The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 236: Rush into the top ten

"Top ten, my brother is not the first."

Lian Er’s natural question was asked, but it was a stagnation of Zhong Xing’s face. I couldn’t answer it. Zhong Xingba smiled, and a little girl from Lian’er, naturally there was nothing to fight for. The next disciple of the Emperor’s Palace was surprised. I saw the lotus girl, I don’t know who the lotus brother is, and why the lotus voice is so sure.

Unfortunately, Zhong Xingba is standing next to Lian Er, they are afraid to let go. Zhong Xingba is the second and third person in the Nine Heavens. They either did not participate in the first round of fighting or they have already been eliminated. Naturally Can't compare with Zhong Xingba.

"Well, the name of the sword magic has come up, how is it only one hundred and twenty-eight."

Just at this time, Zhong Xingba noticed the name on the standings, ranked in the 128th place, the name of the sword magic is not high, but better than before, at least can find his name, to the sword The talent, not taking a top ten, is really not like words. However, if Zhong Xingba knows that the points of the swordsman are all obtained by killing the red martial artists, he will certainly not feel strange.

Up to now, the number one is Zongrenfu, but the least consumed, but the sword magic, but the higher the ranking, the greater the score gap, the more than one hundred swords, can not cause other warriors Note that especially his points are still growing one by one.

On the first day, the points of each young warrior are growing very fast, especially those who ignore consumption, and the points are skyrocketing. However, the first round of fighting is not a day, and the first day’s points are definitely not representative. Points after one month.

From the fifth day, the sword magic is no longer to the red suit, but the choice of the Huang Yiwu, the strength of the Huang Yiwu, is a little higher than the red warrior, but for the sword magic, basically Neglected, from his beginning to deal with the Huang Yiwu, his points growth rate significantly exceeded the previous five days.

However, the attention of outside warriors is still at the forefront. The number one has been replaced. It used to be Zongrenfu. Now it is Gu Hong. As a great family, his talent is not questioned. In just five days, he Earned 186,000 points.

In the second place is Zongrenfu, which is less than 34,000 points than Guhong, and the third is Di Yuanzhao. It is less than the 6,000 points of Zongrenfu. The difference is not big. The three of them can occupy the top three. It can be said that It is expected that Gu Hong is the father of the great family, Zongrenfu talent is outstanding, Di Yuanzhao is comparable to the nine great angels.

Lei Wenyuan has fallen from the fourth position. The fourth is Su Yuyu's younger brother Su Jiyu, the fifth is Lei Wenyuan, the sixth is Luo Tianhao's younger brother Luo Tiancheng, and the seventh is Bai Zhenjun. The eighth place is Wu Ziming, and the ninth place is Lu Zhanlong. Their ranking of nine is really amazing. Only Lei Wenyuan.

Bai Zhenjun, Lu Zhanlong, and Wu Ziming are all famous geniuses. Su Jiyu and Luo Tiancheng are equally talented. Because their brothers are nine great angels, it is difficult to draw attention from others. Only Lei Wen is unknown. There is no great record and no fame.

From the tenth to the hundred, 80% are disciples of the ancient emperor, and the disciples of other forces only occupy 20%. It is necessary to know that the number of other disciples participating in the first round of combat is much more than that of the disciples of the ancient emperor. Nine Great Heavens will not enter the ancient dream world, or else they will occupy the top nine places.

The ancient emperor palace is not the emperor's power, even the disciples below the king, it is more powerful than the disciples of other forces, especially the disciples of the ancient emperor know the ancient dream world, they will try to reduce consumption, as time goes by, row In the front of the ancient Emperor Palace disciples, only more and more.

"Who is the sword magic, which power."

On the tenth day, the sword demon finally came to the front and occupied the tenth position. The young warriors who entered the ancient dream world were too many, but they were able to occupy the top ten, except for Lei Wenyuan. People have a lot of fame, more than a hundred, the sword magic can not attract the attention of others, the tenth is not the same.

"I know that I know that the Sword Devil is a disciple of our ancient Emperor's Palace. Some time ago, he fought a battle with Luo Tian in the ancient source world. At that time, he only had the peak of the heavenly squad, and Luo Tiancheng was the early stage of the heavens. Everyone was shocked because he injured Luo Tiancheng and drove Luo Tiancheng out of the ancient source."

Because of Luo Tianhao's investigation, the grievances of the swordsman and Luo Tiancheng caused quite a stir. The swordsmen could cultivate in the ancient source. They naturally regarded the swords as a disciple of the ancient palace. Fortunately, Luo Tiancheng was not outside. Otherwise, he will definitely tremble with anger.

It’s no secret that the swordsman will drive Luo Tiancheng out of the ancient source world, not only because Luo Tiancheng’s talent is good, but also because Luo Tiancheng is the brother of Luo Tianhao, even among the nine great angels, there are people who take this. Things ridicule Luo Tianhao, but the sword magic always stays in the ancient source of cultivation, Luo Tianhao is not good to start.

