The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 260: Yuan Huaxin

"If you fight with me, you will be like him."

Di Yuanzhao looked at the sword demon coldly, as if the sword demon was his father's enemies. In fact, the sword devil did not know where he provoked Di Yuanzhao, and even Ding Yuan Zhao hated him so much, so the sword The devil is not afraid of Di Yuanzhao at all. In the third round of fighting, the sword demon and Di Yuanzhao simply cannot touch together.

After that, the sword demon will raise the realm, and whether Di Yuanzhao can beat him is a problem. The advantage of Di Yuanzhao lies in his realm. If he is equal, he wants to win over the sword. Infatuation, let Di Yuanzhao frown, the sword magic still does not pay attention to him.

With Di Yuan’s self-sufficiency, the general genius will not be put in his eyes, but he did not think that there is a day when others are not on the mind, and it is still a heavenly warrior, than him. The realm is still low. If the first round of fighting is completely defeated to the sword, he will not be so worried about the sword.

On the seventh stage of the duel, the heavenly martial artist was holding the broken arm. The severe pain made him all wet with sweat. Until now, no shots have been so hot, even if Luo Tianhao has severely injured his opponent. He can recover after a period of rest, and the broken arm is different. There is no magic bullet to recover.

"The disciples of Jiu Yan Prison are as ruthless as you are."

Another young warrior yelled out loudly that the disciples of the broken arm were the younger brothers of his ancestors. Di Yuanzhao’s practice caused his dissatisfaction. Unfortunately, he was a king of heaven and could not participate in the battle of the heavenly squad. The seventh duel must not allow him to go up.

"If you don't accept it, you can challenge me after the third round of fighting."

Even if it is a king of heaven, Di Yuanzhao did not put it in his eyes. If it was not for the participation in the Tianbang list, Di Yuanzhao had already broken through to the kingdom. The general king of the warrior is really not his. The opponent, Di Yuanzhao’s attitude, is to erect the double eyebrow of the king’s martial arts.

"I won't shoot you, other geniuses in the ancient palace, will deal with you."

The most powerful disciple of the seventh imperial court is Mei Jianying, one of the nine great generals. Di Yuanzhao will tear down the arm of the disciple of the ancient emperor, and Mei Jianying will definitely not turn a blind eye. Ying and Di Yuanzhao decisive battle, Mei Jianying will certainly not be merciful.

Ten decisive battle platforms, each of which was tested five times on the duel stage. One day, the warriors were eliminated in the end of the day. Even the Tianfeng Fengwu people were eliminated, and the swordsmen defeated the opponents one day. Successfully entered the next test, which naturally caused great concern.

Su Jiyu’s luck was not good, and he lost to a heavenly martial artist. His Tiangang’s battle for the battlefield ended here. Fortunately, he was psychologically prepared, and he did not have the idea of ​​entering the fourth round of fighting. Being able to go to the third round, he has already satisfied, the only thing that makes him feel uncomfortable is that the swordsman whose realm is lower than him has not been eliminated.

If there is no sword, Su Jiyu is eliminated. Others will not say anything at all, but now, others can ask him why the sword is not eliminated from your realm. Why can the sword fight the first round, you can win Can't do it, you are not a talent comparable to Su Yuyu.

"You don't consume much, just start the next test."

Emperor Huangzun once again took out ten bamboo tubes, and each bamboo tube contained three bamboo sticks. Anyway, the original power was condensed, and it was very convenient. Every deed, there were six warriors, and the third battle was the first. There was no one in the field and the second was not, just three to three.

On the first stage of the duel, Su Shiyu’s Tian Feng’s martial arts were sorrowful and sorrowful. Whoever played with Su Shiyu was better than Su Yuyu, because he had no hope of winning with Su Yuyu, and he had a fight with Su Yuyu. The warrior, the strength is not much worse than him, Su Yuyu can be rushed to the duel, he certainly can not compete with Su Yuyu.

"Su brother, please advise."

From the first test, it can be seen that Su Yuyu is not heavy, just to put the opponent on the duel, unlike Luo Tianhao, who has seriously injured his opponent, not like Di Yuanzhao’s arm. Compared with their two sultry people, Su Yuyu is much better.

Su Yuyu did not speak, just nodded. His opponent took out a spear and stabbed the strongest spear in history. Even the heavens and the earth seemed to be pulled out of a hole, even the average king. Can not stop such a powerful spear, only the first to temporarily avoid the edge.

However, Su Yuyu seems to be sincere. He has no scruples about the spear. He just raises his right hand, makes a fist, and then punches it with a punch. He has a strong punch and crushes the sharp edge of the spear. The duel table was shaking, his opponent's face changed, but unfortunately he had no time to make a move, and his boxing power hit the duel.

Still with his eyes closed, it is still only a move. It is still a trick to slam the duel. Su Yuyu has no nonsense. He just slowly walked down the duel, the other four Heavenly Warriors of the first duel. The face is full of bitterness, and the strong man like Su Yuyu is on the duel. It is really unfortunate to the extreme.

