The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 238: The name of the sword

"You don't understand, big brother is still not serious, or else whoever participates in the first round of combat is useless."

From the beginning to the end, only the lotus is full of confidence in the sword, regardless of whether the sword is in the 500 or more, or in more than 100, or the tenth, sixth, and third, her thoughts are unchanged. Zhong Xingba was sitting next to her, even if the voice was small, she could hear it clearly.

"Lian Er, you don't know, Gu Hong is the biological son of the great emperor. From a young age, there was a big emperor pointing and confronting the realm. He was able to tie him with him. There are very few people. Maybe the Soviet brother can do it. I am afraid I can't do it anyway."

Zhong Xingba has a self-knowledge. Compared with the relatives of the emperor, he is indeed a little worse. Among the nine great celestial beings, he can compete with Gu Hong in the same situation. I am afraid that only the unfathomable Su Yuyu, he thinks he said It makes a lot of sense, but the meaning of the lotus is not recognized at all.

"What about the great son of the great emperor, what about the emperor's guidance, anyway, he will definitely not be as big as his big brother, and I don't believe you look at it."

Lian Er squats with a small mouth, no matter how great Zhong Hun Ba will say to Gu Hong, she thinks that the first is the sword magic, Zhong Xingba has no choice but to knock on his head, and a little girl is more true, perhaps lotus I don’t even know what the Emperor’s own son represents, and I don’t even know what the Emperor’s personal guidance means.

"how is this possible."

Zhong Xingba continued to look at the standings, but soon he was exclaimed, causing Lian Er to straighten his eyes. The excitement of Huangfu Tianzun was to make the points of the ancients in the ancient dreams grow faster, but it has passed. In five days, their point growth rate slowed down again.

There is only one exception, that is the sword magic, because the speed of the sword magic growth is still increasing, and five days have passed, the sword magic has changed its opponent from the blue clothing to the purple clothing, the strength of the purple clothing, It is much stronger than the red warrior, and it is not like a warrior in realm.

However, for twenty consecutive days of fighting, the opponent has changed from weak to strong, and the swordsmanship of the swordsman has been sharpened. His swordsmanship is the sword of murder. If the sword is not sheathed, then The sheath will kill, even if it is against the purple martial arts, he can kill him with the least consumption.

The original intention of the sword magic is to sharpen the sword in the dream, because the dream of the ancient dream world is very real. If he chooses the purple martial artist from the beginning, it will definitely not work, because his sword method also has flaws, the same There are flaws, and there are also shortcomings. Only by starting with a weak opponent can you gradually improve his sword.

From the time of dealing with the purple martial arts, the sword magic only took a day, and it surpassed Di Yuanzhao, the name of the sword magic. Many people did not know before. Now a warrior on the giant square remembers him, one The nameless pawn, from the back, killed the second place in the standings.

Don't say that other warriors, even the nine great angels, feel incredible, just like Luo Tianhao, Mei Jianying and Yuan Huaxin. They are participating in the first round of fighting. It is certainly better than Gu Hong. They are at most the second. Is it true? Say, the talent of the sword magic is already the same as them.

In fact, Luo Tianhao, Mei Jianying and Yuan Huaxin also overestimated themselves. If they participated in the first round of fighting, the scores must have not been more than the swords. Di Yuan Zhao is very powerful, but Di Yuanzhao is not yet a sword. The konjac is behind, and the gap will not only shrink, but will grow bigger and bigger.

"Luo Shidi, if this child is against you, I am afraid that it will not be a small problem in the future."

Mei Jianying said with gloating, if Gu Hong participated in the first round of fighting, I am afraid that the swordsman is already the first. There are more than five million warriors who participated in the first round of battles. They can become the first ones. They must be the geniuses. Genius, but Luo Tianhao has long threatened to have a good look at the sword, and now even Luo Tianhao regrets are useless, saying that if you go out, it is the water that is poured out, it is difficult to cover the water.

"No Laumemei teacher is worried."

Luo Tianhao snorted, but when he looked at the second place in the standings, his eyes flashed a cold mang, Luo Tiancheng couldn’t even enter the top five, and the sword demon had become the second. Later, he wanted to make Luo Tiancheng If you deal with the swordsman yourself, you will definitely lose Luo Tiancheng because the gap between them will only grow bigger and bigger.

In the ancient source world, Luo Tiancheng squatted higher than a small realm, lost to the sword magic, if the sword magic and Luo Tiancheng the same realm, Luo Tian achievements are even more than the sword magic opponent, want to deal with the sword magic, He can only be shot in person, but also early, if the sword magic is the same as his realm, he may not be the opponent of the sword magic.

"It has been twenty-five days, and it seems that we still need to squeeze them."

