The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 221: Qianhui reproduction

Not to mention the Tianzun who is the first, even the other eight Tianjun, also do not believe what Lingdao said. They as Tianjun and even Tianzun, can not get ten million pieces of spiritual stone, ask Lingdao a young junior, Where are the 10 million pieces of spiritual stone?

They are born in a product, and they are not bad. Lingdao calculates that they are better than them. However, even the younger generation of the emperor will not have so many spiritual stones. However, there is no absolute thing in the world. If there are so many Lingshi in Lingdao?

"Well, I am giving you, I hope you can keep your promise!"

Ling Dao dared to expose his wealth and dared to come up with 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. Naturally, he was sure to deal with the Tianzun and the Eight Heavenly Kings. Although he does not want to use the stoneless stone, if Tianling and Tianjun of the Tianling Pavilion have to deal with him, then he has to use it. Life and stone carving are more important, and anyone can distinguish clearly.

He took out a whole 10,000 piece of Tianpin Lingshi and threw it to Tianzun of Tianlinge. Whether it is Tianzun and Tianjun of Tianlinge, or Lei Wenyuan, they can't help but widen their eyes. I did not expect that Lingdao could really take out 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. How could a junior be so rich?

"You said, can we kill him?"

Tianling of Tianlinge gave a voice to one of the Tianjun, asking him for his opinion, because he had the most research on the genius disciples of the ancient domain. If Lingdao is an outstanding disciple of the Emperor's influence, the Tianzun of Lingge will not start with Lingdao, because it may bring disaster to the top.

"Adults rest assured that he is not a genius disciple of the Taiyin Temple, nor a genius disciple of the ancient imperial palace, nor a genius disciple of the desperate building!"

In the chaos of the ancient three major emperors, it is the Taiyin Temple, the ancient emperor palace and the life-stricken building. In addition to the Tianling Pavilion, the Tianling Pavilion did not dare to offend the three great emperors, and the forces of other chaotic ancient areas dared to provoke. If Lingdao hears the desperate building, it will definitely remind you of the desperate building of the Great World of Jianshen. It is a pity that the desperate building of the Sword God World has nothing to do with the ruined building of the ancient domain.

After learning that Lingdao is not a genius disciple of the Taiyin Hall, the Ancient Emperor's Palace and the Desperate House, the depths of the Tianling Pavilion Tianzun's scorpion are flashing a cold mang. The wealth that can easily come up with 10,000 pieces of heavenly stone, certainly has more than 10,000 pieces of heavenly spirit.

Unfortunately, they did not know that the remaining Lingshi of Lingdao is really not much. In order to arrive in time to the village where the Baili family is located, he has used a lot of Lingshi. Now there are 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, and the remaining Lingshi is far from the imagination of Tianling and Tianjun.

"Oops, they want your life! I protect you, you go!"

Lei Wenyuan reacted and quickly pulled Lingdao back. For him, Lingdao handed over 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi. As a result, he not only could not save him, but also harmed Lingdao himself. According to the truth of the Zhien Tubao, Lei Wenyuan certainly understands that Ling Dao can send out 10,000 pieces of Tianpin Lingshi for him.

This kind of kindness alone is enough to be worthy of his life. Because things were originally caused by him, the Tianzun and Tianjun of the Tianling Pavilion came to arrest him. Anyway, he didn't have any good endings. If he could protect Lingdao from leaving, he would certainly be obliged.

"The reaction is quite fast, but do you think that you will be able to protect him from leaving the country?"

Tianling of Tianlinge said scornfully, let alone he has eight subordinates of Tianjun, even if he is alone, he can easily kill Lingdao and Lei Wenyuan. Even if Levin is a genius, it is impossible to kill the enemy across the border. It has no effect, because the gap between Heaven and Heaven and Tianzun is too great.

"You didn't say it before, just give the stone to you, don't you deal with us?"

Lingdao asked with a calm face, only the last stone carving, he certainly hopes not to be the best. However, Tianlingge Tianzun and Tianjun have already made up their minds. They don't know that Lingdao has something that can kill them. Otherwise, they certainly can't dare to hit the idea of ​​Lingdao.

Of course, even if Lingdao tells them that they have something to deal with them, they will certainly not believe it. As soon as he was too young, his realm was low. Secondly, he was in danger. When he said this, he would only feel that they were scaring them.

"Yes, I won't deal with you, but they can deal with you. Fight with me, you can't do it!"

Tianling of Tianlinge did not intend to look at Lingdao and Lei Wenyuan at all. Anyway, letting the eight heavenly masters take their shots and taking them is a breeze. Lingdao and Lei Wenyuan did not think that the Tianzun of Tianlinge actually went to this point. Fortunately, there is a stone carving in Lingdao. At the crucial moment, he does not mind killing.

"You don't understand the truth of money, you don't understand it, you are deserved to die!"

"Yes, there is not enough strength, but with such a huge amount of wealth, it will not live long!"

