The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 276: Poly source array

C_t; "Look, the star map is bright, he has begun to enlighten!"

A king of warriors pointed at the image of the sword and shouted out loud. -- He dreamed of going into the ancient monument to practice, as long as he found a holy stone to enlighten, he would be satisfied. It is a pity that he contributed too much value difference. The Tianbang list battle did not have anything for him. He was not qualified to compete.

The sword magic will be able to enter the ancient monuments in the middle of the day, and I don’t know how many emperor’s disciples will be envied. However, the Sword Devil is simply spending time in the ‘waves’, and three days to understand the sacred stone monument, it is not bad to be able to comprehend one percent. Choosing the main stone, isn't it dead?

"What is a hundred star chart?"

Some of the disciples of the ancient emperor did not know what the former Tianwang warriors were exclaiming. They had little understanding of the ancient monuments. They only knew that they could get great benefits from practicing in the ancient monuments. The reason why they come is to want to see something. If they can get the opportunity to practice in the ancient monuments in the future, they will not have a black eye and do not understand anything.

"Do you see a star map on the tombstone chosen by the swordsman? Do you have a few hundred small stars?"

Huangpu Tianzun’s understanding of the ancient monuments is more than those of the Heavenly Kings. It is certainly not a problem to explain. Moreover, he is more authoritative, talking about the things of the ancient monument, the military in the presence must believe. It is not that there is no more than the Emperor Tianzun to understand the ancient monument, but the two elders did not mean to speak.

When the Sword Demon began to enlighten the tombstone of the Demon Swordmaster, a star map emerged from the sky. One meter high, one meter wide, evenly distributed with a hundred small stars. It is like a huge chessboard, and every little star is a chess piece. A hundred small stars are bleak and dull, but they match the ancient monument. The sky in the ancient monument is gray, and it is full of graves. It is normal to have no vitality.

"As long as you can comprehend one percent of the stone tablet, there will be a small star that shines. If you can comprehend half, there will be fifty small stars lit up. If all of them are realized, then a hundred small stars will bloom." The light."

The Hundred Stars chart is to show the extent of the understanding of the warrior. The more you comprehend, the more light the little stars are. Huangfu Tianzun is still concerned about Gu Hong, Su Yuyu, Jianmo, etc. I don’t know how many readings they can comprehend. Three days of cultivation in the ancient monuments, in fact, is not only a reward, but also a contest of ‘sexuality’. (ad)

Other warriors are bright eyes, I did not expect the star map to have such an effect. Being able to become the top ten of the ancient imperial palace, realize that ‘sex’ is not bad, but I don’t know, whoever has ten people’s ‘sex’ is the strongest. As a great family, Gu Hong will certainly not be bad. Su Yuyu is the first of the nine great days, and it will not be bad.

Originally, the sword demon should have the ability to compete with Gu Hong and Su Yuyu. Unfortunately, the sword demon died and chose the Taoist stone monument. The name of the sorcerer, some of them have heard of it, it is really a peerless power. Can you counter the great emperor in the realm of the Taoist, which one is not a genius?

It is difficult for the Taoist stone to be enlightened, not to mention the fact that the swordsman chose the tombstone of the sorcerer, which is more difficult than the general stone. Even if the swordsman is better than Di Yuanzhao, Qi Xingpeng and other people's ‘sexual’, it can’t be reflected now, unless the swordsman is willing to change a tombstone in a short time.

It is still Zhongxingba, Ningsiyu, Muxue, and Xingxingpeng who know the importance and have no intention of using things. They have long chosen a holy stone monument. After the swordsman chose the Taoist stone monument, Lei Wenyuan, Zongrenfu and Di Yuanzhao finally found the right Taojun stone monument. Only Su Yuyu and Gu Hong have not found a suitable stone monument.

"What do they want to do? Do you want to enlighten the main stone monument?"

Someone whispered, and others nodded unconsciously. Because Su Yuyu and Gu Hong, they all met the appropriate Taojun stone tablets. However, after only taking a look at them, they continued to find them. Like the swordsman, they are not satisfied with the Taojun stone monument, only want to choose the main stone monument.

Su Yuyu thinks that the holy king stone monument does not make any sense. Even if it is to understand the 10% stone monument, it is better to comprehend the one-hundred stone monument. The sentiment of the Taoist Master is far from being comparable to the Holy King. Even if a Taoist kills hundreds of holy kings and thousands of holy kings, it is a breeze.

After half an hour, Su Yuyu found a suitable stone monument. After half an hour, Gu Hong also found a suitable stone monument. Seeing a picture of a hundred stars appeared, the outside warriors did not know what to say. The sword demon is a crazy one. Why did Gu Hong and Su Yuyu go crazy together?

"The three of them are overestimating themselves. When they are repaired, they want to enlighten the main stone monument. It is too high and far."

"Three days later, the three of them will definitely regret it and enlighten the main stone monument. For them, it is simply "wave" time."

