The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 214: Seven pieces of holy

"Oops, it's killing!"

The patriarch of the Baili family reacted first, but it was too late. -- No phase beasts have long known this place, and the characterization of the killing is enough to cover them all. Can be counted by the non-being, do not know if they are lucky, or unlucky.

Fortunately, most of the Tianzun has been trapped in the most powerful killings, and the remaining Tianzun is only five. The three peaks of Bailitun, Bailixi and Bailihun were destroyed by the stone inscriptions. The last one was already hit hard in the killing.

The two gods are guarded by the patriarch, and the other three Tianzuns have already entered a phaseless killing. As for the remaining warriors of the Baili family, even Tianzun is not, even a relatively weak non-phase killing is enough to kill them.

The patriarch originally thought that even if his strength was not, with his cultivation and eyesight, he would surely find the flaws of the killing. However, he was disappointed later, no matter how he probed, he could not find the flaws of no killing. If he knows that no killing is a killing of the Great, he will certainly not think about cracking the killing.

"Well, is it the day to die of my Baili family?"

Whether it is the hundred miles, or Lingdao and Jianmo, the realm is not high, but the strong people of the Baili family are not their opponents at all. One after another, the deities of the heavens, even the patriarchs of the Baili family can only blink.

"If you don't help again, I will release all these gods. Anyway, I can escape, you can't escape!"

There is no phase of the beast to the sword, and he expresses his dissatisfaction. Lingdao mastered the blood-mosquito stone carving, which weakened the strength of all the warriors of the Baili family. It really helped a lot. However, later, Ling Dao solved the two princes of Bai Lixi and Bai Lijun, and there was no such thing as homage to him.

"Reassure, I am just trying to recover from time. Now I will help you solve a god!"

The patriarch of the Baili family has two celestial buddies. If they are allowed to attack them, the annihilation of them will definitely be broken. In addition to the biggest non-phase killing, other non-phase killings can only deal with one Tianzun.

No way, once, there is not much spiritual stone in the beastless, and secondly, the realm of the incomparable beast is limited. Thirdly, the time of other non-phase killings is limited. The biggest non-phase killing has cost him a lot of 'fine' power, and the other non-phase killings are said to be shoddy, and it is never too much.

Lingdao took out the sacred stone carvings, and a sacred priest who appeared in the golden ‘hair’ appeared in the field. The non-beasted beasts control the incomparable killings. Only the holy shrine is unaffected, and the holy shrine can deal with the heavenly deities around the patriarch of the Baili family. Even the incompetent beast does not know, in fact, the holy shrine is not affected by the indiscriminate killing. The holy shrine is only a stone carving, and there is no self-consciousness at all.

The battle mode of the sacred priest is different from that of the phoenix, the real dragon, the cymbal and the 鲲peng. How can Phoenix, Zhenlong, Yi and Kunpeng easily solve the problem of the opponent. However, the Holy Ghost did not rush to solve the opponent, but was in the same battle with the two Tianzun.

The nine stone carvings are based on the special 'sex' of the great beasts, and the ‘strict’ ​​heart refines. The sacred stone carvings naturally inherit the ‘sex’ lattice of the holy war. Even with one enemy and two, the holy shrine does not fall into the wind. The patriarch of the Baili family had wanted to rely on the two gods. Now, it seems that it is not expected.

The other three Tianzun are hard to protect themselves, and it is even more impossible to rescue the patriarch. As for the Baili family warriors below Tianzun, they are not allowed to kill each other. Even they have killed each other in the absence of killing. The patriarch of the Baili family only felt sad in his heart. Perhaps there will be no more Baili family after today.

"No, as long as my grandson is still alive, my Baili family will have a chance to make a comeback!"

The patriarch of the Baili family, who had already been desperate, suddenly burst into unprecedented brilliance. If you say who is the first genius of the Baili family, it is undoubtedly a hundred miles. When the patriarch of the Baili family swept the sacred sacred out of the door, it was not because of what was wrong with Bailisheng, just to protect the hundred It is only holy.

He had long known that the Baili family would sooner or later have a catastrophe, and who asked them to choose the bloodline. Because of this, he gave the true text of the blood passage to the Baili Holy. He did not tell anyone about this matter. Only he and Baili knew.

Everyone else in the Baili family thought that the true text of the bloodway was in the hands of the patriarch, and they did not know that the true text of the bloodway had already taken Baili. Wherever the Star has gone, it is also a mystery in the Baili family. Baili Sheng is the last hope of the Baili family. As long as he is not dead, it will be a hard thing to become a holy king in the future.

"It's time to tell him all the things in the Baili family!"

In order to prevent accidents, the patriarch of the Baili family only prepared a ‘sex’ communication ‘Jade’ Jane, and it was still one-way. He can send a message to Baili Sheng, but he can only use it once, and Baili Sheng can't send a message back.