The two Tianjun said in a row, and then they all shot. The other six Tianjun did not have any intention to intervene. Because the two of them deal with Ling Dao and Lei Wenyuan, how to see it is enough, Lei Wenyuan is just the peak of the sky, and where can Lingdao be able to go?

In particular, when the Lingdao worked, revealing their own realm, they even laughed disdainfully. I did not expect that the realm of Ling Dao was far lower than that of Levin. At this time, Lingdao hides the realm and has no effect at all. Anyway, the Tianjun of Tianlinge has already made up their minds.


At the crucial moment, a familiar voice came, and Lingdao couldn’t help but look at the past. A young woman in a hard suit, walking on the sword, is coming in the direction they are in. She is not someone else. It is the Qianhui that Lingdao knows in the world of Jianshen, but it is still Qianhui who brought him to heaven.

"Who are you? Tianlinge has nothing to do with you, please leave quickly!"

The reason why Tianzun of Tianlinge did not directly start with Qianhui was because the sword at the foot of Qianhui was obviously a high-grade weapon. The realm of Qianhui is also not high, probably the look of the heavens. Being able to have such a weapon is enough to show that her birth is not bad, and it is very likely that she is a disciple of the Emperor.

"Qianhui, how come you?"

Lingdao did not expect that he would encounter Qianhui in the chaotic ancient domain. After all, he did not encounter any acquaintances in the lower bounds after he went to heaven. However, the sword magic in the Tianwu domain of the Tao Wang Temple, met Cao Tian. It’s just that Cao Tian’s relationship with him is not as good as Qianhui, not to mention that Qianhui is still a beautiful woman.

Especially with the improvement of the realm, Qianhui is more and more cold, and the temperament is similar to the sword magic. Qianhui and Lingdao are not the same. Lingjia is originally the emperor's power. She is the genius of Lingjia, and the cultivation is not the same as Lingdao. She is now in a higher realm than Lingdao. It is not surprising at all. After all, she used to be taller than Lingdao.

"My great emperor began to accept the apprenticeship. With your qualifications, you may be successful, so I will come to you!"

Last time Lingdao took Qianhui to the heavens, but the result was because the Xuanming Taoist lord was destroyed, and other powerful forces secretly shot, resulting in the whereabouts of Lingdao. Qianhui once thought that Lingdao had died and she had blamed herself for a long time. Fortunately, someone told her that Lingdao was not dead, but told her where Lingdao is now.

Thousands of Huis passed through the Star Gate, directly from the Tianling domain to the chaotic ancient domain, and then chased in the direction that the man said. Fortunately, Lingdao is fine, otherwise she has to blame herself. Tianzun and Tianjun of Tianlinge have not yet started, she can naturally save the Lingdao.

"Her family?"

The speaker is unintentional, the listener has the heart, the Tianzun Pavilion and the Eight Heavenly Kings are shocked. It seems that the young woman in front of us must be from the emperor's power, and there is still the emperor's power of the emperor. I just don't know, which of the emperor forces she came from, is it the ancient palace or the Taiyin Temple or the life building?

"What do you say? The emperor wants to accept the apprentice? Do you know if the emperor has a fruit of creation?"

Let Qianhui straighten his eyes, referring to the Emperor's acceptance of the Emperor, the first thought of Lingdao is actually the fruit of creation. As a disciple of the emperor's forces, Qian Hui certainly knows what is the fruit of creation, but the value of the fruit, and the Emperor's apprentice has no way to compare. Tianyuan Sanqian territory, do not know how many warriors, want to worship the great emperor.

"Can you open your eyes? What do you think of making fruit?"

Being scorned by Qian Hui, Ling Dao can only smile, Qian Hui may think that he wants to make fruit, is to let himself have a life-saving means. In fact, he himself does not need any fruit of creation. In the first place, his physical resilience is very strong. Second, he has two bodies. Even if one body dies, it is not an irreparable thing.

"I don't know which force the girl came from?"

Tian Zun of Tianlinge held a fist and asked seriously. He also knows about the power of the three great emperors. No matter what Qianhui said that she is a disciple of the emperor, he has a way to test. Who knows if Qianhui is scaring them, maybe the swords at the foot of Qianhui are obtained by chance?

"Tian Ling domain Lingjia, I don't know if you can hear it?"

Qianhui said proudly that the Tianling domain Lingjia is not the emperor's power in the ancient times, nor the emperor's power in the ancient times, but the emperor's power established not long ago. Yes, Lingjia has no foundation, because the time to become a disciple is too short. However, the Emperor of Lingjia has a thorough means, and no one dares to take a nap.

"You said that you came from Tianlingyu Lingjia, what evidence can you have?"

Tianling of Tianlinge asked with courage. He had heard of Lingjia in Lingling, and even Lei Wenyuan knew the Emperor of Lingjia in Tianling. If he didn’t know, he was really alive. If he doesn't figure out the situation, he will definitely not let Lingdao and Lei Wenyuan easily.

"Evidence? Do you need evidence?"

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