The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 257: Ten duel

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In the third round of combat, compared with the number of warriors in the first and second rounds, there were few poor ones. There were more than five million people in the first round of fighting, and there were still 500,000 people in the second round of fighting, but the third round of fighting, There were only a hundred and ten people, and they added the nine great days that did not participate in the previous two rounds of fighting.

One hundred and ten young warriors are geniuses. The nine great days will not need to be said. They are the most outstanding nine disciples under the Emperor of Heaven. The other 101 people were selected through two rounds of fighting. Not only do they have high talent potential, but they must not be underestimated.

Like the previous two rounds of fighting, the third round of fighting is still hosted by Huangfu Tianzun. Huangfu Tianzun came to the giant square early, and arranged a road method on the duel that was needed for the trial. The second round of battle only needs ten. The duel, each duel, chooses one of the best.

“Very good, one hundred and ten young people, all full of spirit.”

Don't look at the third round of battles, only one hundred and ten people, can cause more attention than the previous two rounds of fighting, let alone the top ten of the entire chaotic ancient domain, even the top ten of the ancient emperor's palace, can get the pole The big advantage, the top ten of the ancient palace, does not have substantial rewards, but it is enough to get the favor of the elders of the ancient emperor.

"The ten large-scale duel stations in front of you are the test venue for the third round of combat. This seat has said that the top ten of the second round of combat can be better rewarded. Soon, you will know what the reward is. ""

The top ten of the ancient palace, do not need to decide who is the first, who is the second, who is the third, the specific ranking, there is no point, if they have to be divided, only in the fourth round When the battle is going on, you can still play against the genius of the Taiyin Temple and the life building.

Nine Great Heavens, no matter what the swordsmen have seen, or have not seen, all have arrived in the field, the most powerful gas field, no doubt, is Su Yuyu, there is a kind of person, even if it converges all powers, Standing in the crowd, they all stand out.

Su Yuyu, wearing a gold armor, has his eyes closed, and the forty-nine scorpions are neatly combed. Whether it is the burly Zhongxingba or the young and beautiful Ningsiyu, the gas field is not as good as Su Yuyu, Zhong Xing. Ba and Ningsi Yu are the second and third characters in the Nine Heavens, but even if they join hands, they are not the opponents of Su Yuyu.

"Su Yuyu, the first duel; Zhong Xingba, the second duel; Ning Siyu, the third duel; Mu Xue, the fourth duel; Yu Xing Peng, the fifth duel; Luo Tianhao, the sixth duel; Mei Jianying, the seventh duel; Yuan Huaxin, the eighth duel; Xing Yuan, the ninth duel; Gu Hong, the tenth duel."

Huangfu Tianzun continually said the names of ten young warriors. The first nine are the nine great angels of the ancient emperor palace. Gu Hong is the first in the second round of fighting. He gave Gu Hong a reward, which is to avoid nine. Datian, the ancient flood of the tenth duel, does not need to fight with the Nine Heavens.

"Ten for the duel, each of the duels selected a winner, they are the top ten of the ancient palace."

The rules of the third round of fighting made many young people nervous. They were not stupid. Naturally, they thought of the key. If they were in the first duel, there was no hope of passing. The nine great days will be In the middle, the weaker ones are still in the back.

Nine Great Heavens will not be the darling of the Ancient Emperor Palace. They don’t have to participate in the previous two rounds of fighting. The third round of combat can also avoid each other. The different warriors of the duel do not need to fight, as long as the nine days will be able to defeat each other. The other warriors on the duel can be the top ten of the ancient palace.

"One hundred and ten people are assigned to each duel, and each of the duels is eleven. Next, this seat will announce the names of all the warriors in the tenth duel..."

The vast majority of the warriors who participated in the third round of fighting were shocked by the spirit. The great family and the sons were powerful, but the realm of Gu Hong was lower. The nine heavens would not be provoked, perhaps in the tenth duel. There is the possibility of becoming the ultimate winner. In the tenth stage of the duel, there is certainly more hope than the first duel.

After Emperor Huangzun’s name of the tenth duel was announced, he announced the name of the martial martial ninth. Xing Yuan, one of the nine great generals, ranked lower, on strength, certainly not as good as the previous ones. Huangfu Tianzun arranged him on the ninth platform. He did not feel that his strength was the weakest. However, some young warriors felt that Xing Yuan ranked ninth.

In fact, the nine days have not been played for a long time, the specific ranking is simply an unknown number, Yuan Huaxin, Xing Yuan, Mei Jianying and Luo Tianhao, barely weak, even Huangfu Tianzun does not know, other The young disciples of the power are even more unaware.

I don’t know whether Huangfu Tianzun was intentional or unintentional. He even arranged the sword demon in the sixth duel. Luo Tianhao was still thinking that the third round of fighting was arranged. He wanted to deal with the sword demon. It is not possible at all. Who knows? The sword demon and he are actually in the same duel, to blame the sword and the magic.

