The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 196: You, stop!

"Give you, you will hold, I want so many Lingshi."

Wushu cultivation, indeed needs Lingshi, but Lingdao feels that he can get more Lingshi in the future, Xuelingyao practiced, even if it is the purchase of paper, it is a small expense, before she was Wanfu Zong disciples, regardless of the material problem of depicting the symbol, now she has left the Wan Fuzong.

Paragraph madman is already Tianzun, and the consumption of cultivation must be far superior to Lingdao. Fortunately, the madman is practicing Vientiane magic. He mainly relies on various dangers to tap his own potential. The demand for Lingshi is not comparable to other warriors.

As for the second Taishang, it is already the peak of Tianjun. If you want to become Tianzun, the possibility is very small. The demand for Lingshi is not big. However, even if he does not use it himself, he will give his disciples a grandson or a younger generation to practice. It is a great benefit.

The other elders of Wan Fuzong could not wait to grab all the Lingshi Lingshi, but they did not dare. They really couldn’t figure out why the two Taishang, Duan mad and Xueling Yao refused, if Lingdao gave them, They have all been accepted long ago.

"Don't quit, you are withdrawing from Wan Fuzong because of me. If you don't accept a few Lingshi, I will blame myself."

Duan madman and Xue Lingyao smiled helplessly, and finally they received Lingshi’s Lingshi. The second did not withdraw from Wan Fuzong. However, after several resignations, they still couldn’t get rid of Lingdao. The stone has been collected into the small world, and their harvest is enough to make all the elders of Wan Fuzong jealous.

"From today, the position of the lord of Wan Fuzong will be removed. As for the next lord, it will be elected separately."

Da Tai said with a sullen face, Mu Zongze has a heart to oppose, just the situation at the moment, let him understand that his abdication is the trend of the times. Second, he wants to remove his lord before, and now the opinions of the two elders have reached an agreement. .

The other elders did not have the courage to stand up because of Ling Dao’s affairs. They spoke to Mu Zongze. Ling Dao did not ask them for trouble. They had thanked him. Now they are helping Mu Zongze to speak. If they are irritated, they will be killed by a blond man. It’s too bad.

"How come you don't roll, don't you wait for Laozi to ask you to eat a stick."

The blond man’s eyebrows were vertical, and he suddenly frightened the worshippers of the Moon Temple and the Gulei Temple. They didn’t want to leave, but they didn’t dare to go because the blond man had not spoken yet and was now drinking by the blond man. Oh, they are not only angry, but they are very happy, because they finally escaped.

"Thanks to the seniors for their lives."

The master of the ancient thunder hall took the heavenly respect of the ancient thunder temple, and left the Wan Fuzong vainly. As for the palace of the moon, the temple was like a dog of a family, fleeing Wan Fuzong, and led the temple to lead eighty. Tianzun, the wind and the light of the advent of Wan Fuzong, did not expect that today, 80 Tianzun has been wiped out.

The deputy of the Peach Blossoms has not dared to mention the matter of the monk. If the blond man knows the purpose of her trip, she must kill the Lingdao and avenge her for the monk. Maybe the blond man will kill her with a stick. Anyway, her strength, in front of the blond man, is not enough to see.

Ming Tian Zun, Liu Feng Tian Zun, Zhong Da Tian Zun and Gong Yang Tian Zun are even more chilly, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, for fear of showing anything, but fortunately, the hands of the worship of the Moon Temple, or they must have turned into a pool of blood .

"You, stop."

Although the blond man was always outside the hundred miles, he always paid attention to the situation of Wan Fuzong. Therefore, he knew about the worship of the Moon Hall and the Gulei Hall. Before, he did not know what the Lord of the Moon Temple and the Lord of the Ancient Temple. Only the deputy of the Peach Blossoms, he has the impression.

When I passed the Suzaku Hall last time, the blond man witnessed the good things of the Peach Blossom Vice-President and Qi Yuan Tian Zun and Feng Taitian Zun. He let the Peach Blossom Deputy Lord stand, just want to confirm, after all, like the Peach Blossom Vice-President The woman is rare.

"Sure enough, you, dressed, almost didn't know."

The voice of the blond man is small, but the head of the Peach Blossom Hall is clear and clear. There is a trace of doubt in Ling Dao’s eyes. I don’t know why he has such feelings. I don’t know why, Lingdao first thought of the dragon. Is the blond man like the proud dragon, likes to peep at others to bathe.

Of course, Lingdao’s guess is definitely not right. The blond man does not like to appreciate others’ bathing. He only likes to appreciate the nakedness of others. If Xue Lingyao knows the hobby of a blond man, he will definitely conceal the blond man’s brazenness.

"Well, my predecessors know Jier."

In the eyes of the deputy of the Peach Blossoms, there was a flash of light, and the man she was better with was too much. The blond man had appreciated the good things of her and the two gods. She certainly didn’t know that she just thought she had had a husband and wife. real.

If this is the case, the deputy of the Peach Blossoms will be able to traverse in the ruin of Yunyun, and the blond man can kill the seventy-nine Tianzun with a stick. The strength is simply outrageous. Dip on the relationship.

