The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 278: Is it better to understand?

"Haha... it’s fun, it’s so fun.”

Lian Er looked at the little stars one after another, and suddenly smiled and closed her mouth. Originally, she still felt that the ancient monument was quite scary. Now she is better than playing. She stretches out her hand and grabs 100. Star map, when her finger touched a dim little star, the little star immediately bloomed.

A pair of beautiful big eyes, flickering, cute, beautiful face red, the lotus is more and more happy, even the sword magic can not help but look at her, but his expression has not changed, because he I don’t know what a hundred stars are, and I don’t know what to light up.

The disciples of the ancient Emperor Palace are different. They have big eyes one by one. Previously, Emperor Tianzun had explained the things of the Hundred Stars, but it is better not to know where the little hands of Lian Er touched, and the little stars are bright. Where is the Hundred Star Map really representing the level of enlightenment of the warrior?

The two elders who guarded the ancient monuments were no longer able to calm down. One of the elders disappeared in front of all the disciples of the ancient emperor, where the swordsman and the lotus were located, and an old man appeared. It was the elder king who came in, of course, to test the star map.

The swordsman and the lotus are only heavenly, and the elders have their hearts hidden. They must not be aware of them. Don’t look at the elders just standing in the same place. In fact, his projection of the world of the will has been covered in the ten miles, not his will. It's just that big, but there's no need to cover a larger area.

"Well, why is there no problem?"

After checking it again, the elders found that there was no problem. Under the last resort, he could only check it again. The result was still the same. When he checked it for the third time, Lian Er had once again illuminated a star map. A hundred small stars exude a dazzling light, and no more dim.

The elders quietly left the ancient monument and changed to another elder, Wang Jinlai. He really couldn't check any problems. Maybe another elder can make progress. Unfortunately, another elder has checked three times. Like him, I feel that there is no problem with the star map.

"Weird wonders."

"There is no problem with the one hundred stars."

After the two elders sighed, they closed their eyes again. They all proved that there was no problem. The disciples of the ancient emperor who were present certainly had no reason to continue to doubt. However, the situation of Lian Er, how to believe them, the two hundred stars All of them are lit, and they are still the main stone tablets. The seven or eight-year-old girl can fully understand the feelings of the Taoist.

To say that there is a problem with the Hundred Star Map, it is also unreasonable, because the other people’s star maps are normal. After one day, Mu Xue lit up six small stars, and Zhong Xingba lighted two small stars. Ningsi Yu Two small stars are lit up, and the star is still a small star.

"Le Wenyuan has lit up a small star, but it is a Taojun stone monument. How is his understanding better than Di Yuanzhao and Zongrenfu."

Di Yuanzhao, Zongrenfu and Lei Wenyuan chose the Taojun stone monument. Unfortunately, Di Yuanzhao and Zongrenfu did not make any achievements. Lei Wenyuan opened a good head and lit a small star. In the words, Lei Wenyuan should be better than Di Yuanzhao and Zongrenfu.

"No, when Gu Hong lit up two small stars."

"What counts, Su Yuyu lit up three small stars, don't you see it."

Lei Wenyuan illuminates a small star of the Taojun stone monument, which caused a sensation. However, compared with Gu Hong and Su Yuyu, Lei Wenyuan’s achievements are nothing, Gu Hong as the emperor’s parents. Everyone’s expectations for him are high, and it’s not unacceptable to light up two small stars.

But who knows, Su Yuyu's understanding is better than Gu Hong. Originally, Su Yuyu chose the Taoist stone monument. Many people think that he is so high and far away. Now they don't say anything, because even if Su Yuyu chooses the Taoist stone, he points. The number of bright little stars is more than the number of Zhongxingba, Ningsiyu, and Xingxing who choose the holy stone.

"Only the swordsman is the most useless. Until now, a small star has not been lit, and the understanding is really bad."

Originally, a small star of the sword magic did not light up, and everyone else felt normal. However, nothing was afraid of comparison. Gu Hong and Su Yuyu respectively lit two small stars and three small stars, respectively. The disciples of the Emperor Palace felt that the understanding of the swordsman could not be done.

"Good talent, does not mean understanding, swordsman is the best example."

"If you have poor understanding and want to practice martial arts, you will have to spend more time. It is no wonder that the swordsman is only twenty years old."

The 20-year-old Tian Zhongwu warrior, in the four powers, is already a genius in the genius, but in the emperor's power, it is nothing at all. Gu Hong is only fifteen years old, it is already the end of the heavens, than the sword The realm of the devil is even higher, and the nine days will not be the same.

However, they simply do not know that the cultivation time of the sword demon is shorter than that of Su Yuyu, Zhong Xingba, Di Yuanzhao, etc. Su Yuyu, Di Yuanzhao, Ning Siyu and others are geniuses, and they have been practicing since childhood. The sword magic can't be cultivated when he was a child, and he wasted more than ten years.