Even if the Baili family suffered from the devastating disaster, there were only more than 900 ethnic groups left here. He did not send a message to Bailisheng. But now, they are all going to die. If they don't pass the news to Baili, there will be no chance in the future.

When the Baili family finished all of this, the battle between the holy shrine and the two gods is nearing the end. Even with one enemy and two, the holy shrine wins. Unfortunately, the holy stone carving can only eat the next Tianzun, and the remaining Tianzun is only suffering.

"I solved the two gods, can you settle the rest?"

Lingdao's tone is full of suspicion. The non-beasted animal still thinks that he has done a good job, but after seeing the expression of Lingdao, the beastless animal instantly feels that Lingdao is more and more abhorrent. Well, he used to be a famous emperor. When can he even despise him with a young man?


No phase beast did not respond to the ridge, but more motivated to kill the phase. The people of the Baili family, one after another, fell in a pool of blood. Whether it is Tianzun, Tianjun, or Heavenly King, it is impossible to escape from death.

"Even if I die, it won't make you better!"

The patriarch of the Baili family took out the cracked knife and said that the cracked knife is a sacrament. Now he used his last strength to spur the cracking knives, making the cracked knives show the true power of the sacred weapon. The cracked knives are the first holy device of the Baili family, and they are fully revived. Even the Holy King will retreat.

Not only that, but the cracking knife has another function, that is, the commanding hundred soldiers, the other holy devices of the Baili family, flew in from all directions. Although the patriarch of the Baili family gave a piece of saint to the goddess of the Baili family, the usual sacristys were placed in the secret room, and they were not carried with them.

Now, a piece of holy sage flies, with a split knives, a total of seven holy devices. In the former Baili family, there were many saints, but after the disaster of extinction, the holy devices brought out were less pitiful. Fortunately, the seven holy devices are all exceptionally powerful. Every holy device can be equivalent to the Holy King. Although the seven holy devices can fight for a short time, they want to kill the Sword, Lingdao and Bai. The star is enough.

At this time, the patriarch of the Baili family could not naturally think of using the blood of the sword to practice. He only wanted to kill the sword, the Lingdao and the Baili. Even if they are the same as the three of them, the patriarch of the Baili family feels worthy.

The seven pieces of the sacred device are fully recovered. Whether it is a beastless or a sinister, it feels unprecedented pressure. They have abolished the sacred king of the Baili family patriarch, but the sacred instrument is still there, and the Baili family will be wiped out by the whole army. The patriarch of the Baili family will naturally have no more scruples.

"Blood mosquitoes, do you know how to deal with seven holy devices?"

At the crucial moment, Lingdao remembered the blood-mosaic stone carvings, even if there is no understanding of the Baili family sanctuary, it is certainly not as blood-mosquito. Up to now, his stone carvings have dealt with Tianzun, and he has not dealt with the sacristy.

"how could I know?"

The spirit of the blood-mosquito stone inscription asked, in fact, he was happy to open a 'flower'. As long as Lingdao died under seven holy devices, he could regain his freedom. Lingdao is now his master is not fake, but when Lingdao is dead, no one can control him again.

"There is a saint in the Baili family. You must have known it for a long time. Can you cope now?"

The sword demon looks at the incomparable beast, and the non-beast has the memory of the hundred miles. To say that he does not know that the Baili family has a saint, it is impossible. Moreover, the appearance of the seven great sacristys did not feel astonished.

"What does he know? The key is how does he compete with the seven holy devices?"

The patriarch of the Baili family sneered and asked, if at the last moment, he would not hesitate to blew seven pieces of saints, but also to be buried with the sword, Lingdao and Baili. When the Baili family was destroyed, he was the sinner of the Baili family, and naturally he would not let the enemy be better.

"Yes, I know what about the seven holy devices? Can you think that I can deal with seven holy devices?"

No one is helpless and said, just from his face, can't see the slightest panic. In fact, he has long understood that the ‘sex’ of the patriarch of the Baili family will only take out seven pieces of sacristy at the last minute. The patriarch of the Baili family thought that seven holy devices could kill him, but he did not know that the seven holy devices were just the swords that the beasts wanted to borrow.

Yes, it’s already a matter of time before the Baili family is gone. Therefore, no beast will kill people with a knife, Ling Dao and Jian Mo, it is the person he wants to kill. Lingdao urges stone carvings to kill Tianzun, which is enough to threaten the incompetent beast.

However, the seven pieces of the holy things are different. Even if Lingdao uses stone carvings, I am afraid I can't cope. Of course, there is no way to resist the seven pieces of the sacristy. If seven saints attack him, he will die on the spot. However, the body of the hundred miles is dead, and the beastless can still escape.

Waiting for the moment when the sword is dead, the non-beating is the body that can occupy the Lingdao. At that time, the power of the seven holy devices will almost erupt, and there will be no threat to him. It can be said that from the beginning, the non-beating of the beast is to count all the people of the Baili family, as well as Lingdao and Jianmo! --40503dsuaahhh29770190-->


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