The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 207: Hands-on!

The patriarch of the Baili family ran the blood passage and urged the blood-mosquito stone. The blood of the pool suddenly boiled up. Blood bubbles appear one after another, and then blast, making the **** taste more intense. Barry Star feels pungent, others are extremely enjoyable.

The boiling blood sometimes condenses the dragon, sometimes condenses the phoenix, sometimes condenses the idol, and sometimes condenses the sacred. Of course, the warriors of the Baili family do not dare to hunt true dragons, phoenixes, gods and holy shrines, but they can hunt monsters with a real bloodline, and so are others.

"Into the blood pool!"

The blood-mosquito stone was spurred, and the consumption was frightening. Even if the patriarch of the Baili family was prepared, it was still a big surprise. Not only the consumption of the source, but also the principle, even the blood. Fortunately, he does not need to be motivated for six hours, otherwise he will definitely be killed.

The people of the Baili family rushed into the blood pool one by one. They had long been coveted by the blood, but there was no order from the patriarch, and they did not dare to do it. Now the patriarch has ordered that they certainly do not hesitate.

“Comfortable, too comfortable!”

"I feel like I am absorbing all the pores, I am absorbing blood, my blood is strengthening, and my body is also!"

The blood pool is very large, even if more than 900 people all go in, it still looks very empty. In order to prepare this blood pool, they have spent a lot of effort, do not know how many monsters are hunted. Fortunately, everything is worthwhile. If they absorb it, they certainly don’t have the benefits.

"Speed, all running bloodways!"

The words of the patriarchs were clearly passed to the ears of every ethnic group. All the patriarchs did not dare to have the slightest intention and began to try their best to absorb the power of the blood pool. The **** blood conference can be held at any time. It is necessary not only to build a blood pool, but also to use the blood-mosquito stone carvings.

The difficulty of building a blood pool is not too small, but it is much easier than using a blood-mosquito. The patriarch of the Baili family has long said that it is impossible to use blood mosquitoes again in a few decades. In other words, they want to hold a **** meeting again, at least a few decades later.

"Swordsman, come on, call your brother!"

Miles estimated that the time is almost the same, it is the sound to the sword magic. Lingdao and Jianmo are the same consciousness. The voice heard by the swordsman, Lingdao certainly knows clearly. The patriarch urged the blood-mosquito stone, and his face was white, and he was too expensive to bear.

Other warriors felt that they were in the first place, but as time went by, they all felt that the power of blood was passing. Whether it is their own power of blood, or the power of blood and blood previously absorbed, it is like a river, infused into the blood-mosquito.

Fortunately, the patriarch has long said that the blood-mosquito stone will first absorb their blood and force, and then strengthen their blood and force, and finally instill in them. However, this process takes six hours and can be strengthened. It is naturally not a matter of six hours.

"No problem, come right now!"

At the same time as the swordsman responded, Lingdao had already rushed over to the small village where the Baili family was located. The infatuation of the strongest of the Baili family can block others, but they can't block the Lingdao. It is not that the height of the Lingdao circuit is high, just because the swordsman is familiar with all the formations.

When the Baili family held a blood-mosquito stone and walked into the blood pool, the blood-mosquito stone was suddenly enlarged, three thousand feet long and three thousand feet wide, suspended in the head of the Baili family. A blood-winged black mosquito flew out of the stone inscription and rushed to all the Baili family.

Every blood-winged black mosquito has a slender mouthpiece, like a steel needle, and plunges into the body of the Baili family. Whether it is Tianjun or Tianzun's body, in front of the mouth of the blood-winged black mosquito, it is as fragile as tofu.

"Everyone should not resist. If you can't even eat this bite, how can you take revenge in the future? If you can't even bear this pain, how can you make a comeback?"

The patriarch of the Baili family said that he has the highest realm and the strongest strength, and he has the most natural blood-winged black mosquitoes. Even the Barry Star, which is occupied by the innocent beast, feels that the scalp is numb, and the patriarch of the Baili family has been covered with hundreds of blood-winged black mosquitoes.

Every black-winged black-winged mosquito has a fist size, which is much larger than an ordinary mosquito. The mouthpieces of hundreds of blood-winged black mosquitoes, all of which plunged into the body of the patriarch of the Baili family, are just painful enough to make the general warrior unable to resist screaming. It is not easy for the patriarch to endure it now.

"In order to enhance your strength, you are really hard enough!"

All the people of the Baili family were suffering, and naturally did not notice when the swordsman came to the scene. Of course, the sword magic can not enter the blood pool, although he once absorbed the power of the blood pool in the world of swords, but it is completely different from the situation of the Baili family.

