The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 201: North Temple Lord

"The elders, this time, I don’t know when I will meet again next time. The only thing I have to respect the whole Wan Fuzong is you. Every time I am in danger, you are all coming forward. Thank you."

The vast Wan Fuzong, only a madman can be desperate to protect the Lingdao, the second is certainly worthy of the Lingdao, but he has his own measure, such as Lingdao was only a foreign disciple before, the second too can be for other disciples Abandoning Ling Dao, Meng Yu Tang has to deal with Ling Dao, he is also pretending not to see.

Lingdao is a grateful madman from the heart, but unfortunately, the madman has a madman's road, he has his own way, there is no banquet in the world, even he and Xueling Yao are separated, worship the temple hall The Lord led 80 deities to come to Wan Fuzong, and they realized that they lacked their strength.

"You are the youngest person I have ever seen, and Mu Zongze is blind. I certainly will not be like him. Besides, my tests will have the meaning of your life. If you have come over, I am afraid. I hate to die."

The madman remembered that when Lingdao had just arrived at him, Leichi Hell and the Mountain Range were all tests of Lingdao. I thought that Lingdao would die in the same test as other disciples. The road passed all the tests in perfect condition.

"You and I have a fate, and I will definitely see you again in the future. I hope that next time, your realm will catch up with me and even surpass me."

No parting bitter, no parting injury, the madman laughed and went away, Lingdao did not retain, did not answer, just watched the madman leave, the madman practicing the magic of the Vientiane, can become Tianzun, as long as he does not die In the future, it will inevitably become a big man in the wasteland, and even famous throughout the wilderness.

Even the blond man does not have a small madman, a warrior who relies on the Heavenly King to become a god, and who is still not going to change the law after becoming a god, or who will not do anything in the future, or will achieve amazing achievements in the future.

I don't know why, the blond man always thinks that the madman is the latter, because the feeling that the madman gives him is different from ordinary people. Unfortunately, the second brother is not there, or else the second brother’s vision will definitely show the extraordinary of the madman. Where.

"Brother, you bother me to send me and Ling Yao to the Temple of God."

Lingdao did not intend to become a disciple of Shenfudian. He just wanted to send Xuelingyao to the temple of the gods. At the very least, he had to know where the temple was, and then went to the temple of the gods, and there was no need to worry about the situation. .

"Whoever makes you my younger brother, I don't bother anyway, you both come up."

The blond man smiled and took out the iron bar, and made the iron bar bigger. It was ten meters long and three meters wide. Then he took out the tables and chairs and let Lingdao and Xueling Yao sit. Lingdao and Xuelingyao were not polite, and they were seated. Only the iron bar snorted.

"I am a weapon, not a mount. Is it really good to abuse weapons like this?"

The iron sticks were displeased and muttered. Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao were both funny. Only the blond man stepped on the iron bars under his feet. The blond man and the weapon were not the first arguments. They were only Lingdao. Xue Lingyao has not seen it.

"Let you help bring a way, you are not happy, take you to appreciate the beauty, why do you have no opinion."

Only the listener’s disdainful sneer, no longer argued with the blond man, the position of the temple, the blond man knows, the iron bar also knows, complaining to complain, dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction, the iron rod really flies up, the speed is almost fast No.

Even with the eyesight of Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao, they are completely unable to see the scenery around them. Fortunately, the blond man’s gas field is shrouded in them, so that they are not attacked by hurricanes. Otherwise, at such a fast speed, Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao will never feel good.

The temple of the gods is not in the ruins of the ruins, but in the ruins of the gods, the ruins of the ruins are already large enough. However, the sacred sacred house is bigger than the ruins of the ruins, and it is not twice as large, but 30 times larger. Think about it. Also, the most powerful palace in the ruins of the Clouds is only the second power, but the God of the Gods has a power like the Temple of the Gods.

There is no power in the ruins of the cloud, but there is more than one power in the sacred house. It is only the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred It must be the temple of the gods.


The iron bar was slightly shocked, and the blond man, Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao were shaken. Ling Dao and Xue Ling Yao felt a soft force, wrapped them and let them fall steadily. On the ground, in contrast to the blond man, there is no such good treatment for them. The iron rod seems to vent all the power to him.

"Reverse you, a stick in the area, and dare to be right with Lao Tzu, believe it or not to grind you into a needle in a moment."

The blond man grabbed the iron bar and it was a violent temper. Unfortunately, the iron bar did not know what the material was caused. He did not fear his fists and feet. In the end, the blond man could only helplessly sigh and sigh. .

"Other people's weapons are so good, why the weapons of Laozi, all day long know to be against Laozi."

