The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 219: Tianling Pavilion

"Wen Yuan Dao, do you know where the Wenyuan Taoist is?"

Lingdao did not think that Lei Wenyuan had such a great reputation in the chaotic ancient domain. He thought that he wanted to find Lei Wenyuan, and it was difficult. He did not expect to walk into a city, and all the warriors knew Raven. Far, if you can find Lei Wenyuan, maybe Lei Wenyuan will have fruit.

They all say that Wen Yuandao is the master. That is that Lei Wenyuan is naturally a Taoist. It is very rare for the Tianbing martial arts to make a fruit. A fruitful fruit, exaggerated, is equal to the second life of the warrior. For the warrior, it is invaluable, and for the Taoist, it has no effect.

The soldiers of Tianbing are severely wounded. As long as they have a sigh of relief, they can be cured by taking the fruits of the fruits. However, the Taoist suffers from the creation of the fruits, and there is no benefit to the healing. The effect of the fruits can be limited, and the leader is obviously more than The utility limit of the fruit.

"What do you say, you won't even hear the Wenyuan Master have heard of it."

Lei Wenyuan looked contemptuously, as if Lingdao was an indigenous person who had never seen the world before. He worshipped the Emperor of Lingjia and also worshiped Wenyuan Taoist. He has always been proud of his own name because he has the same name as Wenyuan Taoist. Unfortunately, he told others that he was called Lei Wenyuan. Others did not believe it at all. He always thought that he was bragging about the name of Wen Yuandao.

"How, Wenyuan Dao is very famous, why do you all know."

Lingdao’s words are equivalent to acknowledging that Lei Wenyuan has asked him. He does not know Wenyuan’s lord. If it is not for the three dead masters, he will let him go to the chaotic ancient domain to find Lei Wenyuan. When Lei Wenyuan is saying his name, Lingdao will not have any reaction at all. He has just come to chaos the ancient domain, and he does not understand the Taoist people in the ancient domain. It is naturally normal.

However, other people feel that it is not normal, because Wenyuan’s reputation is too big, and he is in the chaos of ancient times. He can’t know other Taoist masters, but he can’t help but know the Wenyuan Taoist, the three dead masters in the Tianwu domain. Tianwu domain has set a big name, but it is still worse than Wenyuan.

"I really served you, even Wenyuan did not know, I want to say that the entire chaotic ancient domain, Wenyuan Taoist must be the first master."

Lei Wenyuan said proudly, as if he was the owner of Wenyuan, the first master of the chaotic ancient domain. What Lingdao did not expect was that all the others actually agreed, and none of them refuted, it really is a kind of gathering, people By group, the friends of the three dead masters are also true strong.

"Tell you, the Wenyuan Taoist and the Taiyin Temple have hatred, even if the Taiyin Temple sent a Taoist hunter to kill the Wenyuan Taoist, the result is that the Wenyuan Taoist is unscathed, but the Taiyin Temple suffered heavy losses. In the end, it was the Taiyin Temple. The Emperor personally went out to deal with Wen Yuandao.

That battle, shaking the entire chaotic ancient domain, the battle between the Taoist and the Emperor, naturally attracted countless strong people, everyone is optimistic about the Taiyin Temple, and believe that the Wenyuan Taoist will die, however, the result is out of everyone It is expected that the loser is not the Wenyuan Taoist, but the Great Emperor of the Taiyin Temple. ”

The lord who can defeat the great emperor, even the emperor who has just proved the Tao, must be against the heavenly master, the Taoist and the great emperor, the gap is too big, don't look at the current Lingdao crossing a big realm to kill the enemy is very easy, the more to the back, The gap between each realm is bigger, let alone the Taoist and the Great.

It is a pity that the Wenyuan Taoist wants to kill the Emperor of the Taiyin Temple. It is impossible. The Emperor has already condensed his heart. As long as the Tao is immortal, the Emperor will not die. The Emperor is not only powerful, but also difficult to kill, even if it is The confrontation between the great emperors, as long as the strength gap is not too big, they can not kill each other.

"The sad thing is that the emperor of the Taiyin Temple later invited another great emperor to join hands with the Wenyuan Taoist. It is said that the Wenyuan Taoist has died and the two emperors joined forces. He could not compete, if he gave the time to Wenyuan. Let him prove that even if the two emperors joined forces, how?"

Anyone can listen to Lei Wenyuan’s admiration for Wenyuan Taoist. People who previously thought that Lei Wenyuan was swindling and swindling with the name of Wen Yuandao felt that they were mad. They just thought that Lei Wen was far from respecting Wen Yuandao. It will be angry, and now it seems that Levin is not the kind of person they think.


I thought that I could easily learn the news of Wenyuan Taoist, and I could find Wenyuan Taoist as soon as possible. I didn’t expect Wenyuan Taoist to die. The swordsman of the Three Swordsmen sent the swordsmen to the ancient domain. I certainly don’t know Wenyuan. The Lord has died in the hands of the Great.

Lingdao also expected to get the fruit from the Wenyuan Taoist. Now, it seems that he can only rely on the reward of the first place in the sky. For a month, the first thing he needs to do is to raise the realm, at least to the heavens. The environment is simply an ancient imperial palace. The genius is more scary. Moreover, there are other emperors in the ancient domain. The Taiyin Temple is one of them.

"Lei brother, the matter is important. Let's go to the ancient palace, the things of the Wenyuan Taoist, you can walk and say."

