The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 209: Nine killings

Even if Baililong cares, Bailixing will not be his opponent. What's more, Baililong is still showing blood dragon fists. Two blood dragons are up to 100 meters long. Any blood dragon is enough to kill hundreds. Other family members in the family.

However, Barry Star is just a random wave of double fists, it is to break two blood dragons, and the hundred miles of dragons still numb the blood and fly backwards, no phase beasts no longer hide and repair, the realm of the late Tianjun, fully show Out, whether it is the patriarch or other elders, they are stunned.

When the miles are so young, it is already the end of the heavenly kingdom. It is really shocking. Don't look at the realm in front of the Baili Star. So in the post-Tianwang, every small realm is much more difficult than before.

"Only you dare to grab my real dragon spear."

There is no obvious meaning of the disappearance of the beast, and the other people are still in shock. He is the body rushing and catching up with the Baililong. He does not have a soft hand, and his palms are pressed against the chest of Baililong. It is to annihilate all the vitality of the hundred dragons.

The strongest Tianjun of the Baili family is only in a moment, and it is in the hands of Bailixing. Even the relatives and friends of Bailixing feel that he is very strange. Bailixing is a genius, they know, but The current Barry Star is no longer a genius to describe.

"Take me the weapon, die."

The star of the hundred miles is cold, first of all the former Tianjun, and then the strongest Tianjun Baililong of the Baili family, all dead under his palm, all the heavenly kings of the Baili family are afraid to **** the truth. Dragons and spears, unless they can even kill.

"Budget, our Baili family is like a tribe, and you are willing to kill."

Baili’s anger screamed, and it’s true that the talents of Baili’s star have been enchanted to the point where other Baili’s people can’t match it. The Baililong is dead. Of course he can’t kill for a dead person. Star.

On the surface, it seems that Bai Lizhen is very angry. In fact, he is protecting the Baili Star. The Baili family has such a peerless genius. He is of course happy. He didn’t even think about whether Baili Star is a counterfeit goods, but it’s not a hundred miles. Doubt, does not mean that others do not doubt.

"Who are you, revealing the true colors, why do you have to pretend to be a junior of our Baili family."

The patriarch of the Baili family has black and black scars, but now he has to deal with the things of Bailixing himself. Baili’s work is serious and diligent, and it is indeed his subordinates, but it’s just a hundred miles. I loved the younger generations of the Baili family.

"Come to come, first take the star of the hundred miles, the real dragon and the spear will be collected first, as to who will return later."

The patriarch ordered that the elders stood up immediately. Even the strongest Tianjun Baililong of the Baili family was not the opponent of Bailixing. Now they dare to shoot for the Bailixing. They are naturally Tianzun. They have one thing in common. That is no sacrament.

People are selfish, and they are also Tianzun. They don't have holy devices. They have other saints. The appearance of real dragons and spears naturally caused their embarrassment. They took the hundred miles and collected the real dragon spear. In the future, they may be the masters of the real dragon spear.

"You don't want to do it. I will let them get it first."

Just when the swordsmen were ready to help, they received the sound of the incompetent beasts. They were tied to a line of scorpions. Of course, the swordsmen did not want the beasts to be so early. The solution is to solve, but there is no beast to let him not shoot, he certainly will not move.

"Look at the share of everyone, the hundred miles, you will be handy."

"Even if you fight, you are definitely not our opponent."

When the sword demon arrived, he thought that there were not many people in the Baili family. I didn’t expect that there would be 13 Tianzuns standing up now, and there was no Tianzun’s hands on the hundred miles, and the Tianli of the Baili family. The exact amount, even the miles, is not clear.

"Is it an opponent? I don't know how to play it."

There is no such thing as a beast without a hand, but the first shot, and the nearest Tianzun, the war, and let the old generation of the Baili family did not expect that the hundred miles can actually be with a mid-term Tianzun, The hardships of the war are hard to distinguish.

Other Tianzun did not mean to intervene at all, because they felt that the hundred miles were not the opponents of the mid-term Tianzun. Until the hundred miles and the mid-term Tianzun were in full swing, they realized that the hundred miles had already been able to compete with the medium-term Tianzun.

At the beginning, they did not bother to intervene. Now they are not good at interfering. The mid-term Tianzun obviously played a real fire. The age of the hundred miles is not even his fraction, but it is only the late stage of the heavenly king. If he can't even make a hundred miles, how can he say that he is Tianzun in the future.

"What are you doing, give him to the patriarch."

The patriarch of the Baili family couldn't help but scream, and other Tianzun had to take a shot. A mid-term Tianzun could be evenly divided with the Baili Star. Together with other Tianzun, Baili Star was naturally not an opponent, and soon it was defeated. .

