The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 259: Beat a sword

"The days will be late."

The sword and the brow were picked up. I didn’t expect the first warrior to fight with him. It’s not enough to be able to pass the first two rounds of battle. It’s enough to show that the other side has the strength to defeat the predecessor’s predecessor, if it’s before the breakthrough. Sword demons may feel pressure.

Nowadays, he is already in the middle of the world. He is only a small realm lower than his opponent. He wants to defeat his opponent. There is absolutely no problem. The real powerful Tianjun is in the tenth stage, he is the emperor. Parent-child Gu Hong, the opponent in front of the sword magic, certainly not qualified to compare with Gu Hong.

"You don't want to lose to him, or else I will deal with you."

Luo Tianhao sneaked a sneak peek at the sword, and the sword magic broke through. Huangfu Tianzun knew that Luo Tianhao did not know it. Worried that the swordsman will lose, the loser will be eliminated, then, how can Luo Tianhao deal with the sword magic, **** the sword magic.

"Just take the stage of the pre-season training and fight him."

The swordsman did not take care of Luo Tianhao, and Luo Tianhao became the air. What he has to do now is to defeat the late warriors on the sixth stage of the duel, but he still does not want to expose the real realm. Other warriors fight, just in the dream, it is not reality, the ancient animal world can only be different from the fierce, the beast and the human being.

Repressing the realm and fighting against the warriors in the late days will definitely be good for the swordsmen. There are still several trials in the back. However, the warriors will be eliminated one by one, and then they will fight against him. I am afraid that all of them will be the best in the world. At that time, he will not have the opportunity to suppress the realm.

"I was able to pass the first round and the second round of battle. I was already satisfied, because I know that the third round of fighting actually didn't have anything to do with me. At most, I just walked through the game. I didn't expect that my luck would be so good. I even got your opponent, as long as you beat the champion of this first round of fighting, I can definitely be famous."

The younger days are more excited about the late warriors, as if he has defeated the swordsman, and he has enough fame, he thinks right, if he and other days will fight against the peaks, he is likely to be eliminated, by then Other warriors will not remember that he has participated in the Tiangang list.

However, after the first round of combat and the second round of combat, the reputation of the sword demon has been very large. He was the champion in the first round of fighting. Others thought that he could not pass the second round of combat, but he still entered the first In the three rounds of fighting, many people have said that if the swords and the devils are not too low-level, they can compete with the nine great heavens, or they will be extremely advanced.

"Less nonsense, shot."

After the sword demon went to the sixth duel, it prevented the young man from continuing to talk nonsense. The second match on other duels was either over or almost finished, only his opponent. Still talking non-stop, can not rely on the mouth cannon to win him, saying so much is useful.

"Since you want to lose early, then I will fulfill you."

In the late days, the young warriors did not look down on the swordsmen. If they didn’t start playing, they took out a shot of a long gun. Those who can pass the second round of fighting will definitely not be weak. His shooting method has already been tempered. Today Just to defeat the sword magic, cast his gunfare.

The sword demon intends to suppress the realm. He only uses the cultivation of the pre-season period and fights against his opponent. Of course, he will not hold the big one. The man Wang Jian is already in his hand. They have not yet played against each other, swords and guns. Already confronted in the void, of course, the sword demon must not use the nine swords, or the opponent's gun will collapse until it is annihilated.

"Tiangou food month."

A long shot stabbed, as if an ancient beast, from the old years, all the guns condensed together, as if turned into a huge, enough to swallow the moon of the Tengu, practicing many years of shooting, not just in the sky Will the list fight for the light?

The young days laughed at the late warriors, and the realm of the sword demon was low, but the reputation of the sword demon was there. As long as he could defeat the sword demon, he would certainly be famous. If the sword demon became a peerless power today, today He defeated the swordsman's duel, and in the future he and the younger generation boasted for hundreds of years and thousands of years.

The swordsman did not use any swordsmanship. With his eyesight, he suddenly saw the flaws of the other side’s gunfare. The younger days’ guns of the late warriors were not bad, and they dealt with the general Tianfeng’s martial arts. It is more than enough, but unfortunately, his opponent is the sword magic, a person with the supreme gold scorpion.

Up to now, the supreme gold scorpion of the sword demon has not been fully inspired. Fortunately, with the improvement of his realm, the power of the supreme golden scorpion has gradually revealed. If it is hard, he will be in the early days. It’s not easy to repair, to win over opponents.

