The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 258: Third round of combat

"The test of the ten duels will be carried out at the same time. Your opponents will be decided by the lottery. Now you will come to the seat to draw lots."

There are only one hundred and ten people in the third round of fighting. There is no need to arrange anything. Each of the duels is eleven. The first time the lottery is drawn, there will be people taking turns. The other ten people will just take five matches and win. The players will continue to fight, and the losers will be eliminated directly.

It can be seen that the first warrior's warrior, the least interested, the second duel and the third duel, are slightly better, Zhongxingba and Ningsiyu are strong, but they are not invincible, behind The warriors of the seven duels are obviously in a good state of mind.

Huangfu Tianzun’s big hand waved, and there were ten bamboo tubes in front of him. There were six bamboo sticks in each bamboo tube. There were numbers on the bamboo tube, corresponding to ten dueling platforms. Each of the warriors on the duel station needs to send six. Take a bamboo stick from the bamboo tube corresponding to the duel station.

"I...fuck, my opponent turned out to be Su Yuyu."

After seeing the name on the bamboo stick, a young warrior couldn’t help but exclaimed. Su Yuyu, the head of the Nine Great Heavens, did not expect the first round of the third round of combat, he met, although He has long been prepared to be eliminated, but still did not expect that the elimination is so close to him.

Six bamboo sticks, five of which are bamboo sticks, write the names of other warriors, and there is nothing on a bamboo stick. It means that there is no need for a test. Each duel is an eleven warrior and will definitely be a warrior. The wheel is empty, but, in the next test, they have no chance of being in the air.

They walked to the Huangfu Tianzun side, and Huangfu Tianzun wrote the name on the bamboo stick. Because there are six bamboo sticks in each bamboo tube, he only writes five names. Of course, he can’t write the name of the lottery, or else The law carries on the next test. The name he wrote is definitely not the warrior who has not drawn the lottery.

In the third round of battle, there is no absolute fairness. Huangfu Tianzun only wants to choose the ten strongest of them. Apart from the strength of the nine warriors, the strength of other warriors is as good as the one in the heart of Huangfu Tianzun. The other ten warriors arranged in the tenth duel can't win the same.

The reason why Huangfu Tianzun wants Gu Hong to pass the third round of combat is very simple. The repair of Gu Hong has reached the peak of the late Tian dynasty. Before the start of the fourth round of combat, there is a complete hope to break through to the peak of the heavens. Through the third round of fighting, Hong means that in the fourth round of fighting, the ancient imperial palace will have one more top five.

"I was also unlucky, and I even got a taxi."

Another young warrior said with deep sympathy that Zhong Xingba does not have a strong Su Shiyu, but he still can't deal with it. Even if he can't fight through the third round, he can fight with more warriors. For them, Good things, when you get up, you will get to Zhongxingba, which means that his battle for the day will end.

"You see you really have no interest, I got to Ning Shijie, very happy."

The active draw means that there is an opportunity for the round. If there is no lottery, there will be opponents. The nine days will be self-proclaimed and they will not take the initiative. The Emperor Tianzun can only write their names on the bamboo sticks. The young warrior of Ning Siyu is a disciple of the ancient emperor palace. Of course, he knows that the rain is so powerful.

"You are happy just because you can play close to Ning Shijie. I like you, I have already seen it."

Ning Siyu not only has the strength to be in the forefront of the Nine Heavens, but even the appearance is one-on-one. The young disciples who admire Ning Siyu are certainly not in the minority, and the young warriors who have taken Ning Siyu are among them. One, in the past, he was not qualified to talk with Ningsi Yu, and now he can play against Ning Siyu, and his heart is happy.

The bamboo sticks of Mu Xue, Xing Xing Peng, Luo Tianhao, Mei Jianying, Yuan Huaxin, and Xing Yuan were also held in the hands of other young warriors. The first test of the third round of battle was like It is for the nine big days to take over the wind, the strength of their opponents, relative to them, are weak.

"I even got to Gu Hong, I am even more unlucky, because I have to lose to a child."

Gu Hong is the big man's parents, but he is only fifteen years old. Many warriors would rather lose to the nine great angels. They don't want to lose to Gu Hong. Unfortunately, the warriors of the tenth duel have no choice. They either lose to the tenth. Other warriors in the duel are either lost to Gu Hong.

"You nine did not participate in the first round of combat and the second round of combat, then, in the third round of combat, you will be the first to play."

After all the bamboo sticks were taken out, all the ten bamboo tubes disappeared. In fact, the bamboo sticks and the bamboo tube are all made up of Huangfu Tianzun using the source of strength. It is not a real thing. When he started to host the third round of fighting, The other warriors on the giant square were holding their breath.

