The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 237: Ranking change

"First place, Gu Hong, points 473,320; second place, Zongrenfu, points 436,500; third place, Di Yuanzhao, points 409,000 Hundred; fourth place Su Jiyu, points 38 thousand five thousand; fifth place, Lei Wenyuan, points 366,340,500; sixth, swordsman, points 358,800 One hundred and eleven; the seventh, Luo Tiancheng, the score of 321,500; the eighth, Bai Zhenjun, the score of thirty-six thousand three hundred and fifty-five; the ninth, Wu Ziming, the score of twenty-eight Ten thousand six hundred and six hundred; tenth, Land Warfare, with a score of 271,700."

The voice of Huangfu Tianzun resounded in the dreams of all the ancient dream warriors. There are so many warriors in the ancient dream world. Of course, it is impossible for him to say all the rankings. His words are very simple, only rankings, names and points. Nothing else is said.

The gap between the top ten is very large. The first and tenth places have a difference of more than 200,000 points. Even if the gap between the eleventh and the hundredth is no more than 200,000 points, the warriors in the ancient dream world. I can't see the standings, but they know their points well.

As long as they are ranked in the top ten, Huangfu Tianzun will tell their points. The top ten warriors will know the difference between themselves and them. There will be half a month, as long as they are behind, completely It is possible to rush to the top ten. After all, the last few of the top ten are still a lot worse than the previous ones.

"What, Gu Hong actually participated in the first round of fighting, too bully, how do we compare with the great family."

"Who is Levin, who is the sword, why they can occupy the fifth and sixth positions."

"I didn't expect that even the top ten wouldn't be, no, I have to rush into the top ten, or else I have to face back to see Master and the younger brothers and sisters."

The purpose of Huangfu Tianzun has been reached. The warriors in the ancient dream world have launched one by one. Even if it is only the top ten of the first round of fighting, it will definitely be famous. If it is seen by a strong person, it will be accepted as an apprentice. They are definitely happy, especially the young warriors who are close to 270,000 points.

In fact, only four of the top ten are disciples of the ancient emperor palace. They are Gu Hong, Zong Renfu, Su Jiyu, and Luo Tiancheng. The remaining six, Di Yuanzhao, Lei Wenyuan, Jianmo, Bai Zhenjun, Wu Ziming and Lu Zhanlong, Either come from a product or not belong to any power.

"I turned out to be only tenth."

The land warfare thought that his ranking was extremely high. He did not expect that it was only the last one of the top ten. If the nine heavens of the ancient palace were in front of him, he could still accept it, but the nine heavens did not participate in the first round. Combat, especially some people in front of him, he has never heard of it, it is really difficult for him to accept.

Wu Ziming and Bai Zhenjun are equally uncomfortable. They are all genius disciples of their respective forces. They did not expect that they would only be at the end of the top ten when the Nine Heavens would not participate in the first round of fighting. Wu Ziming, of course, can't accept Lei Wenyuan's ranking above him.

"Whoever can be in front of me, the sword magic is absolutely impossible. Last time I lost to you, this time, I must win you."

As a disciple of the ancient emperor, and Luo Tiancheng, the younger brother of Luo Tianhao, he had already heard about the content of the first round of fighting. Therefore, Luo Tiancheng deliberately suppressed the realm. Otherwise, he has already broken through to the mid-term. He feels that today's strength is stronger than when the swordsman started. Naturally, he can't lose to the swordsman in the ranking.

"Haha, I didn't expect the sword magic to be behind me. It seems that I have to work hard, otherwise I will definitely lose to the kid."

Lei Wenyuan thinks that the sword magic can be the sixth thing. It is a matter of course. He has heard of the four people in front of him. However, he feels that there is only a threat to him. Only Di Yuanzhao, Gu Hong is the great family. However, only fifteen years old, I want to come to the realm is not high, to the third round of fighting, the confrontation between the military, Gu Hong certainly has no powerful performance.

Zongrenfu is not a nine-day singer. It is not a long time to become a martial artist. He wants to compare with the nine great generals. Su Jiyu is the younger brother of Su Yuyu, but the realm is not enough. Really fight, Lei Wenyuan thinks he can Easily defeated Su Jiyu, but Lei Wenyuan did not give up the plan, even if he could not compete with Gu Hong, he could not compete with the other three people.

"I didn't expect that I was only the fourth. Others said that I was no worse than my older brother. If I didn't get the first place in the first round of fighting, what qualifications would I have compared with my older brother?"

Su Yuyu is the most admired person of Su Jiyu. From small to large, Su Jiyu did not see Su Yuyu lost, even if it was the other eight heavenly generals, in front of Su Yuyu, it was like a child, and it was hard to beat, but Su Yuyu gave The other eight days will face, not letting them lose too ugly.