Others don't know, the sword devil can be sure, no one beast is definitely not doing its best, the sword demon does not know what the beast is going to do, anyway, it is certainly correct to wait and see, the warrior of the Baili family seems to have forgotten him, who let He only had the cultivation of the late days of the Tianbing.

"The real dragon spear."

One of the gods was quick and quick, and directly caught the real dragon spear in his hand. His nephew was full of greed, and he could not immediately take the real dragon spear as his own. However, all other Tianzuns were holding the truth in his hands. Dragon War Spear, he can only pay the real dragon spear to the hands of Bai Lijun.

Baili has already possessed the sacristy, and his weapon is not a spear. Of course, his interest in the real dragon spear is not great. He did not hesitate to directly hand the real dragon spear to the hands of the Baili family chief. The patriarch certainly knows the goods. At a glance, you can see the extraordinary dragons and spears.

"Unfortunately, with my current strength, I can only fake the holy devices. If I fake a device, I might be able to kill them."

The real dragon spear, of course, is not a true sacristy, but it is used to deceive a group of Heavenly Supreme. If the patriarch of the Baili family may have been able to see the problem of the real dragon spear, now he is very weak and his head is faint. Heavy, naturally not as usual.

The great Baili family, the one who most avoids the beasts of the beasts, is the patriarch. However, when the patriarch holds the real dragon and the spear, it means that the most taboo tiger without the beast is about to be pulled out and become Become a toothless tiger.


In the mouth of the incomparable beast, a word was spit coldly, and the real dragon spear was actually a human weapon. It was only through his transformation that he possessed the power of the holy device. He portrayed on the real dragon spear. A full nine kills.

Nine kills, it took a full nine days, because any one kills, it takes a day to portray, but fortunately he did not waste his effort, because any one of the killing, full force is enough to kill the peak Tianzun.

The patriarch of the Baili family is not a god, but a holy king. Therefore, no beasts have prepared nine squadrons, all of which are used to deal with the patriarchs of the Baili family, and no ones have mastered the killing, even in the Baili family. People can compare, no way, his previous realm is too high, even if the battle is only a little involved, it is very scary to use now.

"what did you say."

Tian Zun, standing beside the Baili star, asked in confusion, and there was a strange smile on the face of the hundred miles. The face of Tian Zun changed. It was not the problem of the real dragon spear. Lixing is out of his control.

Originally his right hand was pressed on the shoulder of the hundred miles, but now, the hundred miles are like mud, and he has drawn out from his palm, but when he is ready to pick up the hundred miles again, he hears it. roar.


The patriarch of the Baili family suddenly had a bad premonition. Unfortunately, everything was too late. The nine murders broke out and exploded. If the patriarch of the Baili family in the heyday might be able to resist the ninth killing Attacking, now he is impossible to do.

The violent explosion sounds, deafening, even Tianjun, I feel the eardrum is painful, not to mention the warriors below Tianjun. Among their ears, there has been a trace of blood, and the aftermath of the nine killings is even more Tianzun, who is closer to the patriarch of the Baili family, suffered a lot of trauma.


When the explosion ended, the patriarch of the Baili family reappeared in front of everyone. However, now he has no majesty of the patriarchs. Both arms are already blown up, and the clothes are even more ruinous. The rotten cloth is hung on the body.

The patriarch of the Baili family did not have the ability to stand still. He could only sit in the blood pool. The attack of the nine killings not only broke his arms, but also hurt his origin. Now he is only weak. Now, it is suffering, and the strength is not even in the heyday.

"Although not killed, it is enough."

No phase beast laughed, and there was no white flower in nine days. It was a good thing to be able to abolish the patriarch of the Baili family. The patriarch of the Baili family was badly hit, and the control of the blood-mosquito was certainly not as good as it used to be.

He did this not only to get rid of the threat of the patriarch of the Baili family, but also to make it easier for the brother of the sword to get the approval of the blood-mosquito. It has to be said that the control of the human beings has reached a certain level, a hundred miles. The family's warriors are all played by him in the applause.

"The patriarch."

One hundred miles screamed and rushed to the patriarch's side. He was definitely loyal to the patriarch, but the patriarch looked at his eyes, which was different from before. He gave the real dragon spear to the patriarch and had the patriarch. It’s miserable now.

"Well, you have something to eat and say, do you want to collude with other forces and kill our Baili family?"

Such a great opportunity, of course, Barry Star will not miss, immediately jumped out and accused Baili, even the other elders, looking at the eyes of Baili, have changed, can it be said that Bailizhen really betrayed the hundred miles Family,

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