The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 275: Magic kendo

"I have seen two elders."

The guardian of the ancient monument is the two elders of the ancient emperor's palace. They must be white, wearing an old robe and sitting on the ground. They have not moved the place for a long time, and the first day of the ancient domain is revered. It is still not qualified to compare with the elders. Huangfu Tianzun is naturally a respectful salute.

"See the two elders."

"See the two predecessors."

Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba, Ningsiyu, Muxue, Xingxingpeng, Zongrenfu, Guhong are the disciples of the ancient emperor, and they are called the elders like the emperor Tianzun. The swordsman, Di Yuanzhao and Lei Wenyuan are not the ancient palace. Disciples, they call their predecessors, and Huangfu Tianzun is saluting. They certainly can’t dare to support the big ones, and they bend over and bow.

"They are the top ten of this ancient dynasty to fight for the ancient palace, and I also ask the two elders to make it convenient."

The two elders did not speak, just nodded, just the top ten of the list, not enough to make them move, not to mention the top ten of the ancient palace, but fortunately they did not mean the meaning of the junior, have knotted India opened the door to the ancient monument.

The means they use, Su Yuyu, Jianmo, etc. can't understand at all, even if it is Huangfu Tianzun, it is a look of ignorance. The realm of the elders is more than them. It is like ordinary people who have not cultivated. The human warrior uses the same source strength and does not know what is going on.

The ancient monument is the place where the strong people sleep. It is definitely different from other small worlds. Other small worlds can make troubles, go wrong, and the ancient monuments can't. The purpose of the ancestors is definitely not to let others mess, even the ancient palace. The strong ones go in and are honest.

"What are you doing, go in."

The three-meter-high two-meter-wide gate has already appeared. Huangfu Tianzun reminded the stock exchange, the sword demon and others. They are one after another, and they walked into the ancient monument. The lotus is of course holding the sword. The arm followed, and the two elders did not say the rules of the ancient monument, because it was not necessary.

Except for the sword and the lotus, the others are separated. After they enter the ancient monument, they will be sent to different places. The ancient monument is so big. If they want to find others, they are not one. It’s easy, let alone, they’re three days old and certainly not willing to waste.

As for the nobles who respected the death of the ancient Emperor Palace, will they be disturbed in the ancient monuments, not the things considered by the two elders, the people who can be buried inside, except the very few Tianzun, the weakest It is the Holy King. Even if a group of Heavenly Warriors destroy the cemetery of the Holy King, the result will definitely be self-deprecating.

The strongest of the ancient emperor palace has already arranged a pattern in the ancient monuments, guarding the ancestors who have been sleeping in the dark, and the warriors who entered, want to feel the stone tablet, there is no problem, want to destroy the cemetery, it will only The attack of the tactics, even the most powerful Su Yuyu among them, can't cope with those formations.

"The two elders, can you let us see the situation inside?"

Not only Huangfu Tianzun is curious, but the disciples of the ancient emperor behind him are more curious. The possibility that the heavenly martial arts want to enter the ancient monument is very small. Those disciples of the ancient emperor have only heard of the ancient monument, not at all. Know what kind of situation is in the ancient monument.

One of the elders nodded, and the big sleeves waved. In the void, the figure of Jianmo, Guhong, Su Yuyu, etc. appeared, so that the disciples of the ancient emperor knew the situation of the ancient monument, and there was nothing. Bad, anyway, after waiting for them to have enough contribution values, they can enter the ancient monuments to practice.

More importantly, let them understand that as long as they show enough value, they can be like Su Yuyu and others. Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba, and Ningsiyu are the ones who have become the battlefields of the ancient palace. Ten, only to get the reward of the three-day cultivation time of the ancient monument, even the swords, Di Yuanzhao and Lei Wenyuan are not the disciples of the ancient emperor, the ancient emperor palace gave them the same reward.

Tianzhang will compete for a hundred years, they can't compete for the Tianbang list, but the test of the nature is not the same. The ancient domain is not only the Tianzhu list, but also the Tianwangbang, Tianjunbang, Tianzunbang, and the prestige list. Huangfu Tianzun is the first person in the Tianzun list. The ancient Tianqun is no better than him.

"You said, what kind of stone monuments would they choose? Do you choose the Stone Tablet?"

"Impossible, they are all geniuses in genius. Certainly someone will choose the Taoist stone monument."

Genius, some pride, some conceit, some arrogance, to say that they will honestly choose the holy stone, others do not believe, Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba, Ning Siyu, etc., finally got one The opportunity to practice in the ancient monuments, just choose a holy stone, they are certainly not reconciled.

Ancient monument.

Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba, Ning Siyu, Mu Xue, Xing Xing Peng, Jian Mo, Di Yuan Zhao, Lei Wen Yuan, Zong Ren Fu, Gu Hong, respectively, appeared in different places, one thing is the same, then It is their side, there are graves everywhere, a tombstone, exudes a strong atmosphere, as if a strong person sits in the same town.

