The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 208: True dragon spear

"Bai Lixing, you are crazy, you have to do this for your parents."

No one beast killed a Tianjun, and the other people of the Baili family were shocked and angry. They were shocked that Bailixing was able to kill a Tianjun in one palm, and the anger was the hundred miles. For your own family.

Even if the former Tianjun was in a state of weakness, the strength was not even in the heyday of the 50%, and it was still not able to be dealt with by the king. However, the Baili star relied on the mid-term cultivation of the king of heaven, and the first day would be played by the former Tianjun. It’s too unbelievable to die.

If Barry Star is not killing the Baili family, they are sure to be happy, because the talent of Barry has surpassed other geniuses of the Baili family, and he can kill the weak former Tianjun, which means even the prosperity. In the early days of the period, he was able to compete.

In the middle of the kingdom, there will be such a force. If he becomes Tianjun or even Tianzun, the strength must be strong and scary. However, the other warriors of the Baili family simply do not know why Bailixing wants to kill the Tianjun. Did they have a hatred before?

"I'm not right, it's not right, you are not a hundred miles, who are you?"

The patriarch of the Baili family had long suspected the Baili Star. The previous Baili Star was a genius, but it is far from being so powerful. What's more, even if there is no animal to disguise, his style of action and the miles are still there. There is a difference.

However, the blood of the hundred miles is exactly the same as before, and after the patriarch tried the hundred miles, the hundred miles did not reveal a slight flaw, so they were relieved. If there is no beast, now the king of the Baili family is not Hands-on, the patriarch does not think that there is any problem with the hundred miles.

"I am not a hundred miles, then who am I?"

The incomparable beast smiled and said that the people familiar with the hundred miles were frowning. The feeling that no beasts gave them was the hundred miles. However, what he did was not right. Other warriors did not speak. Instead, wait for the hundred miles to continue to explain.

"You don't know, when I got a powerful weapon, he took it. Unfortunately, his realm is higher than mine, and his strength is stronger than mine. I have never had a chance to take revenge. I originally intended to become a revenge for Tianjun. I couldn’t help but take such a good opportunity."

The only one who knows the identity of the hundred miles is the sword magic. The other hundred people of the Baili family are suspicious of the hundred miles. They can’t conclude that he is not a hundred miles. No one can forcibly occupy other people’s bodies and get all the memories of others. To disguise a person, it is naturally difficult to be seen.

"Isn't it just to grab you a weapon? As for the next killer."

The 100-year-old family who had made a good relationship with the former Tianjun had a hateful voice. He said that the star was too fast. Even if he wanted to stop it, he was completely out of reach. He said that he would say that even if the hundred miles are true. He is not right to kill people.

In fact, even if it is a sword demon, I don’t understand what the beastless beast is going to do. The non-beast has already started. Does he think that such a lame excuse can let other people of the Baili family let him go and lose his guard? .

Of course, the swordsman will not reveal the incomparable beasts. Anyway, they are on the front line. No ones must have their own ideas. If the swordsman can’t guess, they will not intervene. It is the best choice to watch the changes. Old monsters like the beasts, not to mention the old tycoons, certainly will not be stupid.

"That is not a general weapon, but a powerful sacrament, which is more powerful than the most powerful sacrament of our Baili family."

The Baili family used to be the second power. Of course, there are holy devices. Only the holy devices are in the hands of the patriarchs and elders. The people below the Tianzun are not qualified to have holy devices. What's more, the hundred miles also say that weapon. More powerful than the Baili family, even if the hundred miles have boasting ingredients, it is still enough to show that the sacristy is not bad, or else the miles will not be so valued.

"What joke you are, I am so familiar with him, why didn't you see that he used the sacrament you said?"

Another Tianjun spoke, he did not lie, and the former Tianjun, who was killed by the incomparable beast, was very close to him. If there was a sacrament, he could not have known that the other tribes suspected that Bailixing said Now, I don’t believe him at all.

"There is such a good sacrament that will show you that if you don't believe it, I will open up his inner world to show you."

After the disappearance of the beast, it was a fist to open the body of the former Tianjun, a large number of Lingshi fell, and there are bottles and cans, which are not filled with animal blood, that is, people Blood, then, is clothing, and there are six weapons.

The most striking thing is the one of the spears. The whole body is like gold. The spear is engraved with a real dragon. The dragon's faucet is erected with two dragon horns. A pair of longan eyes are full of spirituality, as if to live. In general, even every scale is clearly visible, and the sun shines.