"Luo Shidi, I heard that the sword demon has driven your brother out of the ancient source world. It seems that he has not put your nine big days in his eyes."

Mei Jianying, standing next to Luo Tianhao, pointed to the name in the tenth position on the standings. He said with ulterior motives that the nine great heavens belong to the same ancient palace, but they are not a group. There is a competitive relationship between them, and there are even hatreds between each other.

"The generation of ants is not worth mentioning."

Luo Tianhao said coldly, and when Luo Tian’s hand was handed, the sword and the devil had only the peak of the heavenly martial arts. Luo Tianhao was taller than the sword magic of the time. If the sword demon met him, it must not be his opponent. The day will be the battle for the list, his goal is the top ten of the entire chaotic ancient domain, naturally do not need to put the sword magic on the heart.

The top ten of the ancient palace, for Luo Tianhao, there is no difficulty, even if it is Bai Zhenjun, the land war dragon, he does not care, even if it is Di Yuanzhao, he has the confidence to defeat it, but unfortunately, nine days There will be a Su Yuyu, facing Su Yuyu, he has no chance of winning.

"Your brother is finally tenth, I thought he was asleep in his dreams."

Zhong Xingba has already returned to his home with Lian Er, so the light curtain in the standings is big enough, he can still see clearly, but unfortunately, his words did not cause interest in Lian Er, Lian Er still holds a The beast legs are delicious and eaten.

"That's just because the big brother is not serious, or else, the first must be his."

The lotus mouth is full of fleshy foam. It is not very clear when talking about it. However, after listening to Zhong Xingba, he pondered it. There are Gu Hong, Zong Renfu and Di Yuanzhao who are in the sword. First, it is impossible. What really makes Zhongxingba feel strange is that other people's points are growing at a slower rate. Only the swordsmen are still increasing.

Others may think that the sword demon is a disciple of the ancient emperor. Zhong Xingba understands that the sword demon is not a disciple of the ancient emperor. The sword demon is the first time to enter the ancient dream world. It can be said that there is nothing to the ancient dream world. I know, I didn’t expect anything that the ancient disciples couldn’t do, but the swordsman did it.

"I don't have the right, how his speed has increased."

Zhongxingba’s brows are picking up. The speed of the sword’s points is growing faster than before. Of course, he does not know that the swordsman once again changed his opponent. The first five days of the swordsman deal with the red warriors, the next Five days, the sword demon is against the Huang Yiwu, and now the sword demon is already dealing with the green suit.

The strength of the Green Warrior is stronger than that of the Red Warrior. However, the score of a green suit is equivalent to ten red warriors. The time required for the sword to kill a green suit is definitely better than killing ten red. The clothing warrior should be less, for ten days in a row, the consumption of the swordsman can be neglected.

Today, the first in the ancient Hong, has already had 328,000 points, the second Zongrenfu has 30,900 points, and Zongrenfu has risen to catch up, even if it does not exceed Gu Hong, and The gap between the points of Gu Hong is also getting smaller and smaller.

In the third place, Di Yuanzhao is a little worse. There is only a total of 263,600 points, and the gap between Zongrenfu is getting bigger and bigger. In the case of Di Yuanzhao, one of Su Jiyu’s It is only three thousand points less than Di Yuanzhao. Beyond Di Yuanzhao, I am afraid it is only a matter of time.

Even the fifth-ranked Lei Wenyuan, who is less than the score of Di Yuanzhao, is only 7,000. If there is no wonderful performance behind Di Yuanzhao, it will be a matter of time, and it will be a matter of time, by Lei Wenyuan and Su Jiyu. The names, seventh, eighth and ninth, nothing changed, but their points are far less than Levin.

"You noticed that there is no, the sword magic points, the growth is fast."

Soon, there were more people who noticed the points of the sword, Luo Tiancheng, Bai Zhenjun, Wu Ziming, and Lu Zhanlong. They were originally higher than the sword, but after one day, the sword is only three thousand points less than the land dragon. After another day, the points of the sword magic directly exceeded Lu Zhanlong, Wu Ziming and Bai Zhenjun.

By the fifteenth day, the score of the sword demon has surpassed Luo Tiancheng, becoming the sixth in the present, and the five in front of the sword, followed by Gu Hong, Zong Renfu, Di Yuanzhao, Su Jiyu and Lei Wenyuan. Even those who didn't care about the swordsman were interested in the sword.

"Your brother is sixth."

Zhong Xingba thinks that the current ranking of the swordsman is worthy of his talent. His eyes are staring at the points of the swordsman, because he once again discovered that the speed of the swordsman’s points has increased a little faster, and it has been fifteen days. The vast majority of military people consume a lot.

"This seat will talk about the top ten rankings, you listened."

All the warriors in the ancient dreams were shocked. They had been fighting for half a month. They were able to know the results, especially the young people who were confident in themselves. They felt that the top ten must have their own, Huangfu Tianzun. The reason why this is done is naturally that in the latter half of the month, they will be able to make persistent efforts, and even explode more potential.

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