The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 202: Agent

"Sun Monkey, do you still want to play a game."

The owner of the North Hall roared, and the words of the blond man obviously caused his dissatisfaction. With his realm, he taught a young man in the heavenly army. How could he delay others? It’s just like the realm of the blond man, and the other day’s juniors ask him. He does not teach.

"You are a monkey, Lao Tzu is a holy shrine, do you know the holy shrine."

The blond man is also very angry, a pair of battles with the North Palace Lord, as a genius of the sacred genius, naturally do not want to be said by others as a monkey, but unfortunately, the North Hall Lord looked up at the sky, no The blond man’s anger is on his mind.

Lingdao is smiling, Xuelingyao can't help but laugh out. Whether it is a blond man or a northern lord, they are all real strong. Tianzun has no resistance in front of them. However, they both It is now like a child, whistling.

"In the future, you are my disciple, you can laugh, but you must laugh at him."

The North Hall mainboard face, seriously and Xue Lingyao said, the blond man's request, he has promised, and now began to use, Xueling Yao obviously stunned, do not know how to pick up, blond man is Lingdao Brother, and saved her, but also let her become a disciple of the temple, she certainly can not be biased towards the North Hall Lord.

Under the circumstance, Xue Lingyao had to be stupid, not to care about the North Hall owner. The blond man proudly glanced at the North Hall Lord and suddenly felt very comfortable. The North Hall owner still felt depressed, but when he thought of Lingdao’s identity. After that, suddenly laughed.

"Sun Monkey, Monkey, Monkey, you have to call my uncle, you said that he is your younger brother. This little girl is my disciple. I think they are so close, they want to have a relationship, they are peers. You said that you are calling my uncle."

The North Hall owner is in a good mood. The blond man always calls himself Laozi in front of him. Now he can press the blond man on his seniority. He feels like Shutai. Sure enough, the blond man’s face is ugly.

If the North Hall Master really became the master of Xue Ling Yao, then the blond man is indeed a lower generation than him. The blond man only wants to find a backing for Xue Lingyao. He did not expect to put himself in, but if There are no other forces in the wilderness area, which is better than the temple of the gods. The blond man may have left with Xue Lingyao.

"Senior brother, you can let him take over the teacher and let Ling Yao be his sister, not on the line."

Lingdao’s idea suddenly made the blond man smile, but the North Hall owner changed his face. I didn’t expect Lingdao to think of a solution so quickly. The North Hall owner certainly didn’t want to be a substitute for the teacher, and he didn’t want to go out for no reason. A sister.

However, the North Hall owner knows the blond man very well. If he does not agree, the blond man will definitely stalk, and instead of agreeing to the nose, it is better to be refreshed now. The North Hall owner sneaked a glimpse of it. Out of a breath, I did not expect it to be destroyed by Lingdao.

"Haha, Xiaobeizi, you also heard what my younger brother said, let her be your sister, and you will accept the apprentice. Anyway, you promised to agree, and you have to promise not to agree."

Sure enough, at the beginning, the blond man was prepared to hang around, but the blond man would not agree with the lower generation of the North, so that he would be uncomfortable in front of the North Hall.

"If you are not good, you will not be surprised."

The North Hall owner sighed in the sky and had to promise the blond man that the teacher had accepted the apprentice and made Xue Lingyao his sister. His status is very high in the temple of the gods. His generation is also very high. Xue Lingyao Once he became his sister, it will certainly cause a sensation in the temple.

Xue Lingyao has not entered the Temple of God, but has already let most of the disciples of the Temple of God become her disciples and grandchildren. The brothers and sisters of the North Hall, the younger brothers and sisters, are now in the Temple of God, the worst is an elder.

Lingdao let the North Palace masters accept the apprentices, naturally in order to create a good origin for Xuelingyao. Later, if the disciples and elders of Shenfudian want to oppress Xuelingyao, they will definitely consider Xuelingyao. Identity, the younger sister of the North Hall, certainly not who can move if they want to move.

"I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I won't leave you two. How far can you two go?"

In the middle of the hall, the Lord of the North gave a joke, and he was only unhappy with the blond man. The idea of ​​Lingdao made him have a younger sister. He naturally hated the Lingdao, even if it was Xueling. Yao talent is no better, the North Hall Lord does not want Xue Ling Yao to be his sister.

"Don't be the lord of the North Hall of the Temple of God, you are so measurable, and I am suffocating, even if I still care about my brother, it is a shame."

The blond man will not miss any chance to satirize the North Hall Lord. However, the North Hall Lord did not refute, but a large sleeve, turned and walked back to the Shenfu Temple. Xueling Yao and Lingdao waved their hands. Followed behind the North Hall Lord.

