The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 218: My name is Lei Wenyuan.

"You will be fine, rest assured!"

Lingdao holds Xian Lingzhen and said seriously, that is his commitment to Xian Ling, and his comfort to himself. In the nephew of Yan Xian Ling, there was a smile, and Ling Dao cares about her so that she feels that everything she has done before is worthwhile. However, the so-called Tianzhu list is the first, I am afraid it is not so good.

The swordsman of the world of swords and gods, the practice of cultivation is too bad, and it is not normal for Lingdao. The disciples of Wan Fuzong, Yingun League and Shuangjianmen, the practice of cultivation, are also far less ruthless. It is not surprising that Lingdao can beat opponents across a big realm.

The celestial list of the ancient times is different. It is the face of all the kings of the entire ancient chaos. With Ling Dao’s current strength, wanting to compete for the first is simply a delusion. Lingdao is the peak of the heavenly martial arts. The sword magic is the late stage of the heavenly dynasty. Even the heavens are not the same. It is certainly impossible to become the first in the list.

The ancient imperial palace alone is the genius. They are also the emperor, and even if it is quite ridiculous, the immortal and the ancient heavens are stronger, but the same is the emperor, and the gap is much smaller. Lingdao can cross a big realm and defeat the opponent. The ancient Emperor Palace also has a talented disciple who can do it.

Moreover, in order to compete for the top of the list, there are also military people who deliberately suppress the realm in the peak of the sky. With their strength, let alone deal with the Tianshi martial arts, even if it is against the king, it is more than enough. Lingdao wants to compete for the first, first of all to improve the realm, but time is too late, can only take a step to see.

The Sword and the Lingdao did not stay in the place where the Baili family was. There was nothing that the beast wanted to get. Lingdao did not know. After Lingdao and Jianmo left, the incomparable beast showed his figure. Although he ate a big loss in the hands of Lingdao and Jianmo, he did not hate Lingdao and Jianmo, and everything was his own. Of course, if he encounters a sword or a sling in the future and can occupy their body, he will never be soft-hearted.

This time against the Baili family, Lingdao helped the beastless. No phase beast can now completely hide this place by cleaning up the battlefield. His strength is weaker than when he just woke up, but nothing, as long as he can completely refine the thing, his strength will certainly grow.

The chaotic ancient domain is extremely chaotic, and Lingdao and Jianmo are naturally split actions. When the two bodies walk together and die, they are really dead, and there is no chance of resurrection. Before they separated, they let the lotus out of the world of the princess, and the lotus is naturally followed by the sword.

"Wine, let her rest, and when I get the fruit, I can make her heal!"

Lingdao handed Xianling to the Princess of the Wine Princess, and the Princess of the Wine nodded and motioned her to understand. It is related to the safety of Xian Ling, and the Princess of Wine will certainly not care. Xian Linglong is like her big sister. If seven holy devices have been shattered, she must help revenge for Xian Ling, as to whether she can revenge, that is another matter.

"There is a small way to rest assured that I know a place that can help her heal. Although she can't let her recover, it will definitely not make her injury worse!"

The words of the Princess of the wine made Lingdao grow a sigh of relief. Lingdao was still worried that Xianling could not spend more than a month or a few months. There is still a month to start the first battle of the list, and it will take some time to decide on the ranking.

"where is it?"

Although the Princess of Wine is just a three-year-old girl, Lingdao believes her and knows that she will not talk about this kind of thing. The Princess of Wine has a memory of inheritance, and maybe the place she knows is where her ancestors personally healed the wound.

"In my world, you can't get in, ask so much?"

The Princess of Wine Princess rolled her eyes and made Lingdao’s smile, and she was excited. She asked an idiot question. Both Ling Dao and Jian Mo have tried, and they are all unable to enter the world of the Princess of Wine. There is no problem with Xian Ling and Lotus.

"If you don't get the first, don't force it, I'm fine!"

Lingdao wants to participate in the battle of Tianbang, and Xianling will not stop it, because Lingdao needs to sharpen it. However, Xian Ling does not want Lingdao to be for her, and desperately with others. Xian Linglong also has a heritage of memory, of course, understand the genius of the Emperor's power, how powerful.

It is like the ruling that Lingdao encountered in the lower bounds. Even if it is the confrontation between the same realm, Lingdao has no grasp of winning. Lingdao cultivation is quite ridiculous, and the experience of the Tenth Heavenly King has an advantage. However, the government also has his advantages. Daqin Shengting's various exercises and martial arts are for him to cultivate, and there is more than one Taoist personally pointing.

"I know how important it is, you can recover from peace of mind!"

Lingdao nodded, and the princess of the wine was holding Xianling, disappearing in front of his eyes. Next, he will go to the ancient palace, and sign up for the battle. The ancient emperor palace is the emperor's power. If you go to a place with lots of people, ask someone to ask, you will know where the ancient palace is.

