The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 250: King Kong

C_t; "The sixth island's fierce beast can give me pressure, but if I encounter a fierce beast that is far beyond my own realm, then I am unlucky. Visit:"

The fierce beast of the king of heaven has already surpassed the sword magic to a big realm. Fighting with the fierce beasts of the Sixth Island, the Swordsman does not dare to have the slightest effect. Even if he encounters a fierce beast with a late stage of the king's kingdom, he can only find a way to escape, so as not to be killed.

Only in the early days of the swordsman, even if you have confidence, you will not think that you can defeat the beasts who have the power of the future. In order to sharpen himself on the sixth island, he must be more careful not to encounter the herd, even if he encounters two or three beasts, he will be unlucky.

When the swordsman arrived at the sixth island, Luo Tiancheng finally killed the fifth island. Luo Tiancheng, who is in the middle of the world, is not as good as Su Jiyu. Fortunately, Luo Tiancheng’s goal is the fifth island. Because Luo Tiancheng did not think about passing the second round of fighting, what he had to do was to remove the sword.

"Sword Demon, Sword Demon, don't let me find you, and discover that your day is your death!"

The fierce beast of the fifth island is already the peak of the sky. If Luo Tianhao sprinkles the ‘medicine’ powder on the beasts, it will allow those fierce beasts to explode in the middle of the kingdom in a short period of time. Until then, as long as the swordsman does not use tokens, it will definitely be killed by the beast.

It is a pity that Luo Tian’s achievement counts the third island to dig three feet, and it is impossible to find the sword magic, because the sword is already on the sixth island. Luo Tiancheng knew that the sword demon was in the early stage of the heavens, so he decided that the sword demon could not go to the sixth island. At the beginning, he and the sword demon ‘handed over’ in the ancient source world, but he did not know that the sword magic did not show all the fighting power.

"At the end of fifteen days, all the warriors on the third island are all eliminated!"

On the 16th day, Huangfu Tianzun once again eliminated a large number of warriors, more than the previous two. The remaining warriors are either on the fourth island, on the fifth island, or on the sixth island, and one on the seventh island. The beasts of the fourth island are already in the late days of the heavens, that is to say, the warriors below the end of the heavens have already eliminated seven seven eight eight.

"As far as I know, the sword demon should be the only one that has not been eliminated until now."

Since the sword demon went to the sixth island, he laughed at his voice, which was less and less. Even if they still believe that the swordsmen can't fight through the second round, they don't have jokes because they are not qualified. They are either the warriors who have been eliminated, or they have not participated in the battle of the heavens. How can they ridicule a former warrior who is on the sixth island?

"Why haven't I found the sword magic yet? Is it true that the sword has been eliminated? Or is he already dead?"

On the fifth island, Luo Tiancheng was irritated, because he could not find the sword. He found the west from the east side of the fifth island, and ran north to the north, encountering a beast and beast. Can not find the sword magic, I am afraid he will be killed by the beast. The beasts of the peaks of the sky are not weak, and he also encountered a beast with the pre-war power of the king.

Day by day, more and more warriors on the Sixth Island. Bai Zhenjun, Lu Zhanlong, and Wu Ziming have all killed the sixth island, and there are also a group of genius disciples of the ancient palace. They did not enter the top ten in the first round of combat, but they are all the best in the world. The advantage of the second round of battle is of course great.

Di Yuanzhao, Zong Renfu, and Le Wenyuan are killing the seventh island, and the beasts in the middle of the kingdom will let them feel enough pressure. What's more, occasionally they can encounter the beasts with the late strength of the king in the seventh island, they have to go all out.

"At the end of the twenty days, all the warriors on the fourth island will be eliminated!"

On the 21st day, Huangfu Tianzun shot all the warriors on the fourth island, all out of the ancient animal world. Up to now, about 450,000 people have been eliminated. Some of them have already died on the Beast Island, and some have used the token to leave the ancient animal world. Most of them have been shot out of the ancient animal world by Huangfu Tianzun.

On the fifth island, there are more than 40,000 people. There are thousands of people on the sixth island. The seventh island has the least number of warriors, less than double digits. Under the circumstance, Luo Tiancheng had to do his best and killed the sixth island. Luo Tiancheng’s luck is not bad. He did not encounter a powerful savage beast, or he could only use the token to leave.

"I don't know if the sword is not on the sixth island. If he is there, then I will definitely find him. If he is not there, it means that he has been eliminated, not enough."

Luo Tiancheng did not think about the experience, he wanted to kill the sword. Of course, he must also consider one point, that is to save his ‘sexual life. The predatory beasts of the kings on the sixth island have been difficult to deal with. If they encounter a powerful one, whether he can escape is a problem.

In fact, Luo Tianhao, who is outside, is more anxious, because the name of the sword demon has long appeared on the sixth island. Luo Tiancheng’s name has always been on the fifth island. Luo Tianhao was able to guess what Luo Tiancheng’s actions were. Luo Tiancheng must have found a sword in the fifth island. He couldn’t find it. He rushed to the sixth. Island's reads;

"Tiancheng ah Tiancheng, can you kill the sword magic, it depends on your performance!"

