The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 215: Blood mosquito body

In the ancient times, there were no generations of emperors in the three thousand territories, and there was no problem in calculating a group of juniors. Don't say that Lingdao and Jianmo, even the Tianzun of the Baili family, are as tender to him as a child. First, they joined forces with the Sword and the Lingdao to deal with the Baili family, because the Baili family has the strongest strength. When they smashed the Baili family, the non-beating of the beast was to use the knife of the Baili family to deal with Lingdao and Jianmo.

I have to say that the beastless beast is really a good abacus. It can solve the Baili family and the body of the sword demon. It also occupies the territory of the Baili family. The sword demon knows that there is no such thing as a beast and he is definitely not a heart. It is very likely that he will cross the river to dismantle the bridge, but he also does not know what the abacus is playing in the end.

The seven holy devices broke out in an all-out way, and the Sword and the Lingdao had to wait and see. With a little carelessness, his little life will be confessed here. You must know that his two bodies are there. If they are all dead, there is definitely no possibility of resurrection. Stone carving can not block seven pieces of saints, his heart is really bottomless.

"Blood mosquitoes, let's go first!"

Lingdao did not use other stone carvings, but first took out the blood mosquitoes. In order to ensure the killing of the Lingdao and the Sword Demon, the patriarch of the Baili family made four pieces of holy devices to attack. The remaining three holy devices are to deal with the incompetent beast. Although the number of holy devices against the incompetent beast is small, the cracked knife is in it.

The power of the cracked knives must exceed any other sacred devices, not to mention the patriarchal patriarchs who instilled their own strength into the cracked knives. A split knife is exactly the same as the other two pieces. The distribution of the patriarchs of the Baili family is very reasonable. Lingdao and Bailixing attach great importance to him.


Blood-mosquito stone carvings certainly do not want to fight with four pieces of holy devices. Unfortunately, he has already recognized the main road, and Lingdao can completely control the movement of blood-mosquito. Blood mosquitoes have already produced self-awareness. For many years, they have secretly absorbed blood and blood. Even so, in the face of four holy devices, there is still no chance of winning.

"Well, I admit, as long as you let other stone carvings go together, I can stand against four holy devices!"

Fu Ling said helplessly, he has no way to put on such a master. Lingdao did not care whether he could stop four pieces of saints. Anyway, throwing him out first was obviously a plan to destroy himself with blood and mosquitoes. The blood-mosquito-encrusted Fu Ling originally played a good calculation, but unfortunately Lingdao did not have any rules to do.

"You count!"

Lingdao nodded with satisfaction. As long as he could block four holy devices, he would have no danger. As for the non-being of the beast, you can not fight against the cracked knife and the other two pieces of the sacristy. It is a matter of no beast, and he certainly will not help the beastless. Even at this time, Lingdao did not fully believe in the spirit of the blood-mosquito stone.

He took out four stone carvings, but they were all used. The real dragon stone carvings, the stone carvings, the phoenix stone carvings, and the stone carvings all killed the gods, and the power was sharply reduced. Want to use the real dragon stone carving, the stone carvings, the phoenix stone carvings and the stone carvings to kill the gods, simply not. Even so, the true dragon stone carvings, the stone carvings, the stone carvings and the phoenix stone carvings are used to resist the four holy devices.

At the same time, the blood-mosquito stone carving has bloomed infinite blood, and the avatar of a blood-winged black mosquito rushed out. The most powerful place for black-winged black mosquitoes is not enough to be separated, but the body is not dead, and the body is not destroyed. In other words, it is okay to die, because all can be resurrected.

The four holy devices that deal with Lingdao and Jianmo are the holy swords, the holy pagoda, the holy axe, and the holy spear. The sword demon has a very limited understanding of the Baili family, and naturally does not know the names of the four saints. Anyway, every piece of saint, in a short period of time, can burst out of the power of the Holy King.

Sword, this is the weapon of attack, the holy sword is naturally the first to stab. The sword demon is a sword repair, and the perception of the sword is the most sensitive. The sword of the holy sword is enough to tear the void. If he fights with the holy sword, it is only the sword, which is enough to penetrate his body.

The blood-mosquito stone carving is finally turned into the body of the blood-winged black mosquito. In the face of the attack of the holy sword, it is definitely not possible to rely on the avatar. The body of the blood-winged black mosquito is 100 meters high. The six legs are 80 meters long. The most scary thing is his mouthparts. There are even 50 meters. Don’t say a warrior, even dozens of warriors stand. Together, he can pierce it all at once.

Mosquitoes are very common insects, but Lingdao has never seen such a huge mosquito. After all, the blood-winged black mosquitoes are not the same as the general mosquitoes. One pair of wings is blood red, and the body is dark as ink. On the long mouthpiece, there is an extremely complicated pattern, which seems to contain some kind of heaven and earth.

The wings of the black-winged black mosquitoes fanned up, the frequency was incredible, and the void was constantly shaking. Of course, he would not be stupid to use the mouthpiece and the holy sword to fight for the front, but to extend a leg and block in front of the holy sword. The sacrificial sword is certainly not polite, and in an instant it is a leg that cuts off the black-winged black mosquito.

