The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 195: Fattening and killing again

"Well, we are finished. If Lingdao wants to take revenge, we are afraid that we will all die."

"I have said that Lingdao is the hope of our future. You have to say that he is selfish, and he has to be expelled from the sect. Now he is being retribution."

"But we have been able to go straight to the sky, because the sovereignty of your own self-interest has led to the opposite result."

In the past, they certainly did not dare to blame Mu Zongze in person, but because of a wrong decision of Mu Zongze, Wan Fuzong had a catastrophe, and the strength of Lingdao’s brothers was beyond their imagination, even they could only look up Tian Zun is not his enemy.

Mu Zongze sat on the ground, and there was no discourse refutation. He did not want to refute. This is the end of the matter. Even if he admits his mistake in front of Ling Dao, I am afraid that it is of no use, one step is wrong, all the dishes are lost, and there is no turnaround. hope.

"Don't tell me, if you are afraid of death, if you have previously opposed it, will you go to this step?"

The second Taishang couldn't help but swear, and then it was the things that happened in the main hall of the lord. The original book was said. Lingdao had been expelled from Wan Zongzong by Mu Zongze, and there was no longer a sense of belonging to Wan Fuzong. Lingdao truth, it does not matter.

"What, they are so shameless."

Xue Ling Yao's pretty face is red, silver teeth are biting, Wan Fuzong has a lot of places where I am sorry for Lingdao, but Lingdao never cares about it. I didn't expect that Mu Zongze actually ruined Lingdao. Most elders still think Muzong Ze said yes.

Even if there was no previous Mu Zongze’s expulsion from Lingdao, Xue Lingyao would now withdraw from Wan Fuzong. Mu Zongze and the elders were too chilling. Even Xue Lingyao felt unbearable, and the party Lingdao again How will it feel?


Duan madman just said two words, fortunately he has already left Wan Fuzong, such a lord, it is really disgusting, the enemy is currently, do not want to deal with the enemy, do not want to protect the disciples, but smash disciples, disciples disciples.

Even the Lord of the Temple of the Ancient Temple and the Lord of the Moon Temple did not think that there was such a brazen and shameful person in the world. The Lord of the Moon Temple felt that he was snobbish enough. He did not expect that Mu Zongze was more realistic than him, and Mu Zong. Ze Yibi, what he did, is nothing.

"To kill the shackles, listen to the respect, but most of the disciples are innocent, please also open the net."

Da Tai Shang said slowly that the mistakes were wrong with the lords and elders. Anyway, he couldn’t pull his face and beg for mercy. It’s an honor to be able to die in the hands of a blond man. As long as the disciples of Wan Fuzong are still there, the future Wan Fuzong still has the opportunity to make a comeback.

"No, I don't want to die, please spare me."

"I don't want to die, thousands of mistakes are wrong, Mu Zongze's fault, we are forced."

I am afraid that I will die more than I am not afraid of death. When I am finished, the elders are on the ground and beg for mercy. Even the Lord of the Moon Temple is so embarrassed to ask for the slogan. What are they embarrassed about? Are they more honorable than the Lord of the Moon Temple?

If the Lord of the Moon Temple knows their thoughts, I don’t know if he will be ashamed to death. He is an example for the elders of Wan Fuzong, but it’s not a good example. Who makes them a group? Those who are greedy and fearful of death can not even want to live with dignity.

"Teacher, what do you want to do, just say, anyway, killing them doesn't bother, just stick."

The blond man said in an understatement, but he was so frightened that he was so pale that he could kill seventy-nine Tianzuns with a stick. Then a stick killed the temple and others, really nothing. Difficult.

Looking at the dark red ground in front, some elders have been scared like a sieve, and they are more timid. They are directly fainted in the past, and they are smashed into blood by a stick. If you think about it, you will feel creepy because Tianjun and Tianzun are tenacious, and even if they are crushed, they will not die immediately. As a result, they can experience all the pains that have been smashed into blood before they die.

"Thank you brothers for your kindness, just, your own enmity, you need to report yourself, I want them to live for a while, wait for me to repair enough, then come back to find them."

Lingdao’s words, let the Lord of the Moon Temple and others wait for a moment of happiness, followed by angrily clenched fists. Yes, Lingdao did put them in a horse. However, it was only temporary and will be Will find them to settle accounts.

With Lingdao’s talent, once he becomes Tianjun, all the elders of Wan Fuzong are not his opponents. If he becomes Tianzun, the Lord of the Moon Temple is definitely not his opponent. Lingdao is simply treating them as animals. I don’t kill now, just to fatten and kill again.

However, even if you understand the mind of Lingdao, the Lord of the Moon and other people will not vent their anger. After all, because they are afraid of death, even if they understand that Lingdao treats them as animals, they still want to sneak and steal.

