The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 216: The death of the Baili family

Even if the incomparable beast was once the infinite emperor of the three thousand territories in the ancient times, he could not guess that the sword and the Lingdao were the same person. Originally waiting for four pieces of holy sacred to kill the sword, he took up the body of the sword, and now had to forcibly seize the body of Lingdao.

The stone carving of Lingdao is powerful, but once the inferior beast rushes into his body, it is the battle of will and the battle of the soul. The stone carvings are so powerful that they can't enter the willing world of Lingdao and help him deal with the incomparable beast. Lingdao can compete with the four pieces of saints beyond the expectations of the incompetent beast. However, this means that after he occupies the body of Lingdao, he will be afraid of four pieces of holy weapons.

"One lost, all by heaven, hahaha..."

No phase beast laughs, and after splitting the empty knife to open the body of the hundred miles, it has lost the power of fighting again. The other two holy devices are also consumed almost. What's more, the cracked knives and the other two holy devices did not find a phaseless beast. They thought that killing the hundred miles would be a success.

The body of the sword demon, no phase beast is destined to be lost, but the physical body of Ling Dao, he is now at his fingertips. Blood mosquito carvings, 鲲鹏石刻, Zhenlong stone carvings, stone carvings and phoenix stone carvings deal with three holy devices, nine-tailed fox stone carvings and holy stone carvings fighting another holy device. The incomparable beast feels that the overall situation has been fixed, and naturally it has directly rushed into the will world of Lingdao.

√ "Good physical body, stronger than swordsman!"

Even if there is no beast, it is necessary to marvel, Lingdao only has the peak of the heavenly dynasty, the physical strength is not weaker than the king, even the peak of the king can not match him. The sword demon is only a sword repair. It is definitely not as good as the physical strength of the body. Otherwise, there is no meaning in his two points.

Lingdao's talent and blood, and the sword magic is the same, plus the flesh is stronger than the sword, the phaseless beast is naturally very satisfied. The swordsman's kendo talent is high. The problem is that there is no phase beast and no sword repair. There is no interest in kendo. The non-beast had never thought of it before, and the body of Lingdao was more suitable for him than the sword.

"Despicable! Even at this time, start with me!"

Like the sword demon, Ling Dao can't see the incomparable beast, but he knows that there is no beast. Crossing the river to remove the bridge, there is no blush in the phaseless beast, and the willing world of Lingdao is just like no defense. Even if Lingdao learned King Kong's prison, he also learned the nine-tailed black magic. For the non-being, it is not worth mentioning.

"Do you know who I am? It seems that you know a lot about me!"

Even though Lingdao and Jianmo have learned nine-tailed magic, no ones are not surprised. After all, they are brothers. Lingdao can recognize his identity, and he wants to be sure to be related to the stoneless stone. Of course, the sword magic must have told him about Ling Dao. But knowing that he is useless, Lingdao is still not his opponent.

Without the beast, the world of the will of Lingdao is constantly collapsing. Even if Lingdao goes all out, there is no way to compete. If it is at the last minute, Lingdao will not hesitate to blew himself. Anyway, as long as the sword is still alive, he can be resurrected.

Just as soon as he was about to succeed, the incomparable beast trembled fiercely. He was afraid, he was afraid, because he once again saw the thumbman who could not compete with him. The incomparable beast did not dare to start with the sword, just because the sword devil will be the thumb of the world, and did not expect Lingdao.

"Yes, they are definitely brothers. If you want to protect, you will definitely protect. How can you protect only one?"

Previously, no ones only thought about occupying the body of Lingdao. They didn’t think too much at all, and now they regret it. For the first time, the no-beast wants to occupy the body of the sword, and provokes the thumb of the villain, but the thumb villain is only a lesson. This time, no one beasted again, it is simply the majesty of the thumb man.

The little man with his thumb slowly opened his eyes, and the endless light filled the world of the will of Lingdao. Ling Dao and Wu Xiang Beast have the opposite feeling. The former feels warm and comfortable, while the latter feels cold and biting. Even the soul seems to be frozen into ice.

The innocent beast wants to quit Lingdao's will world, but what scares him is that he finds that he can't move, let alone escape, even if he moves, he can't do it. He really doesn't know what the thumb is. Is there such a terrible emperor in the heavens now?

"What are you going to do? I have no enmity with you, no need to kill them?"

In order to survive, no ones will not hesitate to fall into the realm. Others are desperate to work hard, and the possibility of being an emperor is negligible. After he became a emperor, he dared to self-destruct and give up the great emperor. You can say that he has a bad atmosphere, or that he has a problem with his brain, but one thing is certain, that is, he does not want to die.

It can be said that if there is no beast, it is already seeking for mercy in disguise, but the thumb is simply not moving. The incompetent beast only feels that the power of will is constantly drawn and instilled into the world of the will of Lingdao. The last time he dealt with the swordsman, that's it, only this time the extracted willpower is more.

Anyway, no phase beast can't resist, and the thumbman doesn't care for him. No one has nothing to say, nothing to do. Originally, no body beasts occupied the body of the hundred miles, and cultivation into the heavenly kingdom was enough to deal with Tianzun. It’s good now, even when he just woke up.

"To kill the shackles, listen to the respects, so that the Emperor used to be the top leader in the three thousand territories. Can you give me some face?"

The innocent beast feels that the thumb of the villain is simply humiliating him. With the strength of the thumbman, killing him is a piece of cake. However, the thumb man only extracted his willpower and did not kill him at all. Can it be said that he is only equivalent to nutrients for the absorption of Lingdao?

"It is forbearable, you can't bear it, and the Emperor fights with you!"

From beginning to end, the Thumbman was not taking care of him, and the No Beast was finally on the verge of breaking out. It is a pity that he has not waited for the beast to prepare himself, and he feels the power of a stalwart, acting on him, and blasting him out of the will of the world.

Lingdao not only did not die, but also blessed in disguise. This time against the Baili family, his qi and blood, his will, and even the realm of the realm have been loosened. As long as he goes further, it will be the Heavenly Warrior. When the time comes, the power of the dragon will condense into one stock, and the combat power will rise.

"The children of the Baili family who are still alive give me hands, be sure to kill them both!"

The star has been killed, and the patriarch will naturally not pay attention. However, Lingdao and Jianmo are all right. Four pieces of holy weapons do not kill the swordsmen and Lingdao, and they even do not touch them. The sacred spear was restrained by the nine-tailed fox, and the power was exhausted and could no longer be fought.

The holy swords, the holy pagoda and the holy axe are in full swing with the blood-winged black mosquitoes. Don't look at the blood-winged black mosquitoes. In fact, there is no major damage to the blood-mosquito. Fu Ling of the blood-mosquito stone felt that if it did not show a bitter, Lingdao must know that he did not do his best.

The patriarch of the Baili family understood that it was useless to count on the sacristy. Unfortunately, the Tianzun of the Baili family had all died. The one who protects him and fights for his life has helped him solve the problem of no killing. After a series of killings, there are only forty-eight people in the Baili family.

They are lucky to live, and now the patriarchs of the Baili family want them to kill the Sword and the Lingdao, and of course they are not happy. Lingdao uses stone carvings, and even Tianzun can kill. They are just Tianjun and even Tianwang. How can they fight Lingdao and Jianmo? The patriarch asked them to kill the sword and the sorrow, did they want them to die?

"Blood mosquitoes, solve them all!"

Lingdao once again ordered that Fuling, a blood-mosquito stone, naturally had no opinion. It is easy to deal with a group of kings and heavenly kings without any danger. The remaining power of the holy swords, the holy pagoda, and the holy axe can no longer kill the Sword and the Ridge.

A blood-sucking worm flew out, all rushing to the remaining 48 warriors of the Baili family, sucking their blood. The body of the black-winged black mosquitoes rushed to the front of the Baili family patriarch, and the 50-meter-long mouthparts suddenly plunged into the body of the Baili family patriarch.

A terrifying scene happened, just blinking, and the patriarch of the Baili family became a dry corpse. Black-winged black mosquitoes only drink blood, do not eat people, and naturally have no interest in the body of the Baili family patriarch. A powerful holy king, just fell here.

The remaining Baili family warriors, whether they want to escape or who want to avenge other ethnic groups, are all corps of blood-winged black mosquitoes and sucked into corpses. More than 900 people in the Baili family, all died in the field, there is no one living. The **** meeting, in order to enhance the overall strength of the Baili family, they certainly did not expect that the end is that they all died.

"Nothing beast, where are you? Do you dare to show up?"

The sword demon knows that no animal is not dead, but unfortunately, there is no beast to hide the body shape, he can not find a phaseless beast. In the current state of the incomparable beast, it is impossible to show up. He had previously smashed the face with Lingdao. If Lingdao uses those stone inscriptions, no one can't cope with it.

"It’s a dog, it’s actually in the hands of two juniors!”

There is no such thing as a beast and even a cry, and it is not only not cheap, but also suffered two big losses. However, he still has no swords and no sorrows. They are the little ones who are sitting in the depths of the world. They are much more powerful than him. They are not at all a level.

"I finally solved the Baili family!"

Ling Dao breathed a sigh of relief, and the Baili family can be said that he has dealt with the most powerful forces so far. Although there are few people in the Baili family, they have the sacred kings, and they are tyrannical than the forces of Wan Fuzong, Silver Gun Alliance, Shuangjianmen, Baiyue Temple, Zhuque Temple, and Gulei Hall.


The warriors of the Baili family have all died, and Lingdao naturally relaxes his vigilance. At this time, the cracked knife with the remaining six pieces of holy devices, all rushed to the front of the Lingdao and the sword magic. They have taken the form of self-destruction, and they have to go with Lingdao and the swordsman!


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