The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 251: Dragging water

C_t; the beasts on the sixth island are all in the early days of the king, and the dragons and the diamonds are certainly not the exception. The latest chapter full-text reading access:. When Luo Tiancheng sprinkled the ‘medicine’ powder and melted into the body of Xiaolong and King Kong, the eyes of Xiaolong and King Kong’s giant pythons slowly reddened up. The power of King Kong and Dragon is constantly strengthening.

"I said I want to eat him, have you not heard it?"

As the 'medicine' powder spread out in the blood of the dragon, the dragon was not as polite as it used to be, and the blood-red eyes glared at the diamond python, as if the Donkey Kong did not agree, it would tear the Donkey Kong into pieces. general. However, the eyes of King Kong’s giant eyes are also red, and there is no meaning of retreating.

"He is mine, if you want to grab, then I will eat you!"

King Kong’s giant voice was dull, and while talking, it was a wave of stone sticks, slamming on the ground, as if an earthquake occurred. Centered on the stone sticks of King Kong's giant clams, there are cracks in the surrounding ground, and the cracks have extended to the feet of the sword.

The dragons and the King Kong giants were affected by the ‘medicine’ powder, and the ‘sex’ grid became violent. If they do not have a common goal, I am afraid they have already killed each other. Luo Tianhao 'flower' cost a sufficient price to get a porcelain bottle of 'medicine' powder, and it is certainly no problem to deal with the predatory animal.

"Hey, aren't you the champion of the first round? How are you scared by the two beasts now? Are you planning to use the token to escape?"

Luo Tiancheng took the initiative to stand out, but he was far away from the sword. He didn't want to 'get' the skill. If he was too close to the sword, he might be attacked by Xiaolong and King Kong. The violent King Kong giant and the dragon, the strength is extremely tyrannical, just one can get the life of Luo Tiancheng.

"Yes, your strength is so bad. If you don't use tokens, you will definitely be eaten by them. And stealing is better than dead, right?"

Huangfu Tianzun has already stipulated that the ancient animal world is not allowed to kill each other. Luo Tiancheng is certainly not afraid of the sword. Now Luo Tiancheng is worried that the sword demon uses the token to leave the ancient animal world, so he used the ‘exciting’ method, the purpose is not to use the token for the sword magic. As long as the sword does not leave the ancient animal world, he believes that the sword will die.

"It's you?"

The change of King Kong and Dragon, the sword magic is of course noticed, Luo Tiancheng stood up at this time, to say that it has nothing to do with Luo Tiancheng, he certainly does not believe. However, Luo Tiancheng could not admit it, or else if the swordsman shot him to kill him, no one would avenge him. /

The potential of Luo Tiancheng and Jianmo is big, and everyone can see it. If you want to kill the swordsman in the ancient palace, it may be that the **** is very small, not to mention that Luo Tiancheng first counts the swordsman's reads. Anyway, Luo Tiancheng made up his mind before he started. If it was a high-level investigation by the ancient palace, he would swear not to admit it.

"What is me? I don't understand what you are talking about!"

While talking, Luo Tiancheng is still retreating, for fear of being noticed by Xiaolong and King Kong. Luo Tiancheng is far away and can clearly see that the body of Xiaolong and King Kong is expanding. The ‘medicine’ powder he uses can improve the strength of King Kong and Snapdragon, but in the end they all die.

The ‘medicine’ powder actually consumes all the life potential of the dragons and the giant pythons, otherwise it is impossible to let them have the power of the late kings. The swordsman does not escape now, and when the King Kong and the dragons lose their senses, he may not be able to escape.


Xiaolong’s body roared, and the body of Baizhang’s body grew again by twenty feet. The dragon tail sweeps, the wind whispers, Luo Tiancheng scares his neck and shrinks. If the dragon's tail is 'pumped', even if Luo Tiancheng is already in the middle of the sky, the whole body bones may have to be broken, and may even be directly Killed.

The sword magic hand holds the man Wang Jian, and a sword and a sword are pulled out. In a short time, the forty-nine swords are made. Jianguang gathered together and condensed into a huge lightsaber, squatting on the dragon's tail. It is only the remaining 'waves' of the collision between the lightsaber and the dragon's tail, all of which are the swordsmen of the impact.

The huge lightsaber appeared a crack and burst into flames. The speed of the dragon's tail is weakened, but the body of the sword is still unable to stop. Fortunately, the swordsman casts the sword step, and his broken image is broken by the dragon's tail. If he is slow, he may have been hit hard.

“How could it be so strong?”

The strength of Xiaolong is completely beyond the expectations of the sword magic. It is just a random tail, and the sword magic can't resist it. It can only be avoided. I haven't waited for the sword to catch my breath. The King Kong giant python is holding a stone stick and screaming fiercely.

Previously, Jian Nai Jin Gang 猿 交 交 交 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , He didn't know what method Luo Tiancheng used, but he can be sure that Luo Tiancheng wanted his life.

"Tianjian style!"

The man Wang Jian smashed out, as if carrying the power of the heavens and the earth, the sword magic is the sixth turn of the nine-turn dragon. Even so, the sword magic is still not assured, secretly relying on the power of the world. His own strength is certainly not as good as that of the King Kong, but it is different after using the world.

