The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 279: Alarmed

Huangfu Tianzun believes that he has a certain understanding of the sword magic. The first round of combat and the second round of combat can not be seen by others. He has seen that the disciples of the ancient emperor who were present suspected the understanding of the swordsman. He would not doubt, However, he did not think that the understanding of the sword magic turned out to be so bad.

Originally, the sword magic day, did not light a small star, Huangfu Tianzun was very disappointed, Su Yuyu and Gu Hong have been ahead, the realm of the sword magic, there is no Su Yuyu and Gu Honggao, if the ancient monument Three days of cultivation time, and then behind Gu Hong and Su Yuyu, then he even hangs in the top ten of the battle.

When he saw the sword demon illuminating the first little star, Huangfu Tianzun smiled gratifiedly, but his smile soon solidified, because all the little stars in the sword star in front of the swordsman bloomed. The dazzling light, no wonder the little stars in front of the sword demon are brighter, can a hundred stars not shine?

Even Huangfu Tianzun is incomprehensible. Other ancient Emperor disciples are naturally more incomprehensible. Before the moment, there are many warriors who are laughing at the swordsman and the fallen swordsman. They say that his understanding is poor. The next moment, the swordsman is one after another. Lighted up a hundred small stars, the speed is too fast to look directly.

The starry picture of all the lotuses is indeed more than the sword magic, but the sword magic lights up the little stars faster, from the first small stars, to the last small stars, not enough The time, that is, almost one breath time, the sword magic can light a small star.

"Is it a problem to say that the swordsman and his sister are in the same place."

At first, some people questioned the problem of the tombstone, and they were scorned by Huangfu Tianzun. But now, Huangfu Tianzun did not say a word, because he did not know how to say it, the two elders were silent, they checked the hundred stars. And everyone checked it three times.

However, even if they told all the warriors present, there is absolutely no problem with the one-star map. No one will believe that the time of the sword magic did not light up a small star. How can it be less than a hundred moments now? The little stars are lit up, too fake.

"If I didn't read it wrong, it should be golden."

The two elders used the will to pass the sound. Others certainly didn't know what they said. One of the elders gave their opinion. He thought that another elder would nod and didn't expect another elder to shake. Shake his head and then pass the voice in a positive tone.

"That's not gold, but the supreme gold."

The Supreme Gold 瞳 five words, another elder king bite very heavy, previously said that the golden elders of the elders, took a deep breath, gold 瞳 there is nothing unacceptable, rare to see rare, emperor power is not rare The Supreme Golden Jubilee is not the same, and the three thousand territories may not be able to find one.

With the knowledge of the elders, it should not be wrong, but he is not sure. After another elder king said that he was a golden man, he immediately believed that when Lingdao was in the lower bound, someone could recognize him. The supreme gold scorpion, how they say it is much more powerful than the people the swordsman meets in the lower world.

"The Supreme Golden Jubilee is just a legend. I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

Legend has it that using the Supreme Golden Jubilee, comprehending martial arts, intriguing in high efficiency, and supreme gold 瞳 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 , , 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 至 悟 至 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟 悟Little is known about the golden dragonfly.

The sword demon can light up a hundred small stars. Both of the two elders feel that they are the credit of the supreme gold. In fact, the two elders overestimated the supreme gold scorpion, only the swordsmen who were repaired in the middle of the day. Did not fully stimulate the Supreme Golden Jubilee, certainly can not understand the main stone monument in the rest of the time.

"It's over."

Even if the swordsman himself is stunned, the sentiment on the tombstone of the demon lord, he has all been remembered in his mind, and he continues to enlighten the stone tablet of the demon lord. It is a waste of time. Anyway, it can be slowly The realization of the ground, for him, is still a matter of cultivation, with the method of gathering source, the speed of his cultivation is far superior to the past.

The foreign warriors were silent for a while. After the swordsman lit a hundred small stars, they closed their eyes again. They felt that the hundred-star map really had problems. Otherwise, the swordsmen had already realized, why Stay in front of the tomb of the sorcerer.

If the sword magic really has such a horrible understanding, it is entirely possible to choose other Taoist stone tablets. At his speed, the Taoist stone monument that can be realized in three days is something that others can’t even think about. At that time, the strength of the sword magic. There must be a qualitative leap, but it is impossible to think about it, and the illusory can no longer be illusory.

The sword demon is not enlightened by other stone tablets, but the lotus child has never stopped. She has played a lot and has completely lit up a picture of another star. The number of small stars lit by others is not completely hers. There are a lot of bright one-star maps. Now if someone thinks that there is no problem with the one-star map, others will definitely think that he is an idiot.