"Big brother, I am afraid..."

Looking into the distance, the boundless graves, the innumerable tombstones, naturally scared the lotus, the sword magic felt the fear of the lotus, the lotus body shivered slightly, forced him to only hold the lotus Get up, don't look at the appearance of the lotus is bigger than the princess of the wine. If you are courageous, the ten lotuses are not as good as the princess.

"Nothing, they are dead, can you climb out and bully you."

The sword devil did not say okay. After talking, Lian Er was even more afraid. He hugged him tightly. Well, the sword devil is not a person who will marry a child. The sword and the magic can even lift up the mountain. The weight of the lotus child is definitely no problem for him. He did not care for the lotus, but looked at a tombstone in front of him.

On the tombstone, there is the name of the holy king, as well as his deeds, as well as his mastery of martial arts and martial arts. The ancestors of the ancient emperor palace, before the death, carved a sentiment on the tombstone, in order to benefit future generations, the tombstone is clearly written. Later, the ancient Emperor Gongwu will be more convenient when choosing.

"Yuan Kui Sheng Wang, the knife repair, once used the king of the peak of the king, killing a monk with a knife..."

The sentiment of the knife repair is of little significance to the sword demon. What kind of knives are practiced by Yuan Kui, and the swordsman is too lazy to look down. He holds the lotus and walks to another tombstone. A holy king, just like the sword demon, is a sword repair, and it seems to be a genius.

Huangfu Tianzun and other warriors felt that the swordsman had a good luck. Just entering, he met a tombstone of a sword repairing holy king. In three days, it was actually very short. If you could not find a suitable tombstone for a long time, the delay was It was their own time, however, the sword did not stop and went to another tombstone.

"Sure enough, people who are as arrogant as the swordsman will definitely not choose the holy stone."

The swordsman gave them the impression that they were arrogant and arrogant. They didn’t know that the sky was thick and thick. One dared to shout out the first non-person in the first battle. One dared to fight with the Nine Heavens and said that he would win. The person, a person who dares to provoke Tianzun to anger and sorrow, will certainly not be willing to choose a holy stone.

Gu Hong, Di Yuanzhao, Su Yuyu, Zong Renfu, Lei Wenyuan and Jianmo, obviously met the appropriate stone tablets of the Holy King, but they did not choose one, but Zhong Xingba, Xing Xing Peng, Mu Xue, Ning Si Yu knows the contentment, has selected a piece of holy stone, began to understand.

The ideas of Zhongxingba, Xingxingpeng, Muxue and Ningsiyu are similar. With their talents, they will definitely be able to come back to the ancient monuments in the future. Now they are coming in for the first time, and they choose the main stone monument of Daojun Stone Tablet. There is no way to enlighten, it is better to retreat and choose the holy stone.

What they are going to do now is to upgrade their strength. The top ten of the ancient days of the ancient world is their goal. They are repaired. They are all peaks in the sky. They can’t be upgraded again. They can understand the monument of the holy king. It is possible to make their combat strength improve again. The most important thing at present is to enhance their strength. Other things will be discussed later.

"Look, Zong Renfu and Lei Wenyuan have chosen a stone monument, and I know that they will definitely do this."

The strong people buried in the ancient monuments are really too many, no matter whether it is the holy stone stone or the Taojun stone monument, there are many countless, they can find the right Taojun stone in a short time, luck is good. Not like Su Yuyu, Di Yuanzhao, Gu Hong and Jianmo, are still looking for.

"This is good."

The sword and the magic eye are bright, and it appears in front of his eyes. It is a Taoist stone monument. Fortunately, the ancient monument is a place for the ancient Emperor’s military to practice. Even if it is a Taoist stone monument, there is no danger. Other warriors see the sword and the devil. The main stone in front of the stone stop, they are all stunned, it is difficult to become a sword, but also choose the main stone.

"The sorcerer, Jian Xiu, once in the realm of the Taoist, challenged the Emperor, unbeaten."

It is only the first sentence, which is enough to explain the power of the sorcerer. The following is the practice of the martial arts master and the swordsmanship. As for his deeds, there is no need to say anything. The Lord's Realm challenges the unbeaten peers of the Emperor, and what other deeds need to be written.

The name of the demon sorcerer is similar to the sword demon. The demon sword is only reversed. The name of the demon lord is not called the sword. The sword demon does not know. Anyway, it is not important. The Taoist sect counters the great swordsmanship of the Great Emperor, and the swordsmanship created is certainly not bad. The swordsman is of course interested.

"No, he actually sat down. He really wants to choose the Taoist stone."

"Insane, it’s crazy. In the middle of the day, I want to enlighten the main stone monument and dream."

"Noisy, don't say it is three days, even if it is thirty days, three hundred days, he can't realize anything." The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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