The non-being is just telling him the ancient palace, and does not say the specific direction of the ancient palace. Sword and Lingdao go in the opposite direction, and the two bodies are in memory. No matter who asks where the ancient palace is, it is the same. It’s one thing to be the first to be difficult to fight. It’s one thing to fight for it.

"Excuse me, where is the ancient palace?"

Three days later, Lingdao walked into a small city, and the place where the Baili family looked was really hidden. Even if it is the nearest city to the place where the Baili family is located, there is no strong one. Up to now, Lingdao has encountered the highest in the realm, that is, the Heavenly Warrior, even the King.

"You want to go to the sky to fight for the list? Nothing, you will be with me, I just have to go to the ancient palace!"

Lingdao found a Tianbing martial artist to ask, but did not expect this Tianbing martial art to personally take him to the ancient palace. This Tianbing warrior looks very young, even if it is bigger than Lingdao, it is estimated that it is not too old. Being able to cultivate to the heavenly corps at this age, and not a disciple of great power, is not easy.

The 20-year-old Tianbing martial artists are really nothing in the heavens, but Lingdao can feel that the other side’s practice is very poor, and even Tianjun’s creation is not as good. Even Lingdao himself was surprised. It was not because of the other side, but his eyes, and he could see through other people's exercises.

"Hey, what are you doing with me like this? Brother, I have no interest in men. If you do this again, I will not take you to the ancient palace!"

Standing in front of Lingdao, the Heavenly Warrior, couldn’t help but step back and watched Lingdao with vigilance, but made Lingdao quite speechless. However, to find someone who is willing to take him to the ancient palace, he can say that he is lucky. What is the specific situation of the battle of the Tianzhang list? Lingdao is still unclear for the time being, perhaps the Heavenly Soldiers in front of him know.

"I am like that kind of person?"

Lingdao asked with a smile, and even more let him be speechless, the Heavenly Warrior in front of him actually nodded quite seriously. I don't know why, Lingdao always feels that the Heavenly Soldiers in front of him are very ill-fated. If they are not asking for help, they must first slap him out and say it.

"Right, my name is Ling Dao, what about you?"

He and the other party meet each other, the other party is willing to take him to the ancient palace, if the name of the other party does not know, then it can not be said. Anyway, he just came to chaos the ancient domain, even if he reported his real name, it would have no effect. In the vast ancient domain, no one should know him.

"Your surname is Ling? Wow, are you relatives of the Emperor of Tianlingyu?"

The Emperor of Tianling Domain is naturally the Emperor of Lingjia. Lingdao has heard of him more than once. Even the Emperor Liyang and Chen Yuxian, talking about the Emperor of Lingjia, are an admirable tone. Lingdao did not think that the Tianbing martial arts in front of him even knew the Emperor of Lingjia. Could it be said that the ancient domain was very close to Tianling?

The Tianyuan Sanqian territory, specifically how it is, Lingdao does not know. In the past life, he did not even know how big the Ziwei domain was. Naturally, he would not know anything about the three thousand territories. Although he knows Qianhui, he does not think that he has any relative relationship with the Emperor of Lingjia. When he hears the other party, he naturally shakes his head.

"Also, the Emperor of Tianling domain, certainly not your weak relatives. But nothing, after others bully you, you can report my name. Others do not say, at least in the chaos of the ancient domain, no problem! ”

What makes Lingdao helpless is that the Tianbing martial artists in front of him actually started to blow up. There are even the great emperors in the chaotic ancient domain. What is the use of the name of a heavenly soldier? If you still expect him to take him to the ancient palace, Ling Dao really does not want to take care of him, because the people around him look at his eyes, are full of contempt.

"Okay, okay, tell you, my name is Lei Wenyuan, how is it, is it amazing?"

Lei Wenyuan smugly said his name, and sure enough, the horror of Lingdao. It’s just the expression of other people, which makes Levin far uncomfortable, because those people don’t believe that he is Le Wenyuan, and only Ling Dao’s performance makes him satisfied.

"I know that brothers are like a torch, they are not like you, only you believe that I am Le Wenyuan!"

In fact, Lei Wenyuan really misunderstood. The reason why Ling Dao was shocked was not because he believed that the other party was called Lei Wenyuan, but that the sword devil came to chaos the earliest purpose of the ancient domain, that is, to find Lei Wenyuan. However, Lingdao understands that regardless of whether the Tianbing martial arts in front of him is called Lei Wenyuan, it is definitely not the Lei Wenyuan that the sword is looking for. Those who can be brothers and brothers with the three dead masters will certainly not be the soldiers of the heavenly army.

"Little brother, don't you be deceived by him. What is the character of Wen Yuandao, so what can he compare?"

"That is, the Wenyuan Taoist can look at him with a look, what is he?"

"Shameless, even with the name of the Wenyuan Taoist, swindling and swindling!"

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