Normally, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth began to come into contact with the world, but when he was in the heavenly regime, he could use the world. Nowadays, he is already in the early stage of the world. The scope of the world has been increased from 10 meters in the previous radius to 50 meters in the square. Even the dragons and the King Kong giants in the early days of the kings could not use the world, because they have not yet mastered them.

"It’s hard to fight with King Kong, it’s really dead!"

After the violent martial arts giant python is stronger than the previous combat power, Luo Tiancheng saw the behavior of the sword magic, naturally could not help but laughed. Luo Tiancheng is already thinking that the swordsman will not be killed by a giant stick. Anyway, if he is, he will never start with the King Kong, but take the token directly away from the ancient animal world.

However, the reality is not the same as that of Luo Tiancheng. The sword magic not only did not die, but also blocked the stone sticks of King Kong. The sword demon appears to be very small in front of the dragon and the Donkey Kong, but the stone stick and the king Wang Jian of the King Kong are so deadlocked in the air and can't move forward.

Luo Tiancheng squinted his eyes and did not notice that the right hand of the sword demon trembled. Even if the swordsman used the natural world, he used nine turns of dragons and dragons, and he still couldn't help with the violent King Kong. The sword can block an attack from the King Kong, and it does not mean that he can block all the attacks of the King Kong.

"That is... heaven and earth?"

Even if the swordsman has a heart to hide, he still can't escape the eyes of Huangfu Tianzun. Originally, Huangfu Tianzun felt that the sword magic was powerful enough. I did not expect the sword magic to exceed his expectations again. Only when he was in the early days, he had mastered the world and the earth, and the talent of the sword must be re-evaluated.

"If he refuses to use the token, at the crucial moment, I can only evict him from the ancient animal world!"

Huangfu Tianzun appreciates the sword magic, so he does not want the sword to die in the hands of two beasts. According to the regulations, he is not able to save people, but even if he saves, as long as he does not say, the sword does not say, no one knows. Moreover, the potential of the sword magic is great, no one will pursue him to save the sword.

However, it is not the life and death of the sword magic, Huangfu Tianzun will not shoot. Since the sword magic is to be able to do so, then the Emperor Tianzun will have to know the cost of the sword. In the ancient animal world, the sword magic is dangerous. He has time to rescue, but if it is replaced by other places? Who saved the sword?

"Give me death!"

The dragon roared, and the mouth spurted out a golden ‘color’ flame. Even the predecessor of the king’s state could not withstand its flame burning reads. The golden 'color' flame is the flame that it has mastered. In normal times, it is reluctant to use it. Nowadays it is losing its sense of reason, naturally not taking care of it, just thinking about killing the swordsman quickly.

The swordsman displayed the sword steps, and escaped the golden ‘color’ flame again and again. Those golden ‘color’ flames, like long eyes, all flew to where they were. What surprised him even more was that if the golden ‘color’ flame did not touch him, he could turn in the direction and continue to pursue him.


King Kong giant scorpion shot again, stone sticks cut through the void, like the collapse of Mount Tai, the stone stick has not touched the sword magic, has made the sword magic feel great oppression. Just evading the golden ‘color’ flame, it has made the sword magic feel difficult, I did not expect the King Kong giant to attack him at this time.

"Since you hurt me, then it will be bad luck!"

The combination of Xiaolong and King Kong giants, the sword magic can not stop. Seeing Luo Tiancheng watching the fun in the distance, the sword magic is to make up his mind and drag Luo Tiancheng into the water. The sword magic deliberately waved the sword, ready to withstand the attack of the King Kong giant. In fact, he just wanted to use the power of King Kong to rush to Luo Tiancheng as fast as possible.

The sword can be clear. Once Luo Tiancheng discovers his purpose, Luo Tiancheng will definitely escape first. In order to let Luo Tiancheng not have time to respond, he had to take the risk. A stick of the King Kong giant's seriousness is enough to shake the sword and the tiger's mouth is broken, and the blood is flowing.

Fortunately, his purpose has been achieved, with the help of the power of King Kong, avoiding all the golden 'color' flames. Just in the blink of an eye, the sword magic is closer to the distance between Luo Tiancheng. Luo Tiancheng's face ‘color’ changed, but it was too late, because the speed of the sword is faster than him.


The ground vibrates, and King Kong is smashing the stone stick and chasing it toward the sword. Xiaolong is the first step in King Kong, and it is in front of Jian Nai Luo Tiancheng. Huangfu Tianzun has already stipulated that it is not allowed to deal with the same beast. Therefore, the sword demon is waiting for Luo Tiancheng to do it. If Luo Tiancheng is to deal with the King Kong giant, he will deal with Xiaolong. If Luo Tiancheng is to deal with Xiaolong, he will deal with King Kong.

"What do you mean?!"

Luo Tiancheng's face is 'color' and 'yin', and his eyes are filled with anger. Whether it is Xiaolong or King Kong, he is not able to deal with it. It is a pity that the sword magic does not take care of him at all. Luo Tiancheng does not admit that he has moved his hands and feet. Of course, the sword demon will not admit that he deliberately dragged Luo Tiancheng into the water. Luo Tiancheng planted the bitter fruit, let him taste it.


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