"do not know."

The blond man shook his head and let the heart of the peach blossom deputy head fall into the bottom of the valley, but soon, the deputy of the peach blossoms came back again, and the blond man let her stay. Did she see her beauty? Said that the blond man wants to be happy with her.

"This time, Wan Fuzong is not a slave. If there are any demands from the predecessors, the slaves will fully satisfy. Even if the older generation wants the slaves, the slaves will not have a little opinion. On the contrary, they can serve the predecessors or slaves. with pleasure."

The deputy of the peach blossoms immediately changed their self-proclaimed, but also flirted with the blond man, and induced to confuse the blond man, the deputy of the peach blossoms did not mean to blush, so strong, it is definitely worth her to make her face, anyway, she I have already been a man, and naturally I don’t care about my body.

"I have no interest in such a monk like you, now you can roll."

The blond man said unceremoniously that the deputy of the peach blossoms thought that he was a lascivious person. He couldn't stand it. He appreciated that others were naked and melee. That was his interest. There was absolutely no relationship with the lust, at least he thought so.

Originally, Ming Zun, Zhong Da Tian Zun, Gong Tian Tian Zun and Liu Feng Tian Zun are still secretly happy. The charm of the peach blossom deputy master must not be underestimated. If the blond man really wants the peach blossom deputy to serve, then they will not only have a little bit. Danger, you may get the guidance of a blond man in the future.

It is a pity that the blond man’s attitude is resolute, directly blaming the deputy priest of the peach blossoms, letting their little abacus fall through, and the prince of the peach blossom is even more angry, and it is the first time that someone else has become a monk in public, but she can only The anger is suppressed in the heart.

"Slow, presumably you are the mother of the monk, the deputy of the peach blossoms of the Suzaku Hall."

On the big Taishang, he suddenly interrupted. Wan Fuzong had a spy with a double sword door. The double sword gate also had a spy of Wan Fuzong. Earlier, he did not care. Now the worshippers of the Moon Temple and the Gulei Hall have already counted Leaving, only the deputy of the Peach Blossoms and the other four Suzaku Hall's Tianzun.

The reason why the identity of the deputy lord of the peach blossom was revealed was because the Taishang wanted to pay for the ridge. Previously, Mu Zongze and other elders had already offended Ling Dao, and now he told Ling Dao Taohua’s deputy The mother of the church is to say that the deputy of the peach blossom is to kill you. You can't let him go.

"Little Xiaojun, when is it your turn to talk."

In the eyes of the deputy of the Peach Blossoms, the cold flashes, but it has already reached out and grabbed it toward the big lady. With her strength, crushing the neck of the big lady and letting the big man die on the spot is not a problem at all.

"Is Laos letting you do it?"

The blond man’s eyes glanced, a golden light spurred out of his eyes, turned into a golden iron rod, and squatted in the hands of the deputy head of the peach blossom. The deputy master of the peach blossom had no time to escape, only felt a pain in the palm of his hand. It seems to be broken.

When the big man is on, let the blond man hear the deep meaning of it. Naturally, the peach flower deputy hall will not be the main life of the big man. Sure enough, the next moment, the big lady will explain the Lingdao and the peach blossom deputy. The grievances between the two princes of the peach blossoms want the life of the big man. If the blond man does not stop, the big man is now a dead body.

"It turns out that, younger brother, what do you think."

Ling Dao killed the son of the deputy of the Peach Blossoms, and the deputy of the Peach Blossoms will definitely not let him go. The blond man made a look at Ling Dao. The meaning is very obvious, that is, Ling Dao killed the deputy master of Taohua.

The main deputy of the Peach Blossoms is different from the Lord of the Ancient Temple, the Lord of the Moon, and the Emperor Wan Fuzong. The latter are all for the sake of benefit, but she is for hatred, killing the enemy, not wearing the sky, Ling The Tao can temporarily let go of the Lord of the Moon, the Lord of the Temple of the Ancient Thunder, and the lord of the Wan Fuzong, but can not let the deputy of the Peach Blossoms.

Even if Ling Dao is not thinking for himself, he should also consider Xue Lingyao and Duan madman. The deputy of the Peach Blossoms is not only a Tianzun himself, but also a group of Tianzun subordinates. Not long ago, the Peach Blossom Deputy and the madman played against each other, despite The paragraph madman took advantage of the point, but it does not mean that the madman can kill the peach flower deputy.

"If it is to kill her with stone carvings, it is too much to bully people. It is better to do this. Brothers, you will suppress her to the end of the heavens, and I will fight her fair."

Lingdao’s proposal is completely beyond the expectations of the blond man. It is necessary to know that now Lingdao is in the late stage of Tianbing, and it is a big realm from the late days of the heavens. The suppression of its realm to the late days of the heavens will not be comparable to the real military in the late days.

If Lingdao is also in the late days of the day, then the blond man must be assured that if the deputy of the peach blossom is the real martial artist, the blond man is also assured, but the real realm of the prince of the peach blossom is the late Tianzun, he certainly feels Ling The proposal of the Tao is too bold.

"You are sure to suppress her to the end of the day and fight with you."

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