The first round of fighting swordsman ranked first, Luo Tianhao knew that the sword can not stay, now the sword can reach the sixth island, and live on the sixth island is good enough to show that the sword is more than he imagined Great. The fierce beasts of the predecessor of the king of heaven are killing the swordsmen, indicating that the swordsmen have already possessed the power of the predecessor.

As one of the nine great heavens, Luo Tianhao is confident, but he can only beat opponents across three small realms. Just like now, he can counter the warriors in the late kings and even defeat the warriors in the late kings. However, if he encounters the king of the kings, he will lose.

"Thinking of the rain, I think that if the swordsman is the peak of the sky, maybe he can compete with the Soviet brother!"

Mu Xue said softly, she thought that Ning Siyu would definitely refute, because Ning Siyu likes Su Yuyu. However, Ning Siyu not only did not refute, but also nodded. Of course, Ning Siyu just thinks that the swordsman is qualified to compete with Su Yuyu in the same realm. She still believes that the winner must be Su Yuyu.

On the twenty-fourth day, Luo Tiancheng finally discovered the trace of the sword. Sword Devil is on the sixth island, there is no hidden whereabouts, often and fierce. Luo Tiancheng is in the dark, looking for him day and night, if not found, it is strange. When Luo Tiancheng hid in the dark to peer into the sword, the sword magic just met a powerful beast.

"Is the Yi?"

The sword and the brow were picked up, but I did not expect to encounter a giant diamond. The ancient palace did not dare to offend the true dragon family, and even dared not offend the holy family, because the holy family is really a good war. Even if nothing happens, the sacred family wants to find a martial art force to fight. If the ancient emperor dared to captive of the sacred family, then the sacred family would not be willing to give up, maybe it would not end with the ancient palace.

Although the King Kong giant is a Dai, but the Shengyi family will not control, it is as if the true dragon family will not control the dragon, the Peng Peng family will not control Dapeng. The body type of the Shengyi family is actually similar to that of the human race. The King Kong giants are different. They are three feet high, just like giants.

The King Kong Donkey saw the sword pinch, and he waved the stone stick in his hand and slammed it over. The stone stick in his hand is taller than his body, thicker than its big 'leg', which he made of stone. It is only the King Kong of the King of Heaven, and naturally does not understand the means of refining weapons.

"Blasting sword!"

The sword demon wants to try the strength of the King Kong giant, so the use of the nine-turn dragon dragon to display the collapsed sword-style reads; All the power was gathered on the sword of the people, and there was a violent collision with the stone stick. He only felt that his eyes were black and he almost fell to the ground. King Kong’s ‘meat’ body strength is terrible, and there is still hope for Wu Xiu’s body.

Put the man Wang Jian on his left hand, because his right hand has lost consciousness. The terrorist power of King Kong’s giant scorpion, along with the man’s sword, passed to his right arm and penetrated into his body. His internal organs have been greatly shaken. If his blood is tyrannical, I am afraid that there will be cracks in the internal organs.

"I really don't know how to live and die, and compete with King Kong."

Luo Tiancheng, hiding in the dark, snickered, and the behavior of the sword demon was stupid in his opinion. Originally, he thought that the sword magic would definitely be injured, and even severely injured by a stick. However, he did not think that the sword magic turned out to be seven steps back, and it stabilized the figure.

"It must be installed, it must be calm and strong!"

Luo Tiancheng felt that the sword magic's injury was definitely not light, because the sword magic was in the early stage, and it was a whole lower level than the King Kong giant. At the same time, he had already taken out the porcelain bottle that Luo Tianhao had confessed to him. As long as he sprinkled the ‘medicine’ powder in the porcelain bottle on the body of the King Kong, he could have the life of the sword.


Just at this time, there was a dragon 吟吟 in the distance. A dragon with a hundred feet long rushed over to the place, because the blood of the sword demon was very attractive to him. Just for a moment, Xiaolong was rushed to the front of the sword demon, a pair of huge eyes, staring fiercely at the sword demon.

"Old aunt, give him to me, how?"

The dragon hovers in the air and talks with King Kong. He and King Kong are old-fashioned, and they have been handing over each other again and again, but they have never been separated. The sword demon is first discovered by the King Kong giant, but the dragon is eager to swallow the blood of the sword, if the King Kong block, even if it is a battle with the King Kong, he must get the sword.

"Good opportunity! A King Kong giant may kill the sword, but if you add a dragon, the sword will die!"

Luo Tiancheng almost laughed, because Xiaolong came too timely. He crushed the porcelain bottle, and his hands continually sealed, and the ‘medicine’ powder inside was directed to the dragon and the Donkey Kong. ‘Pharmaceutical’ powder has no ‘color’ and no taste, and King Kong 猿 and 蛟龙 are not prepared at all, of course, all in the middle!


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