As long as they think of ways to leave the Abandoned Clouds, the Tianyuan Sanqian territory is so big, they don't believe that Lingdao can find them, so even if Lingdao humiliates them, they still have to thank Lingdao, they will have hope when they live, and they will die. Gone.

"Thank you for not killing the grace. After I worship the Moon Hall, I will never be against you. As long as you need help, I will definitely go to the moon hall and go to the fire."

The Lord of the Moon Temple immediately said the beautiful words. Who knows whether Lingdao will change his mind. If he can't satisfy Lingdao now, he still has the possibility of being killed. Moreover, Lingdao's brother, arrogant and incredible, pay Good Lingdao is a good thing for the worship hall.

The only headache for the Lord of the Moon Temple is that Ling Dao killed two Tianzun, the blond man killed 79 Tianzun, and those of Tianzun’s friends and relatives must be hostile to Lingdao and the blond man. The Lord not only does not avenge, but also wants to tie the road and the blond man, will certainly cause dissatisfaction with those people.

"Thank you for the lesslord."

The elders of Wan Fuzong, who are afraid of death, are constantly hoeing. Lingdao is willing to spare their lives. They are naturally grateful. As for being a beast, they have to be stupid. Now they are in conflict with Lingdao. .

"I am not your young master. From now on, I have nothing to do with Wan Fuzong. As for your life, I will exchange it with nine stone carvings."

Mu Zongze and other elders are sorry for Lingdao first. That Lingdao will not be polite with them. Since the nine stone carvings have already recognized him as the main, then he will take them all away. Without nine stone carvings, Wan Fuzong will not have any afterwards. Other inner core disciples were born.

"No, you must leave nine stone carvings. There are no nine stone carvings of Wan Fuzong, or Wan Fuzong."

Mu Zongze, who was still sitting on the ground, stood up violently. He said that because of the nine stone carvings, he only expelled Lingdao from Wan Fuzong. Now he certainly would not agree to let Lingdao take Take nine stone carvings.


Mu Zongze’s voice just fell, and the blond man waved his hand impatiently, with a golden palm print, slamming the fan on Mu Zongze’s face and flying Mu Zongze’s entire person out. The blood's teeth flew out, and Mu Zongze's half of his face was swollen.

"I am not talking to you, even if the brother does not shoot, I want to kill you, it is easy."

Lingdao is not bragging, and there are still seven stone carvings that have not been used. It is indeed effortless to kill Mu Zongze, a former Tianjun. Seven stone carvings kill seven heavenly statues without any problem. Tianjun is really nothing.

A loud slap in the face, completely awakened Mu Zongze. He was too excited before, and he has forgotten the current situation. His life and death are in the hands of Ling Dao. He is not qualified to talk to Ling Dao. Ling Dao is not fast, Mu Zongze's life is not guaranteed.

"You will give all the spirits on your body to my younger brother. If I find out who you are hiding, you will kill the unified stick."

The blond man pointed to the goddess of the Gulei Temple and the Lord of the Moon Temple. The seventy-nine heavenly spiritual stones that he had killed before were already collected by him. Tianzun’s possession of heavenly spirits and earthly spirits It has no effect on him, and he gave it to Lingdao.

"no problem."

There is no hesitation in the temple of Gu Leidian. At the moment, all the spiritual stones are handed over. The elders of Wan Fuzong used nine stone carvings to buy their lives. They used the stone to buy their lives. Lingshi is important, but life. One is a pile of broken stones.

Other Gulei Dian Tianzun saw that the Lord had handed over all the Lingshi. They naturally did not dare to hide their own secrets. The blond men were very ruthless. They didn’t want to give the blond man a reason to kill himself. Lingshi was gone, and he could earn again. Life is gone, it is useless to have more Lingshi.

Whether it is Lingdao or Xueling Yao or a madman, there have been no such spiritual stones. Lingdao is just a Tianjun. Naturally, there is no such thing as the Heavenly Hall and the Gulei Hall. What's more, there is also the Lord of the Moon and the Lord of the Ancient Temple. The wealth of the two of them is not comparable to the average.

"Teacher, hold."

After all the Lingshi were brought together, the blond men were all given to Lingdao. Even the elders of Wan Fuzong in the distance, all of them were all eyes, but unfortunately, Lingdao has not been compared. They are tens of daring, they are not afraid to grab the Lingshi Lingshi.

Lingdao divided all the Lingshi into ten copies, three of which were given to Xuelingyao, three to the madman, one to the second, and the remaining three to keep, even one of them. The stone must far exceed all the spiritual stones that the two had before.

"No, I can't ask, after all, I didn't help anything at all, and I was not convinced."

The second Taishang refused Lingdao and wanted to return Lingshi to his Lingshi. Xueling Yao and the madman were the same. Lingdao was able to survive. It was a blond man who saved the game and had nothing to do with them. Of course they were embarrassed. Lingdao's Lingshi.

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