In the first round of combat and the second round of combat, they can't see it. The third round of fighting is definitely a visual feast for them, especially the nine great angels of the ancient emperor's palace. All shots, they would like to see how strong the strength of the Nine Heavens will be.

"I have seen Su Shixiong, and I also asked Su’s brother to show mercy."

The young warriors who had previously drawn Su Yuyu did not directly concede their intentions. If they did not even have the courage to fight, they must be laughed at by the brothers and sisters. Besides, it is also the Heavenly King’s martial artist, even if Su Yuyu is stronger than him, he There will be no power without a fight.

Being able to pass the second round of combat is enough to show that he has the combat power of surpassing the predecessor of the king of heaven. It is one thing to fight Su Yuyu. It is one thing to dare to fight. He is already mentally prepared and loses anyway. It is not a shame to give Su Yuyu.

"Let's make a move."

Su Yuyu just said faintly, a pair of eyes are still slightly closed, not the slightest open meaning, his pride, angered the young warrior standing opposite him, is also the peak of the sky, can not say his opponent's face let He has no qualifications to open his eyes.

"Red feather white blade."

The young days brought the martial arts to the top of the martial arts. It was a trick. Behind him, a red feather appeared suddenly. His hands and strokes, thousands of red feathers, were toward the Soviet Union. When the universe was shocked, every red feather was extremely powerful. He used this trick to kill the two beasts on the seventh island.


Su Yuyu gave a four-word evaluation, and then he raised his right hand and used his hand as a knife. He gently smashed it out, like a huge peerless knife, and instantly shattered one red and one red. Feathers, the young man who was in the midst of the situation, felt an irresistible force and bombarded him.

The other warriors only saw a figure, and the parabola fell from the first duel to the duel. Su Yuyu just took a shot and defeated the young Tianfeng Fengwu, and then slowly Going down the first duel, the next four battles have nothing to do with him, and he doesn't have to look at it.

"It’s a great brother, it’s just amazing."

"It’s a good horror. It’s also the peak of the sky. Why is he so tyrannical?”

Su Shiyu didn’t even open his eyes, but he blinked his eyes and drove a young man to the duel. The other warriors in the first duel couldn’t help but smile, so powerful. Opponents, let them cope.

"If the nine days are so powerful, then we have to fight."

It is Su Shiyu’s understatement that makes people feel more horrible. The test of the ten duels should start at the same time. However, most of the warriors are paying attention to Su Yuyu, even to other people on the duel. The battle of the first duel ended and they only came back.

Like Zhong Suyu, Zhong Xingba used only one trick, that is, his opponent, who smashed the duel, and the disciple of the ancient emperor who fought against Ning Siyu, originally wanted to talk a little more with Ning Siyu. Unfortunately, Ning Siyu was impatient and put him down on the duel, which made him feel depressed for a while.

Fortunately, Mu Xue’s battle did not end so quickly. She and her opponent had fought for more than a dozen rounds before defeating her opponent. If some people think that Mu Xue is weak, then they are wrong, Mu Xue Just deliberately concealing strength, she does not have the kind of force that crushes everything, and can only be handled with care to avoid any mistakes.

Luo Tianhao has a heavy face, so he only used one trick to make his opponent seriously injured. Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba, Ning Siyu and Mu Xue are just defeating their opponents. They are not heavy, they are not heavy. So far, the most serious injury is the opponent of Luo Tianhao.

What really makes other warriors look dignified is that Mei Jianying, Yuan Huaxin, and Xing Yuan, who are behind, are all easily defeating their opponents. The nine days will be really a weak one. Originally, the next few duels The warriors are still lucky, and they feel that they have great hopes for the third round of fighting.

However, after seeing the strengths of Yuanhuaxin, Xingyuan, Meijianying, etc., they all took up the lucky mind, ten duels, and each duel has powerful characters, even the tenth duel. The ancient flood of Taiwan was not to be underestimated. In the second round of fighting, Gu Hong was the first to kill the seventh island and the first to kill the eighth island.

Sure enough, the ancient tyrants who fought with Gu Hong were directly slammed into the duel by Gu Hong. Don’t look at Gu Hong’s only late days, his strength can be comparable to the nine great angels, if he If you have a low realm, look down on him. I don’t know how to lose.

"Sword Demon, come on, let me end your first round of fighting."

On the sixth platform, a young warrior, pointing to the swordsman below, said that after Luo Tianhao defeated the opponent, he walked off the duel and gave the duel to other warriors.

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