However, the person Wang Jian directly takes the flaws of the Tengu food month, everything will be different, seemingly a random sword, but can play the effect of four or two pounds, the guns condensed into the Tengu, instantly broken, even the sword of the sword Can not stop, the sword magic to repair, in fact, and his opponent, the power is not much difference.

Even if it is the same strength, the power exerted in the swordsman's hand is more powerful than his opponent. The flaws in the Tengu food month are rare, but the flaws found by the swordsman are fatal. After a sword breaks the opponent's shooting method, The man Wang Jian is placed on the other's neck.

"you lose."

Until the sound of the swordsman sounded, many warriors returned from the shock. The geniuses of Su Yuyu and Zhong Xingba rely on absolute strength to crush opponents. They are strong and powerful, but they are really powerful. The character, the sword is still concerned.

It is clear that the swordsman is only in the early stage of the world, and he is two lower than his opponent. The opponent’s Tiangou food month is very powerful. As a result, he is only a fluttering sword, and he defeats his opponent. He The sword method is not gorgeous at all, and can even be said to be plain.

However, it was a plain sword, which broke the Tianshi food month and defeated the young Tianjun’s late warriors. The swordsman’s opponent’s eyes were very big, because until now, he did not understand how he lost. The sword demon seems to be a sword at random, and then easily defeated him.

"How do I feel that their fighting is good, it won't be acting."

Some disciples of the ancient emperor have questioned that his realm is still low, and he has no qualifications to participate in the battle of the Tianzhang list. He certainly can’t see anything, so he feels that the young Tianshi’s Tianshi The food month is unusually strong and should not be easily defeated by the swordsman.

"I don't know what to say, the sword of the sword is just a pen of God, and the second is absolutely perfect."

A Heavenly King disciple hurriedly replied, with his eyesight, he was sure to see why the sword was won. However, even if he was allowed to deal with the young Tianshi’s late military, he could only rely on absolute force to crush. The other party, in such a short period of time, found the flaws of the Tengu food month, he asked himself could not.

"Awesome, it is really powerful. It is obviously two lower realms than the opponent. It can be defeated by a sword."

Even the young geniuses on other duels are all stunned by the swordsmen. They can win the first round of battles, and those who can pass the second round of combat are really not able to look down. Even if the swordsmen are only in the early days. , still a strong opponent.

"Fortunately, his realm is low, or else..."

In the first two rounds of fighting, Luo Tianhao did not see it. Until now, he discovered the power of the sword demon. Fortunately, he is already the peak of the heavens and the world, three heights higher than the sword magic, even if the sword magic eyesight Poison, the absolute strength is in front of the virtual, the gap between the realm, not by eyesight can make up.

As one of the nine great heavens, Luo Tianhao can already kill the king of the heavenly kings. Under the prestigious name, there is no vain, the nine great angels of the ancient emperor palace, there is absolutely no weak one, the heavenly world defeated by the swordsman In the late military, Luo Tianhao also had confidence, and he was hit hard by a move.

"If he goes all out, can he play Luo Tianhao."

Huangpu Tianzun’s understanding of the strength of the sword magic must be far superior to others. Even so, he still does not think that the swordsman has any chance of winning. Luo Tianhao can be ranked in the middle reaches of the Nine Heavens, and it is not a battle. The general genius disciple of the ancient imperial palace is comparable, but he expects the sword magic and Luo Tianhao's battle, just to see what the sword magic will look like after it fails.

After the sword demon walked down the sixth duel, the next battle was started again. On the eighth duel, Lei Wenyuan also met his opponent, a heavenly martial artist, Lei Wenyuan. After dozens of rounds with his opponent, he finally blasted his opponent to the duel.

"You go down, I am too lazy to do it."

On the seventh stage of the duel, Di Yuanzhao carried his hands and said contemptuously. Standing in front of him is just a late-martial warrior. Even the realm of the world is not as good as him. It is impossible to win him. Di Yuanzhao really believes that the other party does not even have the qualification to play with him.

"Deceive too much."

Di Yuanzhao’s opponent roared, and the sword was killed. The swordsmanship in the late days of the heavens, the swordsmanship of the masters, must not be underestimated, a sword of the sword, a body of thousands, from all directions To Di Yuanzhao, every sword is like a real one.

"court death."

In a pair of scorpions, as if a raging flame is burning, Di Yuanzhao has already let his opponent roll down the duel. Who knows that his opponent has not only failed to do so, but he also sent a sword to him, and Di Yuanzhao changed his body and suddenly appeared. At the side of his opponent, the other people only heard a scream, and Di Yuanzhao tore his opponent's right arm directly.

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