The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 220: Ten million pieces of land

Lei Wenyuan has already planned to change the route, but unfortunately it is already late. The strong man of Tianlinge has specially rushed from the front. I have to say that Lei Wenyuan’s escape effort is a must. However, he is owing more and more debts. Now he is not a king, but a group of heavenly kings. He is also a Tianzun.

Tianling Pavilion would rather send a Tianzun to get out of the horse and take down Lei Wenyuan. It is conceivable that he owes the Lingshi of the Tianling Pavilion, absolutely many. The classification of Lingshi is similar to that of weapons. Lei Wenyuan owes the Lingshi of the Tianling Pavilion. If all of them use Tianpin Lingshi, it is probably 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi.

Don't think that there are 10,000 pieces of celestial stone, because 10,000 pieces of celestial stone are ten million pieces of spiritual stone, and it is a spiritual stone of 10 billion pieces. Tianlinge’s family is big, and as long as the guests borrow Lingshi, they must all borrow. In addition to the strong power of the emperor, who dares to play with the Tianling Pavilion?

"What is the situation? Are they your enemy?"

Even Lingdao was shocked, and how Lei Wenyuan had offended so many powerful people. A full eight heavenly kings, plus a Tianzun, not to mention a Le Wenyuan, even if it is enough to deal with a hundred Lei Wen. Lingdao does not know them, they naturally come to catch Lei Wenyuan.

"As for what? How do you say that Tianling Pavilion is a power, isn't it a sin to you? Is it necessary to let Tianzun catch me?"

Lei Wenyuan is extremely depressed, Tian Zun personally shot, he wants to escape, it is simply delusional. Tianzun has mastered the will of the king, using the projection of the will of the world, shrouded this place, and Levin is simply invisible. Tianlingge caught Lei Wenyuan not once or twice, and naturally knew about Lei Wenyuan.

"Tian Ling Ge? A product power?"

In the chaotic division of the ancient domain, Lingdao did not know, but the power of a product is certainly not easy to provoke. At least it is necessary to have a monarch to sit in the town. If there is no stone carving, it is enough to deal with Ling Dao. The power of one product is much stronger than the power of the four products. It is not a level at all.

A product force, certainly no shortage of Tianjun, not bad Tianzun. The eight heavenly kings and one Tianzun in front of you are definitely not for the power of one product. However, for Ling Dao and Lei Wenyuan, it is the existence that cannot be confronted. If you don't use stone carvings, Lingdao even can't deal with Tianjun, let alone Tianzun.

"I said Ling brother, are you from other territories? I don't know Wenyuan Taoist, you don't even know Tianling Pavilion?"

The reputation of Tianling Pavilion must be greater than that of other products, because Tianling Pavilion has opened all the states of the ancient domain. Lei Wenyuan is a gambler. He has been gambling since he was a child. No matter which state he goes to, Tianling Pavilion is a place he must go.

Lingdao smiled and didn't speak because he really came from other territories. Anyway, there are stone carvings. If Tianling Pavilion’s Tianzun wants to be against him, he can completely kill Tianling’s Tianzun. Of course, if Tianling of Tianlinge does not intend to deal with him, then he will certainly not use the last stone for Levin.

Zhenlong stone carvings, Qipeng stone carvings, phoenix stone carvings, stone carvings, nine-tailed fox stone carvings, exquisite stone carvings, imitative stone carvings and sacred stone carvings have all been used. The situation of blood-mosquito stone carving is not particularly clear. There is only one stoneless life preserved, and he certainly will not use it at will.

"It looks like you are a group, give me all!"

The dialogue between Lei Wenyuan and Ling Dao, Tian Zun of Heavenly Pavilion is clearly heard. He waved his hand and gestured to the Eight Heavenly Kings to capture Ling Dao and Lei Wenyuan. The head of the Tianzun only needs to control the overall situation, to ensure that Lei Wenyuan can not escape, and that Ravin Yuan certainly does not need him to personally.

Eight Heavenly Kings walked at the same time, occupying eight positions respectively, and did not give Lingdao and Levin a chance to escape. They know that the realm of Lei Wenyuan, they have not seen Lingdao, but from the age of Lingdao, they can judge that the realm of Lingdao is not high.

"Sorry, I just met with him, not a group you said. If you want to catch me, why don't you be involved? Isn't there a rule in the Tianling Pavilion?"

What Lingdao did not expect was that Lei Wenyuan had a relationship with him at this time. Lei Wenyuan took him to the ancient palace, and he didn't want any benefit. He was strange. It was not until the strong man of the Tianling Pavilion appeared that he understood that he had taken the thief ship of Lei Wenyuan. But he didn't understand why Le Wenyuan had to excuse him at this time.

"I'm sorry, I admit that I originally wanted to pull you into the water, one more person, my safety must be a little more secure. I just didn't think that they actually sent Tianzun to the horse. Since there is no hope of running away, I naturally don't want to harm you!"

Lei Wenyuan explained with apologetic explanation that it is absolutely different to want a helper and want to kill the ridge. He took the Lingdao to the ancient palace, but the motive was not pure, but there was absolutely no idea of ​​killing the ridge. He owes so many Lingshi in Tianlinge, and the strong man of Tianlinge grabs him back, and certainly there is no good fruit to eat.

