The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 206: Bloody meeting

"what did you say?!"

The patriarch of the Baili family suddenly stood up. It is not a trivial matter that the missing child is missing. It is no wonder that Bai Lixi is so flustered. "Lian Er is very important to the **** meeting. However, what they care about is not this, but how the lotus disappeared.

With the ability of Lian Er, to escape, it is simply impossible. She must have been taken away by others. The key is, what kind of strong is it to take away the lotus without knowing it?

"Look, hurry to find, if the lotus really disappears, then after the **** meeting, we will change places!"

The most worrying thing about the patriarch is the strong who took away the lotus, the hostile forces from the Baili family. In the current state of the Baili family, even after the enhancement of the **** meeting, it is still not the opponent of those forces.

Even if the strong person who took away the lotus is not the hostile force of the Baili family, the Baili family still has to change places because their place has been discovered by others and is no longer hidden. Of course, there is still a possibility, that is, the strong who took away the lotus, is the elder of the lotus.

Lian Er's blood is strong, certainly not an ordinary person, but he has never seen his parents since childhood. Perhaps, his parents have been looking for her, and now I have found it, and she is taken directly. For many years, the Baili family has been quite good to the lotus on the bright side. The elders of the lotus have no reason to retaliate against them.

"If there is no lotus, then you can only use the blood of the beast to strengthen the warrior of my Baili family!"

The patriarch of the Baili family did not have any hope for finding the lotus. Bai Lixi waited for Lian Er for one night, and definitely looked for Lian Er. With his cultivation, Lian Er can find it as long as he is in the Baili family.

They will certainly not kill the swords, even if the Baili family changes to a place, they will still carry the sword. If there is no sword and magic to provide the power of blood, their speed of cultivation will definitely slow down. They are willing to kill the lotus, but they are reluctant to kill the sword, who makes the sword and the blood more powerful than the lotus.

Sure enough, the results were the same as the patriarchs expected. The warriors of the Baili family found a full half hour, and they did not find the lotus. They almost dug the small village three feet. How many people licked the blood of the lotus, did not expect that the lotus children disappeared under their eyes.

"The patriarch, do we want to evacuate immediately? In case..."

The meaning of Bai Lixi, the patriarch understands, but the patriarch still shook his head. The **** meeting can indeed enhance the overall strength of the Baili family, but they all have a period of weakness. Even if the period of weakness is short, only six hours are still fatal.

Even if they were in their heyday, they were not rivals of hostile forces, let alone the weak period. Bai Lixi looked at the patriarch inexplicably. Because he was afraid of death, he was more timid than the patriarch. He wanted to evacuate immediately and keep his life.

"Reassure, even those who take the lotus are the people of the forces, they must be prepared, can not be killed alone. They are not ready for a day, let alone six hours?"

The words of the patriarch finally made him feel a little relieved, but he did not play with the lotus, but he still made him very unhappy. He wants to find someone to vent their emotions, and certainly will not find a sword. First, the swordsmen have great use. Secondly, they can save the lotus under their eyes, and they want to get through the swordsman. It is easy.

The patriarchs of Bai Lixi and the Baili family will certainly not think that the people who saved the lotus are the swordsmen they have never suspected. If they know it, I am afraid that it will not control the role of the sword magic, and directly take the sword magic.

The **** meeting, the patriarch of the Baili family was very grand, and all the people of the Baili family came over. When the Baili family said that they were the second power, there are only more than 900 people left, even one in ten thousand of the peak period. Perhaps, there are other living Baili family members in other places, just scattered.

The hundred miles of the body that is not occupied by the beast is definitely in the field. He is the genius of the Baili family and can naturally be valued. Especially in the recent period, his realm has broken through successively and his status has improved.

Although the true cultivation of the hundred miles has reached the heavenly kingdom, his cultivation is only the mid-term of the king. He is not stupid. If within a month, from the peak of the heavens to the heavens, the strongest of the Baili family will certainly be suspicious.

Even if it is a month from the peak of the sky to the middle of the king of heaven, the strongest of the Baili family feel that his talent was previously underestimated. Some warriors were very powerful when they were young. When they grew up, their qualifications were average. Some of them were talented in the realm of the front, and when they arrived, they became very popular.

However, when someone was a child, they grew up far beyond ordinary people, and some people were in the usual situation in front of them. When they arrived, they leaped forward. The strongest of the Baili family thinks that Bailixing is hunting every day, and using the blood of the beast to grow up, the bloodline has been cultivated to a higher level.

The **** meeting of the Baili family will definitely not let the swordsman come. If the swordsman knows that they are using his qi and blood to cultivate, they still don't know what will happen. Of course, they simply don’t know that the swordsman has long known about **** mosquitoes.


