription, but a Kun Peng, a very large body of Peng Peng, even the size of the last real stone carved into a hundred feet. Real dragons are far from the current Peng Peng.

A pair of huge wings slammed up, and there seemed to be a hurricane between the heavens and the earth. The wings spread out, and there were three thousand feet. The sky seemed to be dark. Lingdao stood on the back of Kunpeng and looked coldly. Under the blood axe Tianzun.

"This is the stone carving of Wan Fuzong, a strong power."

"No wonder the temple is mainly coming in person. Such a powerful stone carving must be owned by me."

"Don't talk, look at it, maybe you can't use it."

All the people present at the temple, Tianzun, are all watching the huge Kunpeng. Their realm is higher than the patriarchs and elders of Wan Fuzong. Therefore, they see more things than the lords and elders of Wan Fuzong. The momentum of Kun Peng has already exceeded their imagination.

Even the emperors and elders of Wan Fuzong were excited. They once again confirmed the strength of the nine stone carvings. The last time the real dragon stone carvings had already subverted their cognition. Now, the power of the stone carvings of the Peng Peng seems to be Stronger.

"Haha, come on, fight with me."

Blood Axe Tianzun not only did not fear, but instead held a big axe and laughed and rushed to Peng Peng. Only such an opponent is worthy of his serious treatment. Originally, he still felt that Wan Fuzong’s trip was very boring. Now it seems that it should be very It’s interesting.

Originally ordinary axe, suddenly a lot of red light emerged, as if it was fished out of the blood pool. Until now, the big axe of the blood axe is the true face, the thick **** suffocation, and the death The warriors under the blood axe are certainly not in the minority.

Mu Zongze and other elders of Wan Fuzong are all quickly retreating. They are the momentum of Kun Peng and the blood axe, so they feel great oppression. If the blood axe and Zunpeng fight, it is only the aftermath of the battle. It is possible to hurt them.

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