The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 200: Shen Fu Dian

"Don't say it again, I can't be a disciple of Wan Fuzong again!"

Da Tai Shang also wanted to persuade, but was stopped by Ling Dao, no matter what the big man said, can not shake the determination of Ling Dao. access:. The big man opened his mouth and finally had no choice but to ask for help. The second is too much to look up at the sky, and the one thing does not matter.

Er Tai was very disappointed with the performance of Mu Zongze and a group of elders. He also expected Ling Dao to take Wan Fuzong to glory. Now he thinks that it is a mistake to let Ling Dao stay in Wan Fuzong. It’s not that Lingdao is sorry for Wan Fuzong, but Wan Fuzong is sorry for Lingdao.

As for the nine stone carvings, the second is not wanted, but the big Taishang and other elders are afraid to ask. If they lose money, they should be repaid with nine stone carvings. At least Lingdao did not take revenge and did not kill them. The elders did not receive the stone carvings at all, and the nine stone carvings were of no use to them.

From the beginning to the end, Mu Zongze was closed his mouth and said nothing. Lingdao did not ask him for trouble, and he did not want his life. He was very fortunate. As for the arrogance of Lingdao, he did not dare to borrow him a hundred courage. He doesn't talk, and Lingdao naturally won't take care of him.

"Let's go!"

After Xue Lingyao and Nie Elders said goodbye, they took the hand of Ling Dao and prepared to leave Wan Fuzong. Lingdao nodded, they have all withdrawn from Wan Fuzong, naturally there is no need to continue to stay in Wan Fuzong. Later, they may come to Yanzhou, but they are not disciples of Wan Fuzong.


On the second side, looking at the backs of Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao, they sighed and made the elders of the elders for so many years. He had never seen a disciplinary disciple like Xue Lingyao and Ling Dao. Unfortunately, because of Mu Zongze's various behaviors, Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao are separated from Wan Fuzong.

" Take care!"

The paragraph madman arched his hand against the second Tai, and then he stepped away from Wan Fuzong. He lived in Wan Fuzong for hundreds of years, and he said that he had no feelings for Wan Fuzong. It must be fake. It is a pity that the actions of Mu Zongze and other inner elders really made him unacceptable.

The blond man came to Wan Fuzong. This is for Lingdao. Even Lingdao has left Wan Fuzong. Of course, he can’t stay in Wan Fuzong. As for the hatred between Wan Fuzong and Ling Dao, he was too lazy to 'plug' his hand. Anyway, Lingdao himself could solve it.

"What are your plans for the future?"

After leaving Wan Fuzong, Ling Dao, Xue Ling Yao, Duan Mania and blond men gathered to discuss the future. Of course, the blonde man mainly asks Ling Dao, Xue Ling Yao and Duan Mengzi have nothing to do with him.

Unfortunately, there are provisions that do not allow Lingdao to enter the power of the blond man. Otherwise, the blond man will bring the Lingdao directly back, and there is no need to worry about the future of Lingdao. His powers include emperors, emperors, emperor martial arts, and the number of military personnel is extremely small, and the cultivation resources are simply inexhaustible.

Whether it is his master sister or his brothers, one is young and the strength is strong and scary. If the forces they belong to do not have enough content, even if their talents are good, there will be no achievements today.

"I want to go to the "chaos" ancient area and then plan!"

The practice of Jiannai Lingdao is different. Even if they are obviously a person, the sword and the magic can't make the blood-mosquito stone recognize the Lord. Only Lingdao can do it. It is obviously impossible to compete with the Baili family with the swordsman’s current cultivation.

The blond man may be able to deal with the strongest of the Baili family, but Lingdao does not want to trouble the blond man, after all, they are not familiar with it. With nine stone carvings, there is no problem in dealing with Tianzun. Only the Baili family and the Holy King, Lingdao must be careful to deal with it.

"If you want to be a disciple of a power, I will recommend it for you, certainly no problem!"

The two forces, the three forces, the blond man can't see, the emperor's power, his face is not enough to see. If you move out of his power, other emperor forces will definitely give face. However, there are also provisions on the above, all on their own, not allowed to use the name of the power to do 'private matters'.

"No, thank you brothers for your kindness. If you can, I hope that my brother can help Lingyao and the elders!"

Becoming a disciple of a product, certainly more than a good repair. The situation of Xuelingyao, Duanmanzi and Lingdao is different. The practice of Lingdao cultivation is itself a monarch. Even if Lingdao becomes a disciple of a force, it is impossible to cultivate the merits of a product.

However, Xue Lingyao's cultivation is only the practice that Tianjun created. In the future, it will be difficult to become a god. If you become a disciple of a product, the cultivation of the Daojun pioneer, and the difficulty of becoming a **** in the future, will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, after becoming a disciple of a product, as long as it shows sufficient potential, it will certainly receive corresponding attention. Xueling Yao is a Fu Xiu, playing and killing is not suitable for her, and she is the best way to cultivate her.

Now Lingdao can't even protect himself. Naturally, she does not want Xue Lingya to follow him. Let Xue Ling Yao become a disciple of the product, not only can help Xue Ling Yao pave the way, but also let her avoid many dangers.