At this time, Lei Wenyuan no longer hides the realm. He is not the peak of the heavenly dynasty, but the peak of the heavens. The reason why Lingdao can see through the realm and practice of Lei Wenyuan at a glance is because Lei Wenyuan deliberately showed it to others. With the cultivation of the peaks of his heavens, the king of Tianlinge wants to take him, which is simply impossible.

"How much hatred do you and Tianling Pavilion?"

If Levin is still trying to drag the road into the water, Ling Dao will certainly not manage Lei Wenyuan's life and death. However, Lei Wenyuan took the initiative to apologize, but said his original purpose, naturally let Lingdao change his views on him. Previously, Lei Wenyuan said that he owed a little Lingshi to the Tianling Pavilion, and Lingdao was entirely possible to help him solve it.

Yes, there is no need for a stone carving. Lingdao is not an opponent of Tianzun, but he has a spiritual stone. Even if he has used a lot, there is still a part. He has robbed all the spiritual stones of the worship of the Moon Hall and the more than 100 Tianzun of the Gulei Hall. The wealth of other Heavenly Soldiers is no match for him.

"How much hatred? This stinky boy owes us ten thousand pieces of spiritual stone in the Tianling Pavilion. Do you want to take him down?"

One of the princes said with a sneer, 10 million pieces of land, even if he is far from such a huge wealth. At the same time, he also wants to see what Lingdao is reacting. Lei Wenyuan said that he and Lingdao are in peace, and he believes. Just look like, Lingdao also wants to help Lei Wenyuan, don't scare Lingdao how to do it?

"That... that... I just like to gamble, I didn't expect to owe so many Lingshi unconsciously!"

Lei Wenyuan said that the 10 million pieces of the land of Lingshi did not scare Lingdao, but he was frightened. All along, he only knew that he had more and more Lingshi owed to the Tianling Pavilion, but he did not think that he would have reached this level. It was a million pieces of land, and he sold it. It was not worth so much. stone.

But he knows that Tianling of Tianlinge will not lie, not to talk nonsense. If he is taken back by the strong man of the Tianling Pavilion, he does not know how much hard work he has to do to redeem himself. He was still talking about a little Lingshi. Now Tianling of Tianlinge is saying something about ten million pieces of spiritual stone. Naturally, he feels that he has no face in front of Lingdao.

"Isn't a million pieces of earthly stone is not a 10,000 piece of heavenly stone? If I help him back, I don't know if you can let him go?"

Ten thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, even for a Tianzun, are not a small number. Just like the Tianling Pavilion Tianzun in front of you, all the spirits on the body add up, and it is about two hundred pieces of heavenly spirit stone. Lingdao, a junior who actually said that he could help Lei Wenyuan to lose 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, how can Tianzun of Heavenly Pavilion not be surprised?

The relationship between Ling Dao and Lei Wenyuan is naturally not so good. He is not willing to use his infinite stone to save Lei Wenyuan. However, he did not mind if he used 10,000 pieces of Lingshiling for the safety of Lei Wenyuan. Lingshi only, can use it to earn again, who let Lei Wenyuan's performance later, let him think that Lei Wenyuan is still human.

"What are you talking about? Can you help me lose 10 million pieces of spiritual stone?"

Lei Wenyuan was so excited that he was trembling, because he had been chased by Tianlingge again and again because of the owing to Linglingge Lingshi. If he does not have a good ability to escape, I am afraid that he will be caught by the strongest of the Tianlinge. Of course, because of this, his realm has only advanced by leaps and bounds, or else he may really only have the peak of heaven.

"um, yes!"

Lingdao nodded, 10 million pieces of Lingshiling, let alone find someone to take him to the ancient palace, even if a Tianzun personally sent him to the ancient palace, some Tianzun will promise. Of course, he certainly wouldn't dare to do this, because Tianzun can kill him and then take all his spiritual stones.

"No, there are too many ten million pieces of land, so don't help me!"

After calming down, Lei Wenyuan shook his head and rejected the Lingdao proposal. Ten million pieces of land is a huge wealth, used to save him, it is worthless. Lingdao intends to use 10 million pieces of geophysical stone to save him, he is already very grateful.

"Get out of the way, what are you doing?"

The head of Tianzun stunned Lei Wenyuan. If he could return to the 10 million pieces of the spiritual stone, he would not only be rewarded after returning to the Tianling Pavilion, but also the possibility of promotion. He now feels that Lingdao is more and more pleasing to the eye, and it is simply a human form.

"You will give me 10 million pieces of spiritual stones, and I will let you go!"

In the depths of his eyes, there was a trace of greed, but Lingdao and Lei Wenyuan did not notice. In fact, he has decided that if Lingdao can't come up with 10 million pieces of Lingshi, he will take Lingdao and Lei Wenyuan together. If Ling Dao really took out 10 million pieces of Lingshi, he would kill Lingdao and Lei Wenyuan because he wanted to get all the Lingshi of Lingdao.

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