He didn't go to the ancient palace to watch the battle, but to participate in the battle of the Tianbang list. If he went late and missed the registration time, he would definitely miss the fruit. Fortunately, he was a brother, let Lei Wenyuan Eyebrows openly, naturally nodded and agreed.

When Lei Wenyuan reported his name, other people did not believe him, or felt that he used the name of Wen Yuandao to swindle and swindle. The name is from the mother, and what is the relationship with him? He is called Lei Wenyuan. Is it true that the same ancient name of the same name in the ancient chaos is still wrong.

"You can rest assured that I am familiar with the ancient palace and promise to take you to the nearest road."

Regardless of whether Lei Wenyuan is bragging, he must know the ancient palace, but Lingdao does not understand why Lei Wenyuan is so enthusiastic. If Lei Wenyuan wants him to ask for Lingshi or other benefits, he can understand that he is biased. Wen Yuan doesn't want anything, and the heart of defending people is indispensable. He and Lei Wenyuan don't know each other, naturally they can't care.

The sword demon has come to this place. He and Lingdao memory are connected. As long as Lingdao can go to the ancient palace, the sword magic can certainly be. In fact, the two bodies and one body are registered, the difference is not big, because he has two bodies. The strength is almost the same, one can't compete for the first, the other is definitely not good.

Although Lingdao still has a pair of incomparable stone carvings, it is not used, but it will not be used. Otherwise, the genius disciple who came from the emperor's forces will hold a sacrament or a ceremonial device. Others have no The law fights with them, and the battle for the sky is for all the chaos of the ancient warriors, and naturally there are disciples of small forces.


"Is it easy to find Lei Wen, the stinky boy who owes us so many Lingshi in Tianlinge, and wants to leave."

Tianling Pavilion, which is spread over the entire ancient area, is the largest casino in the ancient times. It is not enough to describe the daily income of Tianlinge. Even if it is the power of the emperor, the spiritual stone that is obtained every day has no heaven. Fortunately, the owner of the Tianling Pavilion is very clever, and every year he will give a lot of spiritual power to the great emperors.

In addition to the emperor's forces, other forces can't dare to play the idea of ​​the Tianling Pavilion, because the Tianling Pavilion is also a force. Once there was a power of the Tianling Pavilion, and it was the hand of the Emperor, but the result was that the power of the product was stepped. For the flat land, the Tianling Pavilion is just a fight against the Emperor's power. Other forces are not afraid of the Tianling Pavilion.

"There was news. The gambler couldn't help but gambled in the Tianling Pavilion in Yuanhua for one night, and owed a debt. Now it should not run far."

In fact, even if Ling Dao does not let Lei Wenyuan lead the way, Lei Wenyuan will go to the ancient palace, because there are too many Lingshi owed by Lei Wenyuan, only to compete for the first place in the sky, and to get the fruit, he has It is possible to pay off all the debts, and the value of a fruit is absolutely not low enough for him to pay back.

Moreover, the ancient imperial palace is the emperor's power. Even if the strong man of the Tianling Pavilion has great courage, he will not dare to enter the ancient emperor's palace to arrest people. Of course, Lei Wenyuan knows that the strong man of Tianlinge is arresting him. Therefore, I am willing to take the Lingdao, because he feels that the strength of Lingdao is not bad.

Lei Wenyuan traveled through the major casinos and naturally saw the characters in shape. The Lingdao is young, but the momentum that is emitted from him is absolutely not weak, but the average person can't feel it. In fact, Lei Wenyuan is overestimated. Ling Dao, the reason why Ling Dao’s momentum is strong, is because Tian Zun who died in his hands is not one or two.

"We must leave Yuanhua Prefecture as soon as possible, because the battle for Tianbang will start soon. If it is delayed, it will definitely not be good."

He wants to leave Yuanhua, and Tianzhang’s battle for battle is only a secondary reason. The main reason is that he owes a lot of Lingshi in Tianling Pavilion in Yuanhua Prefecture. Yuanhua is not big, but Yuanhua’s Tianling Pavilion also has Tianzun sitting in the town. With his strength, it is a luxury for the gods to want to escape.

Lingdao nodded. What Lei Wenyuan said was exactly what he wanted to say. The sword demon was still far behind. He wanted to arrive at the ancient palace more than once. Unfortunately, Lei Wenyuan underestimated the Tianling Pavilion. The intelligence ability, the strong man of the Tianling Pavilion, has been blocked in front of him, ready to take him down.

"Not good, let's go for another way."

Lei Wenyuan always has a bad feeling. He used to be chased by others. He believes in his instincts. Even if he does not know that the strong man in front of Tianlinge is waiting for him, he feels that if he does not Change the route, you will definitely encounter the strong who chase him.

"what happened."

Lingdao asked puzzledly. He hadn’t waited for Ray Wenyuan to answer. He changed his face because he felt a strong breath and rushed to where they were at a very fast speed, plus Raven. Far before, he can already conclude that the strong ones are directed at them, precisely to Levin.

The time he came to chaos the ancient domain is very short, and there is a contradiction with the strongest of the Baili family. Now the strongest of the Baili family is dead, naturally it is impossible to chase him. Those strong ones must be chasing Raven. Far, no wonder Levin is so passionate, it seems that he wants to drag him into the water.

"Kid, intuition is very accurate, but unfortunately, late."

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