If it is really blood-winged black mosquitoes, of course, it will not be so stupid. Don't look at the blood-winged black mosquitoes in front of them as if they are real. In fact, they are still fake, but the blood-mosquito is carved. Not to mention breaking a leg, even if all six legs are cut off, it does not matter, as long as it does not hurt the origin of the blood-mosquito.

At the same time, the sacred giant axe came to know the spirit of the sacred instrument, and the wisdom was almost the same as that of the human race. The spirit of the sacred axe certainly understands that only the blood-winged black mosquitoes are completely smashed, and only one leg is destroyed, and the use is certainly not great.

The blood-winged black mosquito naturally does not stupidly let the holy axe kill, but unfortunately, before he acts, the holy pagoda has been suppressed. The meaning of the holy pagoda is very obvious, that is, to control the black-winged black-winged mosquitoes, so that the holy axe can slash the black-winged black mosquitoes.

Fortunately, the true dragon stone carvings, the Peng Peng stone carvings, the phoenix stone carvings and the stone carvings came over in time to block the holy pagoda. Otherwise, the black-winged black mosquitoes may be crushed by the giant axe, and even the blood-mosquito can be destroyed. It is a pity that the true dragon stone carvings, the stone carvings of the Peng Peng, the phoenix stone carvings and the stone carvings are all invisible. Otherwise, the power will definitely be stronger, and it will not be passive defense as it is now.

The holy swords, the holy axe and the holy pagoda deal with the blood-mosaic stone carvings, and the holy spears are carrying this effort, rushing to the front of the road and the sword. If the blood-mosquito stone is trying its best, you can come back to help Lingdao. Unfortunately, he is not allowed to die, but naturally hides his strength.

Lingdao can indeed manipulate blood-mosquito stone carvings. However, he does not know how powerful blood-mosquito carvings are. In his view, the blood-mosquito stone carving can entangle three pieces of saints, which has solved the biggest trouble. There is no saint that is manipulated by the military. The most fearful thing is the fight. The longer the time, the weaker the strength of the sacristy.

The sacred spear had just been killed, and Lingdao did not hesitate to sacrifice the sacred stone carvings. Anyway, the sacred stone carvings were also used. It is a pity that the Stone Carvings can only block the holy spear for a moment, because the Stone Carvings can no longer be shaped. Lingdao had to take out another stone inscription, which is the nine-tailed fox stone carving.

Lingdao quickly spurred the nine-tailed fox stone engraving, which made the illusion of nine-tailed foxes appear in the field. The pair of scorpions of the nine-tailed foxes exudes endless charms, even if they are the spears of the sacred products that have been attacked, there has been a moment of stagnation. The charm of the nine-tailed fox, even the spirit of the sacred spear, can not resist.

The nine-tailed fox screamed and spit out the pink clouds all over the sky. The spear of the holy product is like being trapped in a mire. Every step forward is a great effort. Originally, the speed of the spear of the sacred product was enough to make the Lingdao and the swordsmen out of reach. But now, the speed of the holy spear is less than half of their speed.

The sword demon does not need to be killed by the spear of the holy product, because the spear of the holy product does not touch him. Lingdao took out the nine-tailed fox stone inscription, naturally it is enough to understand the nine-tailed fox stone carving. Dealing with the Holy King, the use of the nine foxes may not be that big, but the role of the nine-tailed fox can not be compared with other stone carvings.

"It’s a dog, isn’t the Emperor really even a junior?”

The anger and anger of the infatuation of the beast, the splitting of the knife and the two pieces of the holy device, has already caused him to suffer a minor wound. After all, he is only Tianjun, able to deal with Tianzun, is already powerful enough, let him deal with the sacristy, obviously it is difficult for him. And his original plan was to be killed by the holy device and then occupy the body of the sword.

It seems now that the beastless beast must be tragedy, because the four holy devices can't kill the swordsman. The calculation of the non-being of the beast has already covered all aspects. Normally, the possibility of his plan is very successful. However, Lingtao has come to such a special case. It is clear that only Tianjun is able to kill Tianzun and to counter the sacristy.

Yes, the stone carving is indeed not the own combat power of Lingdao, but now the stone carving is used by Lingdao, is it that his own combat power is irrelevant. Anyway, there is no plan for the beast to be soaked, because the chasing knife is so chasing and slamming, so that he can't escape.

Two pieces of holy sacred one left and one right sniper, no phase beasts running without a phase, and cautiously coped. However, the cracking knife suddenly killed, the knives of the sky, covered with void, so that no beasts have nowhere to hide. The cracked knives have tried their best. If the last one kills the eternal hundred miles, then the cracked knife will take the hundred miles.

Fortunately, the cracking knife succeeded, and the knife fell on the body of the hundred miles, and the hundred miles were split into two. At the last moment, the non-beast has been separated from the body of the hundred miles, and the cracked knife wants to kill the incompetent beast, obviously impossible. Originally, this time, no animal can just occupy the body of the sword, but now the sword is intact, how can he start?

"Right, there is that kid!"

No phase beast suddenly came to the spirit, since Lingdao is the brother of the sword demon, the blood of Lingdao must be equally tyrannical, of course, the talent will not be bad. What's more, Lingdao still has so many stone carvings, isn't it all his?

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