Nine Great Sky will once again show their strong side, Zhong Xingba, Ning Siyu, Xing Xing Peng, Luo Tianhao, Mu Xue, Mei Jianying, Xing Yuan, all easily defeated their opponents, they did not have Su Yuyu Powerful, can't beat the opponent in one stroke, but can see that they all have spare time.

There is only one exception, that is Yuanhua Xin, because his opponent is equally powerful, it is the land war dragon, when the battle for the day has not yet begun, Yuan Huaxin has a conflict with Bai Zhenjun and the land war dragon. At that time, Yuan Hua Xin said that Lu Zhanlong and Bai Zhenjun were not qualified to do it with him.

"Nine days will be such a thing, what qualifications do you have?"

Lu Zhanlong did not forget what happened two months ago. Unfortunately, Yuan Huaxin did not participate in the first round of fighting and the second round of fighting. Naturally, there is no comparison. Now, in the third round of fighting, he finally got his wish and battle with Yuanhuaxin. Together, Lu Zhanlong is only a disciple of power. The practice and martial arts of cultivation are not as good as Yuanhuaxin.

Nowadays, the difficult battle between the land warfare and the Yuanhuaxin war is difficult to distinguish. Others will definitely look at the land warfare. If Yuanhuaxin loses to the land warfare, then the land warfare will definitely be famous. However, Yuanhuaxin absolutely does not allow itself to lose to Lu Zhanlong, he can't afford to lose that person.

"Since you want to lose, then I will fulfill you."

As Yuanhua Xin’s voice fell, and a star suddenly burst into a starless starlight, Yuanhua’s original source of stars communicated with the real stars, and the combat power soared. Whether it was attack or defense, it must surpass the previous one. Every trick of every kind seems to be filled with infinite star power.

When the land warfare was punched, Yuanhuaxin did not mean a little defense. Instead, he shot the palm of the hand to the chest of the land warfare. Yuanhuaxin’s body was shocked, and the warfare of Lu Zhanlong entered the body, causing a trace of blood flowing out of his mouth. However, the damage of Land Warrior is even heavier, and a deep palm print is embedded in the body of the Land Dragon.

"Why is the strength of Yuanhuaxin able to increase so much."

Heaven will be able to use the power of the stars to enhance their own, not a few, but the enhancement they get can be neglected, unlike Yuanhua Xin, the combat power soared, and the previous judgment of two people, could have been with Yuanhua A fairly similar land war dragon, now completely defeated by Yuan Huaxin.

"I have said that you are not worthy of my shot."

Yuan Huaxin's body surface seems to be covered with a layer of starlight suits. The stronger the Vietnam War, the more the land warfare has been beaten, even if the Land Warrior has a heart to refute, there is nothing to say, because he is indeed Yuanhuaxin. The opponent, the land war dragon lost, is a matter of time, no suspense.

Up to now, there will be no loss in the Nine Great Heavens. Originally, there are people who have opinions on the Nine Heavens will not participate in the first round of combat and the second round of combat. Now they have nothing to say, even if it is the land war dragon, in the Yuanhua After Xin seriously, they all lost.

On the tenth stage of the duel, Gu Hong also easily defeated the opponent. He only had the late days of the heavens, but no one dared to regard him as the future of the heavens. Because he is the great family of the emperor, he was born from the beginning. The big advantage, not to mention, behind him, is the array of auxiliary cultivation.

"I surrender."

After Mei Jianying defeated his opponent, it was Di Yuanzhao and another Tianfeng Jingfeng martial artist who took the seventh duel. However, before he took out Di Yuanzhao’s shot, the Heavenly King’s martial artist was active. To admit defeat, I believe that I can’t beat Di Yuanzhao. There is no need to fight with Di Yuanzhao. If Di Yuanzhao pulls off his arm, he regrets it.

"I know that the time is a handsome person. If other people are as smart as you, they will definitely not have an accident."

The meaning of Di Yuanzhao’s words is that if others don’t admit defeat, it will definitely happen. Mei Jianying’s face sank, because when Di Yuanzhao spoke, he stared at him, and the seventh duel really touched Di. If Yuan Zhao is threatened, it is really a man of Mei Jianying. Other warriors are definitely not opponents of Di Yuanzhao.

"In those days, you and I were equally divided. Now, you are definitely not my opponent, wait."

The current Mei Jianying is certainly not comparable in the past. After all, his cultivation is the emperor's method. The higher the realm, the greater the power of the Gongfa. Moreover, he also cultivated an extremely powerful Tianwu martial arts. So far, he has not used it, just to deal with Di Yuanzhao.

"I didn't expect my opponent to be you. It seems that God is destined, I have to go on the next match."

On the sixth stage of the duel, one of the Heavenly Kings’ martial arts fans smiled, because his opponent is the Sword Demon, and the Sword Devil is one of the ten warriors in the duel. The lowest one in the realm can draw the Sword Demon, of course. It is his luck.

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