Huangfu Tianzun looked at the standings in front of him, and there was a smile on his face. He was able to become the top ten, and all of them were good seedlings, especially in the top three, which made him satisfied. Now the third place is no longer Di Yuanzhao, but Su Jiyu, Di Yuanzhao fell to the fourth place.

Even Huangfu Tianzun, I have to marvel at the power of the swordsman, because the points of the swordsman are only about 10,000 less than Gu Hong. In the last five days, it is simply the performance time of the swordsmen, the points of other warriors have increased, and Compared with him, it is like a turtle crawling. If Gu Hong does not work hard, it is likely to be surpassed by the sword.

"Lian, I am wrong. If your brother is serious, you can be the first."

Zhong Xing Ba Chang sighed, even if he did not want to admit, he understood the confrontation between the same realm, he is certainly not the opponent of the sword magic, he is the earliest staring at the sword magic points, witnessed the miracle created by the sword magic, the first At that time, the sword magic's points grew very slowly, but now, his points are growing faster than many people started.

It stands to reason that the more they reach the back, the faster and slower their points are growing, and even the rate of increase in points is falling. Normally, the swordsman is an exception. Zhong Xingba only sees his points growing faster. Seeing his points grow faster.

"Know it, I have long said that my older brother is the best, you still don't believe it."

Lian Er looked at Zhong Xingba with a contemptuous look. It seems that Zhong Xingba has no vision. However, Zhong Xingba still can't refute it because he really has no vision. In fact, he can't blame him. Who knows that the sword demon is so enchanting, he can The great son of the great emperor competed.

Those who pay attention to the standings have already stunned a underground bus. A few days ago, the swordsman also lost 100,000 points less than Gu Hong, but now, there is only 10,000 points. If Gu Hong does not break out, it may be a sword. Beyond, they really can't imagine that in the first round of fighting, there is a possibility that someone might surpass the Emperor's parents.

"Sword Demon can't be Gu Hong's opponent. You see the swordsman's points in recent days, the growth is so fast, I think he has almost overdraft, and in the last five days, I am afraid there is nothing about him."

“Guhong’s points are relatively stable. In the last five days, his points will definitely maintain the previous growth rate, even faster.”

"No matter how five days behind the sword, even if his points grow slower, he is already famous."

Being able to kill the second place in the competition of more than five million warriors, it is difficult for the sword to be a nameless pawn. Even if his last five days of points grow very slowly, Zong Renfu and Di Yuanzhao want to surpass him. It is difficult to climb the sky, the sword magic has passed the first round of battle, showing enough talent.

"This is an extraordinary person. If he does not have a master, after the battle of the heavens, he can bring him to see me."

The ancient emperor has already had an elders' interest in the swordsman. Because of the appearance of Guhong, some elders have paid attention to the battle of the heavenly champions in advance, and the young warriors who can compete in the first round of fighting and Gu Hongyi are talented. There is no need to doubt that some elders have already slandered their apprentices and brought them to see them after the battle of the heavens.

Many warriors participate in the battle of the Tianbang list, which is to win the favor of the strong, and even to accept them as disciples, no doubt, the emergence of Gu Hong, so that the sword magic has done what they want to do, the sword has been successful It caused the attention of the elders of the ancient emperor, even if he lost to Gu Hong, the elders took it for granted.

"You still have five days, this seat announces that the ranking so far, but only limited to the top ten."

The voice of Huangfu Tianzun once again sounded in the ancient dream world. All the warriors are looking forward to it, especially half a month ago, very close to the top ten young warriors, but even want to know if they are now in the top ten or half. It was the top ten a month ago, and I want to know if my rankings are going further or a few steps.

"First, Gu Hong, points 776,600,300; second, swordsman, points 776,850,111; third, Zongrenfu, points 667,300 Hundred; fourth, Di Yuanzhao, points 65,200,600; fifth, Lei Wenyuan, points 62,700,300; sixth, Su Jiyu, points 558,500 Seventh, Luo Tiancheng, points 536,300; eighth, Hua Yunan, points 537,400; ninth, Bai Zhenjun, points 536,600; Ten, Ning lacks stars, points are fifty-nine thousand and one hundred and one hundred."

Like the last time, Huangfu Tianzun announced that there are still only rankings, names and points. The difference is that the last time the sword is the sixth, now the sword is the second, the last time the Zongrenfu is second, now the third is Zongrenfu, the last time Yuan Zhao third, now Di Yuanzhao fourth, the last Su Jiyu fourth, now Su Jiyu sixth, the last Bai Zhenjun eighth, now Bai Zhenjun ninth.

The land war dragon and Wu Ziming, who were originally within the top ten, have been squeezed down. The two people who rushed up are Hua Yun An and Ning Lian Xing. They are all disciples of the ancient emperor palace, the eighth and tenth, respectively. It’s normal for the dream world to know more and to climb up slowly.

"Who is the sword magic, even less than 10,000 points compared to me, the last time he was not the sixth." The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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