He believes that if Su Yuyu participates in the first round of fighting, even Gu Hong, certainly not enough to see, Su Yuyu wants the first, then he is the first, even if the great family, Gu Hong and him fight, they must lose Su Jiyu has always asked himself by his brother, and he is certainly not acceptable in the fourth place.

"My Di Yuan Zhao is only the third, it is ridiculous."

Di Yuanzhao screamed and tore the purple robes in front of him into pieces. Gu Hong is the great family of the emperor. Of course he knows that he can’t compete with Gu Hong. It is understandable. However, his integral face is not as good as Ren’s, he must know that he even The latter few of the nine great heavens are not in the eyes, how can they be willing to lose to Zongrenfu.

There are still fifteen days, Di Yuanzhao has a chance to surpass Zongrenfu. It seems that in the first fifteen days, he still slacks off. If he goes all out, he will definitely not only the current points, but also the angry Di Yuanzhao. It’s more fierce to start, and the speed of points growth is certainly much higher than before.

"It’s unfortunate, I have met Gu Hong, otherwise I am definitely the first."

After Zongrenfu heard Gu Hong’s name and ranking, he smiled bitterly. He had the confidence to compete with the Nine Heavens, and even defeated some of them. However, he only had no confidence in the ancients. Hong, after all, Gu Hong is the great family of the emperor, just in terms of blood, Gu Hong is far beyond Zongrenfu.

Fortunately, Zongrenfu and Lei Wenyuan feel that Gu Hong is not far from the third round of combat. Even in the first round of combat, he is better than Gu Hong. It is necessary to open the gap between the back and the back, Di Yuanzhao’s name, he Of course, I heard that it is a genius disciple who can fight with Luo Tianhao and Mei Jianying. If he can always press Di Yuanzhao underneath, it does not mean that he has the ability to surpass Luo Tianhao and Mei Jianying.

"First, the gap is too small. If you let 爹 know, you are definitely not satisfied."

Gu Hong is just a teenager, with a handsome face and pure eyes. As a big brother, from childhood to age, his father taught him to practice in the most severe manner. At the age of fifteen, he is already a natural warrior and strength. Far beyond the border warlords, his father has a high demand for him. Of course he can't let his father down.

Others only know that he was born with a golden key, but he did not know how much hardship he had endured. When he was very young, he began to practice. He also experienced countless battles. A great emperor cultivated himself, and Gu Hong also had the blood of the emperor. It is hard to think that it is not strong.

Once you become a great emperor and want to have children, you will have a hard time. However, there is no absolute thing in the world. Some of the great emperors have a simple child. Gu Hong’s father has only one son. Of course, he does not want him to be better than others. Poor, even if Gu Hong is only fifteen years old, his father does not want him to be worse than the nine days.

"Sixth, okay, not bad."

The sword demon has no dissatisfaction with his position, because he said that he has not been serious until now. In the first fifteen days, he first played with the red warrior for five days, and then he and Huang. The martial arts fighters played for five days and finally played with the green martial arts for five days. Now they have changed to fight with the blue martial arts.

The top ten reported by Huangfu Tianzun is only the score of the sword magic. The single digit is one. Because the other nine warriors did not even deal with the red martial arts, even they did not even choose the Huang Yiwu. Already starting to fight against the Blue Warrior, his points will grow faster than before.

In just one day, the sword magic surpassed Lei Wenyuan, and then he spent only one day, surpassing Su Jiyu, now the sword magic, has been ranked fourth, will Su Jiyu and Lei Wenyuan They all squeezed, but the third place Di Yuanzhao’s points grew equally fast. Before the swordsman exceeded him, Di Yuanzhao surpassed the second rank of Zongrenfu.

It took the two days of the sword to surpass the current Zongrenfu, which was ranked third. Then he spent another day, pulling the gap between himself and Di Yuanzhao to less than 10,000. Now it is already the twentieth. Days, Gu Hong is still ranked first, and more than the second place 90,000 points.

"The current ranking should be almost fixed."

"Gu Hong first I can accept, Di Yuan Zhao can understand the second, but the third sword magic is going on."

"Even even Su Jiyu is squeezed down, and it seems that the sword can still surpass Di Yuanzhao, can the sword demon finally become the second?"

From the fifteenth day, there are more and more warriors who pay attention to the swordsmen. After the stimulation of Huangfu Tianzun, the speed of the points of many warriors has exceeded the past. Even so, the swordsmen can still exceed the top three. From the sixth to the third.

"If Gu Hong participated in the first round of fighting, maybe your brother can really be the first."

Zhong Xingba sat next to Lian Er, and said seriously, in terms of the performance of the sword demon, his talent must be better than Luo Tian, ​​even Su Jiyu can not match, even now ranked second in the Di Yuanzhao, He is not optimistic, because Di Yuanzhao is too conceited, and wants to spend a lot of money in the last five days. After one month, Di Yuanzhao can not keep the top three is a problem. Zhong Xingba certainly does not think that Di Yuanzhao can be enemies. Pass the sword magic.

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