No phase beasts are sent to the swordsmen, indicating that the swordsmen are ready to start. He only likes to swallow the will, devour the soul, and has no interest in the blood. Of course, only after the start of the **** blood conference, they can really take the shot, even if they don't like the **** conference, he can only be patient.

"Where is your power, is there any Holy King or Daojun?"

At the beginning, I cooperated with the sword magic, and the non-behavior was the power behind the sword. The potential of the sword magic is big, and at present, it can't play much. Unfortunately, he did not know that there was no big force behind the sword.

"No, my brother is coming. The realm is similar to me. However, he brought nine stone carvings, each of which is enough to kill a god, even if it is a peak, it will not escape. More important The reason is that he can control the blood-mosquito stone carvings, and even let the blood-mosquito stone recognize the Lord!"

The non-being animal was originally disappointed, because he felt that a junior who was similar to the sword-devil would not help much. However, the words behind the sword magic have aroused his interest. It is very difficult to kill a Tianzun in a stone carving.

The most important thing is that the brother of the sword can let the blood-mosquito stone recognize the Lord. Once the blood-mosquito stone is removed from the control of the patriarch of the Baili family, it will inevitably cause chaos. The bloodway of the practice of the Baili family has an inseparable relationship with the blood-mosquito.

The patriarch of the Baili family masters the blood-mosaic stone inscriptions, and can use the blood-mosquito stone carving to absorb the qi and blood power of the lotus and the sword magic. The same is because he mastered the blood-mosquito stone carvings before he can hold a **** blood meeting to strengthen all the warriors of the Baili family.

"So best, I really want to start the **** meeting!"

Originally, no one to deal with the Baili family, the odds are not big, only two or three. However, it is known that the brother of the sword can control the blood-mosquito stone carving, and the phaseless beast has a chance of winning 50% or 60%. More than half of the odds are completely worth the risk.

"Don't blame me, blame you for occupying a place that shouldn't be occupied!"

It is not his real purpose to get rid of the strongest of the Baili family. Although he did not grasp the strongman who defeated the Baili family, he was fully capable of fleeing. The reason why I didn't run, but also intends to play against the strongest of the Baili family, of course, has other purposes.

"All the 100-year-old family members are present, please ask the patriarch to order!"

When Bai Lijun arched his hand, he retreated to the other elders. There are a total of 968 ethnic groups in the Baili family. No one is absent. After all, the **** meeting can strengthen them and make their strengths even higher. They certainly will not refuse.

"Okay, open the blood pool!"

The patriarch of the Baili family has no nonsense. Now is not the time to delay the time. It is necessary to end the **** meeting as soon as possible and then leave the place. It is a pity that the No Beast is busy preparing to deal with the Baili family today, and has not overheard the dialogue between the Baili family patriarch and Bai Lixi.

If no one knows that they are going to leave, then he is willing to deal with the Baili family, not necessarily. At that time, it is only a sword magic person who wants to compete with the Baili family. The probability of winning is estimated to be only 10%.

A piece of Ling petrochemical is a powder, hiding a large array of blood pools, fully open. The rich **** smell is full of the sky, but for the warrior who has cultivated the blood passage, the **** smell is the best smell. One hundred miles of family warriors can't help but deeply absorb the **** air that permeates the scene.

"Please **** stone carving!"

The patriarch of the Baili family said respectfully, and then the blood-mosaic stone engraved under the lotus room, it flew over. He did not receive the approval of the blood-mosquito stone, but because of the cultivation of the blood passage, it was connected with the blood-mosquito.

The blood-mosquito stone carving is different from the other nine stone carvings of Lingdao, because there have been strong blood-mosquito engravings, which caused the blood-mosquito stone to mutate. The blood-mosquito stone carving has already produced a sense of autonomy, absorbing the power of the lotus and the sword magic, and supplying the strongest of the Baili family to cultivate, mainly for himself.

Whether it is the patriarch of the Baili family, or the sword and the lotus, they are all used to strengthen themselves. The blood-mosquito stone incules the blood of the sword and the lotus, and less than one-tenth of it is used to cultivate the Baili family. When the warriors of the Baili family practice the blood passages, they will be invisibly absorbed by blood and mosquitoes.

However, the blood-mosquito stone carvings are very careful. Even the strongest people in the Baili family have not noticed any abnormalities. They don't know enough about the blood passage, or they will definitely find out that every time they practice the blood passage, they are inexplicably less powerful.

Whether it is the strongest of the Baili family, or the sword and the incompetent beast, it is not known that the blood-mosquito stone carving is the real problem. Otherwise, the sword magic will not swear that Lingdao can let the blood-mosquito stone recognize the Lord!

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