The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 217: Exquisite and serious

The cracked knives and the other six sacred sacs blew at the same time. Even if there is a stone carving guard, Lingdao and Jianmo are unable to escape. The stone carvings, the dragon stone carvings, the phoenix stone carvings, the sacred stone carvings, the stone carvings, the nine-tailed fox carvings have all been Used, now used again, limited power.

Imaginary stone carvings, stoneless carvings, and exquisite stone carvings can still exert great power, but it is impossible for them to swallow their heavens and sacred. The sacred weapon blew itself up, and it was more tyrannical than the strength it now shows. Even if the stone carvings, the stoneless stone carvings, and the exquisite stone carvings are simultaneously dispatched, there is no way to compete.

"Dead, die, you are dead, I will be able to restore freedom again!"

The **** stone engraved Fu Ling secretly sneered, anyway, the current battle, his consumption is indeed very large. Now, even if it is pretending to be unable to fight again, Lingdao should not doubt anything. He has already recognized Lingdao as the main, and only Lingdao is dead, he can completely get out of control.

"The seven pieces of sacred weapons blew at the same time, but I have to look at it, how do you resist!"

Without a beast, he quickly retired, and Ling Dao and Jian Mo could not see him. The seven sacred instruments could not see him, but as long as he was within the scope of the seven sacred devices, he could be killed. The lesson gave him the lesson, obviously more than the last time, in his current state, I am afraid that even the heavens will be worse.

"Destroy my Baili family, you must be buried together, and you will die!"

The knives of the cracked knives roared, [the other six sacred devices, there is no objection. They are all weapons cast by the ancestors of the Baili family. Now that the Baili family is destroyed, they will not survive. The power of the seven sacred devices, even the patriarchs of the Baili family in the heyday, must hate.


The fierce roaring sound shook the Lingdao and the sword and the ear bones, and even the void was shaking. The glaring light filled the entire village, and the swordsman and the lingdao were as blind as they could, and they could not see anything at all. The seven saints have just blew themselves, and he lost his hearing and vision.

Lingdao is physically strong, and naturally stands at the forefront. As long as the sword is alive, he can resurrect. If both bodies are dead, then everything will end. The previous life was suppressed under the Excalibur Mountain. It is already dying. I don’t know what the big fortune has hit, but I can reincarnate. If it is dead this time, it will be really dead.

At the crucial moment, a white snowy beast rushed out, it was Xian Ling. Since the last incident, Xian Lingzhen has been retreating in the world of wine princesses. The Princess of Wine also thought that Xian Linglong had left. After all, her world was so big, and she did not know where she was hiding.

The Sword and the Lingdao can't see the front, and naturally they don't know the appearance of Xian Ling. Lingdao still wants to use his own body to resist the seven pieces of sacred blast, and then all the stone carvings are sacrificed. Anyway, you have to die. Naturally, you don't have to worry about what lang fees are.

The body of Xian Linglong is getting bigger and bigger, and Lingdao and Jianmo are all behind them. She just looked back and looked at Lingdao, and she rushed to the seven holy devices without any scruples. Even if her realm is higher than the original one, it is still impossible to block the self-destruction of the seven pieces.

Fortunately, she is an exquisite family. At the crucial moment, the blood broke out, and a beautiful shadow appeared behind her. She is also a descendant of the great emperor, and now she appears behind her, and she is probably her ancestor. The beautiful shadows shot in succession, trying to help her resist the power of the seven sacred devices.

It is a pity that it is only the virtual shadow that her blood power condenses. It is impossible to completely block the seven sacred devices. Fortunately, she was in front of the Lingdao, so that Lingdao temporarily restored the vision. Although Xian Ling has become bigger, Ling Dao still recognizes it at a glance.

When is the time now, Lingdao certainly knows that Xian Ling is in front of him, and is simply changing his life. Yes, Xian Ling is to use her life to change her life. Seven pieces of sacred sacred, Xian Ling 珑 certainly can not stop, but can offset some of the impact for him.

"Do not!"

Lingdao screamed and quickly threw all the stone carvings out. Xian Ling has a life-threatening danger. He will not consider which stone carving has been used. Which stone carving has not been used. What he is going to do now is to save Xian Ling, even if he is dead, he can’t let Xian Ling’s accident happen.

Zhenlong stone carvings, 鲲鹏石刻, phoenix stone carvings, sacred stone carvings, nine-tailed fox stone carvings, stone carvings, all are in the first time in front of Xian Linglong. The imaginary stone carving is turned into a huge idol, and the limbs are like the pillars of the heavens, and they are in front of Xian Linglong.

At the same time, the exquisite stone carvings are also turned into a fairy, which is bigger than the real Xian Ling. What surprised Ling Dao happened, and the exquisite stone carving of Xian Linglong, even shrouded the real fairy Ling, it seems to fit together. As a result, Xian Linglong was protected inside.