In order to strengthen the blood and absorb the blood of the beast, it is a normal thing in the heavens. However, the Baili family absorbs even human blood, and the nature naturally changes. Just like ordinary people can eat pork and eat mutton to eat dog meat, but to say that eating human flesh, others certainly can't accept it.

"How did you come?"

If the swordsman does not speak, the people of the Baili family may not be able to find him immediately. No time beasts will be very accurate, all the warriors of the Baili family are the weakest at this time. The swordsmen come early, the blood-winged black mosquitoes have not appeared yet, and if the swordsmen come late, the Baili family will Gradually recover.

The blood-mosquito stone carving simply did not want to return the power of blood to all the people of the Baili family, but they had to return. The temporary benefits are certainly not as good as the permanent interests. It can be said that all the warriors of the Baili family practice blood passages, and they are all helping the blood-mosquito.

"Hey, look at you, a person who is not a ghost or a ghost, really pitiful!"

All the people of the Baili family have a large number of black-winged black mosquitoes. Wherever a black-winged black mosquito has passed, it will leave a black scar. Even the most beautiful girl in the Baili family is ugly and can't be seen, let alone other people.

"Kid, are you looking for death?"

"Hurry and leave, or you will have your life!"

They can guess how embarrassed they are through the appearance of others. Anyway, everyone is the same, naturally there is no one who makes fun of who. Only they did not think that the sword magic will come over, and the ridicule of the face.

Most of the people of the Baili family are higher than the swordsmen. Now they are ridiculed by a junior of the swordsmen. Of course they are angry. In particular, the swordsmen also have a look of fearlessness, and even more so that they can not wait to swallow the sword.

"Do you want to kill me? Kill me, who do you use to cultivate?"

The patriarchs and other elders of the previous Baili family did not care at all. The swordsman might have been accidentally hit. However, when the Sword Devil’s sentence was spoken, the atmosphere in the field was dignified. They always believed that the swordsman did not know anything and was kept in the dark.

But now it seems that they are all wrong, big mistakes, the sword magic not only knows, but also knows clearly. No wonder the swordsmen are not afraid at all. They must admit that because the blood of the swordsman is strong enough, they are really reluctant to kill the swords.

"Give me the opportunity to take him, wait for the **** meeting, then dispose of him!"

The patriarch of the Baili family has been hoarse, and his skin is pale and without a trace of blood. He won't kill the swordsman, but he won't condone the swordsman. He used to think that the swordsmen didn't know anything, and the people of the Baili family were polite to the swordsmen.

Since the sword magic knows everything, then naturally he does not need to continue to pretend. Has torn the face, you do not need to be polite to the sword, first take the sword magic, when the Baili family evacuated from this place, will definitely bring the sword magic, so that the sword magic machine escape.

"Yes, patriarch!"

Barry Star immediately stood up, making other hundred-year-old family warriors ready to take shots. The sword demon is just a martial art warrior, and it has been more than enough for the Bailixing to deal with it. Unfortunately, they simply don’t know that Bailixing has already lost its bag.

"Fortunately, you come in time, or else, I can't afford it!"

The non-beating sigh of relief, his body surface, although there is a black-winged black mosquito, but if you look closely, you will find that the mouthpiece of each blood-winged black mosquito has been cut off by him. The blood-winged black mosquito sticks to him and can't absorb his blood.

First, the blood pool is big enough. Secondly, other tribes have no doubt about him, and the hundred miles can be installed now. However, as time goes by, other people of the Baili family will definitely find his difference, and then he may reveal his feet.


The Baili family chief nodded, and no longer paid attention to the sword magic. Anyway, the hundred miles to win the sword is only a matter of time. What he has to do now is to try to run the bloodway. When the blood-mosquito stone begins to feed back, all the weakness can be swept away, and his strength will continue to grow stronger.

It is the patriarch of the Baili family who holds the blood-mosquito stone. Of course, he is the one who benefits the most. Just because he doesn't understand the blood-mosquito stone carvings, he thinks that the biggest benefit is that the blood-mosquito stone carving is correct. Everything done by the patriarch of the Baili family is said to be a wedding dress for the blood-mosquito stone.

"what are you doing?"

Suddenly, there was an exclamation in the blood pool. The hundred miles that originally went to the edge of the blood pool should be against the sword. However, he not only did not shoot the sword, but instead turned to the heavenly monarch of a hundred-year-old family.

To deal with a former Tianjun, no one does not need to expose his own realm. It is enough to repair in the middle of the kingdom. He took a shot, and the former Tianjun exclaimed and retreated. Unfortunately, it is too late, and the palm of Barry Star has already hit his chest.

In the early days, Tianjun was not an opponent of Bailixing, not to mention that he is still very vain. With only one palm, Barry Star smashed his internal organs and let him die on the spot. Such a huge change has naturally attracted the attention of other ethnic groups in the Baili family!


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