It’s just the appearance. Of course, it’s impossible to attract the attention of the strong. The key is the momentum. The golden spear is just there, so that the warrior below Tianzun feels the pain of the skin. The other five weapons are in front of the gold spear. I dare not let go.

The best weapons have spirituality. Characters, local products, and weapons of the heavens are more spiritual. Some Tianzhao deliberately take out their own weapons and control their weapons to move to the golden spears. When they are good. When the weapons were scared and trembled, they were able to determine that Barry Star did not lie.

"Is it really a sacrament?"

"Even if it is really a sacrament, there is definitely no one in our crackling knives."

The Baili family once appeared in the palace as a powerful holy king. His name is Baili, and his weapon is a knife. It is said that the hundred miles of the slash has once killed the prince, using the cracked knife and bathing the blood of the passage. The cracking knife is natural and extraordinary.

"This is the weapon, the real dragon spear."

The real dragon spear is the name of the innocent beast. Although he was taken from the body of the former Tianjun, it was not the former Tianjun, but he was prepared beforehand to deal with it. The strongest of the Baili family, specially built weapons.

No matter whether the real dragon or the spear has a strong cracker, as long as it can be determined that the real dragon spear is a saint, it is enough. The Tianjun who originally questioned the Baili star is now dumb, and he did not expect to die. There is really a saint in the inner world of Tianjun.

"I didn't expect that the real dragon spear has a day to return to the original owner."

Barry Star reached out and prepared to take the real dragon spear, but unfortunately it was blocked by an elder of the Baili family. It was a pinnacle of heaven, and he believed that Baili Star was definitely not his opponent. There is a big gap between Jun and Yufeng Tianjun.

"You said that the real dragon spear is yours, is that yours, I said it is mine."

The peak of the monk named Baililong is the strongest Tianjun of the Baili family. His talent is outstanding. If he does not deliberately suppress the realm, he has already become Tianzun. He just wants to cultivate the bloodline to the next level. Only when it started to break through, ordinary Tianzun was not his opponent at all.

The Baili family was devastated, and the number of sacristys brought out was certainly very small. Nowadays, every piece of sacrament has already been the Lord. Even if Baililong becomes Tianzun, it is impossible to get the holy device. Therefore, true. The dragon war spear became the target of the hundred dragons. His name has a dragon, and the real dragon spear also carries the dragon.

"What do you mean, want to grab my real dragon spear?"

The face of the hundred miles was cold, and the pair was going to start with the Baililong. Unfortunately, the Baililong did not put him in the eye. A warrior in the middle of the kingdom had no threat to him. If it was a hundred miles. The star doesn't know well, he doesn't mind teaching the stars.

Other warriors of the Baili family did not speak. Many of them had the idea of ​​robbing the real dragons and spears. Only Baililong had already shot. They were not good at grabbing, even if they were Tianzun, they did not want to confess with Baililong. The warrior does not want to offend the Baililong.

"The real dragon spear is for lending him, and now he is dead, and he should be the original owner."

Baililong said shamelessly, anyway, there is no evidence of death. With what he said, the world of the warrior, in the end, still depends on who has a high realm, who has strong strength, who has a big fist, and reason, not to say no, but the weak are not qualified to speak. reason.

"you wanna die."

The star of the forehead jumped blue, and the anger reached the extreme. His reaction, in the expectation of Baililong, the importance of the sacred weapon is self-evident, the brilliance of the brilliance and the knuckles are already smashed. White, but the bailong is still indifferent.

Finally, Barry Star couldn’t help but waved his fists to fight Baililong. Baililong not only was not afraid, but also laughed, and he was afraid that Baili would not shoot. Once the star was angry, then It stands for the real dragon spear and the hundred miles.

Baililong will let Bailixing understand that there is no strength. If you want to **** the sacristy, it is simply a behavior to find death. As long as you kill the hundred miles, even if the things that Bailixing said before are true, it is useless. The dead must have not got the real dragon spear.

Although Bailixing is a genius, it is still a little worse than Baililong. Even if Baililong deliberately kills Bailixing, at most it will be severely punished. The patriarch of the Baili family will not want to kill Baili. Dragon.

"Blood Dragon Boxing."

Baililong understands that if he wants to kill the Baili Star, he must be fast. He will not react to other people. Therefore, he does not have a free shot, but he uses the boxing method he is good at, even the Baili family. The other Tianjun, can not stop his blood dragon fist, let alone the hundred miles.

The roar of the real dragon, shaking the square, a pair of red-red fists, and smashing to the hundred miles, just when everyone thought that the hundred miles would be finished, the hundred dragons suddenly screamed and flew out. The other warriors of the Baili family are all in vain, how can Baililong not beat the hundred miles,

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