"The death of Tiancheng is definitely related to you, right."

After Luo Tianhao passed the sound to the sword magic, he stared at the sword magic. If a person lie, it is easy to reveal flaws. Luo Tianhao hopes not to miss any details, so as to determine whether Luo Tiancheng is in the end. The sword is dead, although until now, he can't figure out that Luo Tiancheng is the key to the sword. Why is it that Luo Tiancheng is dead, but it does not prevent him from doubting the sword.

"Even if Luo Tiancheng is killing me, you can help me."

Originally, Luo Tianhao thought that the sword magic would strongly deny it, or it would be vague, or it would not take care of him at all. Who knows, the sword devil is so arrogant, especially the kind of disdainful look, it will be Luotian’s heroic He was blocked in his heart. He was one of the nine great angels of the ancient emperor palace. When was it despised by the warriors in other days.

The problem is that the swordsman still has a mind, even if Luo Tianhao told the swordsman that the elders of the ancient palace, no one can punish the sword, because the sword is a hypothesis, Luo Tianhao It’s useless to know the sword and the magic. Without evidence, the ancient palace will definitely not deal with the sword.

"You are challenging me, do you know that those who used to provoke me have died."

The dead man has no value. If Luo Tianhao is on the duel stage, he will kill the swordsman. The top of the ancient palace is to punish Luo Tianhao. It will not kill Luo Tianhao. The third round of battle is Luotian. How to kill the swordsman for the revenge of Luo Tiancheng, if you miss it, it will be difficult to kill the sword in the future.

Unfortunately, the Swordsman did not respond to Luo Tianhao, but turned around and left Luo Tianhao with a head. Luo Tianhao clenched his fists and couldn’t wait to rush to kill the swordsman on the spot. Fortunately, he endured it. When I waited for the battle of the duel, I started to fight against the swordsman. Now, when it comes to chaos, it will only bring disaster.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Tianhao is not suspected of the identity of the disciple of the ancient demon of the sword, whoever makes the battle between Luo Tiancheng and the sword devil in the ancient source world, whoever can practice in the ancient source, is definitely a disciple of the ancient emperor. Of course, he would not have thought that it was the swordsman of Zhong Xingba’s grandfather.

"Mei Jianying, old rival, but unfortunately there is no chance to kill the sword."

Di Yuanzhao in the seventh duel, only to defeat Mei Jianying, can become the top ten of the ancient palace, before he and Mei Jianying handed over, but unfortunately did not distinguish the winner, now he has a successful cultivation, Have confidence in their own strength, whether it is Luo Tianhao, or Mei Jianying, he has confidence to win over each other.

"The ninth battle platform, Xing Yuan."

In the first ten of the second round, there is a Zongrenfu, Huangfu Tianzun will certainly not treat his disciples. The strength of Xingyuan must be behind the Nine Heavens, let Zongrenfu and Xingyuan fight, and Zongrenfu has victory. Opportunity, as to whether Zongrenfu can win, it is not a matter of Huangfu Tianzun.

The strength of Zongrenfu on the Beast Island is indeed not bad, but the strength of Xing Yuan, Huangpu Tianzun did not understand, anyway, the top ten of the second round of combat, he was arranged in the back of the seven duel, those The first round of combat and the second round of combat performance were not outstanding, he was assigned to the first three duel.

Wu Ziming, Bai Zhenjun, and Lu Zhanlong were in the fourth duel, the fifth duel, and the eighth duel. They were all genius disciples of other forces. Huangfu Tianzun did not pit them and gave them the choice of the duel. Not strong, they have hope to fight through the third round, but only hopeful.

"No, I was in the first duel."

"Well, even if I beat all the other opponents, I will lose if I meet Su Yuyu."

"I have heard that Su Yuyu is very powerful, but I don't believe it, maybe it is blown out."

The ten young warriors of the first duel were the most resentful. Most of them were full of despair. Only a few of them were still full of confidence. Su Yuyu’s power is strong. Most people just heard that they have not seen it before. For the virtual, maybe Su Yuyu is not as powerful as the legend.

"Haha, I didn't expect Su Shixiong to be looked down upon. I really expected them to play against the Soviet brothers."

Mu Xue couldn't help but smile and said, provoked Ning Si Yu to glance at her, but unfortunately, Su Yuyu is still slightly closed his eyes, not at all moved, other warriors can afford or look down on her, no important When he is shot, he will let those warriors understand what is the gap.

"Why am I so unlucky?"

Lei Wenyuan’s luck is not very good. As the top ten of the first round of combat and the second round of battles, Huangfu Tianzun will certainly not arrange him in the first three duels. However, his opponents are not weak, not only Lu Zhanlong, and Yuan Huaxin, who let Huangfu Tianzun arrange him in the eighth duel.

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