"If you want to relax and have a degree of relaxation, you should take a break from the tombstone of the sorcerer."

If the disciples of the ancient emperor heard the swordsman, I am afraid that one of them has killed him. They dreamed of going into the ancient monuments to practice. The swordsmen had the opportunity to practice in the ancient monument for three days. The result turned out to be one day. Time is used to cultivate, there is no such thing as a main stone monument.

The faces of the two elders are obviously weird. Don’t look at them all with their eyes closed. In fact, they always pay attention to the lotus, the sword and the lotus are very close, and they don’t suppress the sound. The two elders definitely listen to it clearly. They have never seen such an interesting young person. After entering the ancient monument, they just used the time of rest to enlighten the main stone monument.

They really don't know how to evaluate the swordsman. It is said that the sword is stupid, or that the sword is stupid or that the sword is stupid.

After entering the ancient monument, one mind is practicing, it is better to go to the ancient source world. The two of them guarded the ancient monument for so many years. The first time they saw such a wonderful young disciple, they could become the battle of the ancient palace. The top ten, and only the middle of the sky, should be the genius of the genius, how to be so guilty.

Enlightenment of the stone monument, not the eyes, but the heart, Di Yuanzhao, Gu Hong, Su Yuyu, Lei Wenyuan, Ning Siyu, Mu Xue, Yu Xing Peng, Zong Renfu, Zhong Xingba are all closed eyes Enlightened, the lotus is the exception, always squinting, but no one has taken the lotus as a matter of fact.

The sword demon is different from the other nine people. Because he opened his eyes, it was the most savvy time. Only two elders noticed that the pupil of the sword magic gradually changed from black to gold, and Huangfu Tianzun and other warriors watched. It’s just an image, and certainly no two elders can see it clearly.

The colorless lotus imprint blooms, and the ancient lotus celestial lotus runs at a faster speed. The sword demon sitting on the ground seems to have become a Qinglian. The demon emperor is one of the strongest sword repairs in the past and present. The practice, there is a terrible ability, that is the feeling of absorbing other swords.

Even if the sword demon has the supreme gold scorpion, it can't be in a short time, and the main stone monument of Wu Dao, not to mention the tombstone of the sorcerer, but the ancient role of Qinglian is different. The biggest role of Qinglian is not to help the sword. Through, but absorption, just like the sword demon got the sentiment of the demon emperor and the sentiments of the three dead masters, first stored in the mind, and slowly enlightened later.

"Look and see, the magic star's hundred-star map is finally brighter, brighter than other people's bright stars."

Some people shouted excitedly. Not all the disciples of the ancient emperor felt that the cursing of the swordsmanship was poor. The swordsman and Luo Tianhao’s decisive battles, and finally the swordsmanship, can only be described as terrible, a mid-term of poor understanding. How can the military perform so powerful swordsmanship?

However, the performance of the sword in front of the sword is too bad, a small star is not lit, they can not refute, now it is different, because the sword magic lights up the little stars, the brightness is more than the other nine young genius, some people turned Turning his eyes, it is not the brightness of the little stars, what is exciting.

After all, the tombstone is a dead object, the absorption of Qinglian, and the comprehension of the sword demon. For the tombstone, there is no difference. Because of this, the hundred-star map in front of the sword demon, one small star after another shines, the sword magic is I don't think there is anything, because the lotus can light up one small star after another, he can do something strange.

"Isn't it just to light a small star? How is it brighter than other people? His speed is much worse than Gu Hong and Su Yuyu, and the performance is good."

Su Yuyu is the head of the Nine Great Heavens. Gu Hong is the great family of the Emperor. He believes that the two disciples of the ancient emperors who are better than the swords are certainly the vast majority. However, when they look at the place where the swords are, one Everyone can't speak, and some people are squinting hard, it must be a dazzling, or else how could this happen.

"Impossible, he thought he was the Taoist or the Great."

Even though the disciples of the ancient emperor have said such ridiculous words, the people who pay attention to the swords are naturally more and more. However, they will soon be unable to bear it, or say that the hundred stars have a problem, or that There was a problem with the image, and no one believed what they saw.

"Master, I want to go home, the world outside is terrible."

"Ah, my eyes, my eyes must be out of order, I am not poisoned, is there an illusion?"

Even Huangfu Tianzun couldn’t help but laugh. The disciples of the ancient emperor were really stimulated. What are the messy things, isn’t it brighter than the stars lit by others? As for the totally unacceptable, the swordsman It is a young man he admires, and what is better about his understanding.

"I... Is this something better to understand? How can all hundred small stars light up?"

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