"No problem, I just know a resilience, even in the entire wilderness, there is no small name!"

Both Yanyun and Chiyun are in the Abandoned Clouds, and the Abandoned Clouds is only a small part of the wilderness. The forces that are famous in the wilderness are absolutely not allowed to be small. After all, the wilderness is ten times larger than the average.

"Unfortunately, Fu Xiu wants to become an emperor, very difficult, and the vast wilderness area, even the power of a perfect emperor has no power. The temple of the gods can have the status of today, certainly related to this. If there is a power of the emperor, The status of the Temple of God is bound to plummet.

However, you should not underestimate the temple of the gods. After all, the strong man who created the temple of the gods is also the **** of the ancient times. It is said that the level of Tao Fu is very high, so it is impossible to prove the emperor. However, Fushen can refine the Emperor's character, right, you have not misunderstood, it is the Emperor's character! ”

A monastic master, who is able to refine the Emperor's character, is like a martial artist who can create a martial art. The Emperor's hand-made refinery is enough to counter the great emperor who has just proved his way. Of course, he can only be the general emperor.

Xue Ling Yao came to the interest, as Fu Xiu, she is of course interested in the powerful Fu Xi. The most powerful thing she touched was the symbol of Tianjun's refining. As for the nine stone carvings, I don't know if it is a different weapon.

How powerful is the Emperor of the Emperor, Xue Lingyao can not imagine. Not to mention the elimination of Wan Fuzong, even if it is to flatten the worship hall and the ancient thunder hall, it is completely out of the question. With the Emperor's character, the Shenfu Temple has enough status and is completely understandable.

"It is said that the present temple of the gods still has the symbol of the reign of the gods. Because of this, the struggles of other forces and the temple of the gods are just enough, and they simply do not dare to completely excite the temple. 'angry.

Fortunately, the disciples and elders of the Temple of God are self-aware, and they will not take the initiative to provoke the mighty warriors. The Emperor of the Emperor can only scare and scare a force and the power below the power. The power of the Emperor is certainly not afraid! ”

The emperor's forces have the emperor's soldiers. If the emperor's soldiers are sacrificed, they can completely smash the emperor's charms of the temple. After all, it is because the realm of the gods is too low. If the gods can become emperors, then his symbol, power will definitely be better than one floor.

"I am a "deputy" relationship with a deputy priest of the Temple of God. I recommend that they will naturally have no problems. Just, do you really want to be a disciple of the temple?"

The blond man patted the ‘chest’ to ensure that even if the gods were able to refine the emperor, the Shenfu Temple is still only a force. He is not very clear about the talents of Xue Lingyao and Duan Mengzi, but Lingdao’s talent is inevitable.

"No, I am practicing the Tao, just for the stone, in fact, I have little interest in the road!"

Lingdao shook his head, and the temple was stronger, and he had nothing to do with him. When the blond man saw his attitude resolutely, he did not ask again. In fact, letting a warrior who cultivated a wild and ridiculous genius become a disciple of the power, it is a bit wrong to think about it.

"Ling Yao, are you willing to become a disciple of the Temple of God?"

What really makes Lingdao not worry is Xue Lingyao. The lunatics are already a Tianzun. As long as they don’t meet the Holy King or Daojun, he has the power of self-protection. Unlike Xueling Yao, it is only a Tianbing martial artist. Even Tianwang and Tianjun want to kill him. It is not difficult.

"Can I become a disciple of a product, what do I have to do?"

Xue Ling Yao said so, but Ling Dao still heard the hidden complaints in her tone. It’s not that Lingdao doesn’t want to bring Xuelingyao, but what he has to do, and his life is in danger. Fortunately, Xue Lingyao understands things and will not really be angry with him.

"The revenge of the snow house, do you want to report it for you now?"

Both the Peng Peng stone carvings and the Zhenlong stone carvings have been used, but there are still seven stone carvings in Lingdao, which help the Xue family revenge. There is absolutely no problem. It is only the four powers and the five powers that have destroyed the snow house. Even Tianzun does not have it. Naturally, it is very good.

"No, I want to take revenge!"

Becoming a disciple of a power, it is possible to cultivate the Taoist system in the future, and it is natural to report the great hatred of the Xue family. Xueling Yao has already said this, and Lingdao certainly will not force it. Next, it is the problem of the madman, I don’t know if the madman is willing or not.

"I am just a martial artist. The power of Fu Xiu is not attractive to me. Of course, you don't have to introduce me to the power of Wu Xiu because I want to take a look!"

I haven't waited for Lingdao to ask questions, and the madman is taking the initiative. Duan madman is a very stubborn person. Since he has cultivated Vientiane, he does not want to change his method. Moreover, he does not like any rules, and he is hard to break away from Wan Fuzong. Naturally, he does not want to enter other forces.

"That's good, it's so decided. Lingyao went to the temple of the gods. I went to the ancient area of ​​the chaos. The elders arranged for themselves!" -40503dsuaahhh29569932-->


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