Time passed quickly. When the next day was coming to an end, both Di Yuanzhao and Zongrenfu had progress. Di Yuanzhao lit up a small star. Zongrenfu lit up two small stars and chose Daojun. The stone monument, the best score, is definitely Lei Wenyuan, because Lei Wenyuan has already lit five small stars.

Many military people do not understand why Lei Wenyuan only lights a small star on the first day, but can light up four small stars the next day. They have agreed that Lei Wenyuan’s understanding is better than Di Yuanzhao and Zongrenfu. It must be good, not a stone of a level, there is no comparable, the three of them who choose the Taojun stone monument, just used to compare.

Mu Xue, Zhong Xing Pa, Ning Si Yu, and Xing Xing Peng, who chose the holy stone tablet, still have the best performance, because Mu Xue has already lit fifteen small stars, just two days, Mu Xue will It is the sacred stone monument that has been realized for one and a half. Mu Xue’s ranking in the Nine Heavens is indeed behind Zhong Xingba and Ning Siyu, but her understanding is obviously in Zhongxingba and Ningsiyu. The front.

Ning Siyu only lit five small stars, Xing Xing Peng and Zhong Xing Pa, but there are only four small stars. The number of the three small stars that they add up to each other is not as much as Mu Xue. Mu Xue is in The little star that lit up the next day was more than the first day. I don’t know how many small stars she could light on the last day.

The most difficult thing to judge is the choice of three people on the main stone monument. Su Yuyu has already lit five small stars. Gu Hong has illuminated four Xiao Xingchen. The two of them are quite better than Su Yuyu. Out of the sword magic, because the hundred stars in front of the sword demon are lit up.

However, all the warriors felt that there was a problem with the hundred-star map over the tombstone of the Demon Kendo. The swordsman had learned a lot in the end, and could not follow the one-star map. Without the reference of the hundred-star map, the sword and Su Yuyu could not decide. Gao, of course, most people still prefer Su Yuyu, did not see Su Yuyu's understanding, even better than the emperor Gu Hong.

Lian Er chose the same stone as the Taoist, but no one took her to compare it. Because there is no way to compare it, until now, the lotus has completely lit up the twenty-star map, and if it is replaced by a small star, it is the foot. Two thousand, and more importantly, twenty tombstones, all of which are the main stone monuments.

"I want to report this to the palace owner."

One of the elders disappeared in front of all the warriors, the things of the lotus, the two of them were unable to understand, the master of the power of the emperor, certainly not a general task, although the age of the ancient palace, the master There are no two elders who guard the ancient monuments, but the masters of the ancient palace must have more than two elders.

A young girl who can completely illuminate twenty hundred stars in two days, and a young man who can completely light a hundred small stars in the rest time, and that they are still brothers and sisters. Whether the brothers and sisters are not important, anyway, their two brothers and sisters are not normal people.

"The palace owner, this is the case..."

After the elders told all the things that happened in the ancient monuments to the ancient palace, they did not say a word, waiting for the decision of the ancient palace, and he checked the hundred-star map, you can be sure that there is no problem, retreat Wan Bu said that even if there are problems with one or two hundred stars, it is impossible for the twenty-one hundred stars to have problems, and that the problematic ones are still together.

The ancient palace is a middle-aged man, wearing a golden robes, an elastic belt around his waist, burly, tall and mighty, his forehead wide, deep and wise scorpion, flashing others can not understand The light, the lips are thick, the long beards are falling like waterfalls, neatly arranged, without any clutter.

"This seat walks in person."

After receiving the reply from the master of the ancient palace, the elders of the ancient monuments left the place. The ancient palace palace did not immediately go to the ancient monument, but knocked on the armrests of the seats. A black old man, he kneels on the ground, the ancient emperor said that after the words, the old man in black is leaving the hall.

"See the palace owner."

When the ancient palace palace rushed to the entrance of the ancient monument, it immediately caused a sensation. The ancient palace is different from the general power, because he often appears in various places in the ancient palace, and he has seen his ancient There are no 80% of the emperor's disciples, and there are also 50%.

What's more, the two elders and the emperor Tianzun took the lead to meet the head of the palace. The other disciples of the ancient emperor will certainly not have a little doubt. No one would have thought that the things of the ancient monument would attract the head of the palace. The battle for contention is only a face to the top leaders of major forces.

When the elders came forward, they could solve all the problems. They didn’t have to worry about the ancient palace, the first round of fighting, the second round of fighting, the third round of fighting, the ancient palace of the palace did not show up, then, the ancient palace The Lord appeared at the entrance to the ancient monument, what is it for?

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