Xueling Yao and Lingdao have been eccentric, and along the way, they have become accustomed to the quarrel between the blond man and the iron bar. I really don’t know why both of them have great opinions on each other, but Xueling Yao and Lingdao are both I can feel the deep feelings of one person and one stick.

The blond man stood outside the temple of the gods and used the voice of the will to inform his old friend, the temple of the gods, that there was only one lord. However, the deputy priest had four, and each deputy Duties are different.

The owner of the East Temple is responsible for managing the affairs of the Temple of the Gods. The owner of the West Temple is responsible for the refining of the Fuxi. The Southern Dynasties are responsible for teaching the Fudao. The Northern Dynasties are responsible for the rule of the temple. The old friend of the blond man is the god. The northern temple of Fu Dian, known as the Northern King.

Don't look at the North Hall Lord is a Fu Xiu, but he is crazy about the battle, most of the martial arts can not match, of course, the nickname of the Northern King, not from the former, but because he is too strict, and Regardless of the expensive, violating the rules of the temple, he is treated equally.

Because of this, the Northern Dynasties are among the four deputy lords, the worst in popularity, no matter the other three deputy lords, but the elders of the sacred temple, and even the lord of the temple, he has offended. No way, their descendants, there are always violations of the rules of the temple, to the North Hall Lord, the North Hall Lord has never been smuggled.

"What the wind is, blowing you over."

Tightly after a while, a middle-aged man rushed out of the temple of the gods, a red-hot hair, like a flame, wearing a red shirt with dark red blood, air There is a **** suffocation in the middle.

"I want to come when I want to come, I want to go and leave. Is there anyone who can manage the old man?"

The blond man and the North Hall owner are obviously very familiar, but the North Hall owner did not look at the blond man, but stared at Lingdao and Xueling Yao. The blond man had nothing to do with the Sanbao Temple. The North Hall owner naturally understood his arrival. Certainly related to Lingdao and Xuelingyao.

"No one really can control you, whether you forgot your master sister or you have forgotten your second brother."

North Dianzhu did not give the blond man's face in front of Yao Xue Ling Ling Road and the face, exposing short blond man, blond man of big senior sister apprentice, not unreasonable, willful, she wanted to hit the blond man, do not need For any reason, what he fears most is the master sister.

As for the second brother, it is also a headache for another blond man. Contrary to the master sister, the second brother is not only reasonable, but also has a reasonable point. Once the second brother opens his mouth, he can’t stop. The blond man is told by the second brother every time. The head hurts.

Whether it is the master sister or the second brother, the strength is stronger than that of the blond man. If it is really played, the blond man is in their hands, and even a round can’t hold it. The words of the North Hall are obviously irritating the blond man. The blond man has long hair roots upside down.

"Well, you are a little north son, I have to let you know why the flowers are so red today."

The blond man seems to have forgotten the things of Lingdao and Xuelingyao. He took out the iron bars directly and went to fight with the North Hall Lord. The North Hall Lord not only did not have the slightest fear, but also looked excited, even if he took out one. The numerator is awkward, and it is a blond man.

"Is they really good friends?"

Xue Lingyao rolled his eyes, and there was a fight when he met. The blond man did not measure things. He didn’t expect the North Hall to be the same. He said that he was also a deputy. She couldn’t help but think that the blond man gave her to the north. Is such a person like the Lord really reliable?

Fortunately, the blond man and the North Hall Lord had already rushed to the endless heights. Their battle did not affect Xuelingyao and Lingdao. They had a full battle for an hour before they returned to Lingdao and Xuelingyao. The blond man, or the owner of the North Hall, is extremely embarrassed.

However, neither of them cares. The previous wars not only did not make them angry, but made them smile. It is obvious that both of them are militant people. If they don’t play one game, they are uncomfortable.

"Right, I almost forgot about the business. This little girl is a repair, I am going to teach you, don't delay her."

The blond man finally remembered the matter of Xuelingyao. Fortunately, the North Hall Lord had no opinion. He nodded and agreed to it. A Tianbingian junior, the North Hall owner asked himself to teach it without any trouble. The blond man couldn’t help him. Of course, he will not refuse.

What's more, the North Hall owner had previously looked at Xue Ling Yao and Ling Dao. How is the talent of Ling Dao? He is not clear. Anyway, he can see that Xue Ling Yao is a genius. Originally, the North Hall Lord also Thought that the blond man had to hand over Lingdao and Xueling Yao to him, I did not expect only one Xuelingyao.

"What about him?"

"He is my younger brother, of course I can't give it to you, otherwise I will be delayed by you."

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