"Ling Yao, wait for me."

Lingdao muttered to himself, Xue Lingyao suddenly turned around and smiled at him. He was better than a hundred flowers in full bloom. They met from now to now, but they didn’t last long, but they have died together. Now, It is only for a better reunion in the future.

In the past, Xue Lingyao had only one goal. That was to avenge the Xue family. Now, she has another goal. That is to help the Lingdao. The reason why she promises a blond man is because she feels herself and Ling. The gap between the roads.

If she does not join the Temple of God, the gap between her and Ling Dao will only grow bigger and bigger. When she first met, the realm of Ling Dao was not as good as her. Now, the realm of Ling Dao is already higher than her. The force is even worse.

Fortunately, she is Fu Xiu. If she can portray a powerful symbol, she can still help Ling Dao. Now she is already the sister of the North Hall. As long as she is willing to work hard, it will definitely not be bad in the future. It is definitely not comparable to Wan Fuzong.

"Go, let me go to the ancient domain."

The blond man patted the shoulders of Lingdao and crossed the territory. It was definitely farther than Wan Fuzong to the Temple of the Gods. In particular, the wilderness was much larger than the average territory. Even the blond man wanted to send the Lingdao himself. It takes a long time to chaos the ancient domain.

"Brother, you can help me find a star door, then I will go by myself."

It is a helpless move for the blond man to send Xueling Yao to the Temple of the Gods. After all, Xue Lingyao relies on the relationship of the blond man to become a disciple of the Shenfu Temple. Although Lingdao is in danger of life in the ancient area, he Still intend to solve it by myself.

"okay then."

The blond man nodded and said that he could not help Lingdao. Now he has done so much. If he personally sent Lingdao to the chaotic ancient domain, it is not very good. His brothers and sisters gave him the idea of ​​instilling him. It’s all about yourself.

If he helped Lingdao, it would be unfavorable for the growth of Lingdao. Moreover, the stone carving power of Lingdao, he has already seen, the general Tianzun, will die under the stone inscription, as long as Lingdao does not want to provoke the holy king. There is no worry about life.

In the realm of Lingdao, there should be no intersection with Tianzun, let alone the holy king, the blond man will not count after all, of course, I don’t know, among the strong ones that Lingdao has to deal with in the ancient times, not only Tianzun, And there is the Holy King.

"Just I know the location of a recent star gate, the chaos of the ancient domain is extremely chaotic, and when you get there, you are careful."

The chaotic ancient domain is known for its chaos. The blond man once went to the ancient domain once. It is natural to know how dangerous the ancient area is. Lingdao has to go to the ancient area. The blond man will definitely not stop. The more dangerous the environment, the easier it is. To hone people, the realm of Ling Dao is low, and he needs the temper of blood and fire to make him go further.

After the blond man intends to take the Lingdao, he will go to the Akiroshima again. I don’t know why, the last young man who used the woman’s blood in the wilderness always gave him a bad feeling. He had not paid attention to it before. Now he always thinks that the young man looks like he is lingering in his mind.


Chaos ancient domain, the village where the Baili family is located.

Because the no-beasts occupy the body of the hundred miles, so that the swordsman knows the blood-mosquito, but unfortunately, the swordsman and the incompetent beast can't compete with the strongest of the Baili family. Do not know anything.

The blood-mosquito stone inhales his power of blood, he can only bear it silently, even the pain of the lotus child, he has taken over, the blood of the lotus is not as good as him, therefore, as long as he takes the initiative to give blood to the mosquito The stone carving conveys a little blood and blood, and the lotus can escape.

Nowadays, Lian's body is getting better and better. The blood-mosquito stone carving does not absorb her qi and blood. Besides, she began to practice. It is no longer as weak as she used to do every morning. Her situation is in the sword. Unexpectedly, only the swordsman did not think that her martial arts entered the country, and it was scary.

Just a month's time, Lian Er has broken through from the physical body to the heavens, so the speed of cultivation, not only the swordsman is not as good as the sigh, even the beasts are stunned, even if there is no match, the knowledge is wide, I don't know what is going on.

Sword Magic carefully examined the body of Lian Er, and found nothing different. The realm of Lian Er, so fast, not only did not have a little vain, but it was extremely solid. At first, the sword demon was surprised, slowly He will not be surprised.

It is possible that Lie will become a warrior in the early days of the Qiankun regime. In the afternoon, he may have become a warrior in the middle of the Qiankun regime. Even in the evening, he became a warrior in the late Qiankun. The sword demon even thought, is it a month for the lotus, Lotus The realm of children can surpass themselves.

"What happened? Why do I feel that the speed of blood-mosquito-sucking blood is 100 times faster than before? If it is longer, even if it is me, I can't hold it."

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