"I was optimistic about Su Yuyu. Now it seems that after three days, Su Yuyu’s strength will definitely not grow."

Not to mention the disciples of the ancient emperors, even the Emperor Tianzun is a little anxious. The three days of ancient monuments were cultivated to give them ten young people to improve their strength. However, the actions of Jianmo, Gu Hong and Su Yuyu are simply rewards in the 'waves'. If it is not impossible to rush into the ancient monument, Huangfu Tianzun really wants to make them three fat ones.

Su Yuyu is strong, but too yin hall and life-threatening building, there are also powerful geniuses. If Su Yuyu is enlightened by the holy stone, he will once again improve his combat power. The hope of winning the fourth round of battle will be a little bigger. It is a pity that they chose their rights, and Huangfu Tianzun could not interfere.

"Well, let's first say that the sword is resistant to Gu Hong."

Huangfu Tianzun sighed and then untied the seal of the two gourds. The warriors present at the scene saw that Huangfu Tianzun had some action, and they couldn’t help but look at Gu Hong and the sword demon. They had long wanted to know what the two gourds were in, and now they can finally do so.

The gourd that the sword was resistant to Gu Hong had been actively flying. The gourd mouth is opened, and the squirting is a array method, a method that can unite the strength of the source. The disciples of the ancient emperor palace with low realm do not know what the formation is. Some of the kings of the kings know it.

"The big hand, even the source method is used to give a reward, that is, I don't know how many Lingshi in the gourd."

The method of gathering source, as the name suggests, is to absorb the local power of the surrounding. Sword-resistant Gu Hong has been shrouded in the source of the array method, the surrounding source of power, are crazy to rush over. Only in this way, the help of Gu Hong and the swordsman is limited, and there are a lot of spiritual stones in the gourd.

The Qiankun King can make the Qiankun Ring, and Huangfu Tianzun can make two gourds that can store goods. There is certainly no difficulty. After the convergence of the source array method, the gourd is squirting a piece of stone. Even Huangfu Tianzun felt that ‘meat’ hurts, but fortunately those Lingshi are not his.

The elders of the ancient emperor palace prepared a full two thousand pieces of heavenly spirit stone, two million pieces of earth-like spirit stone, and the sword was resistant to one half of Gu Hong, one thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi and one million pieces of earth-like stone. . The average Tianzun is far from being such a net worth, but now it is used to upgrade the two juniors.

“Well? As a result, the progress of my cultivation will be greatly accelerated.”

The sword did not think that the ancient palace had sent him a big gift. Not to mention the value of the cluster method, just a thousand pieces of heavenly stone and one million pieces of earthly stone, it is already an amazing wealth reading; Of course, for the ancient palace, even if it is a million pieces of heavenly stone, it is only a ninth and a 'hair'.

"Haha, I can certainly break through to the peak of the sky in three days. Who can win me?"

Gu Hong was only fifteen years old, and the young man was 'sexual', even when he laughed. In the late days of his life, he will become the top ten of the ancient emperor's palace. When he breaks through the peaks of the heavens and the top ten, he will certainly not have any problems. However, his goal is not the top ten, but the first.

The two of them are like being in the ancient source world. Although the ancient source world they are in is much smaller than the real ancient source, the concentration of the source is much larger. Gu Hong has already been breaking through. In the current situation, he certainly has absolute confidence to hit the peak of the sky.

"If Gu Hong didn't realize anything, it would be fine. Once he broke through to the peak of the sky, would he still have it?"

The ancient flood in the late days of Tianjing is already the top ten of the ancient emperor's palace. Unfortunately, there is no comparison in the top ten, or Guhong must be in a very high position. The advantage of Gu Hong is that it can be upgraded in the realm. Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba, Ning Siyu, Mu Xue, Xing Xing Peng, Di Yuanzhao, Lei Wenyuan and Zong Renfu can only improve their strength.

"Don't look at Gu Hong, you see Mu Xue, he has already lit the first little star, it's incredible!"

No one thought of it. The first one to light a small star turned out to be Mu Xue. To be honest, if Mu Xue was in the final round of fighting, the strength of the performance was impressive, and many people did not think that she had any powerful places. How difficult is it to enlighten the holy stone monument, even if you have not entered the disciples of the ancient source, you can roughly guess.

Ning Siyu, Zhong Xingba and Xing Xing Peng, have not moved, Mu Xue has taken the lead. Di Yuanzhao, Lei Wenyuan and Zongrenfu, the choice of the Taojun stone monument, can not light a star in three days, is a problem, expecting them to surpass Mu Xue, certainly impossible. As for Su Yuyu, Gu Hong and Jianmo, there is no hope. They are destined to be a small star and cannot be lit.

"I think Gu Hong may be able to light a small star."

"Is it true that Mu Xue's understanding of 'sex' is better than others, how long it takes, she has already lit a small star, if three days later, how many small stars can she light up?"

"I feel that Zhongxingba is more powerful than Muxue. You wait, the number of small stars that Zhongxingba lights up is definitely the most."


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