Lingdao's reaction is not unpleasant, but unfortunately, Xian Ling is still hit hard. She resisted the first wave of impact for Lingdao, especially the self-destruction of the cracked knife, which almost forced her to be torn apart. Now Lingdao has spurred nine stone carvings. Six stone carvings have been used to defend them. The stone carvings and the exquisite stone carvings have finally blocked the self-destruction of the seven holy devices.

Even so, Ling Dao and Jian Mo are still being blasted out by Yu Bo. Standing in front of the swordsman, Lingdao feels that the skeleton must be scattered. The sword magic also has a **** mouth, but fortunately his injury is much lighter than Lingdao. The most serious injury is definitely Xian Ling.

The stone carvings of the idols and the exquisite stone carvings have become dull, and the impacts behind them are mainly blocked by the stone carvings and the exquisite stone carvings. The six stone carvings that have been used before are equally uncomfortable. After all, they have exerted the greatest power, and even suffered a part of the impact, they have been damaged.

Only the stoneless stone and the blood-mosquito stone are engraved. The stone-free stone carving is not yet provoked. The blood-mosquito stone carving is deliberately protecting itself. To the disappointment of the blood-mosquito stone, Lingdao is not dead, just injured. If the blood-mosquito stone carving is now the word of the Lord, it is definitely not Lingdao, but he.

"Exquisite, exquisite, how are you?"

The exquisite stone carving into the fairy lingering, has disappeared, the real Xian Ling 珑 also reduced the body shape, becoming only the size of the fist. However, her life is very weak. If the non-Lingdao sacrifices nine stone carvings, she must have already broken the bones.

"I'm fine, just sleepy, I want to sleep!"

Xian Linglong opened her mouth for the first time. I don’t know why, Lingdao felt that her voice was very familiar. It is a pity that Xian Ling is now in danger of life. He has no time to think too much. There is only one thing that Lingdao wants to do now. That is to save the fairy. In any case, he must do it.

"No, you can't sleep, you can't sleep! I want you to live, you have to live!"

If Xian Ling's eyes are closed, it is very likely that she will never wake up. Ling Dao held Xian Ling's arms in his arms and stroked the body of Xian Ling's body. It seems that this is the only way to get him to the heart. Xian Linglong is a pet he raised when he was a child. His feelings are very good, not to mention the fact that Xian Lingzhen has become the present, or to save him.

"I am not good. She had to come out before. I thought she just wanted to see you. I didn't expect you to be out of here!"

The Princess of the Wine Princess turned into a three-year-old girl, and said pitifully, she was very guilty. Fortunately, Lingdao did not blame her for the meaning, to blame, Lingdao will only blame his strength is not enough. If he can deal with the sacristy, if he has the cultivation of the Holy King, how can Sin Lingju be injured?

"Don't blame you, what we are going to do now is how to save her. Do you know what a panacea can save her?"

Ling Dao came to chaos the ancient domain and had no understanding of the ancient areas. With his realm, it is obviously impossible to get out of the chaotic ancient domain and save the fairy. What he can do is to find a panacea in the chaotic ancient domain. As long as you are not dead, you can cure it. Xianling will definitely save.

The Princess of the Wine bites her finger and tries hard to think that she has passed on memories and knows more things than Lingdao. Unfortunately, her inheritance memory is too old, and there is no record of the ancient times. Lingdao wants to ask her, obviously it is impossible to ask any results.

"In the chaos of the ancient domain, the warriors below the king can compete for the list of heavens! The day will open once every 100 years. First, you can make fruit, as long as you have one breath, you can save it!"

In the void, a voice was heard, pointing the way for Lingdao. Now there is no other beast in the field. Naturally, there is no other person. Although the beast is not in Nirvana, he still understands the ancient domain. Moreover, he also got all the memories of the hundred miles.

"I don't know what the so-called Tianbang list will fight for, when will it start? Where can I sign up?"

Lingdao has no idea who is hiding in the dark, and it is not important that there is no one. He only wants to know the things that make fruit, and he doesn't care if he is likely to be deceived. Because there is no fruit, he really does not know how to save the fairy.

"If I am not mistaken, the sky will fight for the battle, it will start in a month. If you want to sign up, you can only go to the ancient palace, because the ancient palace is near you, you can't get anywhere else!"

The ancient emperor's palace is a great emperor's power in the chaotic ancient domain. The vast ancient chaos is naturally more than one emperor. It is very important for the warriors to fight for the war. Because the heavens are behind the scenes, it is the king of heaven. The king of heaven has begun to comprehend the world and understand the rules of heaven and earth.

If you want to teach a disciple, it is best to teach before the king of heaven, because the warrior below the king of heaven is like a blank piece of paper. The king of heaven is no longer a white paper, and the heavenly kingdom has begun to master the Tao, and it is even worse to teach the clothes.

"Strange, why should I tell him about the fruit of the